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In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements

In Tropical Design

To be presented to

Ar./Enp. Gerelson Ray R. Bernadino, uap, piep,mscm

Submitted by:

Exconde, Mae Gelline J.

Bachelor of Science in Architecture 2B

October 05, 2020


Architecture and climate have always been linked in a pattern of mutual

influence. In its role as a provider of shelter, architecture intentionally modifies the
climate of an immediate area and traditionally, its design has been shaped by the
stresses and opportunities inherent in the regional climate. In the architectural
designing process of a building with the city's climate condition knowledge
architecture in a specific period, space design patterns can be utilized to raise the
welfare of residents. Many researches reveal that climate change is a significant
public issue. With the rising awareness of climate change impacts by both national
and international bodies, building climate resilience has become a major goal for
many institutions. This influence began to find path in architectural design
education. This paper addresses the issues of climate data analysis and
presentation, and uses simple graphics to inform building designers about the local
climate and encourages them to consider climate in their designs.


Title Page…………………………………………………………………………….….1


Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………...…3

List of Figures………………………………………………………………………….4








1 Macro-climate 7

2 Factors of Macro-climate 8

3 Pressure and Winds 10

4 Micro-climate 12

5 Solar Access 15

6 Koppen System 17

7 Prevailing Winds 23


A. Background

Climate is defined as an area's long-term weather patterns. The simplest

way to describe climate is to look at average temperature and precipitation over
time. Other useful elements for describing climate include the type and the
timing of precipitation, amount of sunshine, average wind speeds and
directions, number of days above freezing, weather extremes, and local
geography. The climate of any particular place is influenced by a host of
interacting factors. These include latitude, elevation, nearby water, ocean
currents, topography, vegetation, and prevailing winds. Climate is one of the
most important factors that affect both architectural design and urban planning.
The identification, understanding and control of the climatic
effects at the location of the building are crucial even before design decisions
are made. Climate of a location develops by its geographical position on earth,
height above sea level, topography and flora. Climate conditions are effective
in arrangement of building designs, determination of requirements, selection of
equipment and building method, and accordingly the formation. Different
climate systems generate regional architectural characteristics.

B. Purpose

To better understand how the climate system, or some part of the

climate system, works. Continuing analyses provide suggestions that point the
way toward more complete understanding and thus move climate science

C. Scope

It presents how climate affects building patterns in various climatic regions.

Climate plays a very important role in architectural and building forms. The
comparison of climatic data and the requirements for thermal comfort
provides the basis for the selection of building form and building elements
appropriate for the climate so as to create necessary internal comfort.


Climatic Data

Climate is one of the most important factors that affect both

architectural design and urban planning. The identification, understanding
and control of the climatic effects at the location of the building are crucial
even before design decisions are made. Climate of a location develops by
its geographical position on earth, height above sea level, topography and
flora. As a result of all these conditions, different climate regions and thus
different climatic design criteria are established. Climate that is significant
among building design criteria, is based on the average of the effects
collectively caused by atmospheric events somewhere on earth over many
years. It should be remembered that formation, reproduction and
continuation of living activities of all living creatures depend on suitable
climate conditions. Climatic variables can be examined in three main groups
as macro climate, mezzo climate and micro climate. The climate that
interacts according to geography is called macroclimate; the climate that is
based on regional flora and environment is named as mezzo climate and
microclimate is climate on a local scale. The changes in the artificial
environment that includes protection or utilization decisions for the existing
macro and mezzo climates form the microclimate. Macro and mezzo
climates are the same on an area where there is no settlement. Landscape
design made after construction of a building on land, surrounding buildings
and decisions about building form made during the design stage; make up
the microclimate of the building and its surroundings.


The macroclimate is considered to be the climate which results from

the homogeneous layer of air near the ground. This layer may not extend
to any great height, but within the layer little change in characteristics occurs
horizontally. The macroclimate has often been referred to as that climate
which is the result of the passage of air masses (DURST, 1951). The zone

of the microclimate depends on the scope of consideration but generally
consists of the layer of air which is markedly altered by the surface of the
earth or other surfaces thereon. The microclimate of a tree is that envelope
of air surrounding the tree which acquires unique properties because of the
tree. This area may extend to several meters above and beyond the tree.
The microclimate of a grassy surface may be a relatively shallow layer, the
depth of which would vary chiefly with wind speed and soil temperature. The
microclimate of a valley in its broadest sense is the climate
which results in the valley because of its special topography. Obviously no
complete categorization is possible. But clearly, the scale of some
microclimates can be measured in millimeters, others in centimeters, and
still others in meters.

Micro-climate - The variations in localized climate around a building.

FIG 1.

Macro-climate - The climate of a larger area such as a region or a country.

Macro-climate is the climate of a larger area such as a region or a country.
The macro and micro climate has a very important effect on both the energy
performance and environmental performance of buildings. The building site affects
exposure to the prevailing wind, the solar radiation the building receives, pollution
levels, temperatures and rain penetration.


 Temperature
 Wind
 Humidity
 Precipitation
 Sunshine

FIG 2.


 Sun angle exposure

 Topography - the shape of the land
 Vegetation
 Water body
 Physical infrastructure
 Urban layout (land use)
 Building types
 Shapes, height, color
 Material use in building facade
 Energy demand
 Open spaces
 Vehicle pollution


Sun and therefore heat is one of the most important climate components
because the generally used indicator of climatic comfort is air temperature and
relative humidity. Sun is the most important energy source in lighting and heating
forms and surfaces in architecture. The sun is not only a heat source but also a
significant light source whose quality varies during the day and according to the
seasons. While applying architectural solutions in order to utilize the sun at the
maximum level in winter, refraction components are needed in order to be
protected from the torrid heat of the sun in summer.


Formation of a strong pressure zone is inevitable in the direction of the wind.

It is possible to increase or decrease the amount of this pressure by means of
corridors created between buildings. While airflow is needed in hot and humid
regions, shadowing measures should be taken in hot and dry regions. For this
reason, direction of buildings is determined according to the angle of sunrays in
some regions while planning is made according to the dominant wind directions in

summer in some other regions. Determination of wind requirement differs in each
climate region. Wind requirement is important during the entire year in low
latitudes, however protection is required in high latitudes.

Asli Pinar Biket

FIG 3.

a.) Desirable and Undesirable Wind Directions

b.) Seasonal Variations

It is needed according to climate regions should be taken into account when

making decisions about planning (story height and distances between buildings).


The crux of the humidity issue is sensible heat. Heat held latent in water
vapor is insensible, not perceived as heat so the amount of water in the air and the
heat it can hold become crucial factors. Relative humidity is the amount of moisture
in the air expressed as a percentage of the total amount of moisture the air can
hold at a given temperature. Vapor pressure represents the amount of moisture
actually in the air, regardless of temperature. The importance of that relationship

can be seen in climates of low relative humidity, where humidification and
evaporative cooling can draw sensible heat from the air, hold it latent in water
vapor, and reduce temperature. High humidity was cause of condensation in
winter, mildew in summer, and misery at high temperatures suggests desiccants
design solutions.


Precipitation type and amount that varies according to geographical

properties affect architectural design. Since the amount of precipitation affects
humidity rate, some measures may have to be taken in order to prevent discomfort
in the building and its surroundings. When various climate regions are observed,
it is seen that low rate of humidity is preferred in dry climates whereas it causes
discomfort in tropical climate regions.


Daylighting can be the major factor in an energy-conserving design solution,

and designers need more research in the field. A designer can significantly reduce
the duration of artificial lighting in a building, if not the amount of equipment
installed, by considering certain conditions. Direct sunlight, though it glares in task
lighting, can be beamed (bounced) for general light. Clear sky diffuse light is
optimal for task or general illumination. For both of the above, building openings
and orientation should be carefully planned. Cloudy sky illumination is diffuse and
evenly balanced negating the influence of orientation but requires greater auxiliary


Buildings themselves create further micro-climates by shading the ground,

changing wind flow patterns. One example of how buildings affect the local climate
is the heat island effect in large cities where the average temperature is higher
than the surrounding area: Solar energy absorbed and re-emitted from building
surfaces, pavements roads etc. creates a warming effect on the surrounding air.

Also the large quantities of buildings break up the wind flow, reducing wind speeds
and causing the warm air to remain stagnant in the city. This also causes increased
pollution as well as temperatures. The presence of local high rise buildings can
degrade the local climate as wind speed at ground level can be significantly
increased, while extensive shadows block access to sunlight for long periods,
increasing space heating costs in surrounding buildings.

FIG 4.
Improving Micro Climate through Design

The aims of enhancing Micro-Climate around Buildings:

 Reduce costs of winter heating

 Reduce summer overheating and the need for cooling
 Maximise outdoor comfort in summer and winter


 Improve durability of building material (reduced rain penetration)

 Provide a better visual environment in spaces around buildings
 Encourage growth of plants
 Discourage growth of mosses and algae
 Facilitate open air drying of clothes

Means of enhancing the micro climate around a building include:

Solar Access

 Allow maximum daylight into space and buildings

 Allow maximum solar radiation into space and buildings
 Shade space and windows from prolonged exposure to summer sun
 Protect space and windows from glare

Wind Protection

 Protect space and buildings from prevailing winds and cold (e.g. North/East)
 Prevent buildings and terrain features from generating turbulence
 Protect spaces and buildings from driving rain and snow
 Protect space and buildings from katabatic flows, while retaining enough air
movement to disperse pollutants


 Provide thermal mass to moderate extreme temperatures

 Use vegetation for sun shading and wind protection (transpiration helps
moderate high temperatures).
 Provide surfaces that drain readily.
 Provide water for cooling be evaporation (pools and fountains)


Two main possibilities for influencing Micro Climate Are Solar Access and Wind


Solar access to a site is often a case of minimising solar overheating in

summer while maximising solar access during the winter. Buildings with a heating
requirement should be orientated north south with maximum glazing on the south
face. Deciduous trees offer an excellent means of site shading, with shading being
reduced in winter when the trees lose their leaves. The colour of surrounding
surfaces will have a pronounced effect on the solar radiation available to the
building. Light coloured paving will increase the radiation reflected from the ground
into the building. Paving stones will also provide external thermal mass,
moderating temperature swings immediately adjacent to the building. Grass
planted outside a building will reduce the ground reflected solar. Use of courtyards
and water can also moderate the effects of high temperatures on summer.

FIG 5.


The form of the building can have a great effect on the impact of the wind:

 Avoidance of the building flank facing the wind

 Avoidance of funnel-like gaps between buildings
 Avoidance of flat roofed buildings and cubical forms
 Avoid piercing buildings at ground level
 Avoid abrupt changes in building heights
 Orientate long axis of the building parallel to the direction of the wind
 Use podium to limit down draught at ground level
 Use pitched rather than flat roofs and stepped forms for higher buildings
 Groups of buildings can be arranged inirregular patterns to avoid wind
 Coniferous trees and fencing and other landscape features such as mounds
of earth and hedges can also reduce the impact of wind and driving rain on
the building structure.


The Köppen-Geiger system uses colors and shades to classify the world
into five climate zones based on criteria like temperature, which allows for different
vegetation growth.

The Köppen climate classification system categorizes climate zones

throughout the world based on local vegetation. Wladimir Köppen, a German
botanist and climatologist, first developed this system at the end of the 19th
century, basing it on the earlier biome research conducted by scientists. These
scientists learned that vegetation and climate are intricately linked. The vegetation
that grows in a region is dependent on the temperature and precipitation there,
which are two key factors of climate. Areas with more rainfall and higher
temperatures contain more forests while regions with less rainfall tend to be
deserts. The Köppen climate classification system has been enhanced and
modified several times since it was first published.

Köppen’s classification maps are still used by scientists and climatologists

to this day. Although he published his first map in the early 1900s, Köppen
continued to update it until his death in 1940. Subsequent climatologists, including
Rudolf Geiger, updated versions of this map, which often include Geiger’s name
as well. At the time of writing, a recent revision to this map was published in 2018.

Four Basic Climate Zones and Ten Sub-Climate Zones

FIG 6.


The Philippines have a tropical maritime climate, meaning the weather is

generally hot and quite humid. The region really only experiences three seasons,
a hot dry summer between March and May known as tag-init, a wet season
between June and November known as tag-ulan and a coller dry season between
December and February known as tag-lamig. The Philippines weather patterns are

created by the prevailing winds of the southwest monsoon (known as the habagat)
from May to October and the northeast monsoon (known as the amihan) from
November to early May.

Average temperatures in the Philippines usually range between 21 °C (70

°F) and 32 °C (90 °F) with the average yearly temperature coming in at around
26.6 °C (79.9 °F). Temperatures can fluctuate between regions and depending on
the season, however generally January is the coolest month while May is the
warmest. The Philippines are also affected by typhoons, also known as bagyo,
which occur between June and November. Really only affecting the Visayas, Cebu
is the only tourist destination that is impacted by these conditions however,
typhoons can result in significant damage in these areas or heavy rain across the
rest of the country.

Aside from typhoon season when the weather can be wet and
unpredictable, there really is no bad time to visit the Philippines. The best time to
visit the Philippines weather-wise is from January to May however unsurprisingly
this is also the peak tourist season. There are plenty of beautiful places to escape
in the Philippines where you won't have to compete with tourist crowds if you don't
want to however if you don't mind a little rain during your stay, the low season from
June to September is a good time to visit as it is considered the 'rainy' season,
although some areas don't experience rain during this time





The Climate of the Philippines is tropical and maritime. It is characterized

by relatively high temperature, high humidity and abundant rainfall. It is similar in
many respects to the climate of the countries of Central America. Temperature,

humidity, and rainfall, which are discussed hereunder, are the most important
elements of the country's weather and climate.


Based on the average of all weather stations in the Philippines, excluding

Baguio, the mean annual temperature is 26.6o C. The coolest months fall in
January with a mean temperature of 25.5oC while the warmest month occurs in
May with a mean temperature of 28.3oC. Latitude is an insignificant factor in the
variation of temperature while altitude shows greater contrast in temperature.
Thus, the mean annual temperature of Baguio with an elevation of 1,500 meters
is 18.3oC. This makes the temperature of Baguio comparable with those in the
temperate climate and because of this, it is known as the summer capital of the


Humidity refers to the moisture content of the atmosphere. Due to high

temperature and the surrounding bodies of water, the Philippines has a high
relative humidity. The average monthly relative humidty varies between 71 percent
in March and 85 percent in September. The combination of warm temperature and
high relative and absolute humidities give rise to high sensible temperature
throughout the archipelago. It is especially uncomfortable during March to May,
when temperature and humidity attain their maximum levels.


Rainfall is the most important climatic element in the Philippines. Rainfall

distribution throughout the country varies from one region to another, depending
upon the direction of the moisture-bearing winds and the location of the mountain

The mean annual rainfall of the Philippines varies from 965 to 4,064
millimeters annually. Baguio City, eastern Samar, and eastern Surigao receive the
greatest amount of rainfall while the southern portion of Cotabato receives the least

amount of rain. At General Santos City in Cotabato, the average annual rainfall is
only 978 millimeters.


Using temperature and rainfall as bases, the climate of the country can be
divided into two major seasons:

(1) the rainy season, from June to November

(2) the dry season, from December to May. The dry season may be subdivided
further into:

(a) the cool dry season, from December to February

(b) the hot dry season, from March to May


The Climate of the Philippines is either tropical rainforest, tropical savanna

or tropical monsoon, or humid subtropical (in higher-altitude areas) characterized
by relatively high temperature, oppressive humidity and plenty of rainfall.

There are two seasons in the country, the wet season and the dry season, based
upon the amount of rainfall. This is dependent as well on your location in the
country as some areas experience rain all throughout the year.

The seven warmest months of the year are from March to October. The winter
monsoon brings cooler air from November to February. May is the warmest month,
and January, the coolest.

There are four recognized climate types in the Philippines, and they are based on
the distribution of rainfall. They are described as follows:

Type I. Two pronounced season: dry from November to April and wet during
the rest of the year.

Type II. No dry season with a pronounced rainfall from November to

Type III. Seasons are not very pronounced, relatively dry from November
to April, and wet during the rest of the year.

Type IV. Rainfall is more or less evenly distributed throughout the year.

There are three recognized seasons: Tag-init or Tag-araw (the hot season
or summer from March to May), Tag-ulan (the rainy season from June to
November), and Taglamig (the cold season from December to February).
The humid southwest monsoon (May-October) is known as "Habagat". The
cool and dry winds of the northeast monsoon (November April) are called

These seasons can seriously get mixed up by the El Niño / La Niña effects.
El Niño brings dry weather and even droughts. La Niña stands for rainy
weather and floods.


According to the Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical

Services Administration, the country experiences two kinds of monsoons—the
northeast monsoon and the southwest monsoon.

The northeast monsoon, commonly called amihan, affects eastern

Philippines from October to late March. Initially a cold, dry air mass, it comes from
Siberia and gathers moisture over the Pacific Ocean before reaching the eastern
parts of the country. It is characterized by widespread cloudiness with rains and

The southwest monsoon, on the other hand, is called habagat.

Characterized by heavy rains that last for a week, it affects the country from July
to September and brings the rainy season to the western part of the country.


Prevailing winds are winds that blow consistently in a given direction over a
particular region on Earth. Due to factors such as uneven heating from the Sun
and the Earth's rotation, these winds vary at different latitudes on Earth. Prevailing
winds are important for determining locations of wind farms in order to generate
electricity. Prevailing winds also determine the amount of rainfall that different
regions get. In Southeastern Asia, these winds result in the formation of monsoons
and deserts. The West coast of South and North America receives abundant rain
during the winter due to these winds.

The equator receives the most direct sunlight, resulting in the planet's
warmest temperatures being near the equator. Heat expands the air, making it less
dense which leads to rising air. As the air rises, it cools, making the air lose its
water vapor as rain. This air then circulates around to roughly 30 degrees north or
south. The wind doesn't flow directly up, because the Earth rotates. This rotation
causes the wind to have a higher speed in the Eastern direction relative to the
ground at high latitudes (see Coriolis effect), which results in a variety of prevailing

FIG 7.

Tropical storms, cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons, although named

differently, describe the same disaster type. Essentially, these disaster types refer
to a large scale closed circulation system in the atmosphere which combines low
pressure and strong winds that rotate counter clockwise in the northern
hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere. Cyclones, hurricanes and
typhoons can be predicted several days in advance. The onset is extensive and
often very destructive. These disasters are usually more destructive than floods.

Tropical depression

The first stage of a tropical weather event is called a tropical depression.

Meteorologists sometimes refer to these formations as a tropical wave,
disturbance, feature, system or disturbance. Tropical depressions are cyclones
with winds that gust at 38 miles per hour (33 knots) or less. While cyclones aren’t
as strong as tropical storms or hurricanes, they can bring significant amounts of
rain, thunderstorms and devastating floods.

Tropical storm

Meteorologists upgrade a tropical depression to a tropical storm when the

cyclone’s circulation is more organized and has sustained wind speeds of 39 to 73
miles per hour (34 to 63 knots). Tropical storms produce large amounts of rain,
and can cause enough wind and wave activity to damage boats and erode
beaches. When a weather event qualifies as a tropical storm, meteorologists
categorize it according to the Saffir-Simpson Scale.


When a storm system has sustained winds of over 74 miles per hour (64
knots), a spiral arrangement of thunderstorms with low-pressure center, it is
considered a hurricane, or a typhoon. Meteorologists generally use the term
“hurricane” for storms in Atlantic Ocean and the word “typhoon” for those in the
Pacific Ocean. Hurricanes are the most dangerous and devastating type of tropical

system. The earth’s rotation causes hurricanes to accelerate toward the poles if a
current doesn’t steer them, a force known as the Coriolis effect.


Tropical architecture is a branch of the architecture, the study of the climate

of the oriented architecture the weather in a place where the mass of the building
or group of buildings, and the impact or impact on the environmental link or
influence on the tropical surroundings. Buildings with tropical architectural design,
characterized by setting or characters with tropical weather conditions, or have a
tropical form. But with the development of the concept and technology, the building
with the concept or how modern or high-tech, which might be called tropical
buildings this is mitigated by a system of air circulation, ventilation, view openings,
and the orientation of the buildings and the use of modern high tech materials
which does not damage the environment.

Tropical architecture includes a variety of issues related to the design of

buildings or tropical areas characterized by buildings, with the effect or impact on
the environment. Buildings design with tropical nature, has the following
requirements: must have a vision and direction of the buildings, in accordance with
the standard (the orientation of the building) tropical with support material or
comfort participate in tropical conditions, such as sunshading, sunprotection,
sunlouver, taking into account the standard influence openings for environmental
protection (radiation of the window), and has a character or a feature that has the
building as a tropical, expose building with the use of material or different colors.


Tropical climates are found at the middle band along the equator between
the Tropic of Cancer in the northern hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn in the
southern hemisphere. Because these are the areas of the planet where the Sun's
rays can strike from directly or nearly overhead at high noon, these areas can
become swelteringly and scorchingly hot during daytime. Even the nights can be
very warm until early morning. If a tropical area has little precipitation, such as

along the "horse latitudes" or behind mountain ranges that cause "rain shadows,"
small or large deserts can form. If there is more rainfall, either spread out or just
seasonally, grasslands and savannas teeming with wildlife spread across the land.
If rain is constant throughout the year, nonstop tree growth will form tropical rain
forests and thick jungles that are always wet, clouded, and muggy.


The main objective of climatic design is to provide comfortable living

conditions with a minimum and meaningful input of artificial energy. This also
reduces investment and running costs as well as ecological damage.

Settlement Planning

Different factors have to be considered when planning settlements.

Transportation means and ways, water access, water supply, available materials
and technical means, infrastructure, social structure and defense considerations
are but a few of them.

In view of the general goal of protection from the harsh climate as well as
risks, the following main criteria have to be considered:

 Topography, to benefit from microclimatic variations

 Orientation, to optimize sun and wind impact
 Wind, to achieve the required ventilation
 Pattern and form, to optimize the reciprocal impact between buildings or
safety reasons

Topographical location of settlements

In selecting the location for a settlement, the microclimatic advantages

caused by topographical features of different sites should be considered.

a) Locations on slopes, hills and in valleys

In general, elevated sites are preferable. Locations at higher altitude have lower
temperatures due to the adiabatic phenomenon. The mean temperature
decreases by 1°C with 100-m altitude difference.

b) Sun-orientation

Settlements are preferably placed on northern slopes to avoid excessive

sun exposure, using natural shade. West slopes should be avoided. At higher
altitude south exposure maight be adequate for reasons of passive heating.

Valley bottoms are additionally heated by reflection of sun radiation from

the surrounding slopes.

c) Wind – orientation

Locations situated at the bottom of valleys are often handicapped. Air

movement is usually much better at higher locations. Valleys tend to have lower
wind velocity and hence the cooling effect by wind is reduced.

d) Air pollution

Further negative effects of a site located in a valley can be caused by air

pollution, especially when polluting industries are combined with poor air

Under certain circumstances the air movement in a valley can be reduced by

inversion. It occurs when a relatively cooler layer of air accumulates at the bottom
of a valley. If no dynamic winds prevail, this cooler air cannot be replaced because
the phenomenon prevents air movement by thermic winds. An air trap may result,
and with it, a dangerous increase in air pollution.

e) Location near water bodies and green areas

Where possible, settlements should be placed near large bodies of water

such as lakes - preferably on the leeward side - and green areas. Water has a
regulating effect on the climate because the water temperature is near to the
annual mean temperature. Due to the large thermal capacity of water it can absorb
surplus daytime heat and reduce the nighttime drop. The resulting temperature
difference between the land area and the water surface furthermore produces
thermal winds, which blow towards the land during the day and at night away from
the land. Green areas have the advantage of cooling by shade and evaporation.


Floods and landslides

A threat to building in valleys may be the danger of floods and landslides.

Although seldom, even in arid regions heavy rain can occur, causing torrent
streams combined with masses of mud, rocks and boulders.

In almost all areas, heavy winds occur and a firm structure is required.
Special care, however, has to be taken in areas that are threatened by hurricanes
and sandstorms.


Despite the fact that earthquakes are not a topic of climatic design, the
location of settlements has to be checked for possible earthquake risks and safe
constructions have to be made. They may be in contradiction to traditional design
or climatic construction requirements.

Urban forms and external space

Urban forms depend strongly on climate and are designed differently in

each climatic zone. Basic concerns are the provision of shading and air movement
by alternative means. The urban form cannot change the regional climate, but can
moderate the city’s microclimate and improve the conditions for the buildings and
their inhabitants.


Today some architects tend to practice architecture as either, an art or a

science. Some are uneasy about the aspects of energy and climate; still some
others are caught up in the dynamic market oriented economy and thereby glued
to type plans, where they consider architecture as a business, rather than a
service. Architecture is the marriage between science and art. Therefore, a
meaningful product of architecture, which stands beyond time, results when these
two aspects are harmonized and synchronized. Therefore, it would be axiomatic to
say that, preserving and enhancing the sense of place, through climatic responsive
design strategies is considered as a challenge by a competent designer. Today,
the number of architects who consider these aspects seriously, are very few, thus
resulting only a less number of meaningful products in the ambient environment.
Therefore, the significance of this subject is vast and immeasurable.


For further recommendations, the researcher would recommend:

 To architecture students to have an information in terms of considering the

factors of climate on planning, building and designing projects.
 To all the students to be more aware on planning structure and also give
importance to those possible effects of weather and climate to the structure.
 To all the Architecture Professionals, they could prepare their students to
be more aware in terms of climate and other factors to consider in building
a structure.











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