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Level III – Unit 2: Our green future

Task 1:
Time: 12 hours

In this unit you will make predictions about our environmental future.


a. Standar 3. Students express in their own words (clearly and precisely) the
most important information (in a role play).

b. Standar 5. Students make assumptions that are reasonable and justifiable,

given the situation and the evidence.


a. Students describe the practices and current environmental state in the

country and Latin America.


a. Uses some simple structures for expressing future: will – Zero and first
b. Can use useful sentences to express opinion. (Agree/disagree).

1. Exploration stage

Vocabulary (nearpod/

Term definition/picture


blaze intense direct light often accompanied by heat


record-breaking better, greater, higher, etc., than any other in the

past : beyond any previous record
forest fire

bleaching to make whiter or lighter especially by physical or

chemical removal of color

shortage lack, deficit

Bering strait



The environment in 2050: flooded cities, forced

migration – and the Amazon turning to savannah
Good morning. Here is the shipping forecast for midday, 21 June, 2050. Seas will be rough, with violent
storms and visibility ranging from poor to very poor for the next 24 hours. The outlook for tomorrow is
less fair.”

All being well, this could be a weather bulletin released by the Met Office and broadcast by the BBC in
the middle of this century. Destructive gales may not sound like good news, but they will be among the
least of the world’s problems in the coming era of peak climate turbulence. With social collapse a very
real threat in the next 30 years.
El medio ambiente en 2050: ciudades inundadas, migración forzada - y el Amazonas convirtiéndose en sabana 
Buenos días. Aquí está el pronóstico de embarque para el mediodía,
21 de junio de 2050. Los mares estarán agitados, con tormentas violentas y una visibilidad que va de pobre a 
muy pobre durante las próximas 24 horas. Las perspectivas para mañana son menos justas". Si todo va bien, es
te podría ser un boletín meteorológico publicado por el Met Office y emitido por la BBC a mediados de este si
glo. Los vendavales destructivos pueden no parecer buenas noticias, pero estarán entre los menores problemas 
del mundo en la próxima era de máxima turbulencia climática. Con el colapso social como una amenaza muy r
eal en los próximos 30 años.
The heat of the climate movement is certainly less latent. In the past year, the world has seen Greta
Thunberg’s solo school strikes morph into a global movement of more than six million demonstrators;
Extinction Rebellion activists have seized bridges and blocked roads in capital cities; the world has heard
ever more alarming warnings from UN scientists, David Attenborough and the UN envoy for climate
action, Mark Carney; dozens of national parliaments and city councils have declared climate
emergencies; and the issue has risen further to the fore in the current UK general election than any before
it. With only weeks to go until 2020, the bubbles of climate anxiety are massing near the surface.
El calor del movimiento climático es ciertamente menos latente. En el último año, el mundo ha visto cómo las 
huelgas escolares en solitario de Greta Thunberg se han transformado en un movimiento mundial de más de se
is millones de manifestantes; los activistas de la Rebelión de la Extinción se han apoderado de puentes y han b
loqueado carreteras en las capitales; el mundo ha escuchado advertencias cada vez más alarmantes de los cient
íficos de las Naciones Unidas, David Attenborough, y del enviado de las Naciones Unidas para la acción climá
tica, Mark Carney; docenas de parlamentos nacionales y ayuntamientos han declarado emergencias climáticas; 
y la cuestión ha cobrado mayor importancia en las actuales elecciones generales del Reino Unido que en ningu
na otra ocasión anterior. A sólo unas semanas del 2020, las burbujas de la ansiedad climática se están acumula
ndo cerca de la superficie.
Radford’s most precise predictions relate to the science. Writing after the record-breaking UK heat of
2003, he warned such scorching temperatures would become the norm. “Expect summer 2020 to be every
bit as oppressive.” How right he was. Since then, the world has sweltered through the 10 hottest years in
history. The UK registered a new high of 38.7C this July, which was the planet’s warmest month since
measurements began.
Las predicciones más precisas de Radford se relacionan con la ciencia. Escribiendo después del récord de calo
r en el Reino Unido en 2003, advirtió que tales temperaturas abrasadoras se convertirían en la norma". Espera 
que el verano de 2020 sea igual de opresivo". Cuánta razón tenía. Desde entonces, el mundo ha pasado por los 
10 años más calurosos de la historia. El Reino Unido registró un nuevo máximo de 38,7C este julio, que fue el 
mes más cálido del planeta desde que comenzaron las mediciones.
He also correctly anticipated how much more hostile this would make the climate – with increasingly
ferocious storms (for the first time on record, there have been category 5 hurricanes, such as Dorian and
Harvey, for four years in a row), intensifying forest fires (consider the devastating blazes in Siberia and
the Amazon this year, or California and Lapland in 2018) and massive bleaching of coral reefs (which is
happening with growing frequency across most of the world). All of this has come to pass, as have
Radford’s specific predictions of worsening floods in Bangladesh, desperate droughts in southern Africa,
food shortages in the Sahel and the opening up of the northwest passage due to shrinking sea ice (the
huge cruise liner, Crystal Serenity, is among the many ships that have sailed through the Bering Strait in
recent years – a route that was once deemed impossible by even the most intrepid explorers).
También anticipó correctamente lo mucho más hostil que esto haría al clima - con tormentas cada vez más fer
oces (por primera vez en la historia, ha habido huracanes de categoría 5, como Dorian y Harvey, durante cuatr
o años consecutivos), la intensificación de los incendios forestales (consideremos los devastadores incendios e
n Siberia y el Amazonas este año, o en California y Laponia en 2018) y el blanqueo masivo de los arrecifes de 
coral (que está ocurriendo con creciente frecuencia en la mayor parte del mundo). Todo esto se ha cumplido, a
l igual que las predicciones específicas de Radford sobre el empeoramiento de las inundaciones en Bangladesh
, las sequías desesperadas en el sur de África, la escasez de alimentos en el Sahel y la apertura del paso al noro
este debido a la disminución del hielo marino (el enorme crucero Crystal Serenity es uno de los muchos buque
s que han navegado por el Estrecho de Bering en los últimos años,
una ruta que antes era considerada imposible incluso por los exploradores más intrépidos).

Question options/Answer

1 Greta Thunberg’s solo school strikes have.. a. millions of demonstrators

b. anger of authorities
c. a global movement of pollution

2 have declared climate emergencies a. national parliaments and city councils

b. People on the streets
c. The president

3 the world has sweltered through the 10 hottest a. since 2003

years in history... b. since 2020
c. since the 1970’s

4 Examples of category 5 hurricanes are... a. Harvey and Dorian

b. Dora and Harvey
c. Dorian and Barbara

5 massive bleaching of coral reefs is... a. happening with growing frequency

b. happening with low frequency
c. not happening

Foro: Reflect and argument: are Greta Thunberg’s strikes and discourses useful? why?

I think they have been of little use, as the larger companies and some countries have continued to
pollute massively, they do not care how much damage they do to the environment. Fortunately
there are other countries that have been implementing strategies to reduce the ecological damage
we have caused.




Question options/Answer

1 sorry we... d. listen to people who made excuses

e. bitten our own doings
f. better to people my illusions

2 We didn’t realize... d. how special the earth was

e. how riches the earth was
f. how precious the earth was

3 believe it or not…. d. it was once called the amazon

e. it was was called the amazing rainforest
f. it was cold the amazon big forest

d. we literally
4 Let me tell you trees are amazing

breath the air

they are
e. we lit a bit
breed the air
they are
f. We reading
birth the air
them are
d. we literally breath the air they are
e. we lit a bit breed the air they are
f. We reading birth the air them are

5 which is why I am so sorry to tell you that we... d. cut them down with brutal machines
e. burn they down with brown chins
f. copped then down with our machines

1 lo siento nosotros. . .
d. escuchar a la gente que puso excusas
e. morder nuestras propias acciones
f. mejor a la gente mis ilusiones
2 no nos dimos cuenta. . .
d. lo especial que era la tierra
e. lo rico que era la tierra
f. lo precioso que era la tierra
3 lo creas o no. . . .
d. una vez fue llamado el bosque lluvioso amazónico
e. fue llamado el bosque lluvioso asombroso
f. era frío el bosque amazónico grande
4 Déjenme decirles que los árboles son asombrosos
d. literalmente respiramos el aire que están creando
e. encendimos un poco el aire que están creando
f. leímos nacimiento el aire que están creando
5 por lo que siento mucho decirles que nosotros. . .
d. los cortamos con máquinas brutales
e. los quemamos con barbillas marrones
f. los copiamos y luego los bajamos con nuestras máquinas

Video foro: build and record 5 sentences starting by sorry for + a bad behavior.
Ex: sorry for not separating garbage.

Practice: match the phrases to build a complete sentence:

1. If the ice caps melt,

2. If it is sunny tomorrow, a. I will go to the park with my friends.
3. If I get a good job and earn lots of money, b. I will buy a new car.
4. If I see her, c. I will tell her.
5. If I study hard enough, d. I will be happy.
6. If Arsenal win the cup, e. sea levels will rise.
f. I will pass the exam.
Sorry for drinking water in a plastic bottle
Sorry for using vehicles that pollute.
Sorry for having furniture in wood.
Sorry for spending more water than necessary.
Sorry for using non-degradable products.

2. research: Foro (Avance 1 de producto final)

Look for information on one of the following topics:

● overfishing
● overpopulation
● coltan mining
● coal mining
● deforestation
● coral bleaching
Complete the following chart with 5 entries:

Cause/current state future Effect Solution/prevention

(tarea manito)

Watch the following video and share 5 possible future effects on the environment as shown
in the examples. (Jamboard, foro o

Reading 2:

Match the concepts with their definitions. Then, read the text and answer the questions.

Term definition/picture

Investors Avoidance of the depletion of natural resources

in order to maintain an ecological balance.

Biofuels Climate, soil, and living things.

Global warming A hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty.

Sustainability Not harmful to the environment.

Environment A person or organization that puts money into

financial schemes, property, etc. with the
expectation of achieving a profit.

pitfalls A natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the

geological past from the remains of living

Eco-friendly A fuel derived immediately from living matter.

Fossil fuels The group of people with the authority to

govern a country or state.

Civil unrest A gradual increase in the overall temperature of

the earth's atmosphere.

Governments An activity arising from a mass act of civil


Reading and comprehension section: Read the text and answer the following six questions.

Biofuels and the Environment

Leading investors have joined the growing chorus of concern about governments and companies
rushing into producing biofuels as a solution for global warming, saying that many involved in the
sector could be jeopardising future profits if they do not consider the long-term impact of what they
are doing carefully.

It is essential to build sustainability criteria into the supply chain of any green fuel project in order to
ensure that there is no adverse effect on the surrounding environment and social structures. The
report produced by the investors expresses concern that many companies may not be fully aware of
the potential pitfalls in the biofuel sector.

Production of corn and soya beans has increased dramatically in the last years as an eco-friendly
alternative to fossil fuels but environmental and human rights campaigners are worried that this will
lead to destruction of rain forests. Food prices could also go up as there is increased competition for
crops as both foodstuffs and sources of fuel. Last week, the UN warned that biofuels could have
dangerous side effects and said that steps need to be taken to make sure that land converted to
grow biofuels does not damage the environment or cause civil unrest. There is already great concern
about palm oil, which is used in many foods in addition to being an important biofuel, as rain forests
are being cleared in some countries and people driven from their homes to create palm oil

An analyst and author of the investors' report says that biofuels are not a cure for climate change
but they can play their part as long as governments and companies manage the social and
environmental impacts thoroughly. There should also be greater measure taken to increase
efficiency and to reduce demand.

Comprehension Questions...

1. ____ are worried about the boom in biofuels.

a. Few people
b. Many people
c. Only these leading investors

2. Biofuel producers ____ know about the possible problems.

a. do not
b. might not
c. must not

3. Environmentalists believe that increased production of corn and soya

a. has destroyed rain forests.
b. may lead to the destruction of rain forests.
c. will lead to the destruction of rain forests.

4. Biofuels might
a. drive food prices up.
b. drive food prices down.
c. have little or no impact on food prices.

5. The increased production of palm oil

a. just affects the environment.
b. just affects people.
c. affects both people and the environment.

6. The author of the report says that biofuels

a. have no role to play in fighting global warming.
b. can be effective in fighting global warming on their own.
c. should be part of a group of measures to fight global warming.

fase innovación

Foro: what will happen in the future? (Avance 2 de producto final)

Look at the pictures and give your opinion. Then reply to a classmate, express agree/disagree and
explain why.
In pairs, create three political proposals in order to solve problems you consider are
really problematic for the next generations. Think about how you can give an accurate and
sustainable solution.

Environmental problem Name of proposal Solution

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