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The first module of GURO 21 made me reflect and think. Do I have qualities to be

called an effective, efficient and competitive 21st century teacher? Have I done my

part as a teacher to my pupils as their second parent that developed them to be well-

versed, skilled and socially responsible individuals? Have I considered their

individual needs based on their individual characteristics or differences, interests and

abilities? Am I a good example to my learners and colleagues? These thoughts

made me ruminate this quote from Joe Dimaggio “A person doing his or her best

becomes a natural leader just by example.” Meaning when you lead by example, it is

a great way to encourage good studying habits among your pupils and good working

habits among your co-teachers.

Module 1 gave us a thorough review about the changing landscape of the 21 st

century as it relates to education. We were familiarized with the critical attributes of

21st education as well as the new learning environment of the 21 st century. How the

teacher and the students affect by the challenges in terms of social, technological,

economic, ecological and political. And as a teacher you should be aware of to

effectively guide your students adapt and make the most of these changes.

So in order for us to cope with the challenges and changes, we as teachers should

be the first to have the skills of a 21 st century teacher. We must equip with

knowledge, skills attitudes and values of a 21 st century so we can pass it on to our

students and acquire also the skills.

Module 1 made me realized my essential role as teacher in nurturing and shaping

the holistic development of every learner. From his mind and body, emotion, spiritual

values down to his personal and social responsibilities. It is my role to prepare my

learners to become responsible adults and positively adapt the changes in education

and society. Specially nowadays the fast-paced of technology. Information seems to

be at everyone else’s fingertips through the use of gadgets and internet. We should

teach them to become responsible and accountable to what they do and share on

the media. Share and spread real information only. THINK before you click. Is the

information you are sharing is T-rue? H-elpful? I-mportant? N-ice? Kind? But

because of the deluge of information found on the internet you or your learner find it

difficult to sift which is more important or more useful. As teachers, we need to

become responsible also and develop ICT skills and ICT literacy so that we will be a

better position to help them in this area. Just like Bene Brown said “We cannot give

our children what we don’t have” So if we want our learners to have the same skills

and being responsible, we must practice these things also.

Another significant thing I learned in this module is the importance of communication

in teaching-learning process. You should know when to listen and when to speak.

You need to understand, appreciate and respect individual differences. Promote

respect for cultural diversity. Make your learners understand that even you and your

learners have individual differences you everyone must be respected.

I have so many knowledge and insights learned through this SEAMEO INNOTECH

Flexible Learning Course GURO21 (Gearing Up Responsible and Outstanding

Teachers in Southeast Asia) Course 1, Batch 3 because of my Flexible Learning

Tutor Dr. Omar Obas as well as my classmates in this course. This course happened
to be more interesting because of the exchange of ideas among my classmates and

flexible Learning tutor.

Attending GURO21 Learning Course is really a PRIVILEGE!

Learner, GURO21 Batch 3, Class 07

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