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Name : Anisa Ayu Lestari

Nim : 142012018050
Prodi : S1 nurse 5B
Mk : English 2


1. The correct question to ask a patient is age?

a. What do you do?
b. How old are?
c. Where do you live?
d. what is your name?
e. How old

2. to ask the main complaint should use the word?

a. Sign and symptoms
b. Chief complaint
c. Other complaint
d. do you feel the pain?
e. Complaint

3. What medicine have you taken?

Interpret the words above in Indonesian!
a. Apakah ada alergi obat?
b. Obat apa yang sedang di pakai?
c. Apakah obatnya sudah di minum?
d. Apakah sudah minum obat?
e. Obat apa yang sudah kamu minum?

4. Personnel : Good morning! Is there something that I can do for you?

Patient : Yes, there is .I ........... to follow medical checkup.
complete the sentence above!
a. Is
b. B.are
c. Want
d. she
e. Can

5. Caller: Hello I am anisa. My I speak to edward please?

Receptionist : I am sorry I don’t cut your name ?
Caller : it’s A-N-I-S-A.
a. Who iam talking to
b. Who are you
c. Can I write your massage
d. Can I halp you
e. Can you spell your name

6. Olda : …… dr.pratama not available,at the moment

Dian : may I please leave a massage?
a. Hello
b. going
c. he
d. I am
e. Oh sorry

7. Olda : good morning, dr,pratama’sclinic

Dian : hello, may I ........ to dr.pratama please?,
a. Speak
b. going
c. am
d. is
e. help

8. Caller : I need to talk Mrs.dian

Secertarry : …….. if you don’t mind waiting , Mrs. Vina will finish her phone call.
a. I’ll connect you to Mrs. dian
b. Mrs. dian will call you back
c. I’am sorry mrs. Dian is having another phone call
d. I’am sorry
e. You are

9. Dian : may I please a massage?

Olda : of cause ...... can
a. I
b. Is
c. you
d. my
e. me

10. Preparation of unit, except...

a. Patient bed
b. Linen
c. Patient locker
d. Watch
e. Wheelchair

11. The following types of admission is..

a. Receiving the client
b. Recording
c. Emergency admission
d. Medical examination
e. Receiving the client

12. For impatient safety must bring....

a. money
b. book
c. KTP
d. SIM
e. Hospital card

13. There are sevral nursing responsibilities, namely, except...

a. prepare room
b. oerient patient
c. Identify self
d. Types admission
e. info

14. If going to take medicine now what to bring....

a. Bring clothes
b. Hospital card
c. drink
d. Book
b. Recipe notes

15. My students……hard last night

b. b.studied
c. c.was study
d. d.studying
e. studi

16. When I…….it is raining 5 minutes ago

a. up
b. b.getting up
c. c.gets up
d. d.get up
e. good

17. They……about this project in this restaurant yesterday

a. a.talking
b. talk
c. talked
e. d.talks
18. I…….an elephant last night
a. draw
b. drew
c. drawn
d. draws
e. drawing

19. Will you … me?

a. Married
b. Marri
c. marrid
b. Marrying
e. Marry

20. She will … loved.

a. Is
b. Has
c. Be
d. are
e. he

21. What … I learn in Civil Engineering?

a. Will
b. Am going to
c. Would
d. you are
e. going

22. Your teacher … proud if you win in the contest.

a. Will
b. Will be
c. Be
d. Going
e. is

23. what tools are used to check blood pressure?

a. Thermometer
b. stethoscope
c. calippers
d. sfigmomanometer
e. balance

24. what tools are used in measuring body temperature?

a. thermometer
b. screw micrometer
c. calipers
d. sfigmomanometer
e. stethoscope

25. what is the normal pulse frequency?

a. 50x/minute
b. 60-100x/minute
c. 110x/minute
d. 40x/minute
e. 120x/minute

26. what is the normal level in blood preasure?

a. 115/70 mHg
b. 130/70 mmHg
c. 120//80 mmHg
d. 110/80 mmHg
e. 120/70 mmHg

27. Whre the patient lies on his back with the head and shoulders slightly raised using a
pillow unless contrraindicated is aposition from?
a. Anatomical position
b. The position of the lithotomy
c. Semifowler position
d. Folwer position
e. Dorsal recumbent position

28. Posture in a half sitting position 15-60 degrees is the meaning of?
a. Sim position
b. Anatoical position
c. fowler
d. Semifowler position
e. Fowler position

29. Indication of the lithotomy position for?

a. Childbirth and pregnant women
b. Rectal examination
c. Hipotensive patients
d. Shock patiens
e. Receipt patiens

30. Reducing comlications due to immobilization and increasing comfort are the goals of?
a. Anatomical position
b. Fowler position
c. Semifowler position
d. Folwer position
e. Left tilt / right tilt position

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