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It is very hard to find any adequate information about the Jinn and their world as well as their
role in magical rituals. Today's available sources consist mostly out of religious literature and
web sites which, according to their definition don't offer any data except one and the same
transcription and repetition. The story about the Jinn is of course something more than that
and it is very interesting and no matter how much text is written about them it will never be
enough to describe their miraculous world and all of the beliefs that go with them. To write
about them in a realistic way one needs to use both religious and magical data because the real
truth is somewhere in between.c

s we are thought by theology Jinn's are demons made out of flames of a smokeless fire,
thousands of years before the creation of the first man. "nd He created Jinn's from fire free
of smoke:" (Surah Rehman, verse no.15:). The transmission says that God, while creating the
world first created the vast sees and then Jinn's to quarry diamonds from them. Because they
were created from fire they also have a fiery temper which is unstable and abrupt. Their
emotions are more expressed than the emotions of the humans which explains their
unstoppable urge to take revenge if they are wronged. The same is true for their love
emotions. Some authors believe that Jinn's are the former demons of the desert from various
rabian tribes which received new characteristics when Islam arrived. There are two sources
about the origin of their name. ccording to the first version "ginn" is an rabian word which
is a root of "ganana-ganna" which means "hide" or "conceal". nother source claims that Jinn
derive from the old Zarathustrian religion of dualism where one believed in women Jaine or
Jahi. In our region we meet various names for the Jinn- the lbans say "dreć", Gypsies
"beng", in Sanjak you can hear the name "konđolos" etc.c

Humans and Jinn's are inseparable. ccording to the transmission, when llah vanquished
dam and Eve from Heaven, he then created a curtain between humans and Jinn's, which
were by that time living on Earth, so that their appearance wouldn't frighten the humans.
nalyzing various stories and traditions from Bosnian, Turkish and rabian populations we
see various interferences of the Jinn in human lives. In Egypt they believe that Karin, a Jinn
copy of a human, occupies the womb of a pregnant woman during the first months of her
pregnancy. By a Moroccan transmission a male child is born with 60 Jinn's in his body, while
a female child is born pure. But while the male child is growing up he loses a Jinn every year,
while the female child gains a Jinn every year. That's why it is believed that women in their
60's have 60 Jinn's in them and that they are in the same rank as them.c

Jinn is a demon that has its own character, personality and whimsicality. Like humans Jinn's
are also divided in tribes, they also inhabit various locations and they have their own rulers,
they get married, have children, they are born and they die. In other words they are a copy of
everything that is happening in the human realm. It is considered that there are 70 groups of
Jinn which are sub-divided into 70 000 tribes. The servants of the day in a week, or the seven
big Jinn's are the rulers of the tribes, they rule over 49 tribes and how much members they
have no one knows. The king of all the Jinn is called Malik Gatshan, he lives on the mountain
Qaf which encircles the whole world leaning on the stone Sakhrat, according to the
transmission it is a big emerald that gives color to the sky. In the east there are 300 thousand
servants and only 30 thousand in the west.c
The Jinn are mostly active at night, in the middle of the day (afternoon) and during sunset. It
is considered that they can harm those that whistle at night, that bathe during sunset or those
that enter the places that they inhabit. In some rabian countries like Mauritania or lgeria
there are certain places that are believed to be the summing junction of the Jinn and they are
usually avoided by the humans. One of those which are known to the public is Gareth al
Djenoun which means the "Mountain of the Jinn's" which has a lot of myths and legends
around it. In a lot of the rabian literature the Jinn are an unavoidable motif and certainly the
most famous one "One thousand and one nights" is teeming with the stories of wizards and
Jinn's. In one of the stories there is a mention of the Jinn which inhabit the city of roses

The reason why the Jinn attack humans lies in their nature which is whimsical, vengeful,
playful, unpredictable and therefore very dangerous. If they feel that they are challenged, they
will possess the person's body causing him pain, without a second thought. They cause
various illnesses in humans, from distemper to blindness, infertility, chronic rheumatism,
impotency or general paralysis. Not even animals are spared from their attacks, causing them
to lose milk and to become infertile. s it is believed the Jinn are the cause of sinister diseases
which devastate whole herds, like the cow plague. Through strong winds and sand whirlwinds
they can cause harm to crops.c

The Jinn reveal themselves to humans in various forms and shapes, but most often they take
the form of a dark man, a bird or a dog, a cat, a snake, etc. There were cases, when Jinn want
to deceive and manipulate the human senses, that they appeared in the form of someone
known or very close to the human. When they take the form of a human they are easily
discovered by their eyes which are red and bloody. Every Jinn group has their characteristic
way in which they like to reveal themselves to humans, for example: the amrad's like to take
the form of a snake, the powerful ifrit's are prone to the form of winged beasts, etc. Besides
this the Jinn are also differentiated by their temperament, therefore we have a group called
hadi which are very peaceful and calm while on the other hand we have their counterparts in
the group hasidi which are very envious and mischievous.c

The most dangerous Jinn are the three female demons Umm al-Sibjan which tortures babies,
Habobat al-Sughar and Umm al-Juhal whose specialty is to harm children up to two years
causing them epilepsy and arrestment. Old books describe these demons as ugly and skinny
women. Jinn are also divided by religions, therefore besides Muslim, we have Christian and
Jewish Jinn's. Bibjun is a Christian Jinn who causes epileptic seizure in humans.  Jewish
Jinn l-Mukalbe al-Uhud is often called upon by those magicians who want to cause marital
distress with their magic. ccording to the transmission, the Jinn live longer than humans and
in some old scriptures we can find data that a Jinn who is thousands of years old is only a
baby in our human terms. It is believed that one of the Jinn rulers, Meymun ba Nuha, is over
7000 years old. Long-life is not just reserved for Jinn champions, there are some Jinn tribes
called Munzarun which will live until the end of time.....more: www.falanje.comc

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