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NURS 3800: Fall 2020

Learning Objectives: Sensory Disorders: Vision

No treatment or diagnostic tests will be on exam

1. Describe conjunctivitis to include its definition, clinical manifestations, and

etiology based on type of exudate present. Differentiate viral from bacterial.
 Inflammation of conjunctiva
 Clinical manifestations :
o Rednesss
o Tearing
o Photophobia
o Purulent drainage
o Bacterial : sticky, green/yellow discharge
o Viral : excessive tearing ; drainage minimal
o Allergic : itching
 Etiology :
o Bacterial :
 Streptococcus pneuoni
 Staph aureus
o Viral :
 Adenouris type 3
o Allergens
o Chemical / physical irritants
o Radient energy
 Types :
o Hyper acute : severe infection ; loss of sight possible
o Acute : most common
o Chronic : nasal lacrimal obstruction ; can’t clear eye of irritants

2. Define normal intraocular pressure. Describe the pathophysiology of

glaucoma and the resulting clinical signs. (Do not need to know the
difference in open angle and angle-closure). Know that it is the leading
cause of preventable blindness in the US.
 Normal intraocular pressure :
 Glaucoma
o Patho :
 Optic neuropathy accompanied by optic disc cupping &
visual field loss, associated with an increase in intraocular
 Leading cause of preventable blindness
 Causes :
 Primary :
o No evidence of pre-existing ocular/ systemic
 Secondary :
o inflammatory problems of eyes
o trauma that produces hemmhorages
o tumors
o Clinical Signs :
o Risks :
 Elevation of intraocular pressure
 Family Hx
 Age
 Ethnicity (AA)

3. Compare and contrast the following lens disorders: myopia, hyperopia,

astigmatism, and presbyopia.
 Myopia : near sightedness ; image focused in front of retina
 Hyperopia : far sightedness ; image focused behind retina
 Astigmatism : light rays aren’t focused clearly on retina -> blurred vision
 Presbyopia : change in lens that occurs due to aging

4. Describe the pathophysiology of cataracts – which part of the eye is

involved and what visual changes does this cause?
 Opacity in lens that interferes with transmission of light to retina
 Most common cause of age-related visual loss

5. Describe the two types of retinopathy. Define the main pathophysiologic

problem in retinopathy – microaneurysms which bleed. Which disease
population is at risk but can be controlled with proper health habits?

6. Name the medical term for swelling of the optic disc often seen in
malignant hypertension or increased intracranial pressure.

7. Name the visual disorder which is characterized by flashing lights, floaters

and a visual defect described as a “dark veil or curtain” pulled over the
visual field.
 papiledema
8. Describe the pathophysiology of macular degeneration. Which part of the
eye is involved? Is central or peripheral vision affected? Is it painful?
(Don’t need to contrast wet and dry).

Learning Objectives: Sensory Disorders: Hearing/Vestibular

1. Define acute otitis media. Name two causes of inflammation. State which
population is at greatest risk and why.
 Inflammation of external ear
 Causes :
o Infection
o Irritation
o Allergies
o Moisture in ear
o Trauma from cleaning

2. Define presbycusis. Name 3 characteristics of the problem – hearing loss of

high pitched sounds first, difficult to hear in crowded room or with back
turned. Name which population is at greatest risk for this problem –
elderly/age related. (This question has been known to show up on the HESI
Patho Exam)

3. Differentiate between conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, and state

two common causes of each disorder. (This question has been known to
show up on the HESI Patho Exam. Conductive = problem with transmission
of sound – like in external or middle ear infections. Sensorineural – problem
with auditory nerve transmission – inner ear / cochlea. There is an error in
the ECHO on the Self Assessment questions at about the 1:01 point in the
video. It is stated that presbycusis is a conductive disorder, whereas it is
actually a sensorineural disorder. Please take note of this for your exam.)

4. Name the system responsible for maintaining balance and position in space =
vestibular system – in the inner ear.

Name three common conditions associated with disorder of this system =

Meniere’s disease, motion sickness, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo .
Name the classic triad of symptoms in Meniere’s disease = vertigo, tinnitus
and hearing loss.

Name three ANS symptoms associated with disorders of this system =

nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis.

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