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Question #1:
 Positive or Negative factors/terminologies affecting safety in Air Traffic
Control services or safety of aircraft in Air Traffic control services.

There are many factors that can endanger the safety of an Aircraft in the Air
Traffic Control services. Some of the major factors are:

1) Runway obstruction
Runway obstruction is the presence of other aircraft or ground vehicle on the
runway. The Controller should clear the runway before giving landing or
takeoff clearance to the aircraft. The landing aircraft has right to go around in
this situation.
2) Foreign Object Debris (FOD)
FOD or Foreign Object Debris can be any hazardous item that can affect the
safety of an aircraft. This item can be sucked into the aircraft engines or even
cause to burst the tires.
3) Uncertain movement on the maneuvering area
Uncertain movement can be any movement on the maneuvering area (Apron,
Taxiway, Runway) that can affect the aircraft’s safety in an ATC System. In this
case the controller must stop the other vehicles to enter the maneuvering
areas and clear the way for the aircraft.
4) Wake Turbulence
The wake turbulence is a major factor that can affect the safety of an aircraft in
the ATC system. The Controller has to arrange the aircrafts in order according
to their wake turbulence category. The light aircrafts are affected by the
turbulence of heavy aircrafts.
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5) Bad condition of the aircraft

The bad conditioned aircrafts must be kept separated from the other aircrafts.
These may disturb other aircrafts with their smoke and noise.
6) Airspace restrictions
The restriction of airspace plays a vital role in the safety of an aircraft. The
controller must restrict the aircraft to go into the restricted airspace or other
airspace without prior clearance. This might cause the authorities to even
shoot down the aircraft if violated.
7) Environmental factors
The environmental factors such as smoke; noise or birds’ activity can endanger
the safety of an aircraft. The Controller is responsible for the avoidance of
these factors.
8) Wildlife interference
Sometimes the wildlife can affect the safety on the ground. These can cause
the aircraft to hit the animals which may lead to any major accident.
9) Communication error
Communication is the most important factor in the Air Traffic Control system.
The communication between pilots and controllers must be clear without any
disturbance. Noise, accent issues or language barriers. The communication is
the effective way to reduce any uncertainty during flight. Both the pilot and
controller must be able to hear and understand each other properly.
10) Poor coordination
With the good communication, proper coordination is also very important. The
controller must have coordination with other controllers, aircrafts and
emergency services. Similarly, the pilot must have coordination with the other
crew members and all controllers.
11) Separation
Separation plays an important role in safety of an aircraft. The controller must
provide proper separation between two aircrafts both vertically and
horizontally under CVSM or RVSM rules. The pilots must maintain visual
separation on VFR flight.
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12) Weather
Weather plays an important role in the safety of an aircraft. The controller
must keep the aircraft away from the bad weather. Similarly, the pilot must
request the deviation from the bad weather. The ATC system is responsible to
give information about the weather to all aircrafts. They must have
coordination with the other controllers and exchange the weather info.
13) Technology
Technology can be sometimes hazardous in the ATC system. All systems must
have updated technology with the properly functioning radars, monitors and
communication systems. Any malfunction can affect the safety of an aircraft.

Question #2:
 Elaborate whole scenario & coordination between different types of Air
Traffic Controllers. How call is transferred between them in the whole
flight from departure gate to arrival parking of aircraft? With examples.

The Air Traffic System comprises of the three type of controllers working
together in the coordination to conduct a flight. These controllers are:
 Area Control Service
 Approach Control service
 Aerodrome Control service

The scenario:
The flight has to go from Lahore to Karachi and is parked at Bay 08 of Lahore
airport. The call sign of the aircraft is PK303.
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 Aerodrome Control Service:

I. Flight Plan:
The flight plan will be filled by the Aircraft which will mention the weight, call
sign, aircraft type, Passengers on board, Flight level, time, endurance and route
of the flight.
This flight plan will be submitted to the tower and tower will distribute it to the
other controllers i.e. Area Control and Approach Control of both origin and
destination airports.

II. Startup and pushback:

The flight plan will be approved and the aircraft will be cleared for startup and
“PIA 303, cleared for startup and pushback facing north”

III. Taxi instructions:

When the aircraft will be push backed and fully ready, it will inform the
controller and controller will give the taxi instructions.
“PIA 303 taxi to holding point runway 36R via taxiway J, H and R”

IV. Lineup and takeoff:

When the aircraft will reach the holding point, it will inform the controller. The
controller will ensure that the runway is not occupied and it will give the lineup
and takeoff clearance.
“PIA 303 lineup runway 36R and cleared for takeoff”

V. Handover to Approach Control:

Then the Aerodrome control will hand over the aircraft to the Approach
control when the aircraft will be airborne.
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“PIA 303 contact approach 121.3 Goodbye”

 Approach Control:
The approach control will take responsibility of the aircraft and will guide the
aircraft to a certain point and flight level
“PIA 303 identified on departure, climb to FL260”
The approach control will provide separation to the aircraft during climb.
When it will reach the certain level Approach will hand over the aircraft to Area
“PIA 303 Contact area 127.5 Goodbye”

 Area Control
Area control will take the charge of the aircraft and will provide separation
from the other aircrafts in the particular Flight information region. Now the
Area control is responsible to give any kind of information to the aircraft. The
area will guide the aircraft to a certain point where it will hand over to the
other Area control i.e. other FIR.
” PIA 303 switch to Karachi Control”
The aircraft will enter the other airspace. The switchover requires clearance.
Now the Karachi Control will guide the aircraft and give the descend clearance
to a certain point.
“PIA 303 descend to FL150 when ready”
The aircraft will descend to the given level and will inform the Area Control.
“PIA 303 Contact Approach 129.7”

 Approach Control
The approach control of Karachi region will take charge of the aircraft and the
aircraft will be provided approach patterns and descend clearance until it
aligns with the runway for landing.
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“PIA 303 cleared STAR procedure Z for runway 25L”

“PIA 303 contact tower 124.6 goodbye”
When aligned with the runway, the Approach control will hand over the
aircraft to Aerodrome control.

 Aerodrome Control:

i. Landing clearance:
The aerodrome control will take over the aircraft and will ask about the
position in terms of distance from the runway and will give it landing
“PIA 303 check gears down and locked, cleared to land runway 25L”
The Aerodrome control will ensure the runway is free to use and the aircraft
has visual contact with the runway

ii. Taxi in instructions:

When landed the aircraft will be provided taxi instructions
“PIA 303 landed 05, vacate via Bravo and taxi to parking stand 14 via
taxiway A, N and G”

iii. Shutdown:
Now the aircraft will be parked at the gate, ground support equipment will be
provided and the aircraft can shutdown engines without the clearance of the

In this way a whole scenario is explained how the controllers coordinate

among each other. Coordination of the controllers is very important to conduct
a safe flight.
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