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Water in Crisis A Guide to the World's Fresh Water Resources Edited by Peter H. Gleick Foreword by Gilbert F. White Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security Stockholm Environment Institute New York Oxford OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1993 Oo ive Press nou tuatod Brgik Begsl Seces hast Ca Wine Raltange tas Keats een Ta soi na Stofuie Saggu “Teel Tse Ton ecw Copyh © 1983 by Paci atta fr Si Developme, een a Sect Puan yn Une rs aloe hme hen vak ew Ye ae Spies apse Ort ep ed aden oO sy ee Jer mae!Nenad apatite ney ‘econ rece fomeyey meee ere ‘in apr fs ent Lary oF Conros ating in Pb Da Spgs sneer ty scbijgatiestichemrescty, ante ioe era, Seni eee Herm Ee Chapter 2 World fresh water resources Igor A. Shiklomanov Introduetion . tole ad proeionof watered spying hum Beige Sas rom mur ot be coc wae robs Batre hong toys mont sete and compen ceil and HES sf proeas, Tey snseasingy reach beyond nana and rex “len sd ae cong gal a unre Shore of fesh rand enn pln we bles we congo Tee a be common and src decopme of mary cums ‘Sethu the wo even cous nt nea a mans Ur ered bral sscrgnet of wae sources eee lye goetaiveesinon so coca iShuciaios Wtinesndopce Threat EASE esa erin assay renewal round oeresvessshnost ecnyber gpr he lk of wate conan Tih cerns te snleie war pty fora geno Sots mound he weld have prepared asses of bat crastmanres ml et Lic Information on wn eames she ‘ecrbhc, wate we ade pct of conic ety onwater (pane on plot probens of wae Yesouees ade wae balance hve ‘fem publied The eoncosions presented in th caper are based my one esate of heat given iatecied work, which Femain pte oy. ‘TABLE 21 Water eserves on can World water stocks Reliable estimates of water sources stored in various wate bodies and fa free pyskat sites are crea To lear undersandig of te al wate yee ade eifec tha man cite might ave Date fm global water esources cole by Soviet sient we presented in fabiea. shouldbe noted tht edt. the amount of water on ea (a5 tbe shor ofthe ced mosogaghIbeaslves pte) should ot be cosie= ‘red very acest thy ar al appeainaons ofthe acl yes, Tae ‘dns on water stored in underground ein peas regis, 00 the rman! of ol ise, nd on wer stored n bogs sed mares, wc. ‘tee obhinedcomputsinaly under ay crude assmptons, sees ‘aly root. Atte ase tne ch more reliable eset re rw {valle of water Sore i he ocean, ip kes and reserve, in polar ice, and in mountain clr, ae af took of Fes and saline ground “Accotngtothe detain Table? the out volume of longer) Fes serer orks 35 allan mor just 2.5% he ul ock of wate i Tbe bydrespbere A large action ofthe freshwater milion {667s the orm of ead permanent sow cover i he Aractie Sod Arctic epane Fret ste aks and vers, whch ae tbe ma “tues for human water consupon, conta on average sbst 9000 Sint of ate, 1st 030% ofl global fresh we reserve. "fe ts ste ofl eh wnter lakes nthe werd iat 1S milion sen base morbomete sao the get ech water ake inte P Volume Layer Ofwal ‘Ofte Won?) Wok) ey ‘ser He Waseca = 361300) 78000 300 65 = round wae sto 400 v4 i" - Fah e 10330 18 076 Fan Sulmoance ms 2 Dan ==> “ous laced een sow cover 627 14a 7 ‘nrc 1940 6 re Gres ho 1398 our oes ‘ce lad Be Ey ons oa ouion eons me ‘a1 00s an Grou pean 21,000 4 oom a6 Wa eset ss oon, - Fresh ne oon os Stine ws 0s " Swamp ate 26008 as 0.0008 oa iver 48.20 ovis 0002 m6 Blog umer s,000| fuer 9.0004 on Aamoeperie water sia000 ons 001 pe Trl were s1g000 aos 100 Tol Go waeresest 180 3s 238 100 “ Essays on fresh waterissues TABLE22 Lace fesh bles ofthe word (with surice res preer than $000 em" Volare Mima ke (hoo) epi) Contes ‘Soperr hon 405 Nonbarence Viena 27K 92 sen Hor 530 29 Nonh Aeris Medinan 46808) NathAence Taagiyie m9 1435 Aten Bie 20m 78) Asie Nasa 77s Afce Greater Holo 137 Non America Great sive vom 156 Nenb Aenea Ene ‘S65 + 64 NonhAmerca Winner i" 19 entree ‘Onno 1306 NenthAmena adore ‘ng 80 Euope Chas 4s fae Maracaibo : 3 SoumAnerice Toalesup Ae Ones 29527 Europe Rosai = 33 Aftes Newaga tas 70. NethsAmerics ‘Toca 0230 SouhAnerca ‘Aatbeace Mo G0 NertAmenc Rendeer “ Non Ameen Teng Ting - lo Asi Viner to 100 Europe Zahn 2 35 Aan Wiaipeoss 112 Ment Ameria Alber Fae Moers 3 ‘tee Water vapor fluxes to space + 9,000 cukm P iatlow + 110,000 cukm. wot, eac with ars of mare than 5,00 kn, are resented in Table 22. Addins date on Iker canbe found in Table B10. Thee lakes togeter scout for approximately SY ofthe volume an 40% ofthe ‘este sufae sea of al fet wae kes om ear “The largest sceuulstins of fresh ater lakes te conceneted in "egions of ancient and recent lito ad in regioas of large teenie frnctresin th ex's crs. Th Great Lakes» Noe Ameria fom the lagest like complex Lake Bail, in the farmer Soviet Unie, which contains apprenmalely 25% ofglbel lacus ress, the largest involume ‘Tae creation ofanificial lakes ad reser is of ret impotae the use of wate resources andthe antl ofrver ow The ale water ‘eserais were baton rivers outands of year agin the heyday of Ancee civzaons, but Wey Bave become plabal tele objects oa ‘bin he as ew decades. The al lune of eervoirsn toe werd Increased ney tenfold fom 1951 to 1980; a presen exceeds 5009 kam! Thetoul surice are ofthese eserves mre tan $00,000 ka? ‘The largest vole of waterie ef resevar sound in ie ean. tres the United Sas, the farmer Soviet Union, and Canad, wher "Spprosimasy bafta vohre of esr the wold concen tated "he lzgestestrvois nthe word by volume are Owen Falls off Lake \ietra Uganda (208 hm}, the Kerib eseroir oo the Zarbes vt (082 ion’), sad the Brotk reservoir oa the Angora river (169 km’) ‘Among th asget reservoir by nace aes are the Valen Gaon (8.300 ka andthe Kuyt reservoir nthe former Soviet Union {6300 en). According to long-range plas tt exist in many counties, theo volume ofthe woes reserves nay ab 7000-7, S00 en by the end of hieenty. Water income trom space Poe » 488,000 cukm seme sutce i for 300 mm) (or 924 mm) lor 1,270 mm) . E"l + 9,000 cukm El = 63,000 cukm Eoc + 605,000 cukm : (or 300 mm) for 528 mm) (or 1.400 mm) i J Baier | eaten | : cokn, geld i reas of Os + 44900 cake Encseeae | al runoff yar = 2,200 cukm ——~[0" 976 mm Bobaliyeiog= | (or 19 mm) eycleisshown mei | ternal rarot teats | Ocean Coo | : hoc + 361 million saxm soaronet | avenite water Water losses 1 NN ‘Subsenpis os i ¥ xu iw 5 SBE BITE as ~wwvwesvse World tesh water resources 15 pL 23 Waterloo he nd aa aS i= ii) = cou 750 0 307 nad 730, 32,200 416 ‘A te 2300 in ‘ort ris i ‘sae i Sonam so » a oe cia ‘or sh fewete ks 9 fotitewe i “ss Keweenaw oe » : ‘Ansett et i x facta rte war wt taacy ar Seed eae ‘Tha hydrologic cycle and the w. ‘ee balance ElsesTcongad wit es less anna eevain ty aethiops em ene iran ee fm nm Uetane iene: eee spells Ware te The fon nk in the water eye in nature is exchange between the ez tod lan, which ncluds ot only quashatc treme ne esprit imponast~qutaave restrain as well ane _guof te global bybologiccyele with ne main guatione rae gual tabout £05,000 or layer waglo cnet estimates evaporate sayaly ors Seared ebay aoeneryaga it etn aden se es ge ert Re sapeens ofthe werd wate blues toatoned shoe : sient, cher da at ier SRietaly san also be fund inthe bychometeralopea’ re ther esimats ane prestntedin the Toles Paine ‘Natural river flow and water suppty Be main sure off th wae is surface raf. which it sed even: sielyoastiy widely "eying human needs. Thermest importa ety logos le ane Rina “Teta 46,50 in" lobe ranoff averages ate at ane, and can ate aoe depeee toober eye fume of raginl nd interior seas (ie Bal Sey Bleck Sane ee (uoreoveable we of thermal of wero repossess are ‘mew cogs in tb waters balance of ater toes oo whee Stcars flow (he Caspian Sea, Atl Sea ae) {ts welliown da global nas dsmeted extremely anevealy 1 fc apparent fom of nab content (Fable 24) Mate tan half tbe pba ranofToscu in Asso (61% sod 25% repecvely, while Earupe account for jet ey sual for only 4 Most ofthe oft (ove 808) ego a ‘he nore and eestor zones, whch hive fary soul nee TABLE 24 Riverrunofreources ine wold 2 = a demtsat yy 2 renin “SEES BY ty 3 no) aes Nieat is! 457 fo aio tp Neamenes’ 338 fm] yaad Souamerce 661113602 Hyam 322 seat” aus es ‘cea ae a Antatce Wo amo $hort Towtludues 314 46770 190 149.000 100 Takin an Pleo iaeny | Nomtand Cra! Aner * Auta ies, 16 Essays on fresh water issues 7600 ° “00 300200 6 y.2-2 Longe ney region. The dependence of mean oer ‘ver raf) isploned fe yogic snd ceo epons oe erldas fein of he ay nee Rt) {nthe temperate zones ie southem forest ze, he oes -tppe ene, {he sleppe none that are mast suluble for human ie and aces (es. ‘ecallyforgrcuul producto), where na ofthe ert'spopuloson Ives lowing waterrerorces are exter inked the coatnents andi lrg egions ofthe ear, he dibution of ater resources i sill more uneven. Al ara ofthe shortfall and xcs of water reouresin he worl sows Bat wii the Contig of 20 continent there are vast region with aid lint wd eons with Iimted water esoores these regions occupy 33% of Europe, 60% of Asia large fiction offic, th seul westera regions of Nether fs, shout 3086 of South Amercs, and the overshtning anon ‘Austalia. On the ober band, on all he continens listed thee ae et "exons with sbundat water esoures” ‘With epee the major sutra! and economic eons of he ear i ‘snothardto lee quantita eionshps betwee ttl nee! ad Slat ators. For isoce, sucha elaontip is presented in Fg 2.2, Thi elatonship shows the clase dependence between he otal Fe ‘sun stea low yer On determined for major entire tad econcn "enon ofthe ea, ca a complex cinatic partes expressed te form the "done eden RoLP) nbere she ration baler ofthe wt sufice, Lis the specie heat of evaperaton, aad P is precipitation. Ths inde bs ben eter, mined onan approximate bas foreach reion by using vey det doba chars of theradton balance sad prerptton® Tae names te ‘pions andthe ves of the rap laer and drys inden foreach te Peseta Tate? 9 According to Figure 2.2 te smatet vale of arepion's ntl wate ‘sources corepoods othe lagertdrmesinder conversely, thelagest ‘ew yerisasocated wthepon wih many vases of be dynes ‘Tidcvelopmeatofbereamuerwork andthe water capacity of ies ‘sependon clint facta, rigaednes often, ad gles Srucnee ‘Toeruncanscterstcsoftbe wor slargestivers une gverge few _ofmre thn 200 a’ per yea ar presested in Tab 23. Tee Amazon, (te largest erin the word caries more than 15% of the steal pobal ‘of and the total anal lo’ af al vrs presented Table 31 pproxiately 0% of glotal ran? most regions on earth the values of natu ena Mow ae ot 8 TABLE 2S Lage rivers ofthe worl (vith mean anual naw seater han 200) Tveage Wena oot “bain Length River Gantiy (Uhm!) fem) Cones ‘Ata eo esis South Aenea Congo reo Anes Gangestoit Biabmapas 1001.70 3.000 Vangaiing 95, 5500 na Onc ois 3280 Seuthamerca a ns 700 Seah Amerce Yenise aio 380 Ac Missy 58D y S985 Noch Amesca Lena Pa aa Aes Mevorg 310 3300 Ase Tnawaty 6 2300 aKa j Stlswrerce 439135000 Non anerea { oO 395299034680 Asa Gras0 be 2k ‘Amur BS ass 2 A Mackeric 350004240. Nort Ameri Niger 2) 200 et Afnes ohms por G69 1080 NecthAmeica Magislens 260340. '830. Sun amenca Volga 2403350 Europe Todi zo "GSO Ase Drowbe Ba B28 Bape Suineen mS a Ase Yaron 3074521000 Non Ameria ie au 2706690 ‘ean index of water supply, since runs datibted quite unevel Atroughowt th yar Most of it (64-70%) occur nt Tod (gh aes period Netra, forte concent 62 wile ta stream ow vanes fpf throughout the year thse vartions are sbow ‘ohn Figure 23. Most ofthe rao (48%) a Eacope oon Aped trove lyn Asn is May through tober (024) Aten naar through Tne (74%) in North American May tough Apt (4) ‘South Amer in Marc hough September (709) and ia Aus 8 Jaguar hough March (6890), Frail dryland a «whole, the highest ‘water periad extends ow Mao Octaber when herve ranaport 9 tse anna fo. _Narally forregions that are srl in re, the aon-anifomaity of he stream flow increases sharply in bod ime (rm ys 0 ear ad tin {he yea) and space. The values of the varity geowaly are rely Plead the eat ad poner ns and iat el Ti elena tvomane om rere Al inte, ade fire yen fm 19000 100. T ade pose ‘igmeue eons ofp wnerioe ape sntine heap eR cy wih ome xpi jd ey 08 gg RANT fom wate wee ee ge cain ot spot tobe cain made fined of SererantOk St cunnes ni sma geognyral ons Secu elon eres heen fee byte pubic was determined separately for esie sndinbab- ee ie rl pots by usiog stadt eaable foreach county on the Syma and predicted total eof the aban and reat popalton, 2 Wella specfe water withdrawals pt eapta ab obtained om fe ‘runs. For extpoltion tn te frre, allowance was made for ‘reds in ibe change npr cata vate use by the urban andr pope lice and for consunpave ase of water a pecenage of ttl wale thé “Teestimate of water used friigationwasbasedon data coiigaton cand specific wae witha for igutn at had bea Ovaoed canyons ad verge fern rps. legac Be ‘wlaary Consume of water on exh Therefore, he sccUy uation of gba waler ake overs and especial fer contigs sich Asia, Aca ad Soul America, whee pigntion determines 70% 50% of total water witderwals,lagey binges onthe accraey with Which igi rss ar keno accoust a caeultins of arigated aes fo contnets and natural nd eco: ‘oom regionsthraighout the world forthe period 1990-2000 br autor ‘sea Lng ee forecasts an dats on iigatin development peosra, ‘Which are valle fr roan counties. Toestimat the eed eluDes| ‘freer for rgation ned, we tok nt account decrees nper capa Sitter consumption becuse ofreasres ihat are being ken ® prove he effcieney of potas pccestes, cupmen and methods fies tion, Acooriag Yo avalible dele analyses, eaureabe water rom Imigation war seumed 10 Be 20% SY of water iverion (ee Caper Shs elu). dcr wer we was calculated onthe Base ofthe dynamics of industalpreduton in vaous elon ofthe earth, Her, evalabe data ‘onthe dynamic of te typeof water ure he counties Ute above, lnchudng canes with diferent levels of eeasomie developmen tht vette mow dipartegeophyiealconions, were adopted counter farts, The eleslton ere dove sepaztely fr te bet and poser in {Estey and forall ter branches of doy, which bve sigue ferent trends andres of development and consunpve we ander ‘sere summed fer ench region. ‘Consumptive ure of water nthe lec thy incur was assumed tobe Insts, and ia lber branches of 0st fom IOP to As, de ending onthe level a ndutaldevelopment, the pretence of it Ing water spely sytem, and eimaiecondsionn. To the long tem, stds production (nd accorciagly wate consumption) wil develop erpace i developing oe taf developed is, eel E "aah se ibm se OTOH) HO Essays on fresh water issues » Fig 2-4 timals of conkanptive water wea the Unie Sates ante former Soviet Usin. The mami f water consangio in) th Ue States, nd (ee 197715 Increment! lose to evzpoation fom reservoirs wee calelate fog al ofthe work's Ingest evervois wi volume of more ies Sion fromthe diffrence in mean evaporation from he wie surface ad Kom dr land bee sllwanee was made fora factor hat gives the ti ofthe Incremental srfiee are of reservoir to isto aes. Te tal volume of evaporative es was computed fo each region by aig the for ach ge evr (larger an Sn and increasing the vel by 20%, Shee reserves larger han 5k 6 vohune acount for proximately 40% ofthe toa reservoir volume and surfoce wet. Fo the lng enn, oases to exapration fo eervois ineach rion merecompute, with {Consider fre rtesofandpln fer consractionoflargerese vars indifferent counts and rons and for bel geophysical peculantes. ‘Before turing toa ass of wae we by repenand onic. would be af terest to consider tbe dynamics of water wei difren ‘counties thoughout the word especial tbe United Sates nde foe ther Sove Union, for wich dealld analyses ae avaiable (Paste 2) In the Unied Sues» dele existe and long-range frcats (For theperog 1000-2020 of water requre Torvains economic ares were fist camod oun the 1960e" Aevording wo petitions fom bl psod. between 1970 and 2000 thre would be an increase of 1004-150% i ‘anual leh water ue ia the Unsed States (Figure 243) 1 wal of 350-11 00k per year Most ofteineeare was expel be for water supply for ida and power plat cooing Inte Usted Stairs, the tod ns 197Shas in fe Seen characterized by famenia charges ‘TABLE 28 Dynamics ofwate we inthe wor by human activity (9) 982-105, Tor maser consupton ince by ii Fike lanes Svses Union corte an eit cifras ein! pry. Compuons a reat). 1985-1970 staal wee cosmo (icading poe eer) by kes es. nth approsch tote us ofwaterrfouces, witha great del ofatenion being given toprblemsofesrseratinandreyseo water reste od ‘tranton fem extensive t tensive and eomprebensive we king lace, Alli ators ave edt the subization ote volume of ate ‘ira and bave ben the bass fra fundamental review of red ‘ons of water need orth fone Data om atl accounting of water Mibéravals test to thie bination, Beginning inte 19805, of ie “Zhou of fash water whdrowas inthe Uated Sates and even t0# ‘Tigh decrease ia witdrovals maa rough areducton of wate se Engicuur industry, andibe elec uty sector ripe 243)" ‘Risiogos wens lis old inthe fermer Soviet Union where inte 1860s ard 1970ran increase in water wide 0 600W700 km! per yearby the tothe entry was planed fer the Soviet Unio, preseat “eesnts now petlate avery sight eens to 400450 ka! pe year GFiguce 24%) I sboal be acted that in ation to te United Sates, ‘eguing inthe 970s 0d 198, be volume of oul water withdrawal ‘et sabiized in «number of eons sn nartbem abd wetem Earope (Gireden reat Bias and be Neerland, for example) and will een (Siresee somes bythe tum ae cen ‘Despite he pogressve tends toward stabilization of water needs that ‘eve clearly then shape ina number ofcounis, forthe world asa boi. ‘ates requlemens ate groving sod wil coatave io gro trough Oj Tum ofthe centr nal pes ef eco activin Table 28) Present. aaron gr air won ne wT 4 100k eyo, Ce ee eC a0 mee a a a ma (hen perl per Omer am? pr Gam! pee Ga per_ ae ile er Waterwses* “Yeu yea) yeu) Yea) yea) yea) yea)_—_00)_yent)__6)__yeat)_OH) ‘Apicokue Vikiwal 525 89313D«SSD AD 20 220 SHO 2g GG Ba Comugnin 409 a9 8) LD ad STO NTO RT BHD TE seca Wikies! 972M ARDY TO 2A 928K aH AT Comings 38 87'S SRO 32S BIT 40 Masia erty Wht ist 463020) OHSS Common 46 900M O32 MZ ALE BT M422 3265 oD BEATA SSS Bo sows MK Wibdewal 51910604360 «19802SH «HH 33] 1m) 4G ta. 108 Conmpica 47 Sota 13904504760 1380 1002960290010 Fol wwii ison me fit eof ach cep ease ue ieee weiss) wih i te adi Erinn "pen 220 pe ye (5% of tal er ithe) are {oo by cm oe Say esd pen “Galwsterwibasiio 200k per year anda cete inal tt 0290 ee Scan acu fr puma 9 oO ae ean tira ba ate lng ee eee ere tyspianar il Sovearionenb nay fear pci hte ttn andy abot. eens Se a ratty cea erin mage cee hones oun se sy ake pe lbente cond a ne i "een 198, wires ranged rom 530-670 ka inthe United ESPs sout Asm to 2428 ev tm Cental Aen od Occ see Is ons ve wnt oa ve Fee ciet ac saat a at ‘Be stems charters ofatregionstnelarges growth occuring ibe 1950s and 19608” & sigan incense in water requrement Se cpt aes ere per hy erpomecramairrs so Ament Ahi 0% ae it a ec mort World tresh water resources a linac cts The gaps presented in Figure 23 cont ths reiatonsip Inibese gape we seh duct relaoeships between the volumes ef sonsianpive wae we eres and th dynes inden ~ the bigher the Gyms inden, the pra he consurpuve sein region “Ababsit ofthe relatonshipg presented in Figures 22 and 28 shows somvincngy ha unde the condos of dry, bt climate, wire water ‘esourcet sr minal, al eter conditions bel te same, ter om, sumption for economic needs inceases chap. restng» shores of ater resources apd an exceptionally fw acta evel of water spl. ‘The reverse pcre i abserved in moist region, where ere oa ste ‘of water resourees under natural anon Hore he dynes index bes its minimum vale and consumptive wae seal Ths unde the conn of intensive econo atv th impact. ‘of elma actors an water resource it dininised bat ete SigaiRcanily enhanced In ad repon, cima fico termine nt ‘ony the natural sears flow bu ho, significant extent, We deee ofredocuon of stwalunnfas areal of haman ative, is of tlerest to compare the amounts of water wii and ‘omsumption throughout he world wi sven low resources, bs ot Faso o by usta be ain Table 29 ortheentrcat, tral water mithiwwn fo ase in 1990 935 9.3 totalsufacerunoffan recoverable consumpive se was 2%) {yea 2000 hese abies ibe 11 Meanie Soh respecovey, Aho a cana coon such dre hee TARLE29 Ansan water consumption ty cniges nd by pysiogahic and connie pins of be wre Was cnmpin ta pa Mean a Set anty v0 950 200 ‘ine bore ~ cana ein oom “Ye” LF) Toot _tnvinale Toul _ neice Toal_tneiale Binge 31030 33s ca m ‘in oe 50g ee com wm Fhe sor soe Me Brjeoussn cen) 30h Ergin) Sak Nr deri oa mem sea Ceti naa Sos SH Saas mi Stes teak coal tin i ot oe Mice 4 Memes atta ct Sextet Sen @ ow eR Re OM 8 mm « ©» DP R 8 # 8 8 B ten m 3S 3 i of 8 oR BR oa tk oe asta eta ia ae tao ine me ae a0 NennchasetMonotn Jed ‘te a2 aos Bee Sa so 2 ka wee 2m 2) eos Ss Seca woo oan at dt CoosiAtaantkaesteon 9) Sy STs eS Sere eater m os tse Sravcntea fo Mn Ro UB Sohne 70 mona nee Seton aca iS oso so iat i o bb R et wet 7 Bo 8 » 8 8 fo Cea i mo 8 ® & xX § F Aura deze 20 Boo 8 1 oon eae es Mo sO oe wo aes eR Lend we ewan 5300 som 45040 asa 51900 1 a a nx Fi, 2-5. Consampive waters by ceion x fenton af lime ontons, snes be canrunptive we of ater ("aesifc Inetrievable wate fst shows for leet py ographic ad ‘conan regan oft word (1960) st Fucnn othe rey nde (yr). (O}, Ac; Eatope sn Asse (2) Nm a Seu ‘Ameria and Asa TABLE 210 Dynamics of ace! water availabilty in dierent regions of the world Essays on fresh water issues time, in may major tegions ofthe world ok wate: withdrawals ae already 20%-45% of annual runoil (Son Afsen, Cental Asta and ezakisian Westand Sau Asa, the Tans Caucasus tbe Uncted ttes, ‘Soutem and cea Europe, the sowtem pata be Europes pat of former Soviet rien, adn the lang ter wil reach 494-1008 y the tumofthe century, Le io sane vegions tal demand wilt eqal the ene sttea low Table, “Ths, ne Tong ier he chang ie the evaporation regime a eel ‘of economic actives may lend fo some gansermation ofthe rate between clementsoftbe water balance ineiferentparsof continents a lange repiors. Quaitative estimates ofthese changes ae of get sie tific and pacicalimperance to longterm planing of large-scale ew. suestocrswrethe rational ure of water resus, Tete proses cceme asabject of research bated on intraoral collaboration ber ‘ieee bjobotts and cimataloat Population dynamic ar wells clini aco: and economic ac ties contsbute tothe extremely uneven Gitbuton of water spy i ‘various regions iroughou te earth, The unevennes ofthe dette ‘of wate resources andthe fc tha they are matcbed tthe sport ‘ofthe population and economy ca be wid illszated by ‘te actal rresdul vate supply per capita of dividual regios fr he sume priodsoftine For eachperiod the spciticpereapita) acu supply of regions was determined by dividing thet rans of ation test te vole of uneeoverale water consumption, bythe abe iaabiaats The values obtained fo th ctl water supply (i 10 a? ger yeep ‘api are presented in Table 2.10 fr all eptons and continents at te levels forthe yeas 1950, 1960, 197, 1980, nd 2000 To apaljae en iis conveniento prop them onthe flowing sale (10? mer year per ron ‘Acta wer avalaiy CO" et yeas per epi) Comins and gion qoten’) 1 1560 1990 151 7000 Bre 103% 58 34 cn ae a or 132 a2 365 ae aur 309 (eve 146 30 28 26 2 23 Sou 136 38 a5 n ae a Enropen USSR Nor) 12 338 22 263 2 ms Exropean USSR Sout) 32 aa 4 36 2 24 North mera 21s a2 soz 2s2 213 1s (Cenedannd Asha er a a 28 29 9 ‘Unied Stter 1s id hs 76 ae 56 (Cen Ameria 261 ny m2 ns oa n Aes saxo 206 es 7 24 ort 7% 23 16 ut 099 Sout sit 122 as 18 57 Ese $i 50 2 92 « Wee 655 ns 162 na 92 Cena 408 7 185 oA so Asia 456 96 9 6 a ‘North Chin and Moeglia 36 38 30 23 19 49 at 3 as a on 6 a 33 23 uw 132 my Bs a 28 15 ss a 20 Siberia and Far Eat 1432 ne m 1 962 Trans-Ceeasee os ee 54 4 South Ameria ass 10s m2 “7 ans Neth 255 19 28 os ns Basil asi us: ‘6 as 503 Wat Bs v9 m sas 8 Cen 46 x“ ” Be 205 Aurnliaond Oceena 9 12 a3 6 oo ‘Rule 78 387 24 2 (38 eee ie ast 1a tos oe ‘World fresh wator resources eervemelylow; 1-20veR Tow: 21-5 Dlow:51-10.0aver- eS apone averac; 20.150 ih» vr ith Fate 20) Wee of per apa water pty ought so Pas gahwo serge rir, ed belee mas low? ct oe eye ein) oly 0 North Aes, cea ad 150 Heaps Cha and South Asn no repo car was he see emp very arene ef EE a 190 he cil evel of peep ater ly ame shay in many eponstieangout te word de 1 POP nd ders Rada exter low Na Aca Yo ed Mont, eval Aa Aa, and Kastan ‘ana ec ens abl 2 10) BY the um ofthe cent, 1 sa igpescaptoavslabity Saneputdntereions Nord sa hs an Kastan, ry low in thre (Neh Chin. ie in Seay Any Wet Ai), oni nseven (ena ans ape ne contr Earopen pt of fore Soviet Union, ae and West Eat, sd Sout Affe) Atte sve se, Span qn te es igh or very igh evel faery ee ep he orth Earopean pa of be forme Soviet Union, et dA acry of Soute Amaia, Cental Ses, Sie re and Ocean It mparant oot ee tha tb aes siege alievel of water sup suc tht the at of rete ais ey stcatirepon wth slow asa lvel of mie. He eres shortage of water resources For example mes eae west water sappy (Cera Asi, Kazan on Noh AE 1b) pe cate Bebty decreases by atc of 11 te pene 980 00, bet egions witha age sapely (Sikri the Far Es Nath Europe Canad, Alasa, Ceatal Ane) t decreases afar of erps ses ese period. Ths, ie very high ural non-ior- Ae ath drhaton of wnt upp)Troupout te ea vneesing ‘Pure wine era elo burn economic acs ad ope ‘change anda one rapd rte, Bene of se ge tte provien ofthe eon estibtion of wae resources. he ebatscae wil increase sical wih ee He cushelon held Be noted tha Teves presented ove fr seltscces nd over fw whale calor {Solon term one ns ft retin of sted climate Puch: {Broand a charcoratc ofthe men eit conditions of rach = ‘Gooey t vas ssomed hat he possible atpogenc pelle ‘Efsoc Shoogesthouph ie year 20 et inclaed ee Chapter 9) ‘Alewang fr the pact of possible amropogsnc change n lbs! ue woid wor sesutes andere costunption es robin er feo deeds and te aubor eees, the ole of fete itera ‘hal coopention meson woul browse Conclusions and tasks for further research Coxsierebe arances ave Bn made in the sy of the gob water ‘Site and wate sores batarmore comet cberaina de ‘Shee and ihe egvemene or trea nonmetal poke Sen pow ein nc fos koi ‘owes beso erasing apace. Te devlpnet of car on mate reseed eons ard ‘rod waterless tentrnis ceded to analy pe age ‘Srusinafhcrecal an expen eceeh onthe mechan of ‘log phenrmenn a proce alcomponens fb water, ea Sats blnces and changes ern aye esa of anbrpogsle ‘iors A aeton pecded he stdy of wate Fess he ‘tr blue under st onan aed on prom énobe [tefonmnexounby eee comple onerating he consideatnof Ipilogic roceses under dram coins, over shorter time tr ‘al =the yn seen, eon, on 9 lal cle. ore mos imporant mrss ecomnie reese he wo To dene pats ve eon Wetted in pil aris in wae reso 20 {tnd vor eaes of appear of patted pers of abut frelon and drupe en ave espe ovsecueces 2 {Bepubicand the economy he been cose. Tero of he eeane ind nmosperc componeat ofthe yagi een he formation of ‘oer resoures fag eo 0 eel cer ho rane ‘ofthe dynes of the word water balance hasbeen performed with ‘aniltsnfrcbongesin water eserves io glares, ground! watersand Sli ov the lnk a steam net, sd o elle ssecsments ot redo arcavaable for antropopenie anges ce wat [fay fesions a ver Eacne a sul of te we of ish water, be “Somverion of the rrface of rine bases, and polation of water bod “Alowaoce forthe impact of economic activities oo the bykolage cycles of ery great amportance inthe poblon of dying water ‘Sores and bis Ducntons ue and space, ad of evalating the ‘yan of te evel of wate supply i various eons. nan econ actives and popalation growth lady have in ‘Se mos{overeled regions of be wold, oa sharp decrease ner capt, ‘at aay, some Scan deceases ib srface rol decreane (Be lees of inter elised water baits, and conaminatin of to fate and goand wales. The impact of iropogeric facts on sur ‘REe rot depends nat ony on thw scale and ate of development but ‘oolurgelyonnetlfctatons ofclimate ebacteses, Thee Chances largely ever the aude award Lge water management recs Tari and smi regions nd rng bt, dry periods the impact of economic uta techs an especialy perilous on wale esorees Srcin level of wate supply. realy apervating the war management ‘Rmston ad proving a incentive forte planang and development of ‘Mesturcs intended te provie 2 anderen soon to water spy problems cole eons sn during col most pris lasing many years, she npc ofewononne activities manos fel" 2 much lesser degree Wa dustesse nthe water content of vers he water mangement sts ‘Son inquones thamly, the developmen of water management roeasires ‘fen gd aha and projects that have been dawn up are sbieied fo bine cniclam, nh anton focused un thet gave asp. Aseconomie nay erences he dependence of water esouces ni the evel of meer supply on imate carctercics nreases ses Eady, espcily in zones of vaable moive and and repos. Here ‘Simatic conions termine neon} natura, ut sarge the fdepee of ne reduction of ow as a result ofall etropogen ftom. ‘Tae great mtu non ufone i the distin of water soppy on ars ieyeasng sl fer brs of population growth an the fmensfcaion of unan econore scvies, ad at an exremey id {ace Pl forne large-scale ow dterson are now exteee} Unpop- Siar in many developed cous boss of the sobstagtal ecologic Sndeconortc oss However, ete may be objects grounds for furtber development, partly in poorer cousins, They offer one way of ‘ducing bh he shortage of wae esuresipaiculrcounies ad Felons and ibe tapacts of severe floods. For this reson, comprebenive ‘edtaren sould be coninoed and developed ia this rea, including r= each within the famewor of nertinal cooperation, especialy fo fprovice'sfelubleasesament ofthe lengct of few diversions oa the nviconsent unde the condone of atuopogenc changes global forte SATer ver growing dependence of water erources and water supply oo mati facies eoaunts forte very cleselinagebewce moe prob {cin of upping freshwater to buranknd and problems of natura nd smntvopogenicbangesin hms, rom fe sap of foe water resources, changes in plbal cl seated oa nese be carbon done eancentrtion i the ano Sphere asa result of bunan activites ae of puimary importance. The ‘Sintpogewe changes in einatepredicndby cimaologitsim the next 130-30 years oe so spin in sea expect fr he temperate and Fp atte, that cents leady are oofonted wath aor scenic Theme stoves ocstimste mater resourees andthe water balance The farce and changes m them as a result of econamie activites; wate Sel forthe pli, industry, ad agneltare nthe log era he err redbton of water sources and ceultion of rot “Ta seston fal these poems requires effective merntional coopers neandutingcombrehensive resesih, wit patlpation by odbeloits, clinaologis, and specialist an water anogerent and ‘vironmental petecion. 2 Essays on frost water issues Notes Se fe exmple CA, Dons, 17, Wate fr uma enon Proceedings fe Conorce Woe fr Peres wal Nashgion DO pp 50-6 GP Kalin, 1988. Global Hye Prlens, ‘Genera Lota aman: Lowel 1968, Mere souees in he Faure Postescteiye, USSR (in Reva), ML Couch, 197, Wo fier Rexarer nthe ure, Moe POR ‘ng Mono Rusia 1979S tants salen he A {= Geoiyacl Union Wasapon Be, fe Nae 1908 Biro iv Dearne afer. US Geb! Sune, Whig. {en DCC) {AHSUNESCONMO 1972, Bord ater aime Pre ceding fe inernatonclSompation on Ward Wier Bolen ‘Reading. flys 1-day 9 Water andthe Bo iment foodsne Apreutca Orsesion ned None hae Th ines bol by arf Sve eater deo ar’ ‘ror tance lw ese World Wa lace td te Meet Iessrce ofthe Fath, 17, Gurren, Lege Rese), Inter tno Een UNESCO, 1978 ord Pte Bln ond "rer Resources fhe Ea R Nae (oh), Fae a ew ft wo ‘atertalne puted Wes Gems aie A Bung and E Recht 39% The Mol Wer Belance, Olean Vea, Mr ‘ch and ever Sie Paling Co, Re Yous nda msg ‘aie uso be x's wore reses, pad wd Be prone ‘be ath ef eps caper Ls ShilorsaevandO-A iawn 1981 Setar fly and Rr aa onsen Wad Greens, Lengra i hs), TEA Shido, 99 Mon pac on Rr Rane Geet, rang Rus ‘here were fo Rid ter Bloc nd Water Resouces ofthe Eark TOM, Giiomeeodn, Lesaged Ge Bate), sad Un Sllonaze, 198, Mans Ind on River Ref road, Leaagsd sia. ER Shloaaoorané AA Sooo, 1983, Meboddape aio wort ‘te ance veg andcomptat i Proceeding he Ham bare iron, Asp 38, AHS Pobsnon to 16h pp. 773 Torexanple t nose ty Bmnparoe aod Recep ton the wate aoe athe ceeters ic er some xmponete et ftomaxa pesca above by spin 20% 304 (A Beumparae ng Reb, 19s The Worl Wr Balance, K Olds Vang sh, ‘ed hve Sew Ptihg Co. New You) These flere ‘lain by ate mv dense maoslopc! aprons We pesto he evan f water tous fein thr tine ‘EU ia presen Mod ater Bulice ond Bae Reouee of ‘he Eade, Gamat Lexie Rais), ne ‘aid ey soning sees ata ome wy Stoipea eevee at rele These nesta acs ik ‘Skene at & Soll, 98, Meosopes an fo aterbalnce mcsgsion and corpus ln Prove ef he Han bong orshop, aps 188 1AHs Poesia 89.97 1.x Soman. 188 Largs nates) Ri (ot) Fad ‘ve Hyrotg, 0 Typ. 63-307 ab Wey Sve, Lowden, ‘esting dat of eWorld Nar Baleece ad We Recut Ean 9h, Glioma Leng (i Rests) aM Bupa 1984, hee! Bate ofthe Ea ufo, aoe an peda ussuns FA, Shonsov, 1988 Saching Land and Water Recres: Reaa thes ond ula, Giemetesest eng s) asta waren cnsenpe se a coca ‘cosa fom 900 ae ale ars Wan Bee ‘er Rescaces of he Far; Gmetad Leng Ras ‘Daitetc waternbrwaefova wt oe center felatedesuarersef 97cm Te Cel 16 thes Conan Repti beMronce eee USA rele 79.09 ‘overane: Pong Otc Wastngion DC 991575 ed Mer Baste an Wate Rewer fhe Ear, 914 Gldomcitat Leg in Revi) TA Shblein at OA Mars 137, Ge ater Asay guekoer han rnin he Cabos. Lee ta) IL Lage, LL Fsrae ad 11. Ptr, 196 Revaces noes Pare Pans of Reqarenen td Aveo 300 nesta Batimare ‘8S caiogsal Sve, 1964, Naon! War Sumas 88) Heo var ond hues US Geog Saney War Soply Pager BS Wahi, De UA Shlain snd OA, Markova 199, Sie Rater Aaa ‘der am) anor nh Wal Greet ong

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