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Linden & Carter

November 16th, 2020

MHWB Lesson Plan

Lesson Sequence Activity Timing

Minds-On Colour Breathing 3 minutes

1. Ask students to close their eyes (if comfortable to) and
think of a colour that represents relaxation and happiness
to them (give students 10 seconds to visualize that colour)
2. Then ask students to think of another colour that
represents anger, frustration or sadness for themselves
(give students another 10 seconds to visualize that colour)
3. Now say to students, “ok…I’m going to lead you in a
guided brief visualization exercise to relax and prepare you
for your upcoming day. Ok, now close your eyes and as
you inhale to my count of three, visualize yourself inhaling
safe, positive, comforting and peaceful energy as your
chosen peaceful colour fills your body. Hold for one second
to my count, and then exhale for three seconds as you
visualize your negative colour, any negative, stressful or
angry energy leaving your body to make room for the next
positive inhale, hold for one second, and we will repeat
this breathing three times.”
4. Then say, “Ok,…so just to re-cap, as you inhale deeply,
visualize your positive colour entering every cell, organ
and vein as you embrace the peace and healing energy
flooding your body with radiant positive and peaceful
energy. … Let’s begin…..inhale, 2,…3….HOLD….exhale
slowly and deeply as you let the negative colour escape
from deep within yourself and taking with your exhale all
negative thoughts, worries and stresses that have found
their hold in yourself, 2, 3. HOLD.
5. The facilitator will repeat this two more times.
6. Upon completion, of the last exhale, the facilitator will say,
“Thank you everyone…this is a great exercise for yourself
and any group of students at the beginning of the day or
beginning of any period to help focus your students—
merely by closing one’s eyes, breathing deeply 3 times and
letting the power of visualization help center and focus
their busy minds.
Linden & Carter
November 16th, 2020

Action Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) 5-7

- PMR helps to release the tension you are holding in your
body and feel more relaxed and calm
1. To start, students stand with feet shoulder width apart and
stretch arms out to each side
2. Twist the body slowly, keep the arms outstretched until
you cannot go any further (do not overstrain)
3. Come back to neutral and roll shoulders, shake arms,
release tension; twist the other direction (do not
4. Sit back down and assume an upright, active posture
5. Starting with the feet and toes and moving through the
lower leg, upper leg, glutes, abs and chest, briefly tense
muscles and then release (if you have an injured area, skip)
6. Continue with hands and fingers, moving through the
forearm, upper arm, shoulders, neck, jaw, and face, briefly
tense muscles and then release (again, skip injured areas)
7. Repeat twist exercise from the beginning and see if you
can twist further after completing PMR

Consolidation - Have all students share one word or thought in the chat 2 minutes
that represents how they felt after completing the
breathing and progressive muscle relaxation activity

More information about PMR at:

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