NCP - Patient Taking Cardiac Drugs (Diuretics)

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OBJECTIVE Knowledge deficit After 4 hours of 1. Established 1. Patient

DATA: related to nursing rapport. maintained stable
insufficient intervention, the vital signs;
Vital Signs: information and patient will be 2. Monitored and maintained stable
 BP: 120/80 knowledge of able to: maintained and oriented in
mmHg resources as patient’s vital status.
 O2 Saturation: manifested by - maintain a signs.
98% patient’s statement stable vital 2. Patient
 RR: 18 cpm on inaccurate signs; 3. Assessed demonstrated
 HR: 103 bpm follow-through of patient’s willingness in
 Temp.: 37 C drug information - participate in knowledge on participating in
learning the drug taken the learning
- stable and process; and facilitated process.
oriented reinforcement as
- exhibit needed. 3. Patient exhibited
SUBJECTIVE interest and interest in
DATA: assume 4. Provided learning and
responsibilit information to began to ask
- “Medyo bag-o y for own patient what questions in
pa sa ako ini na learning by diuretics is, relation to the
tambay pero beginning to where it is used drug he is
para man kuno look for for, how and currently taking.
ini sa ako information how often it
kasing-kasing and ask should be 4. Patient
para sige daw questions; administered, verbalized
ako mag-ihi-ihi and and its side and accurate
para malugwa adverse effects information in
an tubig sa ako - verbalize and its response to
lawas.” accurate management. health education
information about diuretics
on his drug . conducted.
in relation to

Prepared by:


BSN 302

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