Magnetom C!: Update Instructions 032/07/P MR

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Update Instructions 032/07/P
SP3, SP4, and SP5 for Numaris/4 VA30A

Wang ChuanTao
Performance Update
Urgent? Q Yes H No
Time period within 6 months
Intranet download available? Q Yes H No
Remote update handling feasible? Q Yes without CSE Q Yes with CSE H No
(Category 2) (Category 1/3)
Materials for logistic update H Yes Q No
Materials free of charge? H Yes Q No
Q No, but credit at return
Return of parts? Q Yes H No
Estimated completion time 2 hour(s) Number of CSE’s: 1
Customer application training? Q Yes H No

Criteria for system to be affected

Criteria Value
System material number 10019518
System serial number See table on the following pages.

Chg. ref. no.: 520846

© Siemens, 2008
- Restricted - All documents may only be used
Name: Wang Chuan Tao by authorized personnel for rendering services
on Siemens Healthcare Products. Any docu-
ment in electronic form may be printed once.
Dept.: CS PS SMMR Copy and distribution of electronic documents
- Restricted
Siemens, -2008
All documents may only be used by authorized personnel for rendering services on Siemens Healthcare Products. Any document in electronic form may be printed once. Copy and distribution of electronic documents and hardcopies is prohibited. Offenders will be liable for damages. All other rights are reserved.
and hardcopies is prohibited. Offenders will be
liable for damages. All other rights are reserved.

Print No.: M4-030.896.09.01.02 English

Replaces: n.a. Doc. Gen. Date: 06.09

2 Copyright / Version / Disclaimer
1Copyright / Version / Disclaimer

“© Siemens, 2008“ refers to the copyright of a Siemens entity such as Siemens Aktienge-
sellschaft - Germany, Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Resonance Ltd. - China, Siemens
Shanghai Medical Equipment Ltd. - China, Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc. - USA,
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc. - USA and/or Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Prod-
ucts GmbH - Germany.

Document Version
Siemens reserves the right to change its products and services at any time.
In addition, manuals are subject to change without notice. The hardcopy documents corre-
spond to the version at the time of system delivery and/or printout. Versions to hardcopy
documentation are not automatically distributed. Please contact your local Siemens office
to order current version or refer to our website

Siemens provides this documentation “as is“ without the assumption of any liability under
any theory of law.
The service of equipment described herein is to be performed by qualified personnel who
are employed by Siemens or one of its affiliates or who are otherwise authorized by Sie-
mens or one of its affiliates to provide such services.
Assemblers and other persons who are not employed by or otherwise directly affiliated with
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Table of Contents 3
0Table of Contents

1 _______ Preparations____________________________________________________ 4

General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Systems/products affected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Reason for the update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Special tools / documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Information on materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Contents of the update kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Ordering information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Intranet download preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Return of parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2 _______ Update_________________________________________________________ 8

Work steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Software package installation overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
SP3 installation at the MRSC, if applicable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
SP3 installation at the MRIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
SP3 installation at the MRC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Manual protocol update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Service workflow engine update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
SP4 installation at the MRSC, if applicable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
SP4 installation at the MRIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
SP4 installation at the MRC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
SP5 installation at the MRIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
SP5 installation at the MRC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
System restart - IMPORTANT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Additional information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Final check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Informing the customer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Final work steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Changes to previous version. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3 _______ Completion Protocol ____________________________________________ 27

4 _______ List of Hazard IDs ______________________________________________ 28

© Siemens, 2008 M4-030.896.09.01.02 Page 3 of 28 MAGNETOM C!

Restricted 06.09 CS SD SMMR
4 Preparations
General information

Systems/products affected 0

All MAGNETOM C! systems running on VA30A.

Reason for the update 0

This Update Instruction provides a software patch SP3, to add features for MAGNETOM C!
which are not implemented in the VA30A major version:
• EPI_C! in Multi Channel Application Suite #C
• MPPS in Multi Channel Application Suite #C
• Features CBF, CBV, MTT for perfusion
• spectral FAT SAT
Support for the new MPCU4.
This Update Instruction also provides software patches SP4 and SP5, to solve problems
with the image calculation which were introduced with the SP3. And SP5 also provides a
solution which improves the reliability of the Dixon technique for fat saturation.
Further improvements have been implemented in the service packs.

Prerequisites 0

Software VA30A is installed.

Special tools / documents 0

Check the Med CS Intranet/Extranet for the latest version of this document (For Service ->
Product Information) or contact your local Siemens office if you do not have access to the
Siemens Intranet/Extranet.

For logistics updates


For Intranet updates

Material No. Name

03 07 86 31 Blank “write once read many“ (WORM) CD media TDK CDR 74 or
n.a. SPC equipped with CD-R drive (CD burner)
n.a. Actual virus scanner on SPC

MAGNETOM C! M4-030.896.09.01.02 Page 4 of 28 © Siemens, 2008

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Preparations 5

Material No. Name

n.a. CD burning software such as NERO or equivalent on SPC
06 00 14 86 Blank floppy disk 3.5″ 1.44MB - Sony 10MDF-2HDCF or equivalent.

© Siemens, 2008 M4-030.896.09.01.02 Page 5 of 28 MAGNETOM C!

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6 Preparations

Information on materials 1.1

Contents of the update kit 0

Update kit 10500198 contains the following parts:

Item Quantity Material No. Name

1 1 10277584 DVD syngo MR VA30A-SP3
2 1 10433374 DVD syngo MR VA30A-SP4
3 1 10498416 DVD syngo MR VA30A-SP5
4 1 M4-030.896.09 Update instructions

Ordering information 0

The following update kit has to be ordered from CSML (SAP Distribution Channel, plant
2050/6050) or BU Logistics (factory BU) (only with an order via BU Logistics):

Update kit 10500198

Intranet download preparation 0

The required file: “RepairFV_VA30A.exe“ must be downloaded from the MED CS Intra-
• Navigate to ““ and follow the path
For Service > Product Information > MR Systems > Downloads > 4VA30A.
• In the “4VA30A Page“, left-click the file to be downloaded “RepairFV_VA30A.exe“.
• Save the file to the hard drive C:\..., when finished close the window.
• Check the file with a standard virus scanner.
• Double-click the downloaded service pack to test whether it is OK.
Extract the file by clicking “Unzip“.
A pop-up window prompts you to enter a password. Enter the password and click OK.
The password can be found in the modification letter for these update instructions.
Check whether 1 file is successfully extracted (pop-up message). Click Close to con-
• Label a blank CD-R as follows, “RepairFV_VA30A Intranet“ and insert it into the CD
burner driver “X:\ “of the SPC.
With a standard burning program such as NERO, transfer only the file
RepairFV_VA30A.exe to the CD-R. It is not necessary to transfer all the extracted files
to CD-R.
• Remove the update CD-R from the CD drive.

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Preparations 7

NOTE Once the files are extracted to the CD, these files cannot be
copied to another CD for distribution (e.g. no CD-to-CD cop-
ies, as it cannot be verified that the software is free of

Return of parts 0


© Siemens, 2008 M4-030.896.09.01.02 Page 7 of 28 MAGNETOM C!

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8 Update
Work steps

Software package installation overview 0

The following list shows a brief overview of the work steps required for the update.
1. (SP3 installation at the MRSC, if applicable / p. 9)
2. (SP3 installation at the MRIR / p. 10)
3. (SP3 installation at the MRC / p. 12)
4. (Manual protocol update / p. 13)
5. (Service workflow engine update / p. 14)
6. (SP4 installation at the MRSC, if applicable / p. 15)
7. (SP4 installation at the MRIR / p. 16)
8. (SP4 installation at the MRC / p. 18)
9. (SP5 installation at the MRIR / p. 20)
10. (SP5 installation at the MRC / p. 21)
11. (System restart - IMPORTANT / p. 23)
12. (Final check / p. 25)

NOTE The MRIR must also be updated.

Additional information:
• (Install RepairFV_VA30A at MRC/MRSC before SP3 installation / p. 23)
• (Check whether the service patch is installed / p. 24)
• (In the case of service package installation failure / p. 25)
• On certain systems, the following or a similar error message may be displayed at times:

Fig. 1: Error message

Accept the message by clicking OK: installation will continue.

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Update 9

SP3 installation at the MRSC, if applicable 0

Action MRSC
• Log in MRSC as “administrator“. Q
• (Install RepairFV_VA30A at MRC/MRSC before SP3 installation / p. 23) Q
• Insert the VA30A SP3 disk into the DVD-ROM (R:). Q
• Start Windows NT Explorer by: Q
- Clicking START -> Programs -> Accessories -> Windows Explorer
• Navigate to the DVD-ROM (R:). Q
• Run the MR_Update.bat program by double-clicking it. Q
The program will initially copy the software update package to the system. After
copying is complete, installation of the package will start in a new CMD window
(this will take approx. 10 min.)
The original CMD window displays: Press any key to continue ... This
can be safely done at any time. The CD will be ejected AUTOMATICALLY. Log
file entries such as: Installation finished with ERRORLEVEL: 42 indi-
cate no errors.
• Remove the VA30A SP3 disk from DVD-ROM. Q
Note: The software package installation on the MRIR can now be started simultaneously
(SP3 installation at the MRIR / p. 10)
The installation is complete when the following message is displayed in the CMD Q
- all packages have been installed successfully.
--> Please reboot your system now. <--
Finished installation of update packages. (actual date, actual
The entire installation time is about 20 minutes.

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10 Update

Action MRSC
• Check the log file “C:\MedCom\MriProduct\inst\SWHistory.txt“ for the label Q
If this is not the case, the software package is not installed correctly.
(In the case of service package installation failure / p. 25)
Note: No need to reboot MRSC now. This can be done during SP4 installation. Q

SP3 installation at the MRIR 0

• Insert the VA30A-SP3 disk into the MRIR DVD-ROM. Q
• Log in to MRC as “administrator“. Q
• Start the remote desktop connection at the MRC by selecting START --> Q
RUN and entering ShowMeMRIR.bat ↵.
If the task bar is not visible, press Ctrl + ESC on the keyboard to access it (if a
monitor is not hooked up to the imager).
• Log into the MRIR with user “MRSystem“. Q
If the MRIR does not accept the password, check the keyboard language set-
ting. (Y <-> Z)
User name: MRSystem
Password: MRSystempwd
The following steps are performed using the remote desktop connection on the MRIR.
• Stop the component manager on the MRIR: Q
- Open a CMD tool window at the MRIR.
- Enter the following command:
stopcm ↵
- Wait until the command has finished.
Note: If the component manager on the MRIR is not stopped prior to SP3 instal-
lation, then SP3 installation could fail.
• Start Windows NT Explorer by: Q
- Clicking START -> Programs -> Accessories -> Windows Explorer
• Navigate to the DVD-ROM drive E: Q

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Update 11

• Run the MR_Update.bat program by double-clicking it. Q
The program will initially copy the software update package to the system. After
copying is complete, installation of the package will start in a new CMD window
(this will take approx. 10 min.)
The original CMD window displays: Press any key to continue ... This
can be safely done at any time. The CD will be ejected AUTOMATICALLY. Log
file entries such as: Installation finished with ERRORLEVEL: 42 indi-
cate no errors.
• Remove the VA30A SP3 disk from MRIR DVD-ROM. Q
Note: The software package installation on the MRC can now be started simultaneously.
(SP3 installation at the MRC / p. 12)
The installation is complete when the following message is displayed in the Q
CMD window:
- all packages have been installed successfully.
--> Please reboot your system now. <--
Finished installation of update packages. (actual date, actual
• Check the log file “C:\MedCom\MriProduct\inst\SWHistory.txt“ for the label Q
If this is not the case, the software package is not installed correctly.
(In the case of service package installation failure / p. 25)
• Close the remote desktop connection to the MRIR by clicking the “X“ on the Q
remote desktop bar.
Note: No need to reboot MRIR now. This can be done during the MRC update. Q

© Siemens, 2008 M4-030.896.09.01.02 Page 11 of 28 MAGNETOM C!

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12 Update

SP3 installation at the MRC 0

Note: Log in as “administrator“ and perform the MRIR update first.
(SP3 installation at the MRIR / p. 10)
• (Install RepairFV_VA30A at MRC/MRSC before SP3 installation / p. 23) Q
• Insert the VA30A SP3 disk into the DVD-ROM (R:). Q
• Start Windows NT Explorer by: Q
- Clicking START -> Programs -> Accessories -> Windows Explorer
• Navigate to the DVD-ROM (R:). Q
• Run the MR_Update.bat program by double-clicking it. Q
The program will initially copy the software update package to the system. After
copying is complete, installation of the package will start in a new CMD window
(this will take approx. 10 min.)
The original CMD window displays: Press any key to continue ... This
can be safely done at any time. The CD will be ejected AUTOMATICALLY. Log file
entries such as: Installation finished with ERRORLEVEL: 42 indicate
no errors. The installation is complete when the following message is displayed in
the CMD window:
- all packages have been installed successfully.
--> Please reboot your system now. <--
Finished installation of update packages. (actual date, actual time)
The entire installation time is about 20 minutes.
• Check the log file “C:\MedCom\MriProduct\inst\SWHistory.txt“ for the label Q
If this is not the case, the software package is not installed correctly.
(In the case of service package installation failure / p. 25)
• Remove the VA30A SP3 disk from DVD-ROM. Q

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Update 13

• Reboot the MRIR: Q
- Select the CMD tool window at the MRC if one is available, or open a new
- Enter the following command:
shutdown -r -m \\mrir ↵
(Use the same syntax for the command as shown above)
The MRIR reboots in 30 sec.
• Reboot the MRC from the start menu.
• Log in as “meduser“ if auto login is disabled. Q
• After the login, the license update starts and a progress window for the license Q
update can be displayed after the databases are started. It takes about 5 min-
utes for the progress window to appear.

Fig. 2: License update progress

The progress window automatically closes when the license update has success-
fully finished.
• Wait until the main UI is displayed. Q

Manual protocol update 0

NOTE Due to a bug in the update routine of the Service Pack, the fol-
lowing workarounds have to be performed in order to make
the new sequences available for the customer.

• Enable “advanced user“. Q
• Start the MRExamDBTool from START --> RUN: Q
and enter MRExamDBTool ↵

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14 Update

• In the displayed MRExamDBTool UI, mark the “Reinstall Siemens protocol“ Q
checkbox (first one) as in the image shown below.

Fig. 3: MRExamDBTool UI

• Start the conversion by clicking Execute. Q

• Wait for the update procedure to finish and click Close to close the UI. Q
• Open examexplorer and check that the gre_fs sequence is available at the Q
Siemens Tree.

Service workflow engine update 0

NOTE Due to a bug in the update routine of the Service Pack, the fol-
lowing workarounds have to be performed in order to make
the array shim device work reliably. With this action transmit-
ter, the voltage used for the array shim device is corrected.

• Select Options --> Service --> Local Service. Q
• Enter the valid service key and click OK. Q
• Select Configuration in the service platform. Q

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Update 15

• Select “Measurement“ --> “Meas.settings“ and wait until the settings are dis- Q
Do not change any values!
• Click Save. Q
• Continue by clicking Finish. Q
• Select under “Measurement“ --> “Avail.coils“, wait until the settings are dis- Q
• Click Save. Q
• Continue by clicking Finish. Q
• Click Home in the top right corner and confirm the requested reboot. Q
• Wait until the main UI is up and running. Q

SP4 installation at the MRSC, if applicable 0

Action MRSC
• Note: Software 4VA30A with SP3 must have been installed. Q
(Check whether the service patch is installed / p. 24)
• Reboot and log in MRSC as “administrator“. Q
• Insert the VA30A SP4 disk into the DVD-ROM (R:). Q
• Start Windows NT Explorer by: Q
- Clicking START -> Programs -> Accessories -> Windows Explorer
• Navigate to the DVD-ROM (R:). Q
• Run the MR_Update.bat program by double-clicking it. Q
The program will initially copy the software update package to the system. After
copying is complete, installation of the package will start in a new CMD window
(this will take approx. 10 min.)
The original CMD window displays: Press any key to continue ... This
can be safely done at any time. The CD will be ejected AUTOMATICALLY. Log
file entries such as: Installation finished with ERRORLEVEL: 42 indi-
cate no errors.
• Remove the VA30A SP4 disk from DVD-ROM. Q
Note: The software package installation on the MRIR can now be started simultaneously
(SP4 installation at the MRIR / p. 16)

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16 Update

Action MRSC
The installation is complete when the following message is displayed in the CMD Q
- all packages have been installed successfully.
--> Please reboot your system now. <--
Finished installation of update packages. (actual date, actual
The entire installation time is about 20 minutes.
• Check the log file “C:\MedCom\MriProduct\inst\SWHistory.txt“ for the label Q
If this is not the case, the software package is not installed correctly.
(In the case of service package installation failure / p. 25)
Note: No need to reboot MRSC now. This can be performed at the end of the Q

SP4 installation at the MRIR 0

Action MRIR
• Note: Software 4VA30A with SP3 must have been installed. Q
(Check whether the service patch is installed / p. 24)
• Insert the VA30A-SP4 disk into the MRIR DVD-ROM. Q
• Log in to MRC as “administrator“. Q
• Start the remote desktop connection at the MRC by selecting START --> RUN Q
and entering ShowMeMRIR.bat ↵.
If the task bar is not visible, press Ctrl + ESC on the keyboard to access it (if a
monitor is not hooked up to the imager).

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Update 17

Action MRIR
• Log into the MRIR with user “MRSystem“. Q
If the MRIR does not accept the password, check the keyboard language setting.
(Y <-> Z)
User name: MRSystem
Password: MRSystempwd
The following steps are performed using the remote desktop connection on the MRIR.
• Stop the component manager on the MRIR: Q
- Open a CMD tool window at the MRIR.
- Enter the following command:
stopcm ↵
- Wait until the command has finished.
Note: If the component manager on the MRIR is not stopped prior to SP4 instal-
lation, then SP4 installation could fail.
• Start Windows NT Explorer by: Q
- Clicking START -> Programs -> Accessories -> Windows Explorer
• Navigate to the DVD-ROM drive E: Q
• Run the MR_Update.bat program by double-clicking it. Q
The program will initially copy the software update package to the system. After
copying is complete, installation of the package will start in a new CMD window
(this will take approx. 10 min.)
The original CMD window displays: Press any key to continue ... This
can be safely done at any time. The CD will be ejected AUTOMATICALLY. Log file
entries such as: Installation finished with ERRORLEVEL: 42 indicate
no errors.
• Remove the VA30A SP4 disk from MRIR DVD-ROM. Q
Note: The software package installation on the MRC can now be started simultaneously.
(SP4 installation at the MRC / p. 18)

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18 Update

Action MRIR
The installation is complete when the following message is displayed in the CMD Q
- all packages have been installed successfully.
--> Please reboot your system now. <--
Finished installation of update packages. (actual date, actual time)
• Check the log file “C:\MedCom\MriProduct\inst\SWHistory.txt“ for the label Q
If this is not the case, the software package is not installed correctly.
(In the case of service package installation failure / p. 25)
• Close the remote desktop connection to the MRIR by clicking the “X“ on the Q
remote desktop bar.
Note: No need to reboot MRIR now. This can be done during the MRC update. Q

SP4 installation at the MRC 0

Action MRC
Note: Log in as “administrator“ and perform the MRIR update first.
(SP4 installation at the MRIR / p. 16)
• Note: Software 4VA30A with SP3 must have been installed. Q
(Check whether the service patch is installed / p. 24)
• Insert the VA30A SP4 disk into the DVD-ROM (R:). Q
• Start Windows NT Explorer by: Q
- Clicking START -> Programs -> Accessories -> Windows Explorer
• Navigate to the DVD-ROM (R:). Q

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Update 19

Action MRC
• Run the MR_Update.bat program by double-clicking it. Q
The program will initially copy the software update package to the system. After
copying is complete, installation of the package will start in a new CMD window
(this will take approx. 10 min.)
The original CMD window displays: Press any key to continue ... This
can be safely done at any time. The CD will be ejected AUTOMATICALLY. Log file
entries such as: Installation finished with ERRORLEVEL: 42 indicate
no errors. The installation is complete when the following message is displayed in
the CMD window:
- all packages have been installed successfully.
--> Please reboot your system now. <--
Finished installation of update packages. (actual date, actual time)
The entire installation time is about 20 minutes.
• Check the log file “C:\MedCom\MriProduct\inst\SWHistory.txt“ for the label Q
If this is not the case, the software package is not installed correctly.
(In the case of service package installation failure / p. 25)
• Remove the VA30A SP4 disk from DVD-ROM. Q
• Reboot the MRIR: Q
- Select the CMD tool window at the MRC, if one is available, or open a new
- Enter the following command:
shutdown -r -m \\mrir ↵
(Use the same syntax for the command as shown above)
The MRIR reboots in 30 sec.
• Reboot the MRC from the start menu.
• Log in as “meduser“ if auto login is disabled. Q
• Wait until the main UI is displayed. Q

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20 Update

SP5 installation at the MRIR 0

Action MRIR
• Insert the VA30A-SP5 disk into the MRIR DVD-ROM. Q
• Log in to MRC as “administrator“. Q
• Start the remote desktop connection at the MRC by selecting START --> RUN Q
and entering ShowMeMRIR.bat ↵.
If the task bar is not visible, press Ctrl + ESC on the keyboard to access it (if a
monitor is not hooked up to the imager).
• Log into the MRIR with user “MRSystem“. Q
If the MRIR does not accept the password, check the keyboard language setting.
(Y <-> Z)
User name: MRSystem
Password: MRSystempwd
The following steps are performed using the remote desktop connection on the MRIR.
• Stop the component manager on the MRIR: Q
- Open a CMD tool window at the MRIR.
- Enter the following command:
stopcm ↵
- Wait until the command has finished.
Note: If the component manager on the MRIR is not stopped prior to SP5 instal-
lation, then SP5 installation could fail.
• Start Windows NT Explorer by: Q
- Clicking START -> Programs -> Accessories -> Windows Explorer
• Navigate to the DVD-ROM drive E: Q
• Run the MR_Update.bat program by double-clicking it. Q
The program will initially copy the software update package to the system. After
copying is complete, installation of the package will start in a new CMD window
(this will take approx. 1 min.)
The original CMD window displays: Press any key to continue ... This
can be safely done at any time. The CD will be ejected AUTOMATICALLY. Log file
entries such as: Installation finished with ERRORLEVEL: 42 indicate
no errors.
• Remove the VA30A SP5 disk from MRIR DVD-ROM. Q
Note: The software package installation on the MRC can now be started simultaneously.
(SP5 installation at the MRC / p. 21)

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Update 21

Action MRIR
The installation is complete when the following message is displayed in the CMD Q
- all packages have been installed successfully.
--> Please reboot your system now. <--
Finished installation of update packages. (actual date, actual time)
• Check the log file “C:\MedCom\MriProduct\inst\SWHistory.txt“ for the label Q
If this is not the case, the software package is not installed correctly.
(In the case of service package installation failure / p. 25)
• Close the remote desktop connection to the MRIR by clicking the “X“ on the Q
remote desktop bar.
Note: No need to reboot MRIR now. This can be done during the MRC update. Q

SP5 installation at the MRC 0

Action MRC
Note: Log in as “administrator“ and perform the MRIR update first.
(SP5 installation at the MRIR / p. 20)
• Note: Software 4VA30A with SP4 must have been installed. Q
(Check whether the service patch is installed / p. 24)
• Insert the VA30A SP5 disk into the DVD-ROM (R:). Q
• Start Windows NT Explorer by: Q
- Clicking START -> Programs -> Accessories -> Windows Explorer
• Navigate to the DVD-ROM (R:). Q

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22 Update

Action MRC
• Run the MR_Update.bat program by double-clicking it. Q
The program will initially copy the software update package to the system. After
copying is complete, installation of the package will start in a new CMD window
(this will take approx. 1 min.)
The original CMD window displays: Press any key to continue ... This
can be safely done at any time. The CD will be ejected AUTOMATICALLY. Log file
entries such as: Installation finished with ERRORLEVEL: 42 indicate
no errors. The installation is complete when the following message is displayed in
the CMD window:
- all packages have been installed successfully.
--> Please reboot your system now. <--
Finished installation of update packages. (actual date, actual time)
The entire installation time is about 6 minutes.
• Check the log file “C:\MedCom\MriProduct\inst\SWHistory.txt“ for the label Q
If this is not the case, the software package is not installed correctly.
(In the case of service package installation failure / p. 25)
• Remove the VA30A SP5 disk from DVD-ROM. Q
• Reboot the MRIR: Q
- Select the CMD tool window at the MRC, if one is available, or open a new
- Enter the following command:
shutdown -r -m \\mrir ↵
(Use the same syntax for the command as shown above)
The MRIR reboots in 30 sec.
• Reboot the MRC from the start menu.
• Log in as “meduser“ if auto login is disabled. Q
• Wait until the main UI is displayed. Q
• Enable the auto login function in the local service UI, if it was disabled for the Q
software package installation.

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Update 23

System restart - IMPORTANT 0

The entire MR system must be restarted as follows:

1. Perform a shutdown of the MRSC (if applicable),
2. Perform a shutdown of the MR system at the MRC,
3. Switch off the MRSC (if applicable),
4. Switch off the MR system at the alarm box,
5. Wait around 2 minutes,
6. Switch on the MR system at the alarm box,
7. Switch on the MRSC (if applicable).
Wait until the main UI is displayed.
Enable the auto login function in the local service UI, if it was disabled for the software pack-
age installation.

NOTE Remember to also update the satellite console (MRSC), if


NOTE In order to achieve full communication between the MRC and

MRSC, it is recommended to switch the entire system, includ-
ing the MRSC, off and then on again.

NOTE If you still suspect an infection on your system, send the

“C:\Medcom\log\MrVCheck.log“ file to HSC MR for further

Additional information 0

Install RepairFV_VA30A at MRC/MRSC before SP3 installation

Action Check
• Log in as “administrator“ Q
• Insert the CD-ROM labeled “RepairFV_VA30A Intranet“ into the Q
CD/DVD-ROM drive.
• Start Windows NT Explorer by: Q
- Clicking START -> Programs -> Accessories -> Windows Explorer
• Navigate to the DVD-ROM (R:). Q
• Double-click on the RepairFV_VA30A.exe file. Q
Wait until the WinZip window is displayed:

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24 Update

Action Check
• Accept the default settings and start extracting the package by clicking Q
• Confirm the successful extraction with OK. Q
The zip file contains 1 file. If the confirmation message shows a different number, you
must download the zip file again.
• Click Close in the WinZip self-extractor window. Q
• Remove the CD-ROM labeled “RepairFV_VA30A Intranet“ from the Q
CD/DVD-ROM drive.
• In Windows Explorer, navigate to directory: Q
• Run the RepairFV_VA30A.bat program by double-clicking it. Q
This will start the workaround installation for the service pack.
Wait until the cmd tool window is closed.
The entire installation time is about 2 seconds.

Check whether the service patch is installed

Action Check
• In the main Syngo MR UI click Help -> Info Q
• Open log file “C:\MedCom\MriProduct\inst\SWHistory.txt“ with notepad or
• Check whether the following entry is visible: Q
• If this is not the case, the software package is not installed correctly. Q
(In the case of service package installation failure / p. 25)

1. SP3: N4_VA30A_FEATURE_20070328_SP3_F21
2. SP4: N4_VA30A_FEATURE_20081125_SP4_F2
3. SP5: N4_VA30A_FEATURE_20090123_SP5_F3

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Update 25

In the case of service package installation failure

• Start Windows NT Explorer by: Q
- Clicking START -> Programs -> Accessories -> Windows Explorer
• Navigate to “C:\MedCom\MriProduct\inst“. Q
• Open the file “SWHistory.txt“ with notepad or wordpad. Q
• Delete the line of: Q
• Save and close the file. Q
• Navigate to: Q
- MRC/MRSC: “C:\MedCom\sd_store“
- MRIR: “C:\Sysmgmt\sd_store“
• Delete the folder: Q
• Reinstall the service package. Q

1. SP3: N4_VA30A_FEATURE_20070328_SP3_F21
2. SP4: N4_VA30A_FEATURE_20081125_SP4_F2
3. SP5: N4_VA30A_FEATURE_20090123_SP5_F3
4. SP3: MR_MR032-07-R_N4_VA30A_FEATURE_20070328_SP3_F21_1.000
5. SP4: MR_MR001-01-R_N4_VA30A_FEATURE_20081125_SP4_F2_1.000
6. SP5: MR_MR032-07-P_N4_VA30A_FEATURE_20090123_SP5_F3_1.000

Final check 0

• Perform a measurement and view the calculated images to check the general system
• If MRSC with shared database is present, view the calculated images on the MRSC.
Back up the Numaris4 Package, Software Settings, and Security Settings, or perform a
MasterBackup on the MRC/MRSC.

Informing the customer 0


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26 Update

Final work steps 0

1. Update the system documentation.

(Not required for remote service activities performed without a service engineer.)
Update the revision level, the user documents (if applicable), and the technical docu-
Fill out, and if needed, make a copy of the attached “Completion Protocol“ and file it in
the corresponding binder.
2. The update must be reported by authorized personnel, either via an Intranet applica-
tion or by automated data transfer (only for countries connected via update handling

Changes to previous version 0


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Completion Protocol 27
3Completion Protocol 3-
(Not required for “Remote updates without a service technician“)

The update with the number MR032/07/P has been completed.

System Material No.: ...................................

System serial no.: ...................................

Customer: ................................... Site: ...................................

Customer No.: ...................................

Name (CSE): ................................... Telephone: ...................................

Country: ................................... Location: ...................................

Date: ................................... Signature: ...................................

Note: .....................................................................................................


NOTE After completing the update, make a copy of this page, fill it
out, and file it in the appropriate binder.

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Restricted 06.09 CS SD SMMR
28 List of Hazard IDs
4List of Hazard IDs 4-
There are no Hazard IDs in this document.

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