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Name : Ibrahim Abdullahi Ismail No: IV/331/2019

Tital: Assignment Livestock Economic

1. Baidoa Livestock Market

Baidoa livestock market is the first market in district and is located in the eastern corner of the
district ; the area of the market is around 0.6km. The market consists of three parts: one for
cattle, one for camel, and one for shoats (sheep and goat). All these four domestic animals were
sold in this market mostly the male shoats used for the export while the female used for local
1.2.livestock market actors
The main actors in this market include: brokers, producers, market actors, and traders.
Brokers: these people are link between buyers and sellers and they are relationship between for
the different sectors so if no brokers the market is not work normally.

Producers: producers are the people who produce animals and they are pastoralist they
transported animals into the market.
Traders: is the people who sell animal and then transported into the broad countries such as
Saudi Arabia and Other countries, the export depend the animals demand .

1.2. price determination: There are a lot of factors that determine the price of the animals such
as; body condition, some estimated animal weight while some evaluated for the animal age.

Table one : the below summarize the price of the different grad shoats of Baidoa livestock

Grades Price in Shilin somalia Price in dollars

Grade 1 3750.0000 Shilin somalia 150$

Grade 2 2500.000Shilin somalia 100$

Grade 3 2250.000 Shilin Somalia 90$

Grade 4 2000.000Shilin Somalia 85$

Table Two : shows price of the cattle different grades in livestock market Baidoa

Grades Price in Shilin Somalia

Grade 1 3400,000 SH

Grade 2 2800,000 SH

Grade 3 2,000 SH

Table three: shows the different grades of camel in the livestock market of Baidoa.

Grades Price in Somali shilling

Grade 1 7,500,000 So, shilin

Grade 2 5,700,000 So, shilin

Grade 3 4,000,So,shilin

Grade 4 3,000,So,shilin

Baidoa takes taxation for the livestock market and really taxes take for the livestock owners
when they come in the Baidoa livestock market.

According animal taxes is different in the different types of the livestock market.

Table shows taxes of the different livestock animals in Baidoa livestock market

Species Tax and services

Camel 100.000 Shilin Somalia

Shoats 20,000Shilin Somalia

Cattle 35,000 shilin Somalia

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