(OBa) 1.2 The Ovarian and Endometrial Cycle (San Jose) - Pacis PDF

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THE OVARIAN AND ENDOMETRIAL CYCLE Percentage of follicles which

Aida V. San Jose, MD, FPOGS undergo atresia during 99.9 %

 Reproductive life  30 to 35 years

 Atresia is due to apoptosis (natural cell death)


 Gonadotropin–independent recruitment of primordial

 Gonadotropin-independent  Meaning, they are not

dependent on the gonadotropins (LH and FSH)

 Starts from resting pool to growth towards antral stage

 Under the control of growth differentiation factor 9
(GDF9), and bone morphogenic protein 15 (BMP-15)
produced by the oocytes, which regulate the proliferation
and differentiation of granulosa cells as the primary
follicles grow

 Since it is not gonadotropin-dependent, growth

**Bigger picture at the last page 
and differentiation of follicles are influenced by
GDF9 and BMP-15 produced by the oocytes
 Ovulation happens on day 14 of the cycle  These are also called “Transforming Growth Factor
 The OVARIAN CYCLE is divided into: β”
 Follicular or Preovulatory Phase (Day 1 to Day 14)
 Luteal or Postovulatory Phase (Day 14 to 28)
 Proliferative Phase (Day 1 to Day 14) - Also stabilize and expand the cumulus oocyte complex
 Secretory Phase (Day 14 to 28) (COC) in the oviduct
 The 2 cycles does not exactly begin at the same time - Likely, the early steps in follicular development are
because the ovarian cycle likely begins 1 to 2 days partly oocyte-controlled
before day 1 of the endometrial cycle. - As antral follicles develop, surrounding stromal cells are
recruited to become theca cells

THE OVARIAN CYCLE  Gonadotropin-dependent growth of large antral follicles

 The development of predictable, regular, cyclical and
spontaneous ovulatory menstrual cycles is regulated by  Gonadotropin-dependent  Under the influence of
complex interactions of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, gonadotropin during the antral stage
the ovaries and the genital tract
 Involves FSH
 We also call this the HPOE Axis  Hypothalamic-  Enables a group of antral follicles (cohort) to begin a phase
Pituitary-Ovarian-Endometrium Axis of semisynchronous growth (selection window of the
ovarian cycle)
 Average duration of the menstrual cycle: 28 days (25 – 32
days)  Semisynchronous  Meaning, from the group of
antral follicles, only one will be chosen to become
FOLLICULAR (PREOVULATORY) OVARIAN PHASE the dominant follicle = Selection Window of the
At birth 2 million oocytes present Ovarian Cycle
At puberty 400,000 follicles present  Only the follicles progressing to this stage develop the
Rate of depletion of follicle capacity to produce estrogen
1,000 follicles/month
per month until 35 years old
# of follicles ovulated during  Bulk of the estrogen will be coming from this
400 follicles
the entire reproductive age dominant follicle



 Follicular Phase  If fertilization happens and pregnancy occurs, LH

 Estrogen levels rise in parallel to growth of dominant from the corpus luteum will be taken over by HCG
follicle and the increase in its number of granulosa cells coming from the blastocyst. HCG, therefore,
which are the exclusive site of FSH receptor expression rescues the corpus luteum during pregnancy. We
 Increase in FSH in the late luteal phase of the previous call this the Luteoplacental Shift which happens a
cycle few weeks after fertilization.
- Stimulates an increase in FSH receptors
 Initially, the corpus luteum supports the pregnancy
- Enable aromatization of the thecal cell-derived through the production of LH. But during the 6th-7th
androstenedione into estradiol week of gestation, the placenta takes over this
 FSH most likely increases about a day or two prior
In cases wherein one will be diagnosed with an
to day 1 of the next cycle.
ovarian cyst during this period, we should defer
 This increase in the late luteal phase of the previous
(unless it is an extreme emergency) the surgical
cycle stimulates an increase in the FSH receptors 
management for this cyst, especially if the it is
This will enable aromatization of the thecal cell-
only an incidental finding and if the patient is
derived adrostenedione into estradiol by the action
asymptomatic, because this ovarian cyst may
of cytochrome P450
happen to contain the corpus luteum. If you
remove this ovarian cyst before the 6th or 7th
week of gestation, then it may result to abortion.


 Granulosa cell – FSH
 Thecal cell – LH
 FSH induces the enzyme aromatase and expansion of the
antrum of the growing follicles
 The follicle within the cohort that is most responsive to
FSH is likely to be the first to produce estradiol and initiate
expression of LH receptors

 After the Appearance of LH Receptors

 The preovulatory granulosa cells begin to secrete small
quantities of progesterone which exert positive feedback
on the estrogen-primed pituitary to cause release of LH
(Picture Above) 2-GONADOTROPIN, 2-CELL  LH stimulates thecal cell production of androstenedione
 2-cell  Granulosa cell and Thecal cell  During the Early Follicular Phase
 2-gonadotropin  FSH and LH  Inhibin B produced by granulosa cells
 During the Follicular Phase of the Ovarian Cycle, LH  Negative feedback to the pituitary to inhibit FSH release
controls the theca cell production of resulting to non-development of other follicles enabling
androstenedione  This androstenedione will only 1 follicle to reach maturity
diffuse to the adjacent granulosa cell and will serve
as the precursor for estradiol biosynthesis  Ovulation
 During the Luteal Phase of the Ovarian Cycle, both  Gonadotropin Surge  Predicts ovulation
the theca-lutein cell and granulosa-lutein cell are  34 – 36 hours before release of ovum from
under the control of LH (in contrast to the the follicle
granulosa cell during the Follicular Phase, which is  A relative precise predictor of ovulation
under the control of FSH)  Theca-lutein cell  10 – 12 hours before ovulation
continues to produce androstenedione  Will LH Surge  Stimulates the resumption of meiosis in the
diffuse to the adjacent granulosa-lutein cell  ovum
Undergo conversion to estradiol  The granulosa-
lutein cell has increased its the capacity to  Lecture: LH surge is a relative precise predictor of
synthesize progesterone and convert ovulation
androstenedione to estradiol



 Current studies suggest that in response to LH, increased  Estrogen and Progesterone Action
progesterone & prostaglandin production by the cumulus  Estrogen Effects
cells, and GDF9 & BMP-15 by the oocyte, activates – The fluctuating levels of ovarian steroids  Direct cause
expression of genes critical to formation of hyaluronan- of endometrial cycle
rich extracellular matrix by the COC (Cumulus-Oocyte – 17 ß-estradiol
Complex) o The most potent naturally-occurring estrogen
 When cumulus cells lose contact with each other & move o Secreted by granulosa cells of the dominant follicle
outward from the oocyte along the hyaluronan polymer & luteinized granulosa cells of corpus luteum
(Expansion)  Increase in volume of complex – Estrogen is the essential hormonal signal on which most
events in the normal menstrual cycle depend
 Luteal (Postovulatory) Phase – 2 Classic Hormone Receptors:
1. Estrogen Receptor α (ERα)
 After the ovum is released from the dominant follicle 2. Estrogen Receptor ß (ERß)
during ovulation. What remains from the dominant – Both can exhibit distinct tissue expression
follicle will be converted to corpus luteum. – Both receptors share robust activation by estradiol
 Corpus luteum is said to be the remnant of the – Have differences in binding affinities & have distinct and
dominant follicle after ovulation. overlapping functions
o Both are expressed in endometrium
 Corpus luteum develops and the lifespan is maintained by
– Interaction with steroid ligands  Estrogen receptor-
low-frequency, high amplitude pulses of LH secreted by
specific initiation of gene transcription
gonadotropes in the anterior pituitary
– Promotes synthesis of specific messenger RNAs and
 Estrogen, just after ovulation, decrease followed by a
specific proteins (estrogen & progesterone receptors)
secondary rise at midluteal phase (0.25 mg/day of 17ß-
estradiol)  In addition to estrogen receptors synthesized by
estrogen, it also synthesizes progesterone
 17ß-estradiol  Most potent biologically active
type of estrogen
This may be the explanation as to why in some
 Estrogen undergoes secondary decrease in estradiol cases of abnormal bleeding (which is secondary
production toward the end of the luteal phase to unopposed estrogen stimulation,
 Progesterone production peaks during the midluteal particularly during menopause) estrogen is
phase (25 to 50 mg/day) given. Estrogen is given to prime the
endometrium and to help in the synthesis of
 Human Corpus Luteum progesterone receptors so that progesterone
 A transient endocrine organ that rapidly regresses 9 –11 can act appropriately
days after ovulation  Pre-menopausal or after menopause,
women do not have progesterone anymore
 9 –11 days after ovulation  Approximately 26th since they are unable to ovulate because
day of the cycle their follicles have already been depleted.
 The usual treatment for this abnormal
 Luteolysis results from the combination of decreased uterine bleeding is by giving progesterone.
levels of circulating LH in the late luteal phase and But this progesterone may not be able to act
decreased LH sensitivity of luteal cells if there is no prior estrogen priming because
estrogen helps in the synthesis of
 Luteolysis = corpus luteum regression
progesterone receptors.
 Luteolysis, characterized by the dramatic drop in  Estrogen is said to be “pro-progesterone”
circulating levels of estradiol and progesterone, is critical because it also synthesizes progesterone
to allow the follicular development and ovulation of the receptors in addition to estrogen receptors.
next ovarian cycle Whereas, progesterone is said to be “anti-
estrogen” because it negates the activity of
 The previous cycle has something to do with the estrogen.
subsequent cycle.
– May act at endothelial cell surface to stimulate nitric
 It also signals the endometrium to initiate the molecular oxide production leading to its rapid vasoactive
events that will lead to menstruation properties



– Its ability to work in cell nucleus and at cell surface to

 Endometrium is divided into:
cause rapid changes in cell signaling molecules
 Functionalis Layer = Superficial 2/3 of the
 One explanation for the complex responses seen with
estrogen therapies
– Shed during menstruation
– Regenerated during the proliferative phase of
 Progesterone Effects
the menstrual cycle
– Enters cells by diffusion and becomes associated with
 Basalis Layer = Deeper 1/3 of the endometrium
progesterone receptors
– Provides the new endometrium following
– 2 Isoforms:
1. Progesterone Receptor Type A (PR-A)
2. Progesterone Receptor Type B (PR-B)  Reepithelialization in progress even before menstrual
– Receptors have unique actions bleeding has ceased
– When PR-A & PR-B are co-expressed, PR-A can inhibit
PR-B gene regulation  Even during the menstrual shedding,
– Inhibitory effect of PR-A can extend other steroid reepithelialization of the endometrium is already in
receptors, including estrogen receptors progress. It is usually completed by the 5th day of the
– Can evoke rapid responses such as changes in endometrial cycle.
intracellular free calcium levels
– The endometrial glands and stroma have different  Fifth day of the endometrial cycle  Epithelial surface of the
expression patterns for these receptors that vary over endometrium restored and revascularization of the
the menstrual cycle endometrium is in progress
– In the proliferative phase  The glands express both  Preovulatory endometrium  Proliferation of vascular
receptors (PR-A and PR-B), and are involved with endothelial, stromal and glandular cells
subnuclear vacuole formation
– After ovulation  PR-B thru midluteal  Early Part of the Proliferative Phase:
– In contrast, the stroma and predecidual cells express  The endometrium thin, less than 2 mm in thickness
only PR-A throughout  Progesterone stimulate events  Glands  Narrow
in stroma PR-A med  Tubular structures pursue almost a straight and parallel
– PR-A may regulate the anti-proliferative effect of course from basal layer toward the surface of endometrial
progesterone during secretory phase cavity
 Mitotic figures in the glandular epithelium  Identified by
the fifth cycle day
THE ENDOMETRIAL CYCLE  Mitotic activity in both epithelium and stroma persists
until day 16 to 17 (2-3 days after ovulation)

 Mitotic activity cease because of the anti-mitotic

activity of progesterone

 Blood vessels numerous and prominent, but no

extravascular blood or leukocyte infiltration in the
endometrium at this stage

 Leukocyte infiltration usually happens during the

premenstrual phase
PROLIFERATIVE (PREOVULATORY) PHASE OF THE  Re-epithelialization and angiogenesis  Important to the
ENDOMETRIUM cessation of endometrial bleeding at end of menstruation
 The epithelial (glandular) cells, the stromal (mesenchymal)  Estradiol appears to act by inducing growth factor gene
cells, and the blood vessels of the endometrium replicate expression in stromal cells
cyclically in reproductive-aged women at a rapid rate
 Superficial endometrium shed and regenerated almost 400  Late Proliferative Phase:
times during the reproductive lifetime of most women  Endometrium thickens due to glandular hyperplasia and
 Follicular-phase production of estradiol  Most important increase in stromal ground substance (edema &
factor in recovery of the endometrium proteinaceous material)
 2/3 of the functional endometrium  Fragmented and shed  Functionalis Layer  Glands & stroma are loose
during menstruation  Basalis Layer  Glands are crowded; Stroma is dense



 At midcycle, surface epithelial cells acquire microvilli and  With luteolysis  Menstruation
 Critical branch point  Meaning, it can either end up
 Microvilli and cilia helps in the transport of with fertilization and formation of the decidua OR if
secretions in the endometrium  Secretions helps fertilization did not take place, there will be luteolysis
nourish implantation of the blastocyst if there is and end up with menstruation
 Endometrial stromal and epithelial cells produce
 Day-by-day dating difficult Interleukin 8  Recruit neutrophil
 Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) 
 “Dating” of the endometrium is usually done
Chemoattractant for monocytes
during the secretory phase of the Endometrial
 Infiltration of leukocytes  Key to initiation of extracellular
Cycle and not during the proliferative phase 
matrix breakdown of the functionalis layer
Proliferative phase can vary from 5-7 days to 20-30
 Secretes metalloproteinase enzymes
 Classical study of Markee “Hypoxia Theory of Menses”
 Proliferative Phase  Varies
 Supercoiling of arteries  Endometrial ischemia and
 Secretory Phase  More or less constant (12-14
tissue degeneration
 Corpus luteum regression leads to thinning of the
endometrium  Sudden disproportion in the
SECRETORY PHASE thickness of the endometrium and the arterioles 
 Day 17 These will lead to further coiling of the arteries 
 Subnuclear vacuoles/Pseudostratification  First sign of Lead to ischemia and tissue degeneration
 Day 19  INTENSE VASOCONSTRICTION precedes menstruation 
 Release glycoprotein and mucopolysaccharide into lumen MOST STRIKING & CONSTANT EVENT observed in the
 Glandular cell mitosis ceases menstrual cycle
 17 -Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase  Converts estradiol – Serves to limit blood loss during menstruation
to estrone  Interval between menses: 28 days (varies in general)
 Estrone = Weaker type of estrogen  28 ± 7 days  21 to 35 days
 One way by which progesterone acts as anti-estrogen  Williams 24th Edition: 25-32 days

 Day 21 to 24
 Stroma becomes edematous  PROSTAGLANDINS AND MENSTRUATION
 Day 22 to 25  Prostaglandin F 2
 Stromal cells surrounding the spiral arterioles enlarge – Vasoconstrictor  Initiation of menstruation
– Administration to women gives rise to dysmenorrhea
 Stromals cells  Later become the decidual cells
likely caused by myometrial contractions and
 Day 23 to 28  Presence of predecidual cells which ischemia
surround the spiral arterioles – Administration to non-pregnant women 
 Extensive coiling of glands Menstruation
 Secretion become visible
 Female athletes who are scheduled to compete
 Protrusions termed pinopods  Important in preparation
usually use Prostaglandin F 2α to manipulate
for blastocyst implantation
their cycle and induce their period earlier
 Late Premenstrual Phase  Infiltration of stroma by
PMN’s  Pseudoinflammatory appearance
 Late Premenstrual Phase = Occurs 2-3 days before
 Endothelin-enkephalinase system regulates the spiral
day 1 of the next endometrial cycle
artery blood flow
 Endothelins (ET-1, ET-2, ET-3)  Small, 21-amino acid
 The midluteal-secretory phase  Critical branch point  ET-1  Potent vasoconstrictor
in the development & differentiation of endometrium  Endothelins  Degraded by enkephalinase
 With rescue of corpus luteum  Decidualization  Enkephalinase  Localized in endometrial stromal cells



 Increase blood levels of progesterone after ovulation  Internally, avascular extraembryonic fetal membrane –
Chorion Laeve
 ORIGIN OF MENSTRUAL BLOOD  Decidua Parietalis
 Both arterial and venous in origin  Remainder of uterus
 Arterial > Venous  If fused with capsularis = Decidua Vera (14-16 weeks)
 Begin by rupture of an arteriole of a coiled artery and
 Zona Compacta – Surface
 Intense vasoconstriction  Rupture of vessel  Form the functionalis layer
 Zona Spongiosa – Middle
Hematoma formation  Zona Basalis – Remains after delivery, gives rise to new
 Superficial endometrium distended then ruptures endometrium
 Fissures develop in adjacent functionalis layers and blood
and fragments of tissue are detached DECIDUAL REACTION
 Hemorrhage stops when arterioles are again constricted  Completed only with blastocyst implantation
 Surface of endometrium restored by growth of the  Endometrial stromal cells enlarge to form polygonal or
flanges, or collars that form everted free ends of uterine round decidual cells
 Decidual cells form from the stromal cells
 Flanges  Located in the basalis layer  Usually start around the spiral arterioles

 Flanges increase in diameter very rapidly, continuity of the  Nuclei  Round and vesicular
epithelium reestablished by fusion of the edges of these  Cytoplasm  Clear slightly basophilic, surrounded by
sheets of migrating thin cells translucent membrane
 Decidual Cells  Lined by pericellular membranes
 Highly modified endometrium of pregnancy DECIDUAL BLOOD SUPPLY
 Capsularis  Blood supply is lost as the embryo-fetus grows
 If a woman becomes pregnant, you call its  Parietalis  Spiral arteries persists
endometrium the DECIDUA.  Spiral arterioles or arteries to decidua basalis  Invaded by
the cytotrophoblasts
 Decidualization  Dependent on estrogen and
 Walls of the vessels in the basalis are destroyed  Not
progesterone and factors secreted by the implanting
responsive to vasoactive agents
blastocyst during trophoblast invasion
 Walls of the vessels in the basalis lose the smooth
DECIDUAL STRUCTURES muscle layer  Therefore, it does not respond to
vasoactive agents

 Fetal chorionic vessels  Responsive to vasoactive agents

 The primary cellular components of decidua  True
decidual cells differentiated from the stromal cells & bone
marrow-derived cells
 Large Granular Lymphocytes (LGLs)  Small, round cells, a
particular type of natural killer lymphocyte
 NITABUCH LAYER  Zone of fibrinoid degeneration
 If decidua is defective  Placenta Accreta, Nitabuch
layer is usually absent
 Decidua Basalis
 Directly beneath the site of blastocyst implantation  Nitabuch layer is usually absent in patients with
 Decidua Capsularis prior procedures at the lower uterine segments
 Overlying the enlarging blastocyst, separating it from the Patients with prior low segment cesarean section
rest of the uterine cavity and now in current pregnancy have placenta
 Prominent on the 2nd month of pregnancy previa are more likely to have placenta accrete
 Covered with single layer of flattened epithelial cells w/o because of the absence of this Nitabuch layer.

 ROHR STRIA  Superficial inconsistent deposition of fibrin 10,000 ng/mL  In the amniotic fluid, during the 20th-
at the bottom of intervillous space and surrounding the 24th week 350 ng/mL  In the fetus
anchoring villi  150-200 ng/mL  In maternal plasma
 Arachidonic Acid  Attenuates rate of Prolactin secretion
DECIDUAL PROLACTIN PRODUCTION  ET-1, IL-1, IL-2 and Epidermal Growth Factor  Decreases
 hPL (Placental Lactogen)  Produced by Prolactin secretion
syncitiotrophoblast  ROLE:
 Decidual Prolactin  Product of same gene that encodes for 1. Regulating immunological functions in the tissue during
prolactin secreted by the anterior pituitary pregnancy
 Amino acid sequence of prolactin in both tissues is identical 2. Regulation of angiogenesis that occur during
 Prolactin in Amnionic Fluid: implantation
3. Role in solute & water transport across the
 Prolactin in the decidua is mostly secreted into the chorioamnion
amniotic fluid.


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