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Employee Annual Appraisal - Summary

Guidelines for completing the form:

1.0 Please input relevant information in the cells highlighted in blue in the S&O, I&TD, and Values Sheet
1.1 Please input employee and line manager details as per management/HR records
1.2 Each KPI should be weighted by importance and priority
1.3 Each KPI should have a corresponding weight allotted
1.4 KPIs have to be SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound

2.0 Appraisal completion guideline for Line Managers

2.1 Ratings - must be within the following range:

Outstanding performance in nearly all areas: went far beyond his/her role, significantly exceeded most of objectives,
Outstanding (5)
achieved sustainable results even in a difficult context, and displayed outstanding attitudes in line with Values.

Recognized high performance, regularly went beyond her/his role and exceeded several objectives. Made a significant
Exceeds Expectation (4)
contribution to the business and teams. Displayed consistent good attitudes in line with Values.

Fully met expected performance, played his/her required role, achieved objectives, even exceeded some. The quality of
Meets Expectation (3)
results was good and good attitudes were displayed in line with Values.

Performance not fully at expected level. Tasks, assignments and objectives were not properly handled and/or attitudes
Needs Improvement (2)
needed changes.

Performance below expectations. Tasks, assignments and objectives were not properly handled and/or attitudes needed
Unsatisfactory (1)
changes. Underperformance must be understood and quick corrective actions are required.

2.2 For Values assessment, comments must be provided for ratings 1 or 5

2.3 The summary (i.e. Appraisal_Summary) sheet will be auto-filled based on assessments in the respective sheets for:
a. Strategic & Operational KPIs
b. Individual & Team Development KPIs
c. Values

3.0 The hard copy of the document to be signed as per the Summary sheet and submitted to respective HR teams
Employee Annual Appraisal - Summary

Employee Details:
Name: Department:

Employee ID: SBU / Business Name:

Present Job Grade: Date of last promotion:

Designation: Date of Joining:

Line Manager Name & Designation:

Employee Annual Appraisal - Strategic & Operational KPIs
Employee KPI Setting Assessment

Weight Rating Weighted rating

No. KPI Measures of Success Outcome
(%) (1-5) (Rating X Weight)


Employee Annual Appraisal - Individual & Team Development
Employee KPI Setting Assessment

Weight Rating Weighted rating

No. KPI Measures of success Outcome
(%) (1-5) (Rating X Weight)

1 15%
2 15%
3 70%

Employee Annual Appraisal - Values
Weight Rating Weighted rating
No. Value Behaviourial Indicators (Mandatory for
(%) (1-5) (Rating X Weight)
Rating 1 or 5)

1 Leadership 16.7%

2 Passion to Excel 16.7%

3 Think out-of-the-Box 16.7%

4 Keep Learning 16.7%

5 Have Mutual Respect 16.7%

6 Have Fun, Be Healthy 16.7%

Employee Annual Appraisal - Summary

Employee Details:
Name: Department:

Employee ID: SBU / Business Name:

Present Job Grade: Date of last promotion:

Designation: Date of Joining:

Line Manager Name & Designation:

Final Overall Assessment

Final Rating
No. Sections Final Rating (Rating weightage X
Section rating)
1 Strategic & Operational 80%
2 Individual and Team Development 10%
3 Values 10%
Final Performance Rating

Employee's year end comment:

Line Manager's year end comment:

Employee Signature/Date Line Manager Signature/Date Unit or Business Head Signature/Date

Employee Signature/Date Line Manager Signature/Date Unit or Business Head Signature/Date

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