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A Diocesan School
Tel. No. (083) 229 – 1113
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November 27, 2020
Name:________________________________________ ___________ Grade &Section:______________________
Subject: INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY 11 Score:_________________________________
I – TRUE or FALSE. Read the items carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct; FALSE if the statement is wrong.
Write your answer on the blank provided.
_______1. The will of humanity is an instrument of free choice.
_______2. Moral acts, which are not always particular acts, are in our power and we are responsible for them.
_______3. For Aristotle, a human being is irrational.
_______4. St. Thomas Aquinas considers the human being as a moral agent.
_______5. The unity between both elements indeed helps us to understand our complexity as human beings.
_______6. The power of change, however, cannot be done by human beings alone, but is achieved with cooperation with God.
_______7. For Aquinas, only human laws are concerned with ends determined simply by humanity’s nature.
_______8. Eternal law is the decree of God that governs all creation.
_______9. Natural law is the human “participation” in the eternal law and is discovered by reason.
_______10. St. Thomas Aquinas establishes the existence of God as a first cause.
_______11. Sartre’s philosophy is considered to be a unrepresentative of existentialism.
_______12. A Law of Nature is a precept, or general rule, found out by reason, by which a person is forbidden to do that which is
destructive of his life, or takes away the means of preserving the same; and to omit that by which he thinks it may
be best preserved.
_______13. The mutual transferring of these rights is called a contract and is the basis of the notion of moral obligation and
_______14. Hobbes maintains that human beings seek group-preservation and security; however, they are unable to attain this
end in the natural condition of war.
_______15. Rousseau is one of the most famous and influential philosophers of the British Enlightenment in the 18th century.

II- DRAW AND EXPLAIN. Write your answers at the back of this test paper.
1. Draw and explain the Intellectual Freedom by Aristotle. (10 pts)
2. Draw and explain each the Spiritual Freedom by St. Thomas Aquinas. (10 pts)

III- ESSAY. Give what is being asked.

1. Aquinas gives a fourfold classification of law: the eternal law, natural law, human law, and divine law. Explain each. (5 pts.)

2. Dimensions of Poverty has the common characteristic of representing deprivation that encompasses, these are: Income;
Health; Education; Empowerment; Working condition. Explain each. (10 pts.)

“Never stop praying.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17

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