ZON Hematopoyesis

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Developmental Biology of Hematopoiesis

By Leonard I. Zon

T HE MYSTERIOUS GENESIS of hematopoietic stem

cells during early vertebrate development has intrigued
investigators for several centuries. The molecular steps that
differentiati~n.~ Therefore, the activation of the fetal or adult
program relies predominantly on transcriptional regulation,
which could be triggered by environmental cues.
lead to embryonic hematopoiesis remain to be determined, Although this modelhad certain appeal, other studies
although recent studies have begun to define early events showed that embryonic blood cells represent a distinct popu-
and migration patterns that regulate the hematopoietic pro- lation of cells from the fetal hematopoietic cells (Table 1).
gram. This review will provide a historical background of For instance, embryonic erythrocytes morphologically are
the developmental biology of vertebrate hematopoiesis and larger in size, are nucleated, and have a more generous cyto-
highlight the systems and methods that are being used to plasm than fetal-adult blood cells. Embryonic hematopoietic
study the regulation of the hematopoietic stem cell during cells are mostly restricted to the erythroid lineage in vivo,
embryogenesis. although this maypartly be due to characteristics of the
hematopoietic microenvironment. Embryonic cells are con-
THE ONTOGENY OFPRIMITIVE AND DEFINITIVE stantly cycling during development and do not pause for
HEMATOPOIETIC CELLS very long periods of time to differentiate, whereas fetal and
adult hematopoietic stem cells remain in Go for extensive
During vertebrate ontogeny, hematopoietic sites change
periods of time and are only activated occasionally, when
as new populations of stem cells emerge. In mammalian
needed. Finally, embryonic, fetal, and adult hematopoietic
development, stem cells sequentially occupy the embryonic
cells each synthesize distinct globins. These differences sug-
yolk sac, fetal liver, spleen, and adult bone marrow (BM).
gest a model4-*(Fig 1, bottom) in which the embryonic
The factors that regulate homing to hematopoietic sites have
(“primitive”) and fetauadult (“definitive”) hematopoietic
not been identified, yet lower vertebrates provides some in-
stem cells are distinctly derived early in development. Primi-
formation about the process. The BM is first used in evolu-
tive cells undergo programmed cell death during fetal life,
tion as a site of adult hematopoiesis by certain amphibians
and only defintive progenitors give rise to fetal and adult
(Rana species but not Xenopus).’ Seasonal changes can
hematopoiesis (Fig l, bottom). A corollary to the primitive-
cause a shift in sites of hematopoiesis in some amphibians
definitive model suggests that globin switching is largely
(between the spleen and BM), possibly because of alterations
governed by changes in cell populations rather than tran-
in circulating steroid levels.’ Although the yolk sac, fetal
scriptional events.
liver, spleen, and BM are common sites of hematopoiesis in
many vertebrates, their use is not required, and some organ-
isms have developed unique characteristics of these hemato-
poietic sites. The chicken does not use the fetal liver as
a major erythropoietic organ but instead maintains blood Hematopoietic Stem Cells Are Derived f r o m Ventral
formation on the yolk sac and in the mesenteric regions Mesoderm
until BM hematopoiesis is established. In some organisms, To comprehend the early events that lead to embryonic
hematopoiesis occurs in unusual places such as the ovary, hematopoiesis, it is necessary to understand pattern forma-
testes, adrenal glands, and endocardium. Therefore, hemato- tion of the early vertebrate embryo. Classical studies in de-
poietic stem cells possess the ability to migrate within the velopmental biology have used amphibians to examine em-
organism to a region that will support their existence and bryogenesis (see Figs 2, 3, and 6), and the general principles
allow subsequent differentiation. of embryonic development are maintained in higher organ-
In early studies of hematopoiesis, a model was suggested isms. The unfertilized Xenopus egg contains an animal pole
in which fetal and adult hematopoietic stem cells are derived (top hemisphere by convention) and a vegetal (bottom hemi-
from the original embryonic blood stem cells that occupy sphere) p0le.’3’~ After fertilization, the dorsal axis of the
the early yolk sac (Fig 1, top). In this model, a yolk-sac stem embryo will arise opposite the sperm entry point, and, by
cell migrates or “metastasizes” to a fetal hematopoietic site, the 32-ce11 stage, a single ventral cell (the C4 blastomere,
such as the liver, where it expresses a fetal program on Fig 2) is fated to become blood. The early events of em-
bryogenesis are driven solely by maternal determinants de-
posited in the egg during oogenesis. The mid-blastula transi-
From the Division of Hematology, Children’s Hospital, Boston, tion defines a developmental period, approximately 7 hours
MA. after fertilization, when maternal mRNAs degrade and zy-
Submitted January 20, 1995; accepted June 6, 1995. gotic transcription intiates. An early vertebrate embryo at
Supported by National Institutes of Health Grant No. HL48801. the blastula stage consists of two germ layers, ( l ) ectoderm,
L1.Z. is an Assistant Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical which is located in the animal pole and is fated to become
skin and neural tissues, and (2) endoderm, which is located
Address reprint requests to Leonard I. Zon, MD, Division of He-
matology, Children’s Hospital 300 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA in the vegetal pole and later becomes the gut. During gastru-
02115. lation, morphogenetic movements (invagination just below
0 1995 by The American Society of Hematology. the equator of the embryo at the blastopore lip) brings ecto-
oooS-4971/95/8608-0011$3.00/0 derm into apposition with endoderm. By the elaboration of

2876 Biood, Vol 86,No 8 (October 15), 1995: pp 2876-2891


Hemo lobin Hemo lobin Table 1. Comparison of Embryonic, Fetal, and Adult Erythropoiesis
Swilch Swilch
P )D )D Embryonic Larval Adult

Lineages Erythroid All
Stem cell Cycling GO Go
Embryonic Site Fetal Site Adulb Site Erythroid site
H Yolk sac Liver BM
M Yolk sac Liver BM, spleen
Yolk sac, diffuse BM

. ....).iYI
C Yolk sac

! 4

Embryonic Site
--- - - - - - ----

Fetal Site Adult Site


Nucleated RBC
Ventral island

Liver, (kidney)

Spleen, liver,
Kidney, liver,

H Yes No No
Fig 1. Two developmental models for hematopoiesis. In the top M Yes NO No
model, embryonic hematopoietic stem cells (P) migrate from the yolk C Yes Yes Yes
sac t o the fetalliver, where they differentiateinto fetal hematopoietic X Yes Yes Yes
stem cells (D). Later, the second switch o w n when the fetal liver
F Yes Yes Yes
stem cells migrate e In the bottommodel, embryonic hema-
t o t hBM.
topoietic stem cells (P)exit the yolksac and undergo programmed a Globin
cell death. Another distinct populationof cells (D) migrates from the H
yolk sac t o the intra-embryonic dorsalmesentery or f e t a l liver and M
becomes the definitive pool. Some definitive cells from the fetal C
source can also migrate t o t h eembryonic site. P, primitive cells; D, X
definitive cells. p Globin
soluble peptide growth factors or by cell-cell interactions, C P. OH, P A PA

the endoderm induces ectoderm to form a third germ layer
known as mesoderm. This layer is initidly located between Only major globins are listed; eg, murine Pm globin is a low-abun-
the two other germ layers (ectoderm and endoderm) in a dance variant of Ph1globin. The values shown in parentheses indicate
middle layer called the marginal zone. Mesoderm is the un- site(s) used by Some amphibian
Abbreviations: H, human; M, mice; C, chicken; X, Xenopus; F, fish
differentiated, self-renewing cells of the embryo that will fteleostst; RBC, red blood ce,ls
provide stem cells for the following tissues (from ventral to
dorsal across the marginal zone): blood, mesenchyme, kid-
ney, muscle, and notochord. merefore, blood development hematopoietic stem cells that ultimately differentiates into
involves the induction, proliferation, and differentiation Of erythroblasts, and an endothelial layer that surrounds the
ventral mesoderm. blood island as it is developing (Fig 4,bottom).16
Mammals. In the mouse, on day 7 'h, blood island forma-
Yolk Sac Hematopoiesis tion begins in a central area of the egg cylinder. At day
In most vertebrate organisms, hematopoietic stem cells 7 there are regions of thickening of the inner mesodermal
and vascular progenitors migrate to an extra-embryonic posi- layer in contact with the endoderm, which is thought to
tion on the yolk sac (which is considered ventral by embyolo- support the growth of the hematopoietic tissue. Endothelial
gists) to form the blood islands. Later, these cells enter the cells subsequently differentiate and encompass the hemato-
embryo to form the primitive and definitive hematopoietic poietic progenitors, which then budoff of the endodermal
lineages and a subset of the vasculature, respectively (Fig base, forming a blood island. By day 9, there is a capillary
4).5.11"5A blood island consists of at least three layers: an network, and mature erythroid cells enter circulation, but
endodermal layer that supports growth, a central core of yolk sacblood formation proceeds through day 12. In hu-


ventral dor sal

Fig 2. A 32-cell fate map of the Xenopus embryo.
This was constructed by injection of various dyes
into a single cell (also called blastomere) of each tier
of the 32csll embryo and following dye the as devel-
opment proceeds.The C4 blastomere is the predomi-
nant cellfated to form blood (Reprinted with permis-
sion.'") vegetalpole

Animal Pole

e$(+-) W
Vegetal Pole

Fig 3. Formation of the mesodermgermcell
layer. Signals from endoderm (arrows1 located
vegetal pole induce mesoderm, which is derived en-
tirely the animal
pole The mesoderm
the in

layer isalso called themarginal zone, whose cell fate
is organized in a ventral-to-dorsal pattern of blood
(B), mesenchyme (MI, kidney (K),somites (SI,and
notochord (NI.

mans, the process is similar to that for the mouse; hematopoi- "V" shape (Fig 6B). As ventral migration occurs, the lateral
esis occurs initially at day 15 and continues for 6 weeks of plate mesoderm converges between the blood cells and skin
gestation (Fig 4). Mammalian embryonic erythroid cells are and yields the endothelium necessary for circulation. Exci-
nucleated, similar to the erythroid cells of lower vertebrates sion of this region during neurula stages leads to tadpoles
including fish, frogs, reptiles, and chickens. Although most with no circulating blood within a normal circulatory sys-
progenitor populations are present in the yolk sac, the termi- tem.22.23Bloodless tadpoles can live for over l month, indi-
nal differentiation occurs primarily to the erythroid lin- cating that blood is not critical to early embryonic develop-
eage.'"19 Occasionally, monocytes and megakaryocytes have ment in amphibians.
been identified in blood islands. In Xenopus, hemoglobinization occurs in an anterior-to-
Birds. The early embryology of blood formation has posterior directionz4 starting at 36 hours after fertilization.
been well-defined in the chicken (Fig 5A, B, and C)." The The island is anteriorly bounded by hepatic endoderm, which
boundary of the embryo is not distinct until after primitive is thought to secrete erythropoietin-like activity that accounts
steak development, but the area opaca is considered extra- for the anterior-to-posterior wave of hemoglobinization. The
embryonic even from early stages (Fig 5A). Cells originating heart starts beating at stage 33/34 (45 hours), the anterior
from the epiblast (the upper layer) invaginate through the cells of the blood island enter the heart from the primitive
primitive streak and enter the area pellucida between the vasculature, and circulation is fully established at stage 351
epiblast and hypoblast (the lower layer) by 15 to 16 hours. 36 (50 hours). The immune system begins to develop be-
The cells are later separated into somatic and splanchnic tween stages 42-45 (80 hours), when the thymus becomes
layers. Extra-embryonic splanchnoderm consists of two dif- histologically visible.
ferent layers, an endodermal layer and a mesodermal layer Fish. Bony fish (teleosts) form embryonic erythroid cells
that will ultimatelygive rise to blood islands in the yolk sac. in a distinct dorsal-lateral compartment of the embryo known
The vascular area invades the vitelline area, the two layers as the intercellular mass (IM) of Oellachef' (described in
become indistinct, and, eventually, the entire yolk sacis 1872; see Fig 7), and are, therefore, an exception to the
vascularized. The initial blood islands are seen in the poste- general vertebrate rule of embryonic hematopoiesis on the
rior area opaca (Fig 5B) at the head-process or early somite yolk ~ a c . * ~The
- ~ *IM is derived from lateral mesoderm at
stages, at which time the posterior area pellucida becomes the posterior border of the embryo and is similar in position
vascularized. Hemoglobin can be detected as early as the 2- to the initial yolk sac-derived hematopoietic mesoderm in
4 somite stage." As the yolk sac spreads over the yolk sur- higher vertebrate^.^' Some Teleosts such as the angelfish,
face (Fig 5C), the central vascular area consists of blood killifish, and cartilaginous fish form embryonic blood both
vessels, sinus marginalis, and blood islands. The yolk sac in on the yolk sac and in the IM.33
chickens will remain hematopoietic for most of embryonic
Dorsal Hematopoiesis
Amphibians. Amphibians form blood in the ventral re-
gion of the embryo (Fig 6A). Brauns" described the prospec- In addition to ventral embryonic (or yolk sac) hematopoie-
tive blood island region at early neurula stage as a monolay- sis, most vertebrates have an additional intra-embryonic stem
ered or bilayered sheets of cells extending along the entire cell population in the dorsal mesentery (also called the AGM
ventral region of the embryo. At first, these cells migrate region for aorta, gonad, mesonephros region) that colonizes
slowly in a ventral direction, then quickly migrate to form later fetal (larval) sites of blood formation. In higher verte-
the characteristic hematopoietic cords of blood island in a brates, this dorsal population predominantly gives rise to

Fig 4. Mammalian embryonic blood formation. Human embfyo at various stages. By day 16, cdls from the opiM.rt begin to invaginate.
and form the m d e r m a l layer. By day 18, mesoderm is pr-nt in intra- and extra-embryonkIocdons. At day 'IS, the expmQd picture on
the left demonstrates the typical appearonce of a blood island. Erythroblasts are surrounded by endothelial cells, and
the islrnd is adb-nt
to the endoderm. (Adapted and reprintedwith permiuion'"1

Day I Day2 Day3 Duy4

Fertilization 2 Cell Stage Morula Blastocyst
., .._. + _
_.* ._. :_. .

DuyS ,Maternal and Trophot)last Vessels

Late Blastocyst
- Endoderm
- Hypoblast
- Yolk sac

Duy 16 Duy 18
Primitive Streak"
Yo1k sac


7-8Hours 40-42 HOUKS

Node --. ..,.L%Y

-Area Pellucida

-A Area Pellucida


Fig 5. Avian embryonicblood formation. (A) Early

mesoderm inductionuntil 15 to 16 hours. The invagi-
nation of mesoderm through the primitive streak is
Islands depicted in a cross-section. (B)Chicken embryonic
hematopoiesisat the 7-somite stage. (Adapted and
reprinted with permission.') Note that theinitial he-
matopoietic progenitors arise in the area opaca.

Area pellucida

Vascular area
inus terminalis

Fig 5. (Cont'd) (C) Expansion of yolk sac hemato-

poiesis from day 1 (top embryo), day 2 (second), day
3 (third), and day 4 (bottom embryo). (Adapted and
reprinted with permission.") Yolk '
definitive hematopoiesis, but in lower vertebrates both primi- which the yolk sac has been removed develops without blood
tive and definitive cells arise from these cells. in a normal circulatory system. In some of these embryos,
Studies using an in vitro embryo culture assay show that there was an absence of fetal liver hematopoietic progenitors,
the yolk sac is required for both primitive and definitive suggesting that the genesis of the definitive hematopoietic
hematopoiesis in mammals. Culture of day-7 (early 1-4 so- program requires the yolk sac structure. Therefore, the primi-
mite) mouse embryos in tissue-culture plates showed normal tiveand definitive lineages are likely to be derived from
somite development, yolk sac hematopoiesis, and a beating common progenitor cells colocalized in the yolk sac (IM or
h e a t 3 Culture of day-7 yolk sac alone yielded abundant ventral blood island) region very early during embryogene-
hematopoietic colonies, but culture of day-7 embryos from SIS.


(6hours;5000 cellsl
""_"""" """""""
Mid Blastula
~ .. -

(70 hours;3Q 000 cellsl

(20hours; 90,000 celisl

Fig 6. Xenopus embryonic

blood formation. (A) Schematic
Epidermis view of hematopoietic induction
and development (Adapted and
System reprinted with permis~ion.'~')
7"Stuge The Xenopus egg contains an
(40hours; 200,000ceils Notocord Endoderm animal and a vegetal pole that
are distinguishable by pigment.
Lateral Plate (Mesenchyme) The blastomere of the em-
bryo that will become blood is
determined as early as the 32-
cellembryo (shaded). Presum-
ably, the vegetal blastomere
7udpo/e under this shaded region is re-
sponsible fortheinductionof
ventral type mesoderm. Meso-
derm is derived from the ecto-
dermal animal pole. T w o p r e
dominant signals have been
postulated t o affect the process
of mesoderm induction, the ven-
tral signal (V) and the dorsal sig-
nal (D). During gpstrula stages,
the Spemann organizer (arrow)
functions t o pattern mesoderm
across themarginal zone (the
centralregion of the embryo).
The commitment t o form blood
occurs in the ventral region of
the marginal zone. Later in neu-
rula and tailbudstages, blood is
the most ventral mesoderm, and
is locatedadjacent t o the epider-
mal layer. (B) Xenopus embryo
at stage 28 (about 34 hours after
fertilization). This embryo is
stained for embryonic @-globin
histochemistry analysis.

Cell Mass


Fig 7. Zebrafish embryonichematopoiesis, a 24

schematic view. Blood is formed in the IM, a dorsal somite
intra-embryonic location. At 18 somites, the mass
consists of intermittent hematopoietic progenitors.
Undifferentiated cells will become vascular by the
24-somite stage. The posterior region of the mass
remains undifferentiated and may represent a stem
cell pool. (Adapted and reprinted with p e r m i s ~ i o n . ~ ~ l

The migration of hematopoietic progenitors during and antibodies, QH 14x or MB I >9 QHl and MB 1 recognize glyco-
after neurula has been extensively studied in amphibians. By proteins on quail hematopoietic, vascular, and germ cell lin-
transplanting a cytogenetically distinct ventral blood island eages, but not on chicken cells.
tissue into wild-type hosts, a small ventral portion of the Between d3 and d5, chickens and quails have hematopoi-
Xenopus neurula embryo has been shown to contain primi- etic foci on the ventral wall of the a ~ r t a . ~ .These
~ . ~ " foci may
tive and definitive erythroid and T-cell/myeloid progenitors be induced by endoderm that physically associates with the
(Fig gA).h.7.34-42This region in Rana pipiens contributes to ventral surface of the two dorsal aortae before they fuse."
primitive erythropoiesis but does not contribute to T-cells By day 6-8, the definitive hematopoietic progenitors in
or myeloid cell populations>14h In Rana cutesbeiana, the chicken and quail embryos are distributed differently in the
definitive progenitors of the dorsal mesentery colonize the mesenchyme (Fig 9A). In the chicken, definitive hematopoi-
larval liver, whereas the primitive progenitors of this region etic foci are found throughout themesenteryand around
colonize the larval pronephro~."~ Thus, the distribution of visceral organs, including the dorsal region that will become
progenitor cells in the ventral or dorsal compartment of the the thoracic duct. In the quail embryo, hematopoietic tissue
embyro is not conserved during vertebrate evolution, even is found associated with the anterior cardinal vein system,
in closely related species. Cell transplantation studies have at the angle of the duct of Cuvier. These dorsal hematopoietic
also shown that T-cell progenitors are derived from the pos- cells are only separated from the vascular lumen by endothe-
terior region of the embryo during neurula stages (Fig 8B), lium and can infiltrate the wall oflarge venous vessels. Using
and these cells migrate anteriorly across tissue planes to the QHI marker, cells from the dorsal regions can be fol-
eventually colonize the dorsal aorta region, the postcardinal lowed as they colonize the yolk sac or thymus by direct
veins, and the thymus. The thymus may also be colonized migration or as they differentiate in situ.
by circulating cells. The migratory pattern of hematopoietic The dorsal hematopoietic program of avians is regulated
cells throughout amphibian development is schematically by local environment. At day 3-4, mesodermal cells sur-
drawn in Fig 8C. rounding the quail dorsal aorta can be reciprocally trans-
The embryonic region to which the stem cells are trans- plantedto the analogous position in the chick embryo."
planted influences the frequency of contribution to definitive The donor quail cells contribute to blood-forming foci and,
cell lineages (Fig 8D).3hLymphoid contribution is signifi- occasionally, to endothelial structures based on QHI stain-
cantly increased when cells are transplanted to a peripheral ing. When day 3-4 mesodermal cells are cultured with day
location in the embryo, whereas erythroid contribution is 6.5 chick thymic rudiment, the cells stain with QHl and also
increased when cells are placed in a central region. Hence, react with the CTl antibody (a T-cell marker). This suggests
environment apparently exerts a directive effect on stem cells that the mesoderm adopts a T-cell program in the environ-
of the embryo to form particular hematopoietic tissues. ment of the thymus.
The embryonic location of definitive hematopoietic progen- Recently, similar dorsal hematopoietic cell populations
itors in birds has been studied with interspeciesgrafts between have been shown for mammals (Fig 9).s2-s4 Spleen colony-
chickens and quails, so-called "yolk sac chimera^."^.' In these forming unit activity was shown in the region of the aorta,
experiments, age-matched chicken and quail eggs are incu- gonad, and mesonephros from day-8 to day- 1 1 embryos. By
bated for 30 to 36 hours (between8-12 somites), and the quail grafting intra-embryonic splanchnopleura from IO- to18-
embryonic body is grafted into the analogous position of a somite embryos in SCID mice, IgM-secreting plasma cells
chicken blastoderm. The quail embryo develops on a chick and the B 1a cell subset were reconstituted. Thus, the dorsal
yolk sac, and, at varying developmental stages, quail cells are Compartment in mice is ultimately capable of hematopoietic
recognized by morphological differences or by markers such development as documented for early spleen colony-forming
as immunofluorescencewiththequail-specificmonoclonal unit and B-cell development.

A General Hypothesis for Migration Pathways of genitor includes the finding of antigens (such as QH1)“~4X~‘’’
Hematopoietic Cells During Vertebrate Embryogenesis or molecular markers (such as GATA-2 and several tyrosine
During early gastrulation, induced ventral mesoderm mi- kinases) that are common to early hematopoietic progenitors
grates to a lateral position on the yolk sac. As gastrulation and vascular progenitors. Recently, we have studied a zebra-
proceeds, these cells either migrate further onto the yolk fish mutant with deficiencies of hematopoietic and endocar-
sac or return to an intra-embryonic location in the dorsal dial progenitors, potentially representing a defect in a com-
mesentery. Most cells on the early yolk sac are primitive mon blood-vascular p r ~ g e n i t o r .Despite
~~ the above data
progenitors that will form blood islands and eventually enter supporting the existence of a hemangioblast, the vasculature
the circulation. As the fetus develops, these primitive cells and heart develop normally in bloodless amphibian embryos
undergo programmed cell death. Fetal-adult blood cells are from which the presumptive ventral blood island region has
derived either from definitive progenitors that colonized the been explanted during the neurula stage. It is possible that,
yolk sac at the same time as the primitive progenitors or by early neurula, fates have been determined and the vascular
from the dorsal mesenteric hematopoietic cells. The dorsal lineage becomes distinct from the hematopoietic lineage;
mesenteric cells either migrate to the yolk sac or thymus or most ventral mesoderm becomes hematopoietic, whereas the
can enter the circulation and colonize hematopoietic sites lateral mesodermal cells become the vascular progenitors.
such as the fetal liver. Thus, the prominent waves (from
early to late) of hematopoiesis in the embryo include (l)
primitive cells on the yolk sac, (2) definitive cells on the We have used the fish and frog as model systems to study
yolk sac (which are likely derived from ventral mesoderm the induction of the hematopoietic stem cell during ontogeny.
that migrated with the primitive cells), and (3) early intra- The embryos from these species are more accessible than
aortic and later para-aortic hematopoietic cells. Some of the higher organisms, and their early development has been well-
dorsal hematopoietic cells migrate to the yolk sac and form a characterized. The study of their hematopoietic program,
later wave of hematopoiesis on the yolk sac. These migratory which may be more simple, will provide general principles
patterns of hematopoietic cells in the vertebrate embryo are regarding hematopoiesis in vertebrates.
generally conserved throughout evolution.
Zebrajish Hematopoiesis
Hematopoietic and Endothelial Development We have characterized the expression of the zebrafish
The vascular and hematopoietic compartments are coordi- GATA- 1 and GATA-2 during early development. These ’*
nately regulated so that blood cells enter the circulation transcription factors are initially induced during gastrulation
as soon as terminal differentiation has occurred. A com- and delineate cells that will form the hematopoietic IM (Fig
mon progenitor called either a “hemangiocytoblast,” 7). The posterior region of the IM contains early hematopoi-
‘‘hemangioblast,” or “angioblast”55~58 has been postulated etic progenitors (or “stem” cells) that express GATA-2, but
to exist during embryogenesis and has the potential to form not GATA-l. Thus, the visibility of the zebrafish embryo
either vascular endothelial cells or hematopoietic cells in allows easy examination of early and late hematopoietic pop-
the blood island region. Morphological data derived from ulations.
experiments with cultured chicken blastoderms support the Studies of genetic mutants for blood formation in the ze-
hypothesis that these bipotential cells can form either tissue. brafish system may provide insight into the induction events
In mice and humans, support for this concept is less apparent. that effect hematopoiesis. Using GATA-l and GATA-2 as
Support for the existence of a common bloodvascular pro- markers, we have studied three zebrafish mutants of blood

Fig 8. Studies of definitive hematopoiesis in amphibians. (A) Species-specificdifferences highlighted by transplantation experiments.
Reciprocal transplantation of ventral (V) or dorsal (D) regions of diploid embryos (Zn) into triploid1311) embryos at neurula stages(A, anterior;
P, posterior).The transplantedembryos areallowed to reach a premetamorphic stage to evaluate the primitive lineege anda postmetamorphic
stage when definitive hematopoiesis is occurring. Blood or thymic cells are analyzed by DNA flow cytometry to cletermine the contribution
of the grafted tissue to particular blood lineages. +, contribution to the lineage; -,does not contribute to the lineage. Myeloid blood cells are
derived from the same regions as T cells. Note the difference in T-cell and myeloid contribution in Rana and Xenopus; in Rana, the vantral
region only contributes to the red blood cell lineage previousto metamorphosis andnot to the early T-cell ormyeloid populations. (B) Studies
of thymus development by transplantation of diploid (2n) regions into triploid (3nl embryos during early neurula. The T-cell population is
derived from the posterior compartment of the embryo (top), but not from the posterior third ( m n d embryo). Anterior migration occurs
from the posterior region to the dorsal mesentery and, later, to the dewloping thymus. Grafting experiments ofthe pronephros and praumptive
ventral blood island regions showed that the thymus is derived from bothdorsal and ventral regions. (C) Cumulative summary of migratory
events of hematopoietic callsduring development in amphibians. The migratory pattern is thought to be similar for most vertebrate wecies.
The ventral blood island (VBI) contributes to the development of all hematopoietic lineages. Primitive cells form the blood island and enter
the circulation (1). During neurula stages, mesoderm aroundthe pronephric duct (PD) migrates anteriorly (2) to the region of the dorsel aorta
(DA; 3) and ducts of Cuvier(DC; 31 and the pronephros (P;4). These cells either colonizethe thymus (5) or enter circulation through the aorta
or ducts of Cuvier 16). Definitive celh within the VBI enter circulation also and eventually colonizethe thymus (T; 71 and the larval liver (LL;
81. Definitive cells also enter the circulation from the larval liver (9). In chickens and mice, the circulation is establiied before the yolk sac
structure is disrupted. Some definitive cells in the dorsal mesentery or in the circulation colonize the yolk sac. The chicken does not form
blood in the fetal liver (FLI, but has extensive hematopoiesis throughout the mesentery. The axis of the embryo is marked as follows: A,
anterior; P, posterior; D, dorsal; V, ventral. (D) Environmental influences ofdefmitive hematopoietic commitment. When the ventral t i i u e is
transplanted to a ventral central location. the donor tissue becomes erythroid, whereas transplant
a to a lateral location becomes T cells.

Neurula D

p l



INeurula I Primitive I Definitive I


Rana 1 1 -+ 1 ;I ;1 ;1


Xenopus Ventra I
- + + +


Rana Ventral + - ? ?

Neurula (20 hrs)

D Thymus

A p +
60 hrs

vascular cells and hematopoietic cells and, therefore, sup-
ports the existence of a bipotential “hemangioblast” during
development. Fate mapping experiments in wild-type em-
bryos at the 500-cell stage have shown that single ventral
blastomeres give rise to blood and blood vessel progenitors,
further suggesting a common origin. Therefore, the defect in
cloche effects the genesis of hematopoietic (and endothelial)
stem cells.
Two independent laboratories, Driever (Boston, MA) and
Nusslein-Volhard (Tubingen, Germany), have produced over
10,OOO zebrafish mutations using chemical mutagenesis.m.6’
In this method, fish were treated with ethyl nitroso urea
Chick Quail (ENU), a chemical that causes point mutations in the sperm
genome. These sperm were used to fertilize eggs, the prog-
B eny were mated individually to wild-type fish or to the par-
ent, and a family was derived. Each family is then individu-
ally screened for mutant phenotypes, and over 30 mutants
affecting the blood system have been characterized.
The mutants can be used to genetically order a cascade
of steps for embryonic blood formation. This is a similar to
drosophila or yeast genetic epistasis analysis, which involves
paired matings of different mutants, thereby generating fish
that are mutant at two (or three) genetic loci. Assessment of
the phenotype of these double mutants allows a positioning
in a cascade of developmental events. These studies are cou-
pled with the examination of gene expression with specific
markers in mutant embryos andwith the analysis of the
effect of forced gene expression. A zebrafish genome map
consisting of over 400 random amplified polymorphic DNA
(RAPD)markers distributed throughout the genome has re-
cently been
we have started to map the
location of the genes affected in the mutant zebrafish. A
Fig 9. Schematic diagram of hematopoiesis in the dorsalpara- position-cloning strategy to isolate genes that are affected in
aortic focusof birds (A) and mammals (B). This region has been the mutants is then possible.
shown to bea site of hematopoiesisby morphologicalcriteria, benzi-
dene staining, and immunolocalizationwith QH1 antisera (in birds) Xenopus Hematopoiesis
and by spleen colony assays and transplantation experiments. The
chicken has diffusedefinitive hematopoiesis, particularly around the The induction of hematopoietic stem cells during em-
aorta (dark shaded region), whereas the quail has a more restricted bryogenesis is likely to be regulated by signals that affect
distribution of hematopoietic cells surrounding the Ducts of Cuvier mesoderm induction and patterning. These signals may not
(darkshaded region). The hematopoietic progenitor cells in the
function in the same manner as hematopoietic cytokines;
mouse have been studied functionally (see text) but have not been
morphologicallyorhistologically defined. DC,ductsofCuvier;A, mesoderm-inducing factors are thought to induce distinct
aorta; E, esophagus; B, bronchi. (Adapted and reprinted with permis- tissues in a gradient rather than threshold mechanism. It is
sion.‘) possible that low doses of particular inducing factors would
stimulate blood formtion, but higher doses may inhibit hema-
topoiesis. Mesoderm induction has been so well-character-
formation: bloodless, spadetail, and ~ I o c h e . ’ *The
~~~blood- izedin Xenopus that this species is ideal to characterize
less mutation only affects hematopoiesis, whereas the spade- factors that regulate the early events in hematopoiesis.
tail mutation affects muscle andblood induction. Whole Assays in the frog for the induction of hematopoietc stem
embryo in situ analysis shows that bloodless (Fig 10) and cells. Transplantation studies have shown that Xenopus an-
spadetail mutant embryos each lack GATA- 1 and GATA-2 imal-pole ectodermal cells can contribute to almost any tis-
expression, except for wild-type levels of GATA-2 expres- sue of a developing embryo. As such, animal pole cells (also
sion in the posterior “stem” cells. Despite their similarities, called animal caps) are similar to murine embryonic stem
complementation analysis has shown that the bloodless and cells. Through the use of animal pole-vegetal pole “recombi-
spadetail mutations are in distinct genes. Thus, the self- nants” (see Fig 1 I), Nieuwkoop and colleague^^"^' have
renewal or differentiation of early hematopoietic cells is af- shown that the dorsal-ventral organization of mesoderm is
fected in the mutants. determined by the vegetal pole. Culture of animal pole alone
The cloche mutation lacks the endocardial layer of the in a simple salt solution results in ciliated epidermis (skin),
heart and the blood cells in the IM region. Interestingly, whereas culture of the vegetal pole yields undifferentiated
cloche mutants do not express GATA-2 or GATA- 1, even cells and gut (Fig 1 A recombinant of animal and
in the posterior stem cells. Thus, the cloche mutation affects vegetal pole yields mesodermal tissues, including some

blood cells. During blastula stages, two predominant meso- lack blood islands. Thus, it is possible that the organizer
derm-inducing signals are thought to act on overlying equa- can reprogram ventral mesoderm and, thereby, functionally
torial cells. The ventral vegetal signal induces ventral meso- repress blood formation.
derm such as blood and mesothelium and the dorsal vegetal The ventral and dorsal signals have been shown to be
signal induces dorsal mesoderm including muscle and noto- soluble factors based on their ability to cross a millipore filter
chord. Subsequently, during gastrulation, a dorsal region placed between embryonic ex plant^.^'-^^ Very low levels of
called the Spemann organizer patterns mesoderm across the globin expression are detected in animal-vegetal recombi-
marginal zone.- These data suggest that the endoderm elabo- nants, but not to the level in a VMZ e ~ p l a n t ? This ~ . ~ ~sug-
rates a signal required for the induction of blood, and that gests that globin production requires signals in the ventral-
the program is modulated by cell-cell interactions. most endoderm of the marginal zone?6
Surgical excision and culture of the dorsal marginal zone Studies of mesodermal inducing factors in Xenopus.
(DMZ) yields mostly notochord and muscle, whereas ventral Activins are members of the transforming growth factor
marginal zone (VMZ) yields predominantly blood and mes- (TGF- p) superfamily and are dimers of inhibin p chains.77
enchyme (Fig 11, bottom).70 VMZs express globin after 40 Activin is a very potent inducer of mesoderm in animal cap
hours in culture, and, thus, the inducers of blood are available assay^^^.^^" and can also induce differentiation of erythro-
or programmed in this ventral region. A VMZ culture can leukemia cells.8sWhereas recombinants between animal and
be viewed as equivalent to hematopoietic progenitor assays vegetal poles yield all mesodermal components, activin A
with all of the authentic growth factors present. (either from Xenous or mammalian sources) induces mostly
Interspecies grafts between two different amphibian spe- notochord, muscle, and kidney tubules. At low concentra-
cies (Axolotl and Xenopus) have been used to characterize tions of 0.1 to 1ng/mL, activin induces some blood-like
the ventral and dorsal signals. Culture of Xenopus VMZ with ~ e l l s . ~However,
~ , ~ ’ the blood cells do not express hemoglo-
Axolotl DMZ yielded mostly Xenopus muscle and kidney bin based on immunoflorescence with an anti-Xenopus glo-
differentiation, showing the respecification of ventral meso- bin antisera.
derm by the dorsal signal. If the organizer region of the Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) treatment of animal pole
DMZ is grafted onto the ventral region of an intact embryo explants at low concentrations mimics the effects of the
(a classic “Spemann Organizer” graft), a mirror-image du- ventral vegetal signal in V ~ V O . ~ &This
~ ’ consists of a concen-
plication of the embryo is created.” Neither the primary nor tric arrangement of mesenchyme and mesothelium. Some
the secondary embryo is actually complete because they both blood-like cells are present that do not express hemoglobin
but have a characteristic m ~ r p h o l o g y . ’Other ~ ~ ~ ~growth
factors effect the induction of hematopoietic mesoderm and

STME 8 a ”1
Aninal Cao

vegetal P&
Skh ventral patterning. BMP-4 is a member of the TGF-p super-
family and is capable of ventralizing whole embryos and
increasing the expression of g l ~ b i n ? ~ - ~ ~ a member
of the wnt family, also can ventralize tissues when expressed
correctly after the onset of zygotic transcription96s97;
ever, if expressed earlier, WNT-8 predominantly dorsalizes

m a l Cap
tissues. More research is needed to determine the exact effect
these proteins have on hematopoietic induction, but it is clear
RECOMBINANT Mesoderm hdwm that dose and timing of exposure to stem cells will be critical
Vegetal Pole varibles to explore. There are also several dorsalizing factors
Aninal Cap
including TGF-P, wnr, and noggin98”* polypeptides that
have been described in Xenopus embryos that may function
to suppress hematopoiesis.
Studies of embryonic hematopoiesis in Xenopus. Using
whole embryo in situ analysis for GATA-1 and SCL RNA
expression, we have shown that the hematopoietic program
Marginal Zone Dorsal M a r m l Zone initiates at least as early as 11 hours after fertilization (during
k s c l e , Notocord
gastrulation).“’ GATA-l RNA was not initially detected in
uninduced animal cap cells, but, after 17 hours of culture,
Fig 11. Mesoderm induction assays. (Top panel) The animal cap GATA-I was surprisingly expressed.”’ The level continued
of a blastula embryo (about8 hours] can be removed, cultured in a to increase until 25 hours and then decreased. Later in CUI-
pole can be
satt solution, andwill form skin (ectoderml. The vegetal ture, embryonic a-globin was also expressed at a low level
removed andwill form gut [endoderm). Recombination of the animal
cap (ectoderm) and vegetal pola (endodorm) leadsto the induction
in the animal cap cells. The expression of these genes is in
of mesoderm entirely from the ectoderm. Animal caps can also be accord with the normal temporal pattern of expression.
incubated with purified growth factors that induce mesoderm. Ac- MyoD, amuscle-specific transcription factor, is also ex-
Win and FGF induce mesoderm such as muscle, but blood is not pressed in the uninduced animal caps early in the culture
formed. (Bottom penel) The marginal zone of the gastrula embryo
contains the mesodermal proganitors. The type of mesodermis spa-
and is downregulated so that caps at 48 hours do not express
tially localized acrossthe marginal zone. For example, explant the
of MyoD.’” Thus, the mesodermal programs (such as blood
VMZ leads the induction of hematopoietic cells, whereas tha DMZ and muscle) are evident in the animal cap cultures, but, in
does not form blood. the absence of induction, the programs are not maintained.
Activin or FGF induction of animal pole explants leads to the
maintenance of MyoD expression and formation of muscle;
I however, neither factor rescues the blood program or main-
tains GATA-1 expression. As discussed above, the ventral
vegetal signal(s) present in VMZ explants is capable of in-
ducing and maintaining the blood program as defined by
GATA-1 and embryonic a-globin expression (Fig 12). The
animal cap itself has also been postulated to affect hemato-
poietic differentiation." When animal pole tissue is recom-
bined with isolated VMZ cells, an increase in hemoglobin

l is detected, indicating that the animal pole contains signals

that enhance globin expression. A focus of our laboratory is
to use these assays to isolate and define factors that partici-
pate in ventral axis patterning or mesoderm induction.

The cellular and environmental regulation of hematopoie-
sis has been generally conserved throughout vertebrate evo-
lution, although subtle species differences exist. The factors
that regulate hematopoietic stem cell homeostasis may
closely resemble the inducers of embryonic patterning, rather
than the factors that stimulate hematopoietic cell prolifera-
tionand differentiation. Comparative study of embryonic
hematopoiesis in lower vertebrates can generate testable
hypotheses that similar mechanisms occur during hematopoi-
esis in higher species.

I appreciate thehelpful discussionswith Jim Turpen (Universityof
Nebraska, Lincoln,NB) and Bob Broyles (Universityof Oklahoma,
Norman, OK). I thank Todd Evans (University of Pittsburgh, Pitts-
burgh, PA), Gordon Keller (National Jewish Hospital, Denver, CO),
and Ramesh Shivdasani (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA)
Fig 12. Localizationofhematopoieticmesoderm in the VMZ as and Merlin Crossley, Mitch Weiss,and Andrew Perkins (Children's
Hospital of Boston) for their critical review of the manuscript.
determined by globin expression. Three VMZs were explanted during
gastula stages and allowedto develop for 36 hours. These explants
(bottom)and the whole embryo(top) were subjectedto in situ analy- REFERENCES
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