Ari Setiadi Permana - 1907311029 - 4

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Nama : Ari Setiadi Permana

Nim : 1907311029
Kelas : A2

The Good Side of Coronavirus Prevention is Your Experience

Coronavirus which is currently epidemic throughout the world, one of them in my

neraga is Indonesia, where at that time the Indonesian people were very brave and
believed that Indonesia would not get the coronavirus. At the time the coronavirus
was epidemic throughout the world WHO had reprimanded Indonesia because
Indonesia was very relaxed about coronavirus, and also WHO rebuked Indonesia
because Indonesia had spent the cost to invite tourists, and because of this there were
some Indonesian people who refused the process or activities that invited tourists.

On March 2, 2020 coronavirus has been declared to enter Indonesia and 2

Indonesian people have been exposed to coronavirus. Because of this incident the
Indonesian President took action and made a video which contained that the
Indonesian people do not panic and still do not cleanliness such as clean hand
washing. Isiring time went on by many Indonesian people affected by the coronavirus,
and in the end the Indonesian president did a lockdown like, all students in Indonesia
did online online, the national exam was canceled, warning people not to leave the
house if they didn't have outside interests. All activities are carried out in order to
prevent the spread of coronavirus.

The good side of coronavirus prevention in my experience is being able to get

closer to a family where previously my father and I were not communicating because
my father was busy working and I was very happy because of the lockdown that my
father and I could communicate smoothly, reduce motorcycle use and This car is also
very helpful in reducing air folusion and reducing congestion. That's all I can say
about the good side of coronavirus prevention in my experience.

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