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PPOG 506


During Module/Week 2, you will submit a brief assignment describing the 2 people you hope to
interview. The actual interviews do not need to be completed until the end of Module/Week 4;
however, it is good to decide early in the semester whom you will interview so you can set up
and complete the interviews.
In this assignment, all you have to do is submit the names and titles of the 2 people you will
interview and then briefly mention why you selected those 2 people to interview.
You may interview local, state, national, and international figures. You may select individuals
with international experience such as the following: trade, military, international missions,
foreign relations, or an international student or someone who is knowledgeable in any of those
areas. Use your contacts, family, and friends to get ideas of who to interview.
For example, if you know a businessperson whose work involves imports or exports, he/she
would be someone you could interview. You might choose to interview a local official such as a
mayor, or a diplomat like a former ambassador, for example.

Request an interview with your chosen candidates by reading the following information

“I am a graduate student at Liberty University studying public policy and would like the
opportunity to ask you some questions about your position, role, and experience
particularly as it relates to geopolitical development. I would be taping the interview for
transcription and submitting these notes to my instructor. Would it be possible to set up a
time for this interview within the next two weeks?”
“The information gleaned from this interview will only be used to facilitate personal
learning, application, and synthesis of material related to economic development in PPOG
506, a graduate course in geopolitics at Liberty University. The instructor of the course is
the only individual that will be reviewing the transcripts from this interview and, after this
course is over, the recording will be destroyed.”

The Candidate Submission Assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 2.

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