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CELL EYE: A Cell Counter and Identifier

ABSTRACT individual cells in a sample, while ignoring noise.

This study documents the development of CELL EYE: A cell Overcoming these problems using image analysis is the first
counter and Identifier. There are different species of cell that step in developing automatic figure methods of estimating
are living in the world. One these cells are microalgae it has biomass directly from the microscopic image.
received considerable interest as a potential feed stock for
biofuel production because of the useful quantities. Obtaining 2. METHODS
high yield and good quality of the said raw materials is must To gather data on different conditions, experimental method
in optimizing biofuel production. Therefore, daily monitoring is conducted. It will be utilized to deal with encountered
of algal growth is done manually by counting microalgae cells problems and to maintain theoretical assumptions of the
under the microscope that is time consuming and tedious. proponents. Data gathered in this method will be used to
Thus, the proponents developed a system for automating the achieve the purpose of the study and to be able to make the
method of counting microalgae cells is implemented by project more successful.
Raspberry Pi to minimize the work and time of counting
which takes a lot of time in just counting the cells. Image of
the cells will bet taken under a low power objective 2.1. Methods of Research
microscope. T-test will be used in the study to analyze In this design project, descriptive method and experimental
automated counting and F1 score of for the accuracy of the method of research were applied. Descriptive method of
system. research produces information about the current situation and
is concerned about answering questions through interviews or
1. INTRODUCTION questionnaires. The aim of the research is to gather
Microalgae cell counting is necessary in determining the information for the different types of cells that will be tested.
number of cells in a milliliter of a liquid. It is done to estimate Experimental method will be utilized to deal with
the size and population of the cultured algae and the estimated encountered problems and to maintain theoretical assumptions
growth of life. The purpose of cell counting is for the of the proponents. The proponents will conduct series of
management of the cell cultures in the biological research. In experiments including prototype testing and calibrations to
addition, cell counting is important for the monitoring of cell accomplish the purpose of the study. The proponents procured
health and proliferation rate. data and information from research works, past studies, and
Hemocytometry is the manual way of counting cells that uses the internet to guide them in this study.
microscope and hemocytometer. This is the commonly used
method in cell counting. A hemocytometer is a special type of
2.1.1.System Implementation
microscopic slide consisting of two chambers, which is The proposed system will make used of a low microscope and
divided into nine larges squares with each of its area of 1mm 2. that will be used to seeing the cell count and the Raspberry Pi
The central counting area contains 25 large squares each large for the camera and storage of the data that will be gather will
square has 16 smaller squares. The chamber is 0.1 mm in be stored in a low memory which is the sd card and also will
height so that each square corresponds to a given volume, be connected in an available storage in the web to maximize
applied to count each cell with a size of 2-30 micrometer and its capability.
concentrations of 104-107 cells per mL. The advantage of Open CV is the application that will be installed in
using this is that includes the ability to make immediate the Raspberry Pi to be able to use the camera module for the
judgements is a term used to depict any sort of unmanned system. To be able for a clearing vision of the specimen and a
decisions about the sample analysis. But cell counting using smooth recording of the data gathered in doing the study.
hemocytometer suffers from a variety of shortcomings like,
lack of statistical robustness at low sample concentration,
poor count due to devise misuse, subjectivity of counts among
users. In addition, it is very time consuming and tedious
The current method for identifying, counting and measuring
cells are best semi-automatic but slow. This is due to the
complex nature of the microscopic images. Also, algal cells
are typically clustered and overlapping and a method is
needed for accurately separating, identifying and counting
Figure 1: Block diagram of CELL EYE

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