C L I I: Ommunity Eaders Nterview Nstructions

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PPOG 506


For this assignment, you will interview 2 individuals who work in a sector of geopolitics where they
influence community development. This will give you a first person perspective on some of the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats faced by community developers in this area. Before
you begin interviewing the candidates, make sure that you have 10–15 questions planned out for each
interview. Each interview must observe a 30-minute maximum time limit.
You may interview local, state, national, and international figures. You want to find someone to
interview who has international experience with trade, military, international missions, or foreign
relations, or an international student or someone who is knowledgeable in any of those areas. Use your
contacts, family, and friends to get ideas of who to interview.
For example, if you know a businessperson whose work involves imports or exports, he/she would be a
good choice. Or, you may interview an international student, for example, or a local official like a
mayor. Another type of person you could interview would be a former ambassador.
To submit large audio files of interviews, you may use Dropbox.com. Remember to submit the
transcripts of your interviews in the Blackboard course area. Audio and written content must be a close
match an include all parenthetical thoughts.

Sample Questions:
 How does the local planning process impact the geopolitical framework?
 What are the strategic approaches you use that address geopolitical features?
 How is the community impacted by the geopolitical development or the other way around?
 How do the human resources in this community impact geopolitical development?
 Once you have a strategic development plan, what are the steps for implementation?
 What are the challenges facing leaders in geopolitics today?
 What are the geopolitical strengths of your city/town/etc.?
 What are some of the geopolitical weaknesses of your development plan in your city/town?
 What are the opportunities for geopolitical development within your city/town?
 What threatens the potential for geopolitical growth within your city/town?
 What leadership traits are important for someone wanting to go into geopolitics?

The interview can be conducted in person or through video conferencing (with a tool like Skype).
Whichever method you choose to use for the interview, be aware that both interviews must be audio
recorded for official transcription. It is important to test the audio equipment prior to conducting the
interview, because the transcription is a required element for the interview. You will submit both
interview transcriptions in Module/Week 4.
In the transcript, be sure to include the questions asked and identify the speaker. For example:

STUDENT: When did you realize you wanted to work in geopolitics?

MAYOR JONES: I worked closely with my dad in his business and saw all he
endured to ensure a strong geopolitical situation. I also saw the impact my dad’s
business had on the community. Working through the many issues and helping

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PPOG 506

my family made me realize the impact I could have working through and with
government to make the lives of business people, geopolitically speaking.

When preparing your transcript, use current Turabian formatting and provide footnotes as needed. In
addition, introduce the written interview with a brief 1-paragraph biography of the interviewee as well
as the logistics of the interview (time, place, location, and anything else that will help the reader
understand the setting). Note that you must interview an individual directly involved with political or
business leadership under a geopolitical framework.
By interviewing individuals who work in the field, you will have the opportunity to become acquainted
with 1 data collection method while simultaneously increasing your understanding of this vocational
role. Thus, as you look for candidates to interview, it would be helpful for you to interview individuals
in positions similar to what you may desire in the future.

The Community Leaders Interview is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 4.

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