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Name: Deo J. Galvez, MA.

Subject: Introductory to linguistics


Lexical Creativity in the 21st century Philippine English writing:

A corpus-based study


What I have understood from lexical approach is that chunks (combination of

words) are an important part of learning language. In this approach we use
grammaticalized lexis not lexicalized grammar. What is that mean is that lexis is basic
for learning language not grammar. In lexical approach, language consist of meaningful
chunks. People can communicate thanks to chunks and lexis without grammar. Using
lexical approach for teaching language helps students to communication. I further
discover as Dr. Nimfa presented about features and classifications of Englishes,
standard English, world English and of course the Philippine English.

However, it is more realistic if we will put it in the classroom context, how we can
teach lexis, chunks and grammar interactively? What I need to study again is putting
theory into practice. Upon learning the shared presentation of Dr. Nimfa more likely on
the Philippine English the lexicon. In my stand, it is nice to integrate when teaching a
vocabulary wherein the students can have the opportunity to discover lexicons in the
Philippine English and come up with comparative analysis with other lexicons which
belonged to American English. Thus, students will then realized and appreciate in which
by learning those lexicons in Philippine English is such a pride, the fact this is really the
trademark that we are Filipino.

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