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Cardiovascular Physiology The heart generates electricity.

Physiological Anatomy of the Cardiac TERMINOLOGY

>Excitation- definition: generation of action
>Found in the heart potentials; different from contraction

>Usually single nucleus >Contraction- definition: shortening of muscle

cells; triggered by excitation
>prominent striations and branching
Refractory Period of Cardiac Muscle
>muscles are connected to each other via
junctions called intercalated discs Refractory period

>pacemaker cells control their contraction Interval of time during which a normal cardiac
which is involuntary impulse cannot re-excite an already excited
area of cardiac muscles.
>Contraction is slow
Normal refractory period of ventricle is 0.25 to
Properties of Cardiac Muscles 0.3 seconds, which is the duration of the action
>Excitation of the heart is triggered by
Relative refractory period
electrical impulse rather than neural
transmitters. additional 0.05 second
>Contraction of the heart is triggered by During which the muscle is more difficult than
normal to excite but nevertheless can be
elevation of intracellular calcium influx
> Myocytes depend heavily on oxygen & blood
Refractory period of atrial muscle (0.15 second)
shorter than the ventricles.
> Not fatigued
And the relative refractory period is another
> Excitability Cycle 0.03 seconds.

Cardiac muscle as a syncytium Excitation – Contraction - Coupling

Two parts: Function of calcium ions and of the T-

1. Syncytium- two atrias
>Diastole-Period of relaxation
2. Ventricular Syncytium- two ventricles
>Systole-Period of contraction
Role of a Long Refractory Period
Cardiac Cycle
1. Prevent ventricles from contracting at too
high rates so that enough time is allowed for Shows the mechanical and electrical events of a
refill of the ventricles single cardiac cycle.

2. Prevent retrograde excitation 7 phases

Autorhythm Use ECG as an event marker

The heart can beat on its own without the need Cardiac Cycle
for exogenous commands.
Ventricular systole -
isovolumic contraction - Reduced Ventricular Ejection
-slower ventricular ejection of blood.
Ventricular diastole -
isovolumic relaxation - rapid - atrial filling continues.
filling Cardiac Cycle
- atrial contraction Isovolumetric Ventricular Relaxation
Cardiac Cycle - Repolarization of the Ventricles is now
Atrial Systole complete (T-wave).

- preceded by the P-wave - aortic valve closes, followed by pulmonic valve

à Second Heart Sound (S2)
- Ventricular filling
- ventricular volume is constant because all the
- Filling of the ventricle by atrial systole causes valves are closed.
the Fourth Heart sound (S4)
- dicrotic notch or incisura
-A wave on the venous pulse curve
Cardiac Cycle
Atrial contraction
Rapid Ventricular Filling
Cardiac Cycle
- mitral valve is open and ventricular filling from
Isovolumetric ventricular contraction the atrium begins.

- after the onset of the QRS wave, which - rapid flow of blood from the atria into the
represents electrical activation of ventricles. ventricles causes the Third heart Sound (S3)

- AV valves closure à First Heart Sounds (S1) - normal in children

- split sound Ventricular filling

- no blood leaves the ventricles during this Cardiac Cycle

phase because the Aortic Valve is closed.
Reduced ventricular Filling
Isovolumic Ventricular Contraction
- longest phase of the cardiac cycle.
Cardiac Cycle
- slower ventricular filling rate.
Rapid ventricular ejection
- ventricular pressure reaches its maximum
value during this phase. Poiseuille Equation

- most of the SV is ejected. - relationship of flow, pressure and resistance

- atrial filling begins. Q = P1 – P2

- the onset of T wave, which represents R

repolarization of the ventricles. Q – flow
Ventricular ejection P1 – upstream pressure
Cardiac Cycle P2 – downstream pressure
R – resistance of vessels between P1 and P2 proportional to the amount of tension developed
and is increased by:
Resistance vessel radius
 increased afterload
- the most important factor
 increased contractility
- inversely proportional to the fourth power of
the radius  increased size of heart
- radius decreased by half, resistance increases  increase HR
Fick Principle
- radius doubles, resistance decreases to 1/16
of the original vessel length >used to calculate blood flow through an organ

- the greater the length, the greater the Flow = Uptake

- if length doubles, resistance doubles
>pulmonary venous oxygen = systemic arterial
- length decreases by half, resistance decreases
by half >pulmonary arterial oxygen = systemic venous

Resistance blood viscosity >lowest pO2 = pulmonary artery

- the greater the viscosity, the greater the Flow

Laminar Flow
- prime determinant of blood viscosity is
- flow in layers
- occurs throughout the entire cardiovascular
- anemia = decreased viscosity; polycythemia
system except heart
= increased viscosity
- highest velocity = center of the tube
Reynolds number
Turbulent Flow
- predicts whether blood flow will be laminar or
turbulent - nonlayered flow

Reynolds number = (diameter) (velocity) - creates murmurs (bruits); produces more

(density) resistance

viscosity - increased turbulence (increased Reynolds

number) : increased tube diameter, increasing
Cardiac Output
velocity, decreased blood viscosity, vessel
>considered as circulating blood volume branching and narrow orifice

>the product of heart rate (HR) and stroke Wall Tension

volume (SV)
Laplace Law T ∞ Pr
>at rest, HR is about 70 bpm, SV is 80 ml and
T = wall tension
CO is about 5.6 liters/min
P = pressure
>stroke work = stroke volume X aortic pressure
r = radius
>cardiac O2 consumption is directly
aorta = the artery with the greatest wall tension Mean Arterial Pressure
(greatest pressure and radius)
average arterial pressure (more closer to
Vessel Compliance diastolic than systolic)

C=ΔV mean pressure = diastolic + 1/3 pulse

= 2/3
how easily a vessel is stretched (distensibility) diastolic + 1/3 systolic
if easily stretched, a vessel is said to be a very MAP = CO X TPR
compliant vessel
Fast Response AP
stiff vessel – noncompliant vessel
Phase 0 – increased membrane conductance to
Na; fast Na channels open; Na influx
Arterial Pressure (depolarization)

Systolic Pressure Phase 1 – slight repolarization (voltage gated K

channels); closure of fast Na channels
- peak pressure during systole
Phase 2 – most important phase; slow Ca
- increase in SV, decrease in HR and vessel channels open; Ca influx; K efflux through
compliance all causes an increased systolic ungated channels; voltage gated K channels are
pressure closed

Diastolic Pressure Phase 3 – slow Ca channels closed; voltage-

gated K channels open; large K efflux;
- lowest pressure at the end of diastole repolarization
- decrease in TPR, HR, SV and vessel Slow Response AP
compliance all causes a decreased diastolic
pressure to have a pacemaker potential or prepotential

Pulse Pressure all cells have an unstable phase 4 (slow gradual

depolarization towards threshold)
>difference between systolic and diastolic
pressure Phase 0 – increase in Ca conductance; Ca influx;
slow Ca spike
>most important determinant of pulse pressure
is stroke volume Phase 3 – repolarization; increased K
conductance; rapid K efflux
>Factors that increase (widen) pulse pressure:
Phase 4 – slow gradual depolarization; increased
• increased stroke volume (systolic Na conductance; Na influx; automaticity
increases more than diastolic)
• decreased vessel compliance ( systolic
increases, diastolic decreases) the ability of the heart to initiate an AP

>compliant artery = small pulse pressure reflects the recovery of the channels that carry
the inward currents for the upstroke of the AP
>stiff artery = wide pulse pressure
absolute refractory period
- begins with upstroke and ends after the (SV/EDV)
loss of contractility is due to loss of functioning
- no AP can be elicited sarcomere

relative refractory period Afterload

- the period after the absolute refractory period in skeletal muscle, the load on the muscle
when repolarization is almost complete during contraction

- an AP can be elicited, but not at full acceptable indices of afterload : mean aortic
magnitude pressure and peak left ventricular pressure

Ventricular Volumes an acute increase in afterload reduces the

volume of blood ejected
End-diastolic volume (EDV) : volume of blood in
the ventricle at the end of diastole blood not ejected remains in the LV and
increases preload in the next cycle
End-systolic volume (ESV) : volume of blood in
the ventricle at the end of systole increased preload and increased force of
contraction restores SV
Stroke volume (SV) : volume of blood ejected by
the ventricle per beat Heart Sounds

SV = EDV - ESV S1 – closure of AV valves (mitral, tricuspid)

Frank-Starling’s Law S2 – closure of semilunar valves (aortic,

systolic performance is determined by the
overall force generated by ventricular muscle S3 – early diastole in children, well-conditioned
during systole (number of cross-bridge cycling) athlete ( due to rapid ventricular filling) and
heart failure
greater number of cross-bridge cycling =
greater force of contraction S4 – occurs in late diastole when the atrium
contracts; as blood is propelled into
Factors that affect the number of cross- hypertrophied low-compliance ventricle
bridge cycling:
* valves on the right side of heart opens first,
>amount of preload on the muscle but closes last
>level of contractility Ventricular Pressure Volume Loop
Preload These are constructed by combining systolic
in skeletal muscle, the load on the muscle in a and diastolic pressure curves
relaxed state The diastolic pressure curve is the relationship
the load or prestretch on ventricular muscle at between diastolic pressure and diastolic volume
the end of diastole in the ventricles.

best index of preload = LVEDV The systolic pressure curve is corresponding

relationship between systolic and systolic
contractility = a change in the force of volume in the ventricles.
contraction at any given sarcomere length
(inotropism) Steps in the cycle

common clinical index of contractilty = EF BàC Isovolumetric Contraction)

CàD Ventricular Ejection of the heart -
increase contractility
DàA Isovolumetric Relaxation
AàB Ventricular Filling
intrinsic heart rate = 110/beats per minute
Pressure-Volume Loop
resting heart rate is lower than intrinsic HR
Cardiac and Vascular function Curve
Neural Influences
The Cardiac Output, or Cardiac Function Curve
parasympathetic : right vagus predominates in
The Venous Return, Vascular Function, curve SA node; left vagus in AV node
Venous Return sympathetic : stimulation causes tachycardia
Mean systemic pressure Bainbridge Reflex
Slope of the Venous Return Curve - stretch receptors in the right atrium (increase
Combining cardiac Output and Venous Return stretch = increase HR)

INOTROPIC AGENTS CHANGE THE CARDIAC - afferent : vagus efferent : vagus

OUTPUT CURVE Chromotropic Effects
Positive Inotropics - on the heart rate
1. Beta -1 Stimulation - positive chromotropic effects = increases HR
2. Increase extracellular calcium concentration by increasing the firing rate of SA node

3. Decrease extracellular Na concentration - negative chromotropic effects = decreases HR

by decreasing the firing rate of SA node
4. Digitalis
5. Increase in HR
- on conduction velocity in the AV node
Negative Inotropics
- positive dromotropic effects = increased
1. Heart failure conduction velocity at the AV node

2. Decrease pH - negative dromotropic effects = decreases

conduction velocity at the AV node
3. Decrease 02
Autonomic Effects
4. Increase C02
Regulation of Arterial Pressure
Stroke Work
Baroreceptor Reflex
>The work the heart performs on each beat
Baroreceptor Reflex (short-term)
FORCE = Ao pressure x Stroke volume
Cerebral Ischemia
Cardiac 02 consumption increased by:
- when brain is ischemic, CO2 and H
- increased concentration in brain increases
afterload - increased size
- chemoreceptors respond by increasing both >decreased systemic venous return
sympathetic (increased contractility and TPR)
and parasympathetic (increased HR) outflow = >decreased right ventricular output
Cushing’s reaction >volume of blood in pulmonary circuit
- blood flow to other organs are reduced to decreases
preserve blood flow to the brain >right atrium is compressed so blood pressure
Chemoreceptors increases causing a reflex decrease in heart rate

- located in bifurcation of common carotid >increased left ventricular output

arteries and aortic arch >Valsalva maneuver increase intrapleural
- very sensitive to hypoxia (decreased MAP) pressure and CVP; also decreases venous return

Vasopressin Microcirculation

- located in atria >flow and pressure within the system is

controlled by varying the radius (resistance) of
- receptors in atria respond to a decrease in the arterioles
volume or pressure, cause the release of
vasopressin from posterior pituitary vasodilation = increased flow and pressure

- increases TPR (V1) and increases H2O vasoconstriction = decreased flow and pressure
reabsorption in distal tubule of kidney and >capillaries are permeable to all dissolved
collecting ducts (V2) substances via simple diffusion except plasma
Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) proteins

- increased atrial pressure = released of ANP in >the lymphatic system removes proteins in the
atria interstitial space

- causes vasodilation and decreased TPR >filtration and reabsorption are the main
processes by which fluid moves between plasma
- increases salt and water excretion (decreased and interstitium due to pressure differences
blood volume) (bulk flow)

- inhibits renin release FILTRATION

Inspiration Capillary Hydrostatic Pressure

>intrapleural pressure becomes more negative -increased by arterial dilation and venous
>increased systemic venous return
-decreased by arteriolar constriction (eg HPN)
>increased right ventricular output causing
delay in closing of pulmonic valve (splitting of Interstitial Oncotic Pressure
heart sounds)
-increased by chronic lymphatic blockage
>volume of blood in pulmonary circuit increases
-increased capillary permeability (eg. burns)
>decreased left ventricular output

>intrapleural pressure becomes more positive
(increased) Capillary Oncotic Pressure
-increased by dehydration due to excessive Active Hyperemia
- blood flow is proportional to its metabolic
-decreased by liver and renal disease activity

-decreased by saline infusion Reactive Hyperemia

Interstitial Hydrostatic Pressure - an increase in blood flow occurs after a period

of occlusion of flow
-clinically significant changes are seen in the
pulmonary circuit - the greater the period of occlusion, the
greater the increase in blood flow above
-subatmospheric pressures will increase preocclusion levels
pressure (eg. respiratory distress syndrome)
Tissues least affected by nervous reflexes:
cerebral, coronary, renal, pulmonary and
REGULATION OF BLOOD FLOW AT ORGAN skeletal muscle during exercise
Autoregulation (Intrinsic) Coronary Circulation
- blood flow is regulated, not resistance - controlled almost entirely by local metabolic
- no nerves or circulating substances involved factors (hypoxia and adenosine) = flow equals
- blood flow should be independent of blood
pressure - exhibits autoregulation; active and reactive
2 hypothesis:
- during systole, mechanical compression of the
>metabolic hypothesis – tissue produces a coronary vessels reduces blood flow causing
vasodilatory metabolite that regulates flow reactive hyperemia

(eg CO2, H, K, lactate, adenosine) Cutaneous Circulation

>myogenic hypothesis – increased perfusion - has extensive sympathetic innervation

pressure stretched the smooth muscle (arterial
wall) wherein the arteriole radius decreases with - temperature regulation is the principal
no significant increase in flow (eg GIT) sympathetic innervation

Extrinsic Regulation Skeletal Muscle Circulation

- tissues that are controlled by nervous and -at rest, sympathetic control of blood flow
humoral factors originating outside the organ predominates

- cutaneous circulation and resting skeletal -during exercise, local metabolic control
muscles overrides sympathetic control (sym has no
effect on flow)
- circulating epinephrine acts on β2 receptors
causing vasodilatation -stimulation of α receptors = vasoconstriction

- parasympathetic system does not affect -stimulation of β receptors = vasodilatation

arterioles and has little or no effect on TPR Cerebral Circulation
except the penis
-the most important local vasodilator is arterial
PCO2 (or pH) regulating blood flow include:

-if arterial PCO2 is increased (hypoventilation; -total peripheral resistance increases

pH decreased) = vasodilatation
-heart rate increases
-if arterial PCO2 is decreased (hyperventilation;
pH increased) = vasoconstriction Basic Alterations During Exercise

Renal and Splanchnic Circulation -assuming that the person is in steady state,
performing moderate exercise at sea level
- a small in blood pressure will invoke
autoregulatory mechanism to maintain renal Pulmonary Circuit
blood flow >blood flow (cardiac output) - large increase
- increased sympathetic activity (hypotension) >pulmonary arterial pressure - slight increase
causes intially vsodilatation then
vasoconstriction, and a decreased blood flow >pulmonary vascular resistance - large
- venous PO2 is high in renal circulation
>pulmonary blood volume - increase

>number of perfused capillaries - increase

>capillary surface area - increase (for gas
-below heart level, there are equal increases in exchange)
systemic arterial and venous pressures
(assuming no muscular action) BASIC ALTERATIONS DURING EXERCISE

-above heart level, systemic arterial pressures Arterial System

progressively decrease
• PO2 - no significant change
-surface veins above the heart cannot maintain
a significant pressure below atmospheric; • PCO2 - no significant change
except deep veins in the cranium which
maintain a pressure that is significantly below • pH - no change or decrease (lactic acid)
• MAP - slight increase
-a severed or punctured vein above heart level
• Blood flow - large increase
has potential for introducing air into the system
due to negative intrathoracic pressure • TPR - large decrease (dilation of skeletal
muscle beds)
Effects of supine to upright position:

-pressure in dependent vein increases • BP - minimal change (slight increase)

-blood volume in dependent veins increases • CO - slight increase

-circulating blood volume (cardiac output) Venous System

• PO2 - decrease
-stroke volume decreases
• PCO2 – increase
-arterial blood pressure decreases slightly (due
to reduction in CO)

Compensation via carotid sinus reflex will BASIC ALTERATIONS DURING EXERCISE
Exercising Skeletal Muscle decreased PO2 (hypoxia) activates
chemoreceptors while decreased PCO2
• blood flow increases (increased SV & activates central chemoreceptors increasing
pulse pressure) sympathetic outflow

• vascular resistance decreases increased released of epi/NE by adrenal medulla

further increasing sympathetic outflow
• capillary pressure increases
increased released of RAA and ADH
• capillary filtration increases
arteriolar vasoconstriction decreases capillary
• lymph flow increases pressure favoring capillary reabsorption thus
increasing blood volume
• venous PO2 decreases (to extremely low

• increased extraction of O2 (increased AV History

O2 diff)
In 1790, using dissimilar metals like copper and
• decreased cutaneous blood flow, then zinc, the resulting electrical current can
increases to dissipate heat stimulate the frog’s legs to jump

• increased coronary blood flow In 1855, Kollicker and Mueller found that
when a motor nerve of a frogs leg was placed
• no change in cerebral blood flow over its isolated beating heart, the leg would
kick on every heartbeat
• decreased renal and splanchnic blood
flow John Sanderson obtain a record of his patients
heartbeat through the skin using a Lippman
• light to moderate exercise, no increase in capillary electrometer coming from the idea of
preload; increased preload in heavy Alexander Muirhead
Augustus Waller is the first to systematically
-a decrease in blood volume decreases mean approach it in an electrical viewpoint still using
systemic pressure resulting in decreased CO the same machine
and arterial pressure
In 1903, Willem Einthoven first used the string
-carotid sinus baroreceptors are activated, galvanometer which is a large magnet
increasing sympathetic and decreasing suspended in a silvered wire drilled 2 holes in
parasympathetic outflow both poles of the magnet
-increased heart rate Emmanuel Goldberger adds the augmented
limb leads to Einthoven six chest leads
-increased contractility
Electrocardiogram (12 Lead)
-increased TPR
-decreased unstressed volume and increased
stressed volume -Records the electrical activity of the heart as
well as valuable function about the hearts
-vasoconstriction occurs in skeletal, splanchnic
function and structure
or cutaneous (except coronary or cerebral)
-In resting situation, the muscle cells of the
heart are polarized (negatively charge), and Consists of the augmented limb leads (aVF, aVR,
when they are depolarized, they contract aVL) and the 6 precordial leads (V1-V6)

Consists of 6 limb leads and 6 precordial leads The augmented limb leads are derived from
leads I, II and III in which the recording on one
ECG Tracing Paper limb is augmented by 50%
Principles The augmented limb leads plus leads I, II, and III
Action potentials on cardiac muscles create forms the hexaxial reference system (frontal
extracellular voltages plane)

The thorax acts as a volume conductor so that Precordial leads views the horizontal plane of
voltages generated by the cells are conducted the heart (Z axis)
to the body surface Unipolar Leads
Deflections in the ECG corresponds to electrical Lead augmented vector right (aVR) has the
activity or events on the heart positive electrode (white) on the right arm. The
Can be recorded using an active or exploring negative electrode is a combination of the left
electrodes connected to an electrode either via arm (black) electrode and the left leg (red)
bipolar or unipolar leads electrode, which "augments" the signal strength
of the positive electrode on the right arm.
Bipolar Leads
Lead augmented vector left (aVL) has the
Used before unipolar leads are developed positive (black) electrode on the left arm. The
negative electrode is a combination of the right
It uses two active electrodes arm (white) electrode and the left leg (red)
electrode, which "augments" the signal strength
The limb leads forms the points of what is
of the positive electrode on the left arm.
known as the Einthovens triangle
Lead augmented vector foot (aVF) has the
Current flows only in the body fluids, the records
positive (red) electrode on the left leg. The
obtained are those that would be obtained if the
negative electrode is a combination of the right
electrodes were at the points of attachment of
arm (white) electrode and the left arm (black)
the limbs, no matter where on the limbs the
electrode, which "augments" the signal of the
electrodes are placed
positive electrode on the left leg.
Einthoven Triangle
Hexaxial Reference System
Lead I
Normal axis:
- is the voltage between the (positive) left arm
-30o to +90o
(LA) electrode and right arm (RA) electrode
Left axis deviation: -30o to -90o
Lead II
Right axis deviation: +90o to +180o
- is the voltage between the (positive) left leg
(LL) electrode and the right arm (RA) electrode Extreme axis deviation: -90o to -180o
Lead III Normal ECG
- is the voltage between the (positive) left leg P wave
(LL) electrode and the left arm (LA) electrode
- atrial depolarization (SA node to AV node)
Unipolar Leads
PR interval • Rhythm

- initial depolarization of the ventricle • Axis

QRS complex • Hypertrophy

- ventricular depolarization and atrial • Infarction
QT interval
The SA node generates a Sinus Rhythm at a
- entire period of depolarization and range of 60 to 100 beats per minute
repolarization of the ventricle
Tachycardia = > 100 beats per minute
ST segment
Bradycardia = < 60 beats per minute
- entire ventricle is depolarized (isoelectric);
the plateau or initial phase of repolarization Rate can be determine either by observation
alone or when bradycardic, via computation
T wave
Automaticity Foci (Ectopic Foci)
- ventricular repolarization
These are other potential pacemakers which has
Precordial Leads inherent ability to pace if normal SA node
V1 - In the fourth intercostal space (between pacemaking fails
ribs 4 & 5) just to the right of the sternum Rhythm
On ECG, there is a consistent equal distance
V2 - In the fourth intercostal space (between (duration) between similar waves during a
ribs 4 & 5) just to the left of the sternum. normal regular cardiac rhythm
V3 - Between leads V2 and V4. The automacity of the SA node precisely
V4 - In the fifth intercostal space (between ribs maintains a constant cycle duration between
5 & 6) in the mid-clavicular line (the imaginary the pacing impulses it generates
line that extends down from the midpoint of the And because the sequence of depolarization is
clavicle (collarbone). the same in each repeating cycle, there is a
V5 - Horizontally even with V4, but in the predictable pattern of regularity in the waves
anterior axillary line. (The anterior axillary line is Rhythm
the imaginary line that runs down from the point
midway between the middle of the clavicle and Sinus Arrythmia
the lateral end of the clavicle; the lateral end of
the collarbone is the end closer to the arm.) A normal physiological mechanism that is
related to phases of respiration
V6 - Horizontally even with V4 and V5 in the
midaxillary line. (The midaxillary line is the Not a true arrythmia
imaginary line that extends down from the
>Inspiration = stimulates sympathetic action on
middle of the patient's armpit.)
the SA node causing a slight increase in HR
Normal 12 Lead ECG
>Expiration = stimulates parasympathetic
INTERPRETATION OF ECG action on the SA node causing a slight decrease
in HR
• Rate
Sinus Arrythmia Premature Beats

Arrythmias Originates in an irritable automaticity focus that

fires spontaneously producing a beat
-Irregular Rhythms
Irritability is a result of increase sympathetic
-Escape stimulation, presence of stimulants like caffeine,
-Premature Beats ampethamines or coccaine, excess digitalis,
hyperthyroidism or low O2
Premature Beats
-Heart blocks
-Wandering Pacemaker
Rapid rhythms originating in very irritable
-A irregular rhythm produce by the pacemaker automaticity foci
activity of the atrial foci
Easily recognized by rate alone
-Normal rate range (>100, it’s called Multifocal
Atrial Tachycardia) Paroxysmal Tachycardia

-MAT’s are usually seen in COPD and toxicity Flutter

with digitalis meds Fibrillation
-Wandering Pacemaker Heart Blocks
Atrial Fibrillation An unhealthy SA node misses one or more
An irregular ventricular rhythm cycles, and usually resumes pacing but the
pause may evoke and “escape” response from
An erratic atrial spikes from multiple atrial foci an ectopic focus
( no P waves seen)
Blocks electrical conduction that prevent (or
Escape delay) the passage of depolarizing stimuli

The hearts response to a pause in pacing Could either be a sinus block, AV block, bundle
branch block or hemiblock (block of anterior or
Caused by an unhealthy SA node when it fails to posterior fascicle of LBB
emit a pacing stimulus
1. Partial (First-Degree) Block
Sick Sinus Syndrome
- slowed conduction to AV node
A wastebasket of arrhythmias caused by SA
node dysfunction with unresponsive or - prolonged PR interval (>220msec)
dysfunctional supraventricular automaticity foci
that can’t employ their normal escape 2. Second Degree Block
mechanism - some impulses not transmitted thru AV node
Most often seen in elderly patients with heart - 2 types: Mobitz I and Mobitz II
Heart Block
Young healthy individuals (athletes) often have
excessive parasympathetic hyperactivity at rest, Mobitz I (Wenckebach)
have some signs of SSS (pseudo Sick Sinus
Syndrome) - PR interval progressively lengthens
Mobitz II

- no lengthening of PR interval

3. Complete (Third-Degree) Block

- No impulses conducted through atria to

ventricle (beats independently)

- No correlation of P waves to QRS complexes


Refers to the direction of the movement of

depolarization, which spreads throughout the
hart to stimulate the myocardium to contract

In patients with ventricular hypertrophy, the

mean QRS vector points towards the area of

For example, in patients with myocardial

infarction, there is dead or necrotic area of the
heart and does not depolarize. So the mean QRS
vector moves away from the infarct


Hypertrophy or increase in muscle mass of the

heart can be diagnosed using an ECG

Right Atria = diphasic wave, initial larger

Left Atria = diphasic wave, terminal larger

Right Ventricle = large R wave, V1

Left Ventricle = large S, V1 and large R, V5 (sum

should be > 35mm)


Refers to the complete occlusion of a coronary

artery wherein it becomes non-viable and
neither depolarizes nor contracts

Ischemia = inverted T waves; ST segment


Injury = elevated ST segment

Subendocardial infarct = ST segment


Infarction = presence of Q wave (>.04 sec); ST

segment elevation

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