Roley Play On Vacation

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Roley play on vacation

Hola Estefany te voy contar sobre mis vacaciones

pasadas ,en mis ultimas vacaciones yo fui a
Cartagena con mi familia nos fuimos en el carro de
mi papa porque el mio estaba dañado,llegamos alas
8 de la mañana , nos instalamos, despues salimos a
desayunar ,de ahí fuimos a caminar las calles
amuralladas ,el reloj, el muelle de los pegasos y la
playa porque las niñas querían bañarse porque se
sentían acaloradas.
Despues nos fuimos a almorzar en un restaurante
muy bonito y estilo coloquial,la gente muy
servicial,la comida era muy deliciosa y el hotel
donde nos hospedamos era muy elegante,y las
habitaciones eran grandes y tenia piscina.
Pero te recomiendo que vayas con ropa muy
comoda y ligera porque el clima es muy caliente .
El viaje estuvo muy divertido ,tenia un ambiente
familiar espectacular, te aconsejo que vayas con tu
familia a disfrutar de la bella Cartagena de indias y
sus alrededores .
Chao, cuídate nos vemos .
Roley play on vacation

Hi Estefany I am going to tell you about my past

vacations, in my last vacation I went to Cartagena
with my family we went in my dad's car because
mine was damaged, we arrived at 8 in the morning,
we settled down, then we went out to have
breakfast, from there we went to walk the walled
streets, the clock, the Pegasus pier and the beach
because the girls wanted to swim because they felt
Afterwards we went to have lunch in a very nice
and colloquial style restaurant, the people were
very helpful, the food was very delicious and the
hotel where we stayed was very elegant, and the
rooms were big and had a swimming pool.
But I recommend you to go with very comfortable
and light clothes because the climate is very hot.
The trip was very fun, had a spectacular family
atmosphere, I advise you to go with your family to
enjoy the beautiful Cartagena de Indias and its
Bye, take care, see you soon.

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