Cav Alumni Guidelines

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The Cavaliers 1961 Alumni Recording


● You may use either a snare drum ​or​ practice pad for
the video recording. 

● Please wear either a Cavaliers shirt or a green shirt in
your video recording.
● It would be cool to see some attire from the respective
decade that you marched in!

Recording Environment
● If you are on a ​practice pad​, you can either record
indoors or outdoors.
● If you are on a ​snare drum​, please record outdoors
away from walls and sheltered areas to avoid
reflections and unwanted reverb from the drum.
Recording Process
● There will be ​8 and in​ click track. Please ​stick click
on count 5​ for editing purposes.
● Also, please allow for a few seconds of silence at the
beginning and end of your video recording for editing
● It is recommended that the metronome is not audible
in the video. Please try to have earbuds or headphones
to hear the metronome.
● Submit your best ​video​ take.

Camera Angle/Positions
● Please submit your videos in widescreen/landscape
● Be sure your face, hands, and drum/pad are visible in
the video.
● It is preferred that the background is solid and the
environment is well lit with light.
● Please name your video as the following:
○ (FirstNameLastName)_(Cavs61)_(DecadeYouMarched)
○ Examples:
■ NickMason_Cavs61_2010s
■ DavidDePriest_Cavs61_1980s
■ LarryMcCormick_Cavs61_1950s
● Please submit your video to the following Google Drive
Folder by clicking on the link:
● Upon Clicking on the link, Click on “New” in the upper
left corner.
● Then, click on “File Upload”, find your video, and click

Contact Information (For Question/Help)

Nick Mason:
Jack Holway:
Matt Owen
Reuben Rodriguez

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