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1). Project title:

Managing Air Transport demand and capacity, from both strategic and tactical

2). Project description:

i). Research trends and opportunities in the area of managing air

transportation demand and capacity

The demand of Air transportation is increasing day by day. With this increasing
demand, the capacity has to be greater than it to meet the standards and to improve
the reliability and performance of the air transportation. It is also used to avoid the
delays and congestions at the airports.


The economy of the world is emerging and the air transport is the gateway to their
economies. The airline industry will be influenced by the factors such as competition
and legacy in the future. The environment has also become a major concern for
many countries.

The trend of air transportation increase in the number of passengers and cargo and
is expected to be increased 3% per year by the year 2030. The decade 2020-30 will
be very critical for the airline industry as it will decide the future of the air


The airline industry is full of opportunities in the future. The opportunities for
managing the demand and capacity of air transportation are:

 Transportation system coordination

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The small cities can be given alternates to the air travel which will be coordinated
with the air transportation system. This will reduce a stress on the air transportation
but will increase the ease of travel. The whole transportation system will be
connected. The cities will be linked by through schedule coordination, intermodal
baggage transfer, compatible ticketing procedures and technologies. The less
congested airports in the major cities will be able to serve more capacity and better
standards of services.

 Increasing capacity per slot

Airport capacity is measured in aircraft movements per hour. The purpose of airports
is to serve more number of passengers and cargo. The considerable potential for
growth relies on a set of conditions that will motivate airlines to use larger aircraft.
This will increase the number of passengers an airport process in an hour.

 Efficiently distributing demand

Passenger demand is very high in the peak hours such as morning or late night. In
the future, the slots can be divided equally in the all 24 hours of the day

 Increasing operations at under-scheduled airports

Many airports have under-schedule flights than the declared capacity due to factors
like unavailability of aircrafts or bad weather. This can be utilized in a better way.

 Air traffic flow management

Air traffic flow management (ATFM) refers to the process of optimizing the flow of
traffic in time and space. Better ATFM can be implemented in the future to utilize the
airport capacity in a better way.

 Efficient recovery from “irregular” operations

Air traffic operations are affected badly by the bad weather, such as snowstorms or
major thunderstorms which result in flight delays, cancellations and missed
passenger connections. Because these disruptions account for a disproportionately
large fraction of operational costs, it is critical that airlines be able to recover quickly
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and efficiently from such situations. Most of the airlines will use rescheduling and re-
optimization of resources to tackle with this situation.

 Improvements to the air traffic management system

The projects, for example, SESAR and NextGen will be utilized to upgrade the limit
and proficiency of ATM framework. Increments in limit will be finished with the
assistance of wake vortex discovery and evasion sequencing of airplane for runway
use, air terminal community oriented dynamic (CDM), air terminal surface traffic the
board, Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B), and procedural
advancements like time sensitive divisions between runway developments and
blended mode activity of runways.

Strategic planning
 Analyzing and displaying the exchange offs and ramifications of over-and
under-planning at the world's busiest air terminals.
 Developing imaginative components for designating ability to the carriers that
esteem it most and will best utilize it to ship travelers.
 Integrated displaying of carrier arranging exercises including request
anticipating, valuing, and flight plan streamlining.
 Understanding the monetary estimation of air terminal limit and demonstrating
carrier reactions to limit modifications.

Tactical Adjustments
 Incorporating extra contemplations (e.g., travelers, vigor, and so on.) and
carrier needs into ATFM designation choices.
 •Integrated displaying of carrier activities recuperation that consolidates
constant data with respect to travelers, team, and flight contemplations.
 Enabling a unique trade of recuperation limit across carriers, air terminals,
and time periods
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ii). Economic impacts of COVID-19 on Civil Aviation Global and state level

The COVID-19 infection has spread worldwide without recognizing outskirts. It has

affected all businesses, all divisions and all parts of our lives with destroying

monetary and money related misfortunes and huge vulnerabilities. The impacts of

COVID-19 on Civil aviation are:

Scenario analysis:

 Impact on International Passenger Seat Capacity (Supply)
i. Airlines had planned to increase seat capacity by 3.4% in 2020
ii. According to the latest estimates, passenger seat capacity could instea
d drop from the above Baseline by 39 to 56% and 49 to 72% 
iii. This capacity level would be 37% to 54% and 47% to 71% below the 2
019 level.
iv. Biggest capacity reduction (%) is expected to be in Europe, followed by 
Africa and Asia/Pacific.

 Impact on International Passenger Numbers (Demand)
i. Given the originallyplanned seat capacity, passenger demand could ha
ve increased 67 million for 2020, compared to 2019.
ii. According to the latest estimates, passenger demand could instead dro
p from the above Baseline by 872 to 1,303 million 
iii. This demand level would be 805 to 1,236 million below the 2019 level.
iv. The most substantial demand reduction is expected to be in Europe, hit
ting summer travel peak season, followed by Asia/Pacific.

 Impact on Gross Passenger Operating Revenues of Airlines
i. With the initially arranged seat limit and pattern line development of
interest, carriers' gross traveler working incomes could have expanded
USD 12 billion for 2020, contrasted with 2019.
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ii. According to the most recent gauges, airlines' incomes could rather
plunge USD 153 to 231 billion beneath the above Baseline, or USD
142 to 219 billion underneath the 2019 level.
iii. Over two‐third of income misfortune would be recorded by Europe and

Overall review:
International air passenger traffic: A general decrease of global travelers
extending from 44% to 80% in 2020 contrasted with 2019 (by ICAO)

Airports: An expected loss of two‐fifths of traveler traffic and 45% or over USD76
billion air terminal incomes in 2020 contrasted with nothing new (by ACI)

Airlines: A 48% decay of income traveler kilometers (RPKs, both universal and
residential) in 2020 contrasted with 2019 (by IATA)

Tourism: A decrease in universal the travel industry receipts of between USD 300 to
450 billion of every 2020, right around 33% of the USD 1.5 trillion produced in 2019,
with 96% of overall goals having travel limitations (by UNWTO)

Trade: A fall of worldwide product exchange volume by between 13 and 32% in

2020compared to2019 (by WTO)

Global economy: An anticipated ‐3% compression in world GDP in 2020, far more
terrible than during the 2008–09 monetary emergency (by IMF)

Financial loss:

On 5 March 2020, the International Air Transport Association assessed that the
carrier business could lose between US$63 to 113 billion of incomes because of the
diminished number of passengers. IATA had recently evaluated income misfortunes
of around US$30 billion fourteen days before their 5 March estimate. By 17 March,
IATA had expressed that its 5 March gauge was "obsolete", and that aircrafts would
require $200 billion in bailouts to endure the crisis. IATA further modified their
income misfortune gauge in 24 March to be $252 billion globally, a 44 percent drop.
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Impact on regional level:


By the center of April, the Airports Council International (ACI) watched a 95% fall in
rush hour gridlock in 18 air terminals in significant aeronautics showcases in Asia-
Pacific and the Middle East. All airports shutting to carriers for about a month
beginning on 27 April. The choice to close and speed up the undertaking was made
in light of the fact that the quantity of every day flights had fallen definitely.


The CAA of all regions declared on 23 April that it is lessening the working long
stretches of more than 100 control towers and terminal radar approach control
offices, referring to a drop in air traffic of as much as 96%. Pilots are prompted that
specific aviation authority administrations and instrument landing framework
approaches might be intermittently unavailable.

iii). Efficient recovery from “Irregular” operations

Air traffic activities are regularly disturbed by poor nearby or territorial climate, for
example, blizzards or significant tempests, that bring about long flight delays and
various abrogation’s and missed traveler associations. Since these disturbances
("unpredictable activities") represent an excessively huge part of operational costs, it
is important that carriers have the option to recuperate rapidly and effectively from
such circumstances. To this end, the most progressive aircrafts have created choice
help capacities that incorporate powerful activities recuperation through rescheduling
and re-improvement of assets

Improved Flight Planning Procedures

Automating dispatch and flight arranging has changed flight activities around the
globe. The present robotized flight arranging frameworks help diminish fuel costs
through new flight arranging strategies working together with new navigational
innovation including:
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 Using cost index-based flight planning in conjunction with the installed flight-
the executive’s PC to ideally compute flying pace dependent on winds and
airplane weight,
 Utilizing reduced vertical separation minima to empower more prominent
access to fuel-efficient courses that are currently accessible because of the
expanded height partition prerequisites,
 Lowering cruise speed when possible to decrease in-flight fuel utilization and
stay away from unexpected appearances and broadened ground holds
looking out for an entryway,
 Utilizing more precise navigation tools such as worldwide situating satellite
and better wind determining techniques to lessen abundance fuel on global

Proper Aircraft Loading

An airplane's focal point of gravity is the exact point on the airplane where all weight
is hypothetically thought or adjusted. In light of the airplane type, sum and
appropriation of fuel ready, weight of cargo and baggage and number of travelers,
there is a protected focal point of gravity go in which the airplane can work from the
takeoff to appearance doors. For every airplane and trip there is a perfect focal point
of gravity or perfect trim position — setting the trim tabs on the airplane to improve
the flying demeanor. As a result of the airplane shape, flying with a nose-up
disposition diminishes the drag caused when the airplane travels through the air. A
decrease in drag brings down the related push required to move the airplane through
the air, which converts into diminished fuel consume or utilization. In this manner, the
closer the heap organizer can get to this perfect trim position, the more proficient the
flight and the less fuel devoured.

Load planning, a critical safety element in flight tasks, assembles nitty gritty
information on things to be stacked on the airplane and computes the heap plan
dependent on the airplane's fundamental working void weight or dry operating
weight, meaning without fuel. Included in the things to be stacked are the booked
travelers, evaluated packs, mail and freight for a specific flight leg, bringing about an
expected zero fuel weight. This capacity guarantees that travelers and payload are
stacked inside the best possible focal point of gravity and airplane weight
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restrictions. The outcome: a smoother, progressively proficient fuel-consuming flight.

Since it is important for SOC load organizers to arrange intimately with other SOC
staff and air terminal faculty, mix of frameworks improves load organizers' profitability
and adequacy. The test to lessen fuel costs will proceed regardless of whether fuel
costs balance out or decline. Aircrafts are finding that they can altogether adjust their
primary concerns through mindfulness and information on legitimate energizing

Controlling Flight and Aircraft Movement

A primary ingredient of the service an efficient airline offers its customers is the flight
schedule, and maintaining its integrity is one of the airlines primary goals. The flight
schedule is the foundation for an airline’s day of operation, a complex process
designed to coordinate the published schedule with the required aircraft, crews and
operational resources at various airports. When a disruption to the flight schedule
occurs, various departments have a vested interest in which solutions are selected.
Maintenance control wants a solution that ensures scheduled maintenance is
accomplished. Airport personnel prefer a solution that accommodates passengers as
quickly as possible.

Maintaining Aircraft

The mechanical condition of aircraft must be constantly monitored, and it is the

airline’s maintenance, repair and overhaul division that accomplishes aircraft service
checks and maintains the airworthiness of the airline fleet. Aircraft mechanical issues
directly affect operations efficiency due to which flight delays or cancellations, lost
productivity of staff and crewmembers, and reduced aircraft utilization time occurs.

Passenger handling at the airport

Traveler Handling at The Airport Passenger preparing at the air terminal has
changed radically in the previous 10 years with the far reaching acknowledgment
and utilization of information technology and the Internet. The effective carrier
embraces the new innovation, yet adjusts it to traveler taking care of. Travelers today
are astute when it comes to IT solutions such as the Internet mobile telephones,
PDAs, remote correspondence, Bluetooth and Blackberries. To the flying open, new
innovation is a lifestyle; voyagers rely upon this innovation in their organizations and
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private lives and anticipate that carriers should exploit a similar degree of innovation
or better. To improve the traveler procedure at the air terminal, carriers have joined
methods that shrivel air terminal registration lines and lessen the quantity of air
terminal staff required for registration. Self-administration registration was the
primary new strategy acquainted with accelerate the registration procedure. Initially,
passenger acceptance of these kiosks was delayed due, to some extent, to their
constrained use by travelers who didn't have sacks to check. Yet, as stand forms
improved, utilization quickly expanded with travelers encountering a decrease under
wraps in time and stuff registration. Utilizing contact screen booths, travelers would
now be able to check in for a flight, select a situate and create sack labels and

Resource Management

To do the operational arrangement that is overseen by an airline and facilitated at

the air terminal requires a wide range of assets — from work to hardware to air
terminal land. To be monetarily effective, be that as it may, the productive aircraft
must have the correct assets, yet should likewise streamline those assets and their

Ground Support and Gate Personnel

In addition to solutions for managing airport staff assignments, profoundly complex

apparatuses are accessible to oversee other variable assets, for example, the task of
entryways and ground-bolster staff and hardware. Deciding and enhancing an exact
armada of ground hardware expected to deal with a flight timetable and bolster air
terminal tasks is a huge costs-evasion work that an effective aircraft employment.
GSE levels required to help a given flight plan rely upon the quantity of trips just as
the airplane type upheld.

GSE asset the executive’s devices produce working outlines that give the complete
GSE necessities to pre-decided time interims for each flight-explicit and vague
workgroup. With these apparatuses, air terminal organizers can assess the effect of
new flight plans, taking care of agreements and taking care of organization
principles, just as manage operational changes that regularly happen during each
flight complex during the day. At the point when a carrier has just a couple of
entryways at an air terminal, it is anything but difficult to figure out where to stop an
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airplane for its next flight. In any case, when confronted with 60 entryways and
possibly 120 airplanes on the ground simultaneously, the undertaking of allocating
doors turns out to be very troublesome. Many factors must be considered when
developing a stopping plan — the capacity of the door to suit certain airplane, the
pre-situating of ground hardware for a specific airplane type so this gear can stay set
up from trip to flight and the conceivable associating example of inbound travelers.
When utilizing computerized apparatuses, door organizers can successfully make
more practical entryway plans than any manual procedure. Thought is given to
entryway attributes, contiguousness requirements, short-term stopping, concurrent
takeoff limitations, global appearances and flights, and wingtip door removing.

References and evidence:


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