If A Child Can't Learn The Way We Teach, Maybe We Should Teach Them The Way They Learn

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“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach them the way they learn”

This quote was written by Ignacio Estrada that I believe resonates with my philosophy of

education. Out of all the years I have been inside the classroom, both as a student and as an

educator, there is one similarity across the board. When there is an educator who cares deeply

about their student’s development, not just their education, they develop at both a quicker pace

and at a higher level. I want to become an early childhood educator because I believe that all

children deserve the right to receive a free and appropriate public education that allows them to

develop to their fullest potential. Each child has the ability to achieve greatness and strive for the

highest possible dreams, but they need to start with a solid foundation full of many opportunities.

I believe that it is my responsibility as a teacher to provide students with the many opportunities

and materials needed to help aid in their overall development while offering the knowledge

needed to be successful in achieving all their lives’ goals.

As an educator, I strongly believe in offering my students a positive learning environment

with mutual respect between all peers that promote diversity. It is a future goal of mine as an

educator to promote respect and understandings of diversity and how it affects their lives both

inside and outside of the classroom. To ensure my classroom offers a mutually respected positive

learning environment, students and teachers should cover a set of expectations, rules, and

guidelines at the beginning of class. This ensures that each student feels comfortable around their

peers while they are receiving the most out of their education and overall development. As I

provide clear expectations to my class, I will also ensure that I offer my students a clear

indication of what they should expect from me as their teacher. I want my students to be aware

that my classroom is a safe zone in which they can and should feel comfortable both

academically and socially.

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