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Importance of Good Customer Service

1. How would you define customer service?

Customer service differs in every sector however the main principle revolves
around the satisfaction of the customer. Customer service in health care is very
different compared to other industries because in this field, medical professionals deal
directly with the health and life of the customers. It is all about meeting, providing,
delivering the needs and wants of any customer you meet with a high-quality service.
Be as helpful and kind as you can while dealing with your customers. Always remember
that the center of customer service is the satisfaction of the customers.

2. In your experience, what is the best customer service you’ve received? Why?

In my experience, the best customer service I’ve had is the one from a massage therapy
spa. At that time, my back was in a lot of pain and I had just finished a very stressful week. The
staffs were really very welcoming and polite to us. They give you the best service from the
beginning, during, and until the end of your session. The massager who got assigned to me asks
me the parts where it hurts the most so they can focus there and asks how I feel from time to
time. They were very kind and polite and they make you feel comfortable throughout their whole

3. Can you tell me about a time when you received a poor customer service?

What do you think are the values necessary for good customer service? Give the
importance of each value. 

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