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Midland Reporter-Telegram | | Sunday, October 21, 2012 | Page 2F

Photo by Greg Hendershot, Courrtesy Motorwise

Midland College
To register and for more information,
go to the Midland College PPDC Website:

Special Events

Petroleum Land Management Certifi-

cate Program
Six (6) Months Online Program - Com-
ing November 5, 2012
Go to PPDC Website for more informa-

Midland College PPDC, SPE Permian

Basin Section, Permian Basin Petroleum
Association Present:
Horizontal Completions in Permian
Basin Unconventional Reservoirs
November 20, 2012 (Tuesday), Mid-
land College Carrasco Room, 3600 N.
Garfield, Midland, TX
Registration information will be avail-
able soon - Stay tuned!


Petroleum Land Management

Instructor: Alyce Hoge
October 23-24, Tue-Wed, 8:30 a.m. -
4:30 p.m.
$649; Out of State, $674 (includes $50
materials fee)
Midland College PPDC Building, 105
W. Illinois

PetroSkills: Making Your Words Count

Instructor: Dr. David Pelton
October 24-25; two (2) four (4) hour
sessions; 8 a.m. - Noon
$425; Out of State, $450 (includes $50 Now ready for general release after three years of field testing in the Permian Basin, MotorWise technology, according to company
manual) president David Cibrian, could save producers 20-25 percent in electrical costs on beam-pumped wells.
Midland College PPDC Building, 105

Motorwise expects clients to save up to 25

W. Illinois

Instructor: Greg Hinterlong
October 25-26, Thu-Fri, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

percent off pumpjack electric costs

Class is full-call to be put on the waiting
$625; Out of State, $650
Midland College PPDC Building, 105
W. Illinois
By Paul Wiseman Another source of savings is in letting pany is now located in San Antonio, they
Evaluating Resource Plays with Practi- Special to the Oil Report gravity do its work. When the pumpjack is are well situated to move into that area as
cal Statistics on the downstroke, it does not need any well. Cibrian said they plan to look nation-
Instructor: Russell Hall
Three years of testing on pumpjacks in assistance from the motor. The MotorWise wide and worldwide for customers as well.
October 25, Thu, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. unit detects this cycle and turns off the Currently employing 60 people, that num-
$865; Out of State, $890 the Permian Basin has led MotorWise
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 President David Cibrian to announce that motor for a few milliseconds, starting it ber will grow as opportunities arise.
W. Illinois the company’s power-saving technology is back up when the upstroke. Over the MotorWise has a view that is larger than
ready for full release. Cibrian states that course of days and weeks those millisec- just individual pump jacks. Cibrian has
Basic Oilfield Operations Training onds add up. spoken with power company executives
Instructor: Mike Brock the company's tests with a number of mid-
October 30-31, Tue-Wed, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. size independents, has shown the technolo- Cibrian added that the constant restart- who welcome the unit’s power savings
$475; Out of State, $450 gy to save 20-25 percent on pumpjack ing of the motor is mitigated by the unit’s because the state’s electricity resources are
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 electricity costs. soft start feature, allowing the motor to go likely to be stretched thin over the next
W. Illinois “Those numbers come from the power from rest to full speed in a managed fash- few years. The state’s population growth
company,” Cibrian stated. Tests were con- ion. This reduces mechanical stress on the and the ramp-up of oil production have
The Oilfield from Planning to Plugging
Instructor: T.E. Gill ducted by running a pumpjack on the motor and attached equipment. He noted pushed up power consumption faster than
October 30-31, Tue-Wed, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. MotorWise box in alternating months and that the can further reduce costs by extend- new plants can be built. “This is a great
$430; Out of State, $455 comparing the electric bills with and with- ing the life of motors and equipment opportunity for oil companies to go green
Midland College PPDC Building, 105
out the technology in operation. Cibrian because of its soft-start feature and and actually save money rather than spend-
W. Illinois because its power conservation reduces ing more,” Cibrian said, adding that a typi-
said the company has put the technology
Basics of Mudlogging on over 1,000 Basin wells over the last damage caused by noise and vibrations. cal MotorWise unit pays for itself in 20-36
Instructor: Sandra Elliott three years. The motorwise equipment itself has so months.
November 1, Thu, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. The greatest hurdle for MotorWise is the far seen a failure rate of .4 percent, which The TechnoWise Group, of which
$325; Out of State, $350
long list of predecessors — all from other Cibrian called z’extraordinary,” especially MotorWise is a part, is also testing a
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 for a new product. home-use module that is expected to do
W. Illinois companies — whose promises of power
savings were greater than their ability to One unit is required for each motor, and the same for residential customers as
An Introduction to Coiled Tubing deliver. “Other (previous) technologies installation takes just a few minutes. MotorWise does for oil producers. In truth,
Instructor: Jeff Harris provided savings of-if any-not more than Now headquartered in San Antonio, the said Cibrian, MotorWise technology will
November 1, Thu, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. company was founded seven years ago in work for any industrial motor application.
$280; Out of State, $305 3-4 percent. Ours, based on physics, has
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 been thoroughly tested for three years and Dallas. The recently-completed three-year The home units are being tested in Mexico
W. Illinois proven to provide savings of 20-25 per- testing phase was preceded by four years and may become available later this year
cent, up to 30 percent, in real dollar sav- of R & D. “We were very concerned that in San Antonio.
PetroSkills: Primary Cementing 1 ings,” Cibrian said. we make sure that the product worked as
Instructor: Mr. Jerry Calvert advertised before we went to market with Paul Wiseman can be reached at fitto-
November 5-8, Mon-Thu, 8a.m. - 5 The unit is programmed to monitor the
p.m. applied voltage and the current consumed it,” Cibrian recalled. “We would rather be
$3,310; to register, contact by a motor and to adjust the incoming slow to market than come out with some- or call (800) 821-5933. Fee power to a level that exactly matches the thing that did not perform.” On the Web: MotorWise is part of the
is paid directly to PetroSkills
need. Cibrian explained that this "right-siz- The Permian Basin was chosen for ini- TechnoWise group. Learn more about
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 tial tests because of its predominance of MotorWise at http://www.techno-
W. Illinois ing" of the load reduces power consump-
tion. surface-pumped wells. Because the com-
Property Evaluation

Melvin F. “Trey” Hunt III

Instructor: J. T. (Tommy) Lent, Jr.
November 6-7, Tue-Wed, 8:30 a.m. -
4:30 p.m.
$430; Out of State, $455; CPE credit,

Permian Basin oil and gas

Midland College PPDC Building, 105
W. Illinois
"We have registered with the Texas
State Board of Public Accountancy as a
CPE sponsor. This registration does not

exploration during the next five years

constitute an endorsement by the Board
as to the quality of our CPE program."
Eligible for 14 CPE credits. Prerequisite:
None; Delivery Method: Group-Live; Pro-
gram Level: Introductory; Preparation:
None. By Melvin F. “Trey" resent a modern-day Industrial
Revolution, a revolution that
Petroleum Engineering for Non-Engi-
neers will make so much more
Instructor: Dr. Jennifer Miskimins hydrocarbon energy available
The oil and gas industry in to consumers in the United
November 8-9, Thu-Fri, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
$695; Out of State, $720 the United States face various States and beyond.
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 trends within the next five The Eagle Ford shale area, a
W. Illinois years, trends that promote con- few hours southwest of Hous- Partner, Weaver
Internet Resources for Land Profes-
siderable optimism but also ton, serves as an example of
sionals highlight the need for continu- the impact those technologies
Instructor: Alan Morgan al vigilance. Those trends can have for increasing hydro- an Basin companies, the operating in the Eastern United
November 9, Fri, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. relate to the cost and availabili-
$280; Out of State, $305 carbon energy production. For national regulatory landscape States. Such calls, though, may
Midland College PPDC Building, 105
ty of credit and capital, tech- more than 50 years, oil and gas presents potential for unfavor- also affect Texas oil and gas
W. Illinois nology, regulatory landscape, companies ignored the Eagle able conditions. operations during the next five
and global conditions and ener- Ford shale area due to its poor The two major political par- years.
John M. Campbell & Company: Opera- gy demand. Those trends economic profile. During that ties in the United States differ Global Conditions and
tor Training for Oil & Gas Processing extend directly to Permian
Facilities span, the area was home to in how they view the oil and Energy Demand
Instructor: Mr. Stephen Pehnec Basin oil and gas companies. more white-tailed deer, javeli- gas industry. Among other Oil is a global commodity
November 12-16, Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. - 5 Cost and Availability of nas and rattlesnakes than peo- issues, those differences are and various economic side-
p.m. Capital and Credit ple. Thanks to the combination reflected in debates regarding effects caused by regulatory
$3,482; contact or Adverse business conditions
call (800) 821-5933. Fee is paid directly of hydraulic fracturing and the continuation of the Intangi- and geo-political changes may
to PetroSkills in the United States during the horizontal drilling, the vast ble Drilling Costs (IDC) affect oil companies more than
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 past five years prompted the reserves of the Eagle Ford deduction, Cost Depletion traditional market fundamen-
W. Illinois Federal Reserve to reduce the shale area are now being allowance and other federal tax tals, such as supply and
prime lending rate to promote exploited. incentives favorable to the oil demand.
PetroSkills: Surface Production Opera-
tions investment and economic While those technologies are and gas industry. Whether or The measured and efficient
Mr. Jeffrey S. McMullan growth. often associated with natural not such tax provisions remain exploitation of natural
November 12-16, Mon-Fri, 8 a.m. - 5 Although the national econo- gas production and previously in effect for 2013 and beyond resources around the world
p.m. my continues to display signs untapped areas, they have also may hinge on November 2012 depends upon maintaining
$3,635; contact or election results and any ensu-
call (800) 821-5933. Fee is paid directly of recovery, interest rates are been adopted by oil compa- political stability in Saudi Ara-
to PetroSkills likely to remain low for quite nies, enabling them to greatly ing Congressional and White bia, Nigeria, Venezuela, and
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 some time, with credit readily extend the productive lifespans House negotiations. other energy-exporting nations.
W. Illinois available for capital expendi- of mature oil-producing While domestic oil and gas Political unrest in such interna-
tures. That is great news for regions, including the Permian companies benefit from tech- tional regions will influence
Oilfield Manager (OFM) - Introduction nological advances, they also
Instructor: Celia Payne Permian Basin companies Basin. market conditions for Permian
November 13-14, Tue-Wed, 8 a.m. - 4 seeking funds to expand opera- Regulatory Landscape face calls for more stringent Basin companies.
p.m. tions. While the lower cost of capi- regulation regarding hydraulic At some point, though, the
$870; Out of State, $895 Technology tal, the availability of credit fracturing and other practices. global economy will also
Midland College PPDC Building, 105 Up to now, those calls have
W. Illinois Horizontal drilling and and improved technology hold
hydraulic fracturing might rep- tremendous promise for Permi- mainly affected companies Please see HUNT/3F

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