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FEE 511 Control Systems:- Notes on State Space 5th Years




JUNE 2020
Prof. Mangoli M. K. Page 1 June, 2020
FEE 511 Control Systems:- Notes on State Space 5th Years

Prof. Mangoli M. K. Page 2 June, 2020

FEE 511 Control Systems:- Notes on State Space 5th Years

Prof. Mangoli M. K. Page 3 June, 2020

FEE 511 Control Systems:- Notes on State Space 5th Years

Prof. Mangoli M. K. Page 4 June, 2020

FEE 511 Control Systems:- Notes on State Space 5th Years

Prof. Mangoli M. K. Page 5 June, 2020

FEE 511 Control Systems:- Notes on State Space 5th Years

Prof. Mangoli M. K. Page 6 June, 2020

FEE 511 Control Systems:- Notes on State Space 5th Years

Prof. Mangoli M. K. Page 7 June, 2020

FEE 511 Control Systems:- Notes on State Space 5th Years

Prof. Mangoli M. K. Page 8 June, 2020

FEE 511 Control Systems:- Notes on State Space 5th Years

Prof. Mangoli M. K. Page 9 June, 2020

FEE 511 Control Systems:- Notes on State Space 5th Years

Linear State Variable Feedback

The figure illustrates the concept of feeding back the states of the process to that of output

𝑋̇ = AX + BU
Y = CX + DU

Let us consider configuration of Fig. 7.30

Prof. Mangoli M. K. Page 10 June, 2020

FEE 511 Control Systems:- Notes on State Space 5th Years

It is important to observe control signal u generated from reference input r and

state variable x

In general control input u is

U = f(x, r)


Where K=[k1 k2 k3 ….kn]


Fig. 7.31 presents a matrix representation of the concept of linear state feedback

Fig. 7.32 is a physical representation of a typical system

Prof. Mangoli M. K. Page 11 June, 2020

FEE 511 Control Systems:- Notes on State Space 5th Years

It is assumed all state variables are available for measurement and control.
(Observable and Controllable)

Linear feedback affects the behaviour of the process as follows

𝑋̇ = AX + B[r-KX]


𝑋̇ = AX + Br-BKX

𝑋̇ = AX – BKX +Br

𝑋̇ = [A – BK]X +Br

Prof. Mangoli M. K. Page 12 June, 2020

FEE 511 Control Systems:- Notes on State Space 5th Years

𝑋̇ = AkX +Br

Where Ak=[A-BK]

Which is a new state model

Shall a new eigen values


Prof. Mangoli M. K. Page 13 June, 2020

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