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Neptune through the Houses

    In your astrology chart, the planet Neptunerepresents spirituality, enlightenment, illusion and
mysticism.  The position of Neptune shows where you havea tendency to idolize people and
things. You tend to have rose-colored glasses on in the area of life thatNeptune influences.  Neptune
also showswhere you suffer emotionally and where you find your connection tospirituality.  You have
to be carefulwith Neptune because it can confuse you, deceive you and make you believesomething
that is not there.  Neptunemakes you only see the good in people and situations.  This can cause you
pain and prevent you fromseeing things realistically. This planet can bring pain and suffering into
yourlife.  The pain that Neptune causes canhelp you become more spiritual in the process.  Neptune
rules drugs and alcohol and can show where you might bevulnerable to addiction.

Neptunethrough the First House

    When Neptune is placed in the first house,you are a person who has a dreamy, mystical
appearance.  Others perceive you as being flighty and itis like you are in a dream world.  Youlook like
you are in another world and your energy is very mysterious.  Others may misjudge you and think
that youare under the influence of drugs at some time in your life.  This may not be true, but the
energy youradiate can seem that way.  You seem likeyou are in another dimension or level of
awareness.  You are extremely sensitive to theenvironment that you are in and you can become
vulnerable to negativeenergy.  If people in the environment arepositive then you will feel positive but
if they are unhappy, then you willfeel unhappy.  You absorb the energy thatis surrounding you very
easily and it is important that you make sure yousurround yourself with positive people.
    You are a spiritual person and manypeople recognize your kindness.  Peoplefeel your presence
immediately and feel your compassionate nature.  You suffer most from not being able toprotect
yourself and you need to learn to develop stronger boundaries.  You struggle with having to stand up
foryourself.  You avoid conflict and enjoyescaping from the world.  You can live inyour imagination
and others may feel that they can’t understand you.  You might feel that you have your head in
theclouds and you have a hard time being present in the physical realm.  
    You will benefit by learning toground yourself and your energy.  Youneed to love and nurture
yourself.  Yourgreatest challenge is learning to have boundaries and developing the ability totake
care of your own needs and not neglect them.  You have a tendency to suffer from body
imageissues and you may not feel that you are attractive.  You need to learn to accept yourself and
beless judgmental of your own body.  Youdeserve love and affection just as much as everyone else
and you will healyourself by loving and accepting who you are.

Neptunein the Second House

    When Neptune is in the second house, youare a person who worries about material things. You
have illusions about security and money can be something thatconfuses you.  You may enjoy
owningmystical and spiritual items such as icons, angels, candles and incense.  You can become
enamored with material things,but they can leave you feeling lonely. You need to own spiritual items
and have a sense of spirituality aroundthe material things that you have.  Youmay benefit by working
in a spiritual field or by helping others in someway.  You may be able to make your moneyfrom
helping others who suffer or by doing some type of spiritual work.  
    You do not particularly enjoy workingwith money and you prefer to not have to worry about the
realities of life. Youdo not know how to deal with life in a realistic way.  You can feel overwhelmed by
material concernsand practical matters, preferring to escape into your dream world.  You like for
other people to take care of youfinancially and you do not like having to worry about the future.  You
are artistic and enjoy experiencing apeaceful, stable and mystical atmosphere. You can experience
comfort through music, study and by having time alonewith your own thoughts. 

Neptunein the Third House

    When Neptune is placed in the third house,you are a person who enjoys spiritual conversation. 
You need to be able to communicate withothers about your interests in mysticism, spirituality,
music, art and anythingthat inspires your imagination. You have a very vivid imagination and
areinclined towards writing.  You willprefer to write about spiritual subjects that spark others
imagination.  You enjoy communicating with other likeminded spiritual people and need this level of
depth in your conversations withothers to prevent loneliness. You do not enjoy superficial
conversation andhave a deep desire for spiritual friendships. 
    One of your siblings was probablyextremely spiritual and you may have had a special relationship
with them.  There is also the chance that one of yoursiblings had a problem with drugs and
alcohol. You may have witnessed the impact of addiction on their life and sawthem suffer.  You
enjoy escaping from theworld into your imagination and can live out many of your fantasies in
reallife.  You get bored easily withpractical and realistic concerns and need time to discuss the
deeper meaning oflife with others.  You may enjoy teachingmetaphysical subjects such as
meditation, yoga, astrology and energy healing toothers.  You can be hurt easily bycommunication
and the words that others use. You are easily fooled by others and can be naïve and believe others
tooeasily.  Sometimes words can cause deepwounds for you and when people speak unkindly, it
wounds you deeply.
    You are a daydreamer and when you arein school this can cause difficulties for you, especially
when you areyoung.  You have a hard timeconcentrating and you enjoy detaching from your
surroundings if they feel tooheavy for you.  You need inspiration tolearn and need to feel that the
subjects are spiritual, deep andmeaningful.  You are intuitive and canhave an uncanny ability of
telling people exactly what they need to hear in theperfect moment they desire it.  You canachieve
success in school, but only if it is a subject that inspires yourexpansive, imaginative mind.  You
preferlearning about creative subjects and will completely drift away into your dreamworld if you are
bored.  Others may feelyou are not listening to them and often you aren’t, unless it is something
thatinterests you.

Neptunein the Fourth House

    When Neptune is placed in the fourth house,you are a person who suffers from painful childhood
memories andillusions.  You were probably raised in aspiritual home where religion was a major
role. What the family believed was important and also could have been hard foryou to understand. 
There were manysecrets in your home and you may have believed your parents were perfect andhad
one of them up on a pedestal.  Atsome time in your life, they came crashing down off that pedestal
you hadcreated for them and you were forced to see them clearly, as a human being.  You realized
that your parents were notperfect and made mistakes, which was a painful realization for you.  You
felt that you lost a sense of innocencein some way because of something that happened to you
when you were achild.  
    You might have had a parent who hadan addiction to alcohol, and one of your parents made
excuses for the other parent’sbehavior.  You were confused because as achild you were intuitive,
insightful and perceptive.  You saw that something was clearly wrong andthat your parent would act
strange. Sometimes they were abusive towardsyou.  One of your parents hid thisdisease and formed
the illusion in the home that everything was healthy.  You knew in your heart that something
waswrong, but you did not know how to express it in words.  Your wound comes from childhood and
thisoften carries into your adult life.
    You may hold on to the illusion thatyou had the perfect home life.  When youare older you will
want your home to be special and you will have highstandards as to what that entails.  Youneed to
be careful about sharing a home with people who are negative orunhealthy.  You need peace and
harmony inthe home environment for your own happiness.  If your home life is unstable or
aggressive,you can suffer from depression.  You needa sense of spirituality in your own home and
may enjoy decorating your homewith beautiful things that inspire you.
    You will benefit from seeing yourfamily members for who they really are. Everyone has good and
bad traits. You need to learn that no one is perfect and it is a part of life.  Your childhood memories
might not have beenall good and that is okay.  You need tolearn to see the truth and the reality of the
childhood you were raised in,because it has a big impact on the person you are today.

Neptunein the Fifth House
    When Neptune is in the fifth house, you area person who enjoys being creative.  Youare artistic
and will have a creative talent such as drawing, painting, acting,writing, or sculpting.  You will
enjoyspending time around other artistic people who can bring you inspiration.  You have an
imaginative quality to yourself-expression and other people perceive you as a mystical person.  You
live your life in a dream world andfantasies about love and romance can overwhelm you.  
    You can suffer in areas of romance,because you always create a certain type of story in your head
that may not fitwith reality.  You may imagine and daydreamabout people who you have feelings
for. Although you never share with them how you truly feel.  You can keep your feelings secret from
othersand this is where you can suffer.  Youwant to bond with others and have romantic
relationships, but you do not alwaysthink realistically about others.  Youtend to see the good in
others and ignore all the negative traits.  You can get involved with abusive lovers andpeople who
have problems. Your tendency is to wear rose-colored glasses, whichprevents you from seeing
others accurately. You need to learn to see the good and bad in people, no one is withoutfaults. 
    You will benefit by havingrelationships with people that are spiritual, intuitive and mystical
likeyourself.  If you do not have relationshipswith others that are similar to you then you can feel
lonely anddepressed.  You need to feel a sense ofdepth in your relationships. You might prefer being
alone than spending timewith others who are cold or unemotional. You need to express your
creativity and will benefit by surroundingyourself around art and music.  Music canbring peace into
your life and help you connect to your imagination andcreative inspiration.
Neptunein the Sixth House
    When Neptune is in the sixth house, you area person who suffers physically when you are under
stress.  Your physical body is sensitive to theenvironment.  You can become sick easilyif you do not
take care of yourself.  Ifyour emotions are unsettled, then you will have a difficult time balancing
yourdiet, sleep and routine.  You need tohave a peaceful, harmonious, imaginative work
environment.  You will enjoy working with people who areintuitive and compassionate.  You
aredrawn to work with people who are sick, either physically and mentally.  You may find yourself
working in a hospitalor clinical setting.   
    You may enjoy taking care of othersand if you do not work in the health care field, you may work in
a field thatallows you to serve others in some way. If your environment is toxic and negative, you will
get sickeasily.  Your physical body is sensitiveto energy and you need harmony in your environment. 
You cannot function when people are angry andunstable.  You enjoy a routine thatallows emotions
to flourish and creative ideas to be shared.  
    You need to make sure that you takecare of your physical health by eating healthy foods, getting
enough sleep, anddeveloping a healthy routine.  You sufferfrom allergies and might have food
allergies and sensitivity to certain thingsin the environment.  You may be allergicto things such as
seafood, bees, wasps or allergens outside.  Your sensitivity will always be there but youneed to take
extra steps to become strong and grounded.  As a child you were sick a lot and probablymissed a lot
of school.  You may sufferfrom depression, anxiety or other types of mental illnesses because of
yoursensitive, compassionate nature.  Try notto let others hurt your feelings.  Youneed to develop a
shell around yourself that protects you from the negativeenergy around you.  Imagine a white,yellow
light surrounding you at all times when you are in an environment thatdrains you. You will benefit by
studying cognitive therapy and how to usepositive affirmations.  You need to learnhow to think
positively.  When you changeyour thoughts, your health will also change. This will help you
protectyourself and create a greater sense of happiness and overall health.

Neptunein the Seventh House

    When Neptune is in the seventh house, youare a person who suffers in relationships. You are
drawn to mystical, spiritual types of partners.  You need a partner who is deep, insightfuland artistic. 
You can attract partnersthat are unstable emotionally and who possibly have addiction issues such
asalcoholism.  You can often find yourselfmarried to someone who you have to take care of on a
daily basis.  You draw people who have pain and you canconfuse love with pity.  You can beblinded
by love and put your partner up on a pedestal.  You can sometimes see only the things youwant to
see in your relationships. This can cause you tremendous heartache atsome time in your life.  The
pain thatyou have to go through is evident and has lasting effects upon you.  You will become
stronger from therelationships you find yourself in.
    You are idealistic and overlyromantic towards people who you are attracted to.  You do not think
practically or realisticallyabout love and this can lead you down a path of destruction.  You can be
victimized at some time in your lifeby someone you trust, leaving a deep wound in your heart.  You
are also capable of unselfish love andself-denial when you are in relationships. You can sacrifice
your own feelings for your partner and can put up witha lot of mistreatment that most people would
never tolerate.  
    Your greatest test is to see othershonestly, clearly and accurately.  Youcan be fooled by others
words, actions and personality.  It takes time to truly get to know someoneand all their traits will
make themselves known eventually.  Be careful not to jump in too fast when youmeet someone
new.  Give yourself the timeto truly get to know others so that you do not suffer from misperceptions
andillusions about the people you are developing relationships with.  Be cautious about entering into
any type ofbusiness contracts with others, because you can be taken advantage of.  Trust your
intuition and do not ignore anyred flags you may see.  Learn to seeothers clearly as human beings
with both positive qualities and negativetraits.

Neptunein the Eighth House

    When Neptune is in the eighth house, youare a person who is extremely sensitive and emotional. 
You are very compassionate and feel otherspain easily.  You have a strongimagination and potential
to have visions of a spiritual nature.  You have strange fantasies and are veryinterested in psychic
phenomenon.  Youare naturally interested in the supernatural and believe in ghosts.  You may have
an innate fear of thesesupernatural forces, although you can’t resist studying about them.  You want
to learn as much as you can aboutthe spiritual world.  You want tounderstand the soul and what
happens to your essence after you die.  You may suffer emotionally because of yourinterests and
imagination.  You may feelthat no one understands you and this may lead you to withdrawal from
others andremain secretive.  There is a chance thatyou will have powerful dreams and it is important
for you to write your dreamsdown and use them as a guide in your waking life.
    You have been wounded by someone youtrusted and at some time in your life you will feel that
you have beenvictimized sexually.  Sexuality is asubject that fascinates you as well as brings you a
lot of pain.  You may prefer to have platonic loverelationships where sexuality is not involved and
you can sacrifice your sexualurges easily.  You may also only want tohave sex with people that are
spiritual and it is important for you to becareful who you share intimacy with because of your
sensitive nature.  The act of sex bonds two souls together andif you share this with someone who is
mentally unstable, addictive, or abusiveit can cause you a lot of pain.  Try topick your sexual partners
carefully and be cautious about sharing your bodywith others that you do not know well, because
you are a person who experiencessex as a spiritual, energetic interaction. 
    You may suffer around the issue ofother people’s resources.  You may notreceive an inheritance
from someone you expected to take care of you.  There can be a lot of misunderstood
feelingsaround the resources of others.  Yourgreatest test is to learn to see things from a spiritual
perspective and totrust that everything happens for a reason.

Neptune in the Ninth House

    When Neptune is in the ninth house, you area person who enjoys studying spiritual subjects.  You
have a great ability to daydream,fantasize and entertain beliefs and philosophies that are new age. 
You like to think about religion and enjoytrying to figure out why you are here. You are on a spiritual
search for the meaning of life.  You want to learn more about spirituality andyou will benefit by taking
classes throughout your life in a variety ofdifferent subject areas.  
    You suffer from having to break awayfrom traditional religion.  The beliefsthat your family raised
you in and taught you can bring you sadness.  You were naturally intuitive and open mindedand had
to forge your own belief system. You had to walk your own spiritual path and find what
teachingsresonated with you.  You can suffer fromthe realization that your family may not approve
of your lifestyle andideas.  Try not to worry about whatothers think about you.  You are meant tofind
your own path and if that is different from those you love, then you needto learn to accept this.
    You will enjoy traveling to farawaylands and experiencing different types of people.  You will need
benefit by visiting spiritualsites in Egypt, Greece and Europe. Traveling and education will bring you
happiness.  You need to be careful about being influencedby false teachers.  You may get
suckedinto a spiritual or religious cult at sometime in your life.  You are vulnerable to religious
zealots andneed to think for yourself.  You are easilyinfluenced and you can be brainwashed by
someone who is charming andmanipulative.  Learn to think foryourself and just because someone
says they believe something the same as youdo, does not mean they are without faults. Everyone
has faults and you may fail to see that, which can cause youundue suffering.

Neptunein the Tenth House
    When Neptune is placed in the tenth house,you are a person who suffers in your career. You can
be confused about your place in the world and can have difficultyfiguring out what you want to do
with your life.  You suffer because you are unsure about whichtype of career would benefit you. 
Youare an idealistic person and have high hopes and wishes for success. Youfantasize about the
perfect job and career. You often find it difficult tomanifest your desires into action.  Youare
compassionate and desire to serve others so you are often drawn to theministry, medicine or the
health care field. You may prefer to work with children versus adults because you feel thatchildren
are as sensitive as you.  Youcan relate better to children and value their innocence and openness.
    You are artistic and creative andwould benefit by working in career fields such as entertainment,
music or theperforming arts.  You need to expressyourself creatively in your work and you value
beauty.  You suffer when you are in a toxic orunstable work environment.  You dislikeharshness and
the normal working atmosphere can stifle you and overwhelm youemotionally.  You prefer to work
alone,in private with little interruption.  Youdo not like loud noises, angry people or too much action
in the workenvironment.  You prefer a spiritual,harmonious type of work environment.  Youare
passive and lack the drive to reach the top in your career.  You believe in fantasies and dreams that
maynever manifest.  You have to learn to bemore practical about the world and life. 
    Your greatest challenge is to learnhow to work consistently and be practical about your career. 
You have to learn that living in yourimagination will not help you find a job. You actually have to go
out into theworld and take the steps necessary to obtain employment.  You may feel disillusioned if
you get stuckin a job you do not like.  If you dislikeit and feel that it is not bringing you in touch with
your spiritual, mystical,imaginative side then you can feel depressed and downtrodden.    You have
to find the right type of careerthat allows you to be the creative, compassionate person you are and
also allowsyou to have material success.

Neptune in the Eleventh House

    When Neptune is in the eleventh house, youcan suffer from friendships and in groups. You prefer
to surround yourself with spiritual friends that sharesimilar beliefs.  You like to be aroundlike-minded
people that have a similar outlook on life.  You can suffer from disillusionment in groupsbecause you
often see people as you want them to be, not as they trulyare.  You can be deceived by groups
ofpeople or organizations.  You need tocautious and try to see people in a practical, realistic way. 
You need to make sure that you make friendswith people that will bring you happiness. You have a
tendency to attract people that have problems or that needhelp.  You can become drained by
yourfriends and need time to withdrawal from them to recoup.  
    You will enjoy serving others in humanitarianmissions and might be a part of a spiritual group or
club.  You enjoy discussing spiritual topics withyour friends and you like to be imaginative with your
friends.  You will enjoy telling stories and inspiringothers to think creatively.  You willbenefit by
seeing people clearly and then developing a deeper friendship withthem.  You dislike anything that
issuperficial and you need strong, spiritual types of people to bring into yoursocial world. 

  Neptune in the Twelfth House
    When Neptune is placed in the twelfthhouse, you are a person who suffers from your own
compassionate nature.  You are extremely sensitive to the emotionsin the environment and to other
people. You lack protection from the energetic influences that surroundyou.  You easily pick up what
othersthink, feel and believe.  You suffergreatly at times because of your sensitivity. You can feel
depressed, withdrawn and sad for no reason.  You are a loner and prefer to spend time byyourself. 
You are imaginative and enjoythinking deeply about life.  
    You are born psychic and are able tounderstand things about people without them telling you.  You
are like a sponge and absorb everythingin the environment.  You need to learnhow to protect
yourself and develop stronger boundaries with others.  Others can easily fool you and drain you
ofyour positive energy.  You like tobelieve that everyone is good and spiritual. When you realize that
the worldcan be an evil place, you can become despondent.  The realization that people can be
mean, eviland abusive disturbs you.  You prefer tosee everyone as loving, kind and compassionate
like you are.
    You are interested in life afterdeath and hidden realms.  You may repressyour true emotions and
keep them secret from others.  You may feel that others will not understandyour spiritual beliefs and
nature.  Theolder you get, the more spiritual you will become.  You need to be careful not to abuse
drugs oralcohol, because you are highly sensitive to substances that alter themind.  You are prone to
addiction andescaping from your emotional pain.  Youneed to face the pain you feel and transform it
into a spiritual understandingand bond with God.  You are blessed withthe ability to connect to God
through meditation, prayer and journaling.  Your life will be happiest when you follow aspiritual path
and way of life.

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