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refers to "making your mark"

on the world by caring for
others as well as creating and
accomplishing things that make
the world a better place. 
refers to the failure to find a
way to contribute

Menopause is the time that

marks the end of your menstrual
Empty nest syndrome 
is a feeling of grief and
loneliness parents may feel
when their children leave home
for the first time, such as to live
on their own or to attend a
college or university. 

Sandwich generation 
definition is a generation of
people who are caring for their
aging parents while supporting
their own children.

Domestic violence 
is violence or other abuse by
one person against another in a
domestic setting, such as in
marriage or cohabitation. 
 Midlife crisis is a transition of
identity and self-confidence that
can occur in middle-aged
Prime of life.
The best years of one's life,

Definition of Terms

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