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“Diet Program to Patient Hypertension and Gout Disease”

Hello everyone, my name is Rheynanda as a nurse and my partner is Dina Rahmiyanti

Saputri as a patient. We student program B Faculty of Nursing Universitas Andalas 2020.
We would like to perform about how the implementation in nursing diet program to patient
hypertension and gout. Enjoy it.

Nurse : (knock the door...) Excuse me, good morning miss.

Patient : Good Morning too.
Nurse : I’am Nurse Rheynanda and responsible for looking after you today, is it
okay for you?
Patient : No problem nurse
Nurse : How are you felling today ?
Patient : I’m okay. But my head is still a little dizzy.
Nurse : Okay Mrs, I will measure the blood pressure. Now, may I check your ID
bracelet? What is your name?
Patient : My name is Dina.
Nurse : Your full name, please
Patient : Dina Rahmiyanti Saputri. You can call me Dina.
Nurse : Okay Mrs Dina, Have you eaten yet ?
Patient : Yes, I’ve eat this morning and take my medicine
Nurse : That’s great. I'm sorry I saw, Mrs did not finish her food until it was
finished, is there any complaint with food Mrs?
Patient : The food has no taste, the salt does not taste nurse
Nurses : Sorry Mrs, but the food is adjusted to the diet program Mrs.
Patient : Okay nurse.
Nurse : ’ll get you blood preasure first okay?
Petient : Ye

(The nurse measures the patient's blood pressure)

Nurse : You blood pressure 130/90 mmHg. There has been a decline from before,
Patient : Alhamdulillah
Nurse : Based on the results of referrals from doctors and the data. Mrs was
diagnosed with hypertension and gout. Do you know what hypertension
and gout are?
Patient : Yes, you know, Sister. Hypertension is blood pressure higher than
normal. If gout pain in the joints of the body.
Nurse : That’s right Mrs. Let me explain a little. Hypertension is a condition
when the blood pressure is at a value of 130/80 mmHg or more. This
condition can be dangerous, because the heart is forced to pump blood
harder throughout the body, which can lead to various diseases, such as
kidney failure, stroke, and heart failure. Gout or gout is a type of joint
disease that occurs due to uric acid levels that are too high in the blood.
Under normal conditions, uric acid dissolves in the blood and passes out
in the urine. But under certain conditions, the body can produce excess
amounts of uric acid or experience interference in removing excess uric
acid, so uric acid builds up in the body, which causes pain.
Patient : I see, Nurse. What are the foods that can be consumed?
Nurse : Previously, did you really like a food, a food that you don't like or are
you allergic ?
Patient : Oh there's a thump I love fried food, eat red meat, I also like to drink
sweet coffee every morning. if the food that I don't like is vegetables. I
also like a little fruit, like banana and durian. I like to eat with the salt
taste delicious.
Nurse : Okay ma'am. If you eat like that, the mother's illness can continue. If Mrs
is willing, I will explain the food diet according to mother's condition.
How Mrs?
Patient : Yes Nurse, I want. I don't want my pain to get worse.
Nurse : Okay. A diet that is in accordance with Mrs condition, namely a diet low
in saturated fat (examples of foods that contain high saturated fat: fried,
processed meat foods such as canned food, sausages, snacks, fats and
skin sticking to chicken / meat, full milk cream), reduce salt intake,
increase fiber intake in the diet by increasing the portion of vegetables
and making fresh fruit pieces as snacks, reducing red meat, consuming
low-fat dairy products, consuming Omega 3 foods (such as tuna and
salmon), and drink a lot of water.
Pateint : Wow, I just found out. Nurse, I heard that gout sufferers shouldn't eat
nuts, is that true?
Nurse : The types of nuts that should be avoided are peanuts, because they
contain high purines. Instead, gout sufferers can choose other types of
nuts such as walnuts, almonds, cashews, macadamia, pecans, pine nuts,
chestnuts, hazelnuts, and pistachios.
Patient : So that's how it is, nurse. OK, I'll eat according to the diet, nurse.
Nurse : Okay Mrs. So, the food is spent next, ok?
Patient : Ha ha ha, Okay Nurse.
Nurse : Well, I think thats at all have done. I will be back in the nurse station. If
you need some help, you can press the bell or button we will directly to
come see you. Now, you can take a rest and get well soon. Excuse me,
Patient : Oke nurse, thankyou.

(At the end of the skill record and report)

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