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4 My face Reading and writing

1 Read and match. (4 points)

1 Do you have long hair? a No, he doesn’t.
2 Do you have a small mouth? b No, I don’t. I have short hair.
3 Does she have blue eyes? c Yes, she does.
4 Does he have big ears? d Yes, I do.

2 Read and match. (6 points) a c

1 Kate’s hair is straight and dark.
2 James’ hair is short and curly.
3 Emma’s hair is short and neat.
d f
4 Sue has long, messy hair. e
5 Tim has short, neat hair.
6 Toby has short, messy hair.

3 Write. (4 points)
1 eyes / He / has / big
2 have / I / long / hair
3 messy / She / hair / has
4 hair / curly / His / is

4 Draw and write. (8 points)

My face
I have eyes.
I have hair.
My ears are .
My nose is .

Score: / 22

194 Poptropica English, Level 2, Unit 4, Test Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2015
4 My face Listening and speaking

1 C:52
Listen. Then circle. (12 points)
1 a Toby has a ( small / big ) face. b He has big ( ears / eyes ).
c He doesn’t have a red ( mouth / nose ). d He has ( blond / brown ) hair.
2 a Clara has a ( small / big ) nose. b She has ( small / big ) ears.
c She doesn’t have a big ( mouth / nose ). d She has ( black / brown ) hair.
3 a Philippa has a ( small / big ) face. b She has ( big / small ) ears.
c She has a ( big / small ) nose. d She has ( long / short ) hair.

2 C:53
Listen and check ((✓). (8 points)

long short straight curly neat messy

1 Dorothy

2 Mick

3 Oliver

3 Draw a friend. Then say. (6 points) He/She has…

He/She doesn’t have…

Score: / 26

Whole test score: / 48

Photocopiable © Pearson Education Limited 2015 Poptropica English, Level 2, Unit 4, Test 195

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