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2, 83-97

Physiological and perceptual features of

dysarthria in Moebius syndrome: directions for

Accepted,for publication: March 1997 impairment of lateral gaze due to paralysis of the VII
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and VI cranial nerves. The majority of children with

Keywords dysarthria, Moebius syndrome, speech disorder
Moebius syndrome therefore have varying degrees of
Summary unilateral, asymmetric or bilateral, symmetric facial
paralysis combined with an inability to adduct the eyes
The functioning of the major subsystems of the speech pro- beyond the midline. In addition, a range of other
duction apparatus of a 12 year old female with Moebius syn-
drome was investigated using a battery of perceptual and anomalies have also been reported to occur in the con-
physiological instrumental measures. Perceptual tests adminis- dition, including atrophy of the tongue, paralysis of the
tered included: The Assessment of Intelligibility of Dysarthric soft palate, paralysis of the masseters, congenital club
Speech; the Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment; and a perceptual foot, deafness, and a mild spastic diplegia.
analysis of a speech sample based on a reading of the Although the aetiology of Moebius syndrome remains
For personal use only.

Grandfather Passage. Instrumental procedures included: spiro-

metric and kinematic analysis of speech breathing; electroglot- uncertain, several theories have been proposed to
tographic and aerodynamic evaluation of laryngeal function; explain its occurrence. According to one theory, the
nasometric assessment of velopharyngeal function; and evalua- condition results from prenatal, developmental, dysmor-
tion of lip and tongue function using a variety of strain-gauge phogenic insult to the brainstem, probably as a conse-
and pressure transducers. Consistent with the pathophysiolo-
gical basis of Moebius syndrome, the major dysfunctions of quence of local vascular ischaemia, which in turn leads
the speech production mechanism were found at the level of to a complete or partial failure of the development of the
the articulatory valve. Somewhat unexpectedly, however, facial nuclei [1,2]. A second theory suggests that degen-
impaired function was also identified at the level of the velo- eration and loss of the nuclei of the VII cranial nerves
pharyngeal and laryngeal valves by both the perceptual and occurs secondary to peripheral nerve (e.g., facial nerve
instrumental assessments and at the level of the respiratory
system by the physiological analysis alone. The results are hypoplasia) or muscular (e.g., dysplasia of the facial
discussed with reference to the neurological basis and clinical muscles) abnormalities [2,3]. Whatever the aetiology,
features of Moebius syndrome. The implications of the find- the majority of reports of the condition document the
ings for the treatment of congenital dysarthria associated with presence of a speech disorder, although the particular
Moebius syndrome are also discussed. The advantage of
instrumental analysis over perceptual assessments in defining features of the speech disorder are rarely described.
treatment goals for children with congenital dysarthria is high- Dysarthria has been reported to occur in children
lighted. with Moebius syndrome as a consequence of paralysis
of the muscles innervated by the VII cranial nerves.
Bloomer [4]reported the dysarthric features exhibited
by children with Moebius syndrome to include poor
Moebius syndrome is generally described as being performance of labial and bilabial consonants.
characterized by paralysis of the facial muscles and Consistent with this latter report, Myerson and
Foushee [S] reported limited strength, range and speed
of movement of the articulators and inaccurate conso-
Authors: Bruce E. Murdoch (author for correspondence),
Sarah M. Johnson and Deborah G . Theodoros, Department nant production in children with Moebius syndrome.
of Speech Pathology and Audiology, The University of Articulatory competence ranged from mild phoneme
Queensland, Brisbane 4072, Australia distortions requiring bilabial closure or lingual elevation

1363-8491/97 $12.00 0 1997 Taylor & Francis Ltd

B. E. Murdoch et al.

to severe articulatory difficulties resulting in profoundly resuscitation problems were evident but at 12 hours
delayed and/or unintelligible oral language. To-date, post-birth she exhibited a rapid respiratory rate.
however, reports of the dysarthria associated with Neurological examination revealed an absence of facial
Moebius syndrome have been largely descriptive and expression, ptotic eyelids, no discernible palatal move-
have not involved either comprehensive perceptual nor ment and head lag. Peripheral tone, muscle strength and
physiological analyses of the speech disorder. On the reflex function appeared normal. Pupils were equal and
basis of an examination of an 8 year-old boy with reactive and extra ocular movements apparently normal.
Moebius syndrome, Kahane [6] observed that misarticu- The subject’s gag reflex was poor. The Moro, grasp and
iations of bilateral sounds represented only one aspect suck reflexes were all normal. No tongue fasciculations
of the child’s overall articulatory disorder. The greatest were present and chromosome studies were normal. A
number of misarticulations demonstrated by his subject tensilon test (to exclude myasthenia gravis), electromyo-
were instead related to limitations in tongue mobility graphy and visual evoked responses indicated that the
and placement. Rather than the dysarthria being pri- facial nucleus-nerve complex was intact and that the
marily the outcome of facial nerve paralysis, therefore, facial weakness was most likely to be due to muscle
other cranial nerve dysfunctions need also to be consid- hypoplasia.
ered. Consistent with this suggestion, Myerson and An oromusculature examination administered at age
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Foushee [S] also noted the presence of velopharyngeal 5 months revealed that although the lips could be closed
insufficiency manifest as hypernasality and nasal emis- around a teat during feeding, the subject’s lips tended to
sion in some of their cases with Moebius syndrome indi- be maintained in the open position. At rest the tongue
cative of dysfunction of cranial nerves orginating from was observed to be elevated inside the mouth. The sub-
the nucleus ambiguous. ject was, however, able to move her tongue around
In determining treatment priorities for dysarthria inside the mouth as well as protrude it outside the
associated with Moebius syndrome, it is possible that mouth. The hard palate was noted to be narrow and
the clinician should take into consideration the involve- high-arched. No observations were made of the soft
ment of components of the speech production apparatus palate. Jaw control was poor, with the subject being
beyond those supplied by the facial nerves. The presence unable to elevate the mandible. Consequently, the
For personal use only.

of dysfunction of the tongue and soft palate as well as mandible was observed to hang low at rest. The jaw
other subystems of the speech mechanism in children required stabilization during feeding.
with Moebius syndrome, requires confirmation through A speech pathology report at age 23 months noted
the use of objective, instrumental measures. Only then that receptive and expressive language was developing
can their likely contribution to the overall speech disor- at an age appropriate level. An articulatory assessment,
der seen in this syndrome be properly defined and however, revealed that the subject was deleting sounds
appropriate treatment priorities determined. The aim from words and substituting many sounds. Facial gri-
of the present study, therefore, was to develop a com- macing was also noticed during production of final con-
prehensive physiological and perceptual profile of the sonants. The subject did not use bilabial sounds due to
functioning of the major motor subsystems of the speech poor lip closure and initial consonants were substituted
mechanism of a child with Moebius syndrome to con- by In/ or /h/. Marked nasal escape due to velopharyn-
firm or otherwise, the presence of speech production geal insufficiency resulted in nasalization of all non-
deficits caused by multi-cranial nerve dysfunction and nasal consonants. Some feeding difficulties were also
to determine appropriate priorities for the treatment of noted with occasional nasal regurgitation of food,
the associated dysarthria. A further speech pathology report at age 11 years, 10
months indicated that in conversation, the subject at
that age produced inconsitent labial phonemes (/p/,
Case history /b/, if/, /mi, /v/, /w/). When given cues and reinforce-
ment, however, the subject was able to produce all pho-
nemes correctly in conversation during therapy sessions
The subject was a 12 year-old female who presented with the exception of /w/ which was substituted by /l/.
with congenital hypoplasia of the muscles supplied by She frequently produced distorted bilabial phonemes or
the facial (VII) and glossopharyngeal (IX) cranial nerves produced bilabial phonemes as alveolar phonemes, how-
consistent with Moebius syndrome. The subject was ever, when not concentrating on her articultion. Overall
born after an uneventful pregnancy and birth was the subject was reported to find it difficult to generalize
uncomplicated. Birth weight was 2840 g. No immediate correct production of labial sounds due to weakness of

Speech in Moebius syndrome

her facial musculature. A mild to moderate hypernasal- the subject’s speech was better understood when listen-
ity also persisted. ers were given the opportunity to guess words, based on
the context of the sentence spoken. Although normal
speakers obtain communication efficiency ratios
Perceptual and physiological speech assessments
between 0.9-1.00, the subject achieved a ratio of only
At the time of the speech assessments carried out for 0.65. Her ratio was reduced, however, by her slow rate
the purposes of the present study at age 12 years, the of speech when reading sentences, rather than the result
subject presented as an intelligent child with normally of a high rate of unintelligible words spoken per minute.
developing expressive and receptive language skills and Her score for intelligible words spoken per minute was
a speech disorder associated with decreased function of 123, with her total words per minute score being 127.
the muscles of the lips and palate. Her percentage of intelligible words spoken was high, at
Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment
A perceptual profile of the subject’s speech was com-
piled through administration of three different percep- This test provides a standardized assessment of speech
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tual assessments. These included: The Assessment of neuromuscular activity, including respiration, articula-
Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech (ASSIDS) [7]; the tion, resonance, phonation and speech-related reflex
Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment (FDA) [8]; and a per- activity. The test was administered in strict accordance
ceptual analysis of a speech sample [9]. with the instructions provided in the test manual. Lip
function was determined to be the most deviant system,
with a severe degree of impairment in lip function being
Assessment of Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech
evident at rest and whilst spreading the lips, and a mod-
This assessment provides an index of severity of dys- erate-severe level of impairment being present during
arthric speech by quantifying both single-word and sen- production of a lip seal and alternate lip movements
tence intelligibility as well as the speaking rate of and during conversational speech. With the exception
For personal use only.

dysarthric speakers. The test was administered accord- of intelligibility, all other areas (i.e., reflexes, respiration,
ing to the procedure specified in the test manual and jaw, larynx, palate and tongue) were normal. The intel-
included reading 50 randomly selected words and 22 ligibility ratings for the subject indicated a mild impair-
randomly selected sentences ranging in length from 5 ment in the intelligibility of her speech for single words
to 15 words. The subject’s responses were recorded and during conversation, with a slight improvement in
onto high quality audio-tape and then transcribed by intelligibility being evident during the sentence subtest.
three independent judges. The transcriptions were
scored according to procedures specified in the test man-
Perceptual Speech Analysis
ual to yield six separate values. These values included
percentage intelligibility for single words, percentage To obtain a sample of her speech, the subject was
intelligibility for sentences, total speaking rate (words required to read a standard passage, ‘The Grandfather
per minute), rate of intelligible speech (i.e., number of Passage’ [l11. An unlimited time period was allowed for
intelligible words per minute), percentage intelligible the subject to familiarize herself with the passage prior
words, and a communication efficiency ratio which to reading. The speech sample was recorded on audio-
was devised by dividing the rate of intelligible speech tape using a high quality cassette recorder (Marantz,
produced by the subject by the mean rate of intelligible Model CP430) and microphone (Sony ECM-30 electret
speech produced by a group of normal adult speakers as condenser microphone). The speech sample was rated by
determined by Yorkston et al. [lo]. For each of the two judges, both experienced speech-language patholo-
values, the mean scores derived from the individual gists, on the 32 dimensions of speech described by
scores assigned by each of the three judges were used FitzGerald et al. [9]. The dimensions included pertain
in the analysis of the results. Yorkston and Beukelman to the five aspects of speech production encompassing
[7] indicated that normal speakers obtain close to 100% prosody (including features of pitch, loudness, rate,
accuracy for single words and sentence intelligibility stress and phrasing), respiration, phonation, resonance
values. In comparison, the subject here obtained only and articulation and overall intelligibility of speech.
67% accuracy for word intelligibility and 97% accuracy Both judges listened independently to the recording of
for sentence intelligibility. These results indicated that the speech sample. The judges were given a description

B. E. Murdoch et al.

of the speech dimension being rated and a 1 4 , 1-5 or 1- Articulation

7 descriptive equal interval scale on which to rate each
The assessment of articulatory function involved mea-
dimension. The speech dimensions that indicated the
surement of tongue and lip strength, endurance and rate
severity of a dysfunction were rated on a &point scale of repetitive movements using pressure transduction sys-
(e.g.. breath support for speech), while those dimensions tems. The transducer used for assessing tongue function
that were rated according to the frequency of their was identical to the rubber-bulb pressure transducer
occurrence in the total speech sample were rated on a described by Murdoch et al. [12]. For a detailed descrip-
5-point scale (e.g., rate fluctuations). The 7-point scale, tion of the tongue pressure transducer and the proce-
with the mid-point of 4 representing normal, was used to dure for its use see Murdoch et al. [12]. The transducer
rate speech dimensions that could be rated on the same enabled estimation of tongue strength and endurance
scale as being too high or too low (e.g., pitch level). during performance of four different non-speech tasks.
Unlimited time was allowed for the judges to listen to These included:
the tape and rate each of the speech dimensions.
Following the independent rating sessions, a further rat- 1. Maximum tongue strength (MTS) - where the sub-
ing session was included, during which both the judges ject was instructed to ‘use the front of your tongue
to squeeze the rubber bulb against the roof of your
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conferred to produce a single consensus rating on each

dimension where their judgements differed in the origi- mouth as hard as you can’.
nal rating. The consensus ratings were then used in 2. Sustained maximum tongue pressure (SMTP)-
further analysis of the results. Prior to the consensus where the subject was required to use her tongue
rating session, the ratings assigned by each judge to to compress the rubber bulb against the roof of her
any one speech dimension never differed by more than mouth as hard as she could for 10 seconds.
3. Repetition of maximum tongue pressure (RMTP)-
one point on the rating scale. The degree of severity of
where the subject was required to complete 10 max-
each deviant speech dimension exhibited by the subject
imum compressions of the bulb against the roof of
was determined by assigning the consensus rating score
her mouth with her tongue at the rate of approxi-
allocated to that dimension to one of three degrees of
mately ]/second.
For personal use only.

severity oust noticeable, moderate, or severe) according

4. Fast rate of repetitions of maximum tongue pres-
to the method described by FitzGerald et al. [9].
sure ( F R M T P F w h e r e the subject was required,
The subject demonstrated deviant characteristics on
during a 10 second period, to reproduce the max-
five of the 32 speech dimensions rated. Of these five
imum number of maximum compressions of the
deviant dimensions two related to articulation (vowel bulb with her tongue as she could.
imprecision and consonant imprecision), a further two
related to vocal quality (intermittent breathiness and Each task was carried out three times with approxi-
nasality) and one related to overall intelligibility. A mately a one-minute rest period between attempts.
moderate level of imprecision was demonstrated by the Longer rest periods between tasks were given if required.
subject during articulation of both vowels and conso- All pressures were recorded in kPa. Only the best of the
nants. The subject’s speech was infrequently interrupted three attempts at each task was included in further ana-
by sudden, just noticeable periods of breathiness. The lysis. A total of 12 measures were taken from the four
speech of the subject was rated as moderately hyperna- tasks.
sal, with vowels in particular being hypernasal in qual- I. MTS
ity. The judges perception of her speech sample (a) Maximum tongue pressure (Pmax).
indicated a just noticeable reduction in the subject’s 2. SMTP
overall intelligibility. effort from listeners being required (a) Maximum pressure at onset (Pmax-on).
to understand her speech. (b) Maximum pressure at offset (Pmax-off).
(c) Mean pressure over 10 seconds.
(d) Area under the curve (mm2).
(a) Pressure at first attempt (Pmax-I).
The \u hject‘s articulatory, velopharyngeal, laryngeal (b) Pressure at tenth attempt (Pmax-10).
and respiratory function were assessed instrumentally (c) Mean pressure over 10 repetitions.
using a battery of physiological techniques. 4. FRMTP
(a) Number of maximum compressions in 10 seconds.

Speech in Moebius syndrome

(b) Pressure at first attempt (Pmax-first). that the noted reduction in tongue strength measures
(c) Pressure at last attempt (Pmax-last). may have been caused by the subject’s high arched
(d) Mean pressure over all attempts. palate rather than weakness of the tongue itself. The
presence of a high arched palate may have led to under-
The scores achieved by the subject with Moebius syn- estimation of the subject’s lingual strength due to the
drome on the various tongue pressure tasks listed above need for her to move her tongue higher in the mouth
are shown in Table 1. Due to the non-availability of in order to compress the rubber bulb of the tongue
normative data concerning tongue strength and endur- transducer.
ance in children of an age similar to the present subject, A miniaturized pressure transducer (Entran Flatline
her scores on the tongue tasks have been compared to Pressure Transducer-EP-200 1-10) based on semicon-
those achieved by a group of non-neurologically ductor strain-gauge technology similar to that described
impaired controls (mean age 8.2 years) on the same by Hinton and Luschei [I31 was used to estimate the
pressure transduction system as reported by Murdoch subject’s lip strength and endurance. For a detailed
et al. [12] (see Table 1). description of the lip pressure transducer and the pro-
Examination of Table 1 shows that when compared to cedure for its use see Thompson et al. [14]. The transdu-
data collected from normal speaking children, the sub- cer was mounted on a thm aluminium arm and placed
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ject generated a maximum tongue pressure (30-8 kPa) of on the lower lip in the midline and interlabial pressures
more than two standard deviations below the mean of then estimated during performance of a range of non-
the control group (mean = 65.3; SD = 16.6 kPa), speech and speech tasks (it should be noted that due to
achieving only 47% of the mean tongue pressure exerted the small size of the transducer (5.08mm diameter,
by the control group. Her performance on other tongue 1.65mm thickness), interlabial pressures can be mea-
strength tasks were also indicative of reduced lingual sured during speech production without interfering
strength. In contrast, however, the subject exhibited nor- with normal articulatory movements).
mal ability to maintain and repeat maximal contractions Five non-speech tasks were completed by the subject.
of the tongue muscles on the sustained pressure and These included:
repetition tasks (see Table I). Therefore, although her
For personal use only.

tongue strength was reduced in comparision to the con- 1. Maximum lip pressure (MLPbwhere the subject
trol group, the subject was able to maintain a consistent was instructed to ‘squeeze your lips together as
pressure and a similar rate of repetition on each of the hard as you can, then relax’.
duration tasks. 2. Sustained sub-maximal lip pressure ( S S M L P F
Based on the results of previous neurological exami- where the subject was required to squeeze her lips
nations, there was no evidence to suggest the presence of together at a level of 50% of her maximum lip
abnormal lingual function. Consequently, it is possible pressure for as long as she could.

Table 1 Moebius syndrome subject and control group: Comparison of tongue pressures

Task Control g T O U p t MbS subject*

Mean ( n = 6 ) SD
1. P max [kPa] 65.3 16.6 30.8
2. P max-on [kPa] 63.3 23.3 30-8
P max-off [kPa] 56.7 23.2 33.6
Mean pressure over 10 seconds [kPa] - - 33.0
Area under curve (mm2) 155.0 56.4 152
3. P max-l [kPa] 62.0 19.3 30.8
P max-I0 [kPa] 55.3 24.1 30.8
Mean pressure over 10 repetitions [kPa] 60.1 24-5 30.5
4. Maximum number of repetitions in 10 seconds 18.2 6.1 20
P max-first [kPaj 57.7 36.2 30.8
P max-last [kPa] 53.9 24-1 30.8
P max-first - P max-last [kPa] 3.8 - 0.0
Mean pressure [kPa] 58.1 28.1 25.8

tControl group - Murdoch, Attard, Ozanne and Stokes (1995).

*MbS subject = Moebius syndrome subject-present study

B. E. Murdoch et al.

3. Fine lip pressure control (FLPCCwhere the sub- (b) Pressure at tenth attempt (Pmax-10).
ject was required to consecutively maintain lip (c) Pmax-1 - Pmax-10.
compression at 50%, 20% and 10% of her maxi- (d) Mean pressure over 10 repetitions.
mum lip pressure, each for a period of 5 seconds. 5. FRMLP
4. Repetition of maximum lip pressure ( R M L P C (a) Number of maximum compressions in 10
where the subject was required to complete 10 max- seconds.
imum lip compressions at the rate of approximately (b) Pressure at first attempt (Pmax-first).
1/second. (c) Pressure at last attempt (Pmax-last).
5. Fast rate of repetitions of maximum lip pressures (d) Pmax-last - Pmax-first.
(FRMLPj-where the subject was required, during (e) Mean pressure over all attempts.
a 10 second period, to produce the maximum num-
ber of maximum lip compressions as she could. The scores achieved by the subject with Moebius syn-
drome on the non-speech lip pressure tasks are shown in
All pressures were recorded in kPa. Each task was Table 2. Due to the lack of appropriate normative data,
repeated three times with approximately a one-minute her performance on these tasks was compared to that of
rest period between attempts. Only the best of the three a normal speaking, non-neurologically impaired control
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attempts was used in further analysis. Measures taken subject matched for age and sex.
from the five tasks included: Examination of Table 2 shows that the maximum lip
pressure exerted by the subject with Moebius syndrome
1. MLP was only 42% of that generated by the control. The
(a) Maximum lip pressure (Pmax). ability of the two subjects to maintain 50% of maximum
2. SSMLP lip pressure, however, was similar. During performance
(a) Time 50% maximum compression maintained of all three fine motor control tasks the Moebius subject
(seconds). displayed a greater mean deviation from the target pres-
3. FLPC sure level (i.e., 50%, 20% or 10% of her maximum lip
(a) Mean pressure abovelbelow target pressure. pressure) than did the control. These results suggest that
For personal use only.

(b) SD of pressure changes above and below the Moebius subject was less proficient at maintaining
target pressure. the required degree of lip pressure indicative of poorer
4. RMLP fine motor control of the muscles of the lips than
(a) Pressure at first attempt (Pmax-1). demonstrated by the control subject. In contrast, the
Table 2 Moebius syndrome subject (MbS) and control subject: Comparison of interlabial lip pressure, fine lip pressure control and rate of lip
movement for non-speech tasks
Task Moebius subject Control subject
1. Maximum lip pressure P-max [kPa] 3.47 8.24
2. Sustained submaximal lip pressure [seconds] 48 44
3. Fine lip pressure control [kPa]
50% variation from mean -0.32 -0.17
SD 10.46 f0.98
20% variation from mean 0.25 0.05
SD 10.16 f0.55
10% variation from mean 0.11 0.07
SD f0.38 f0.36
4. Repetition of maximum lip pressure
P mdx-1 [kPa] 1.54 8.24
P max-10 [kPa] 2.08 6.31
P max-1 - P max-10 [kPa] 0.54 -1.93
Mean pressure [kPa] 1.67 7.43
5 Fast rate of repetitive lip movements
P max-first [kPa] 1.32 1.59
P max-last [kPa] 0.68 2.93
P mau-last - P max-first [kPa] -0.64 1.34
Mean pressure [kPa] 2.08 4.49
Number of repetitions 22 14

Speech in Moebius syndrome

standard deviations of the control subject’s attempts at words, the mean pressure on initial bilabial phonemes
the fine motor control tasks were greater than those of (mean = 1.35 kPa) being only 44% of that produced by
the subject with Moebius syndrome, indicating that the control subject (mean = 3.04 kPa). Similarly, the
when the control deviated from the required percentage pressure generated by the Moebius subject on medial
pressure, she did so with greater variability of lip pres- bilabial phonemes (mean = 0.47 kPa) was only 28%
sure than did the Moebius subject. The mean lip pres- of that generated by the control (mean = 1.67 kPa).
sure recorded from the Moebius subject on the RMLP In contrast, the pressure generated by the Moebius sub-
task was only 22% of that achieved by the control with ject on final bilabial phonemes in words (e.g., bobby,
the Pmax-1 and Pmax-10 values obtain by her being mummy) (mean 0.94 kPa) was 247% greater than that
only 10% and 33% respectively of the control subject’s produced by the control (mean = 0.38 kPa), suggesting
equivalent values. Although the Moebius subject was that she used compensatory stronger lip pressures when
able to produce a greater number of lip compressions articulating final phonemes. During the sentence repeti-
on the FRMLP task than control, the mean strength of tion task, the Moebius subject did not produce a con-
her repetitions was only 46% of that achieved by the sistent pattern of either higher or lower lip pressures
normal speaking control. during production of initial, medial or final bilabial con-
In addition to the non-speech tasks outline above, lip sonants compared to the control subject.
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pressures were also recorded from the Moebius and con-

trol subjects during production of a variety of speech
tasks, including syllable repetition (e.g., /p A p A p A /, Velopharyngeal valve
/m ~m A m A /), word repetition (e.g., pop, mum, bob) Velopharyngeal function was assessed using the
and sentence repetition, (e.g., see poppy again; my Nasometer (Kay Elemetrics Model 6200-2). The
mummy makes money). The results of the syllable, Nasometer is a computer assisted instrument providing
word and sentence repetition tasks obtained by the sub- measures of nasality derived from the ratio of acoustic
ject with Moebius syndrome and her control are pre- energy output from the nasal and oral cavities during
sented in Table 3. speech. Acoustic energy is detected by two directional
For personal use only.

During the production of initial bilabial phonemes in microphones (one placed in front of the nares and the
syllables, the Moebius subject produced lip pressures other in front of the mouth) separated by a sound
(mean pressure = 1.07 kPa) that were, on average separator plate. The instrument yields a ‘nasalance’
only 40% of those used by the control subject (mean score comprised of a ratio of nasal to oral-plus-nasal
pressure = 2.61 kPa) for the same speech tasks. In addi- acoustic energy calcualted as a percentage (the nasalance
tion, she also produced weaker lip pressures than the score) and displayed in real time graphic form on the
control on all initial and medial bilabial phonemes of host computer (IBM compatible 486DX). As nasality

Table 3 Moebius syndrome and control subject. Comparison of interlabial lip pressure [kPa] during speech

Syllable repetition task

A 1.54 1.76 1.69 1.40 0.49 0.69 1.45 1.03 0.87 0.27 0.75 1.17 0.76
B 3.36 2.86 2.37 2.29 2.82 2.18 3.36 3.13 2.14 2.86 2.86 1.42 1.69
* 46 62 71 61 17 32 43 33 32 9 26 82 45

Word repetition task

A 0.64 0.86 1.17 1.47 0.49 0.49 2.15 0.50 1.99 0.59 1.66 0.31
B 3.89 0.21 2.89 0.93 3.89 0.00 2.23 1.81 3.36 1.71 1.96 1.50
* 16 409 40 158 13 4900 96 28 59 so 8.5 21
Sentence repetition task
A 1.03 1.79 0.86 0.19 0.82 1.09 0.82 0.42 0.82 0.44 0.31 0.60
B 0.89 1.69 0.99 0.82 0.21 0.43 0.00 3.48 0.04 0.76 0.54 1.88
* 116 106 87 23 390 253 8200 12 2050 58 57 32

A = Moebius syndrome subject

B = Age-matched control subject
* = Moebius syndrome subject’s perentage of age-matched control

B. E. Murdoch et al.

increases, the nasalance trace rises towards the 100% production of other nasal utterances (/m/ and nasal
nasalance mark. words - make, knees) fell within 20% of the nasalance
Whilc fitted with the nasometer, the subject was scores recorded by the control, suggesting that nasality
required to produce a series of nasalized and non-nasa- was within normal limits on these latter tasks.
lized sounds, words and sentences. The nasalance scores
obtained by the subject with Moebius syndrome
together with those achieved by an age and sex-matched Laryngeal valve
control are shown in Table 4. Physiological evaluation of laryngeal function was
The subject with Moebius syndrome obtained higher carried out using two indirect techniques which included
nasalance scores than the control subject during the pro- electroglottography (electrolaryngography) and an aero-
duction of the non-nasal sounds /eel, iooi, /ah/ and the dynamic laryngeal assessment. Electroglottography is an
non-nasal sentences 'stop the bus' and 'look at this book electrical impedance method of estimating vocal fold
with us'. With the exception of lahi, all of these utter- contact during phonation which is designed to allow
ances were produced with nasalance scores greater than investigation of laryngeal microfunction (cycle-by-cycle
20% of the scores obtained by the control subject for the periodicity and contact). The electroglottographic
same utterances, indicative of hypernasality. The mean assessment was conducted using a Fourcin laryngo-
Dev Neurorehabil Downloaded from by Universiteit Twente on 11/13/14

nasalance score achieved by the subject with Moebius graph interfaced with a waveform display system (Kay
syndrome during production of a variety of non-nasal Elemetrics Model 6091) running on a 486DX IBM com-
words (bake, bees, sat. set, seat. sit. suit) fell within 30% patible computer. The system recorded the surface area
of that obtained by the control subject for the same of contact of the vocal folds and the subsequent vocal
words. fold vibratory patterns during phonation tasks. These
When compared across all non-nasal utterances (i.e., features were displayed in the form of an Lx waveform,
non-nasal sounds non-nasal words and non-nasal sen- allowing for acquisition and real-time viewing of the Lx
tences), the mean nasalance score achieved by the sub- waveform on the computer monitor as well as storage
ject with Moebius syndrome was 195% greater than the and analysis of segments of the waveform. Parameters
mean nasalance score obtained by the control subject. measured by this technique included fundamental fre-
For personal use only.

These results are indicative of a high degree of hyper- quency (Fo),duty cycle and closing time. For a complete
nasality in the speech output of the subject with description of the elctroglottographic instrumentation
Moebius syndrome during production of non-nasal and procedure see Theodoros and Murdoch [15].
utterances. Aerodynamic measures allow indirect examination of
During production of the nasal sentence 'Mum made the macrofunction of the larynx including laryngeal air-
me some plum jam', the subject with Moebius syndrome flow, glottal resistance and glottal power. Estimates of
achieved a nasalance score greater than 20% below that the parameters were obtained using a voice function
of the control subject, indicative of a degree of hyponas- analyser, the Aerophone 11 Airflow Measurement
ality on this task. Her nasalance scores obtained during System, Model 6800 (Kay Elemetrics Corp.). In addition

Table 4 Moebius syndrome subjed (MbS) and control subject: Comparisons of nasalance scores achieved on the nasometer

Percentuge nusuluncr
Moehiic, c)ntlrome J U h J e c l ( A ) Age-matched control ( B )
Mean SD Mcwn SD Mhs subjet f
% of control

Sounds EE 57 85 4 48 14 33 4 41 404%
00 26 59 2 91 2 65 0 91 1003%
4H 8 50 0 51 113 6 15 119%
v 90 16 162 92 46 193 98%
Word\ NNW 12 61 3 52 13 73 6 50 92%
NW 56 63 12 50 56 91 4 59 99%
%!ntenc@ ML'M 48 13 26 59 62 79 30 31 17%
NNSE 15 95 6 27 8 09 2 31 196%

hhW non-nasal words (bake. sat, set, sit suit)

N# n,tsal moords (make, knees)
NNSE non-nasal sentences (Stop the bus, Look at this book with us)

Speech in Moebius syndrome

to estimates of various aerodynamic measures relevant mental subject differed from the control in having
to laryngeal function, the Aerophone I1 was also used to slower ab/abduction rate (71% of control), reduced
determine subglottal air pressure. According to Netsell sub-glottal pressure (18% of control) and reduced glot-
et al. [ 161, subglottal air pressure is more an indicator of tal resistance (1 1 YOof control). In contrast, the subject
respiratory support for speech than laryngeal activity. with Moebius syndrome demonstrated an elevated pho-
The Aerophone I1 includes a hand-held transducer natory flow rate (153%) compared to the control sub-
module and a data acquisition and processing software ject.
program running on a 486DX IBM compatible compu-
ter. The transducer module consists of miniaturized
transducers capable of recording air flow, air pressure
and acoustic signals during speech. A .disposable anaes- Respiratory function was measured using both stan-
thetic face mask, through which a thin flexible tube of dard clinical spirometric and kinematic procedures. The
silicon rubber was inserted to record intra-oral pressure, spirometric assessment was conducted using a
was attached to the hand-held transducer module. In the Mijnhardt Vicatest-P1 spirometer, comprised of a digi-
current study a F300L flowhead was used for data col- tal volume transducer coupled with a microprocessor,
lection. The subject was required to place the mask of and yielded measures of vital capacity and forced
Dev Neurorehabil Downloaded from by Universiteit Twente on 11/13/14

the transducer module over her face with the rubber expiratory volume one second (FEV,). These values
tube positioned centrally over the top of the tongue were compared to predicted values taking into account
for the aerodynamic assessment. Tasks involving vocal the subject's age, sex and height using the formulae pro-
efficiency and rapid initiation and termination of voicing vided by Boren et al. 1171 and Kory et al. [18]. For a
were used to evaluate the aerodynamics of laryngeal detailed description of the spirometric instrumentation
function. Subglottal air pressure, average phonatory and procedure see Murdoch and Hudson-Tennent [ 191.
sound pressure level, glottal resistance and phonatory The kinematic analysis involved recording of lung
airflow were determined from the vocal efficiency task volume changes during selected speech and non-speech
while ab/abduction rate of the vocal folds was deter- tasks using the computerized strain-gauge belt pneumo-
mined from the second task. For a detailed description graph system developed by Murdoch et al. [20]. Briefly,
For personal use only.

of the instrumentation and procedure for use of the this system involves simultaneous, but independent,
Aerophone IT, see Theodoros and Murdoch [15]. recording of circumferential size changes of the rib
Due to the lack of appropriate normative data, the cage and abdomen. The rib cage and abdominal com-
performance of the subject with Moebius syndrome on ponents of the respiratory system must be co-ordinated
the various laryngeal parameters was compared to that in their respective movements in that they each contri-
of the non-neurologically impaired control subject bute simultaneously to changes in total lung volume and
matched for age and sex (see Table 5). the production of sub-glottal air pressures during
The scores obtained by the subject with Moebius syn- speech. Knowledge of how lung volume changes are
drome for Fo, duty cycle, closing time and sound pres- partitioned between the rib cage and abdomen is of
sure level were all within 20% of the values obtained by fundamental importance to understanding the physiolo-
the control for the same parameters. Consequently, the gical bases of both normal and disordered speech pro-
values recorded by the subject with Moebius syndrome duction. Speech tasks consisted of the subject
were considered to be within normal limits. The experi- performing a series of vowel prolongations and syllable

Table 5 Moebius syndrome and control subject: Comparisons of scores achieved on the electroglottographic and aerodynamic assessments of
laryngeal function
Parameters Moebius syndrome subject Age-matched control subject Moebius syndrome
subject's % of control
Mean Mean
Fo - Fundamental frequency (Hz) 225.26 229.90 98%
DC - Dutv, cvcle
, 0.55 0.55 100%
CT - Closing time (ms) 1.08 1.21 89%
AB - Ab/adduction rate (c.P.s.) 2.64 3.71 71 Yo
GP - Glottal pressure (mm H20) 2.62 10.32 18%
SP - Sound pressure level (dB) 12.3 13.7 98%
GR - Glottal resistance (Nsjm5) 4.51 39.89 11%
PF - Phonatory flow rate (I/s) 0,389 0.254 153%

B. E. Murdoch et al.

repetitions as well as the subject reading the these parameters. Results greater than one standard
Grandfather Passage 1111. The results of the spirometric deviation below the mean, however, were achieved by
assessment are shown in Table 6. her for LVI and ABVI during the vowel task and all
Results achieved outside 80% of the predicted values excursion measures (i.e., LVE, RCVE and ABVE) dur-
for a child of the same age, sex and height are considered ing the vowel and syllable tasks. The experimental sub-
to be abnormal [17.18]1. Using this criterion, the subject ject achieved results greater than one standard deviation
with Moebius syndrome demonstrated reduced vital above the control group mean for the measure of termi-
capacity, forced vital capacity and FEVI. Table 7 nation (i.e., LVT, RCVT, ABVT) for both the vowel
shows the results of the kinematic analysis. Due to a and syllable tasks.
lack of appropriate normative data for a child of this Overall, these findings indicate that the subject with
age, the results obtained by the subject with Moebius Moebius syndrome demonstrated a reduction in the
syndrome were compared to those obtained by a excursion of the chest wall during production of vowel
group of five non-neurologically impaired subjects prolongations and syllable repetitions compared to the
(mean age = 12.5 years) reported by Murdoch and control group. In particular, she did not expel the avail-
Hudson-Tennent [19]. Results greater or lower than able air in her lungs during these tasks, resulting in ele-
one standard deviation away from the control group vated lung volume termination levels. In addition,
Dev Neurorehabil Downloaded from by Universiteit Twente on 11/13/14

mean were taken as indicating performance outside nor- during performance of these tasks the subject with
mal limits by the experimental subject. Moebius syndrome did not inhale to her full capacity
The subject with Moebius syndrome obtained values before commencing each of these speech tasks resulting
within one standard deviation of the control group's in decreased lung volume initiation levels. Consequently,
performance on RCVI (see Table 7 for explanation) as a result of depressed initiation levels and elevated
during the \owel task and for all initiation levels on termination levels, the excursion of her chest wall was
the syllable task suggestive of normal performance for reduced leading to lower lung volume excursion levels

Table 6 Moebius syndrome subiect (MbS): Respiratory parameters measured by standard clinical spirometric assessment
For personal use only.

Predicted values in comparison Subject's percentage of

1 0 normal population [I I, 181 predicted values [ 1I, 181
FVC ( L ) 1.31 2.45 53%
FV1 (1-1 0.75 2.09 36%
VC ( L ) 1.14 2.45 41Yn
FV 1 ,VC ( ?'o ) 66.00 84.00 79%

FVC = Forced vital capacity, FVI = forced expiratory volume in I second. VC = Vital capacity, MbS subject = Moebius syndrome subject

Table 7 Moebius syndrome subject and control group: Comparison of respiratory parameters referenced to the 0% limit

r '(JIUVi? Syllables Reading

Control group .Moebiir.s Control group Moehius Control group Moebius

in=.(/ .rpfronw i n = 5) syndrome (n=5) syndrome
subject subject subject
Meun SD Mean SD Mean SD
LVI 90.8 8.2 76 85.6 10.6 15.3 39.9 1.4 83
LV1' 1.3 2.4 28 2.7 2.9 29.6 8.9 6.1 48
LVE XII 5 8-0 48 83.2 10.9 45.6 31.0 10.4 35
RCVI 94.3 9.2 86.3 94.3 9.2 87.6 30,O 10.2 54
RCV? 35 4.2 17 3.2 4.2 23 6.2 3.5 26
RCVE 89-9 10-8 69.3 89.4 9.3 64.6 23.8 8.4 28
ABVI 86.4 8.5 77.6 79.5 8.3 72.6 46.4 7.3 100
ABVT 1.8 3.6 37 3.0 2.8 34 10.4 7.6 60
ABVE 84.5 9. I 40.6 16.5 5.6 38.6 35.9 8.7 40

LVI ILung volume initiation (in o h VC). LVT = Lung volume termination (in 04 VC), LVE = Lung volume excursion (in YOVC), RCVI =
Rib cage volume initiation (in 010 Rib cage capacity [RCC]), RCVT = Rib cage volume termination (in Yn RCC), RCVE = Rib cage volume
e~cursion( i n " U RCC'), ,ABVI = Abdominal volume initiation (in Yn Abdominal capacity [ABC]), ABVT = Abdominal volume termination (in
l o ABC). ABVE =- ,Abdominal volume excursion (in Yn ABC).

Speech in Moebius syndrome

compared to the control subjects when producing vowel transducer analysis is best explained in relation to the
prolongations and syllable repetitions. effects of Moebius syndrome on neuromuscular func-
In contrast, the subject with Moebius syndrome tion. In that this syndrome is typified by specific damage
obtained values within one standard deviation of the to various levels of the seventh nerve lower motor neu-
control group mean on all lung volume excursion mea- rone pathway, the muscles innervated by the seventh
sures during the reading task. Interestingly, however, nerve (namely, the muscles of the lips) are likely to
she obtained results greater than one standard deviation experience the effects of neuronal/muscle damage at
above the control group mean for the measures of lung the level of the seventh nerve nucleus, lower motor neu-
volume initiation (i.e., LVI, RCVI, ABVI) and lung rones or muscles innervated by the seventh nerve. As a
volume termination (i.e., LVT, RCVT, ABVT) during result the functioning of the lips would presumably be
the reading task. The latter results indicated that the affected by damage along the lower motor neurone
subject with Moebius syndrome used the upper end of pathway. Darley et al. [ 111 identified lower motor neu-
her lung volume range rather than the lower end during rone damage as partial or complete loss of strength of
the reading task. The control group, on the other hand, the articulators causing a reduction in phoneme preci-
used the lower end of their lung volume range for the sion and the clinical entity of flaccid dysarthria. On the
same task. basis that the impairment of lip function in the subject
Dev Neurorehabil Downloaded from by Universiteit Twente on 11/13/14

with Moebius syndrome is similar to that described by

Darley et al. [l 11, and given that the present subject was
diagnosed with muscle hypoplasia of the muscles inner-
The results of the multi-component physiological and vated by the seventh cranial nerve, it is speculated that
perceptual analyses showed that the subject with her demonstrated lower lip pressure, inconsistent main-
Moebius syndrome demonstrated dysfunction at all tenance of pressure and fine force control and normal
levels of the speech production apparatus, deficits endurance and rate were directly attributable to the con-
being identified in the articulatory, velopharyngeal, lar- genital effects of Moebius syndrome.
yngeal and respiratory subsystems. The tongue transducer analysis demonstrated
impaired lingual function in the Moebius syndrome sub-
For personal use only.

ject which was not evident at the perceptual or clinical

levels. The performance of the Moebius syndrome sub-
The subject with Moebius syndrome exhibited articu- ject on all tongue strength tasks indicated reduced lin-
latory system dysfunction that contributed to the impre- gual strength. However, the Moebius syndrome subject
cision of consonants and vowels and the overall exhibited normal ability to maintain and repeat maximal
reduction in her perceived speech intelligibility. Two contractions of the tongue msucles on the sustained
speech dimensions relating to articulation, namely con- pressure and repetition tasks. Based on the results of
sonant precision and vowel precision, were moderately her earlier neurological examinations, there is evidence
impaired in the subject with Moebius syndrome. The to indicate normal lingual function in the subject with
perceptual findings of articulatory imprecision gained Moebius syndrome. Consequently, it is speculated that
support from results of the FDA in which movements the noted reduction in tongue strength is the result of
of the lips during speech were noted to be severely her high arched palate, rather than weakness of the ton-
impaired. The intelligibility ratings on the FDA and gue itself. Similarly, several other studies [5, 2 1-23] have
the ASSIDS, indicating mild to moderate impairment also documented the presence of high arched palates in
of her speech intelligibility similarly supported the per- subjects presenting with Moebius syndrome. It is sug-
ceptual findings of articulatory imprecision. gested that given the presence of her high arched palate,
The results of the lip pressure transducer analysis the present subject’s lingual strength was underesti-
indicated that the subject with Moebius syndrome mated as a result of the need for her to move her tongue
demonstrated impairment of labial function compared higher in the mouth than the control group in order to
to an age-matched control. In particular, she demon- compress the rubber bulb of the tongue transducer. The
strated reduced lip pressure, inconsistent maintenance findings of articulatory dysfunction in the speech of the
of lip pressure and poor fine motor control of the lips. subject with Moebius syndrome in the present study are
The subject with Moebius syndrome did, however, consistent with comments and broad descriptions made
demonstrate normal endurance and normal rate of repe- by previous investigators regarding the dysarthric
titive movements of the lips. The basis of the articula- speech of subjects with Moebius syndrome. Meyerson
tory subsystem dysfunction identified by the lip pressure and Foushee [5] described their subjects with Moebius

B. E. Murdoch et a].

syndrome as having compensatory placement for diffi- Velopharvngeal valve

cult phonemes, inaccurate consonant production and
Disorders of resonance were found to be present in
limited strength, range and speed of movement of the
the speech characteristics of the subject with Moebius
articulators. Similarly, Bloomer 141 mentioned lack of
syndrome. Moderate hypernasality was apparent in the
discriminate movement of the muscles of the lips by
verbal output of the subject in the perceptual analysis.
subjects with Moebius syndrome. Bilateral paralysis of
The perception of hypernasality may be a direct result of
the muscles innervated by the seventh cranial nerve,
velopharyngeal dysfunction whereby the muscles of the
including those muscles involved in speech, typical of
soft palate and the constrictor muscles of the pharynx
Moebius syndrome and demonstrated in the present
subject, is therefore the likely cause of her articulatory fail to effect maximum closure of the velopharyngeal
port at the appropriate moments during speech. It is
The results of the perceptual analysis demonstrated also possible that perceived hypernasality may be the
reduced intelligibility of the speech of the subject with result of a misperception of the deviant resonance
Moebius syndrome. While articulatory disturbance per speech dimensions due to the acoustic interference of
se would seem to be the primary cause for the articula-
other deviant speech characteristics [24] and structural
tory disturbance perceived to be present in her speech, abnormalities (for example, high arched palate, which
Dev Neurorehabil Downloaded from by Universiteit Twente on 11/13/14

the moderate consonant and vowel imprecision may also was observed in the present subject).
be contributed to by the dysfunction of the velopharyn- Although perceived to have normal palatal movement
geal and laryngeal valves. The articulation of the speech on the FDA, moderate hypernasality was identified in
sounds of the English language requires mainly oral the speech output of the subject with Moebius syndrome
resonance and varying degrees of intra-oral pressure on the basis of the perceptual analysis of the speech
for the production of the majority of the speech sounds. sample, the two perceptual methods of assessment
Full nasal resonance and an open velopharyngeal port thereby revealing conflicting results. In order to either
are required only for the articulation of the phonemes confirm or disprove the presence of a nasality disorder
m:, in: and p g j [34]. Failure of the velopharyngeal port in the present subject therefore, an objective, instrumen-
to close effectively or coordinate closure with articula- tal assessment of her velopharyngeal function was
For personal use only.

tion results in reduced intra-oral pressure required for required. The results of the instrumental analysis of
the production of pressure consonants, nasalization of velopharyngeal function using the nasometer confirmed
vowei production and nasal emission through the nose that the subject with Moebius syndrome demonstrated a
rather than the mouth [25]. During articulation, velo- high degree of nasalance on production of non-nasal
pharyngeal incompetence allows the breath stream to sounds indicative of hypernasality and a tendency to
dissipate through the nasal cavity so that there is insuf- hyponasality during production of nasal sentences.
ficient pressure within the oral cavity and an inappropri- Disorders of nasality of speech are the outcome of
ate direction of the breath stream through the nasal improper functioning of the velopharyngeal valve,
cavity. Even though the individual articulators may be caused by disturbance in the basic motor processes
functionally unimpaired, the speaker with velopharyn- that regulate contraction of the muscles of the soft
geal incompetence may be perceived as having weak, palate and pharynx, leading to a reduction in the force
imprecise and distorted articulation [24]. of their contractions and limitation of their range of
It is possible that the articulatory impairment demon- movement [Ill. Such impairment may be caused by
strated by the present subject may be contributed to by a damage to the lower motor neurones that supply mus-
reduction in intra-oral pressure in the oral cavity as a cles of the soft palate and pharynx. Indeed, the subject
result of velopharyngeal inconsistencies. For example, with Moebius syndrome was noted to have an immobile
during production of a voiceless stop ip,’. it is possible palate when assessed at an early age and has been diag-
that. in the subject with Moebius syndrome, impairment nosed with agenesis of the glossopharyngeal nerve.
of the velopharyngeal valve caused insufficient closure Further to this, several authors have reported that sub-
to ensure that air moved directly into the oral cavity jects presenting with Moebius syndrome have displayed
rather than the nasal cavity, resulting in a leakage of palatal weakness [26],velopharyngeal incompetence and
air through the nasal cavity and preventing sufficient insufficiency including hypernasality and nasal emission
airflow reaching the lips. Consequently, bilabial produc- PI.
tion of p: would lack sufficient oral pressure and result
, As was mentioned above, full nasal resonance and an
in weak, imprecise articulation and hypernasality of open velopharyngeal port are required for the articula-
non-nasal utterances. tion of the phonemes /mi, in/ and /ng/ [25].Therefore,

Speech in Moebius syndrome

during production of a nasal sound requiring an open reduced oral pressure and therefore, subglottal pressure
velopharyngeal port, it is possible that, as a result of her [31]. It is suggested that the present subject’s inability to
impairment in the articulatory valve, that the subject effect full lip closure during articulation and an inability
with Moebius syndrome produced insufficient closure to consistently close to the velopharyngeal port effec-
of the lips to ensure that air moved directly into the tively caused a leakage of air from within the oral cavity,
nasal cavity rather than the oral cavity, resulting in a resulting in decreased oral pressure and therefore,
leakage of air from within the oral cavity and preventing underestimation of subglottal pressure.
sufficient airflow reaching the nares. Consequently,
nasal consonant production would lack sufficient velo-
pharyngeal airflow. These inadequacies at the articula-
tory valve may therefore, at least partly, explain the On the basis of perceptual analysis of the speech sam-
presence of hyponasality during the subject’s production ple and the FDA, the subject with Moebius syndrome
of a nasal sentence. demonstrated respiratory support for speech within nor-
mal limits. The results of the kinematic analysis of
speech breathing, however, indicated that the subject
Laryngeal valve
demonstrated a pattern of breathing during speech
Dev Neurorehabil Downloaded from by Universiteit Twente on 11/13/14

Although the various perceptual analyses indicated that differed to that of a control group, in relation to
that the subject with Moebius syndrome demonstrated termination, initiation and excursion of the chest wall.
only mild, intermittent breathiness and difficulty main- These results were not expected nor evident at the per-
taining phonation for an extended period of time, in ceptual or clinical level. During speech tasks requiring a
contrast the instrumental analyses based on vocal fold maximum respiratory effort (that is, sustained voivel
vibration and aerodynamic measures identified the pre- and syllable repetitions) the subject demonstrated
sence of a number of laryngeal deficits which were not depressed initiation levels and elevated termination
evident nor expected at the perceptual or clinical level. levels resulting in reduced excursion of the chest wall
Specifically the subject with Moebius syndrome demon- and leading to lower lung volume excursion. The
strated reduced ad/abduction rates and reduced glottal depressed initiation levels and elevated termination
For personal use only.

resistance and subglottal pressure. One explanation for levels were indicative of reduction in contractions of
the apparent inconsistencies between the perceptual and the muscles of the rib cage and abdomen [19] in com-
instrumental findings is the inadequacy of perceptual parison to the control group, when performing these
evaluation in identifying normal and abnormal voice, tasks. Although the reason for this finding is not
as well as determining specific deviant laryngeal features obvious, it is likely to be a manifestation of impaired
at decreased levels of severity or against a background ability to regulate the duration and timing of contrac-
of other deviant speech features [27-291. Perceptual ana- tion of abdominal and rib cage muscles [19]. During the
lysis essentially identifies and describes the characteris- speech reading task, which did not require maximum
tics of a speech or voice disorder but in effect, does not respiratory effort, the subject with Moebius syndrome
define the nature of the physological impairment [30], initiated and terminated her speech activities at higher
unlike the instrumental measures, which provide objec- lung volumes than the control group, although her lung
tive data regarding the specific nature of the deficits. As volume excursions for this task were similar to the con-
a result, the reliance on perceptual assessment of laryn- trols. It is suggested that this phenomenon may have
geal function alone may lead to inaccurate assumptions been a compensatory strategy used by the subject to
regarding the true nature of the phonatory disturbance help her compensate for loss of air occurring at other
~51. malfunctioning valves hgher up in the speech mechan-
It is also possible that an underestimation of subglot- ism, namely the laryngeal, velopharyngeal and articula-
tal pressure occurred as an outcome of the instrumental tory valves.
method used for its determination. In that subglottal
pressure is measured indirectly by the Aerophone I1
Directions for treatment
via an equivalent measurement of oral pressure during
the production of a voiceless stop/p/, it is possible that, The results of the multicomponent analysis showed
in the subject with Moebius syndrome, impairment of that, in addition to the expected articulatory deficits
the bilabial seal at the articulatory valve or impairment caused by bilateral facial muscle paralysis, the subject
of the velopharyngeal valve may cause a leakage of air with Moebius syndrome also demonstrated an unex-
from within the oral cavity, resulting in a recording of pected major dysfunction at the level of the velo-

B. E. Murdoch et al.

pharyngeal valve and more minor unexpected deficits in marily the result of insufficient valving at the levels of
laryngeal function and speech breathing. Clinically these the articulatory and velopharyngeal valves. Therefore,
findings have important implications for the treatment therapy aimed at remediating laryngeal and respiratory
of dysarthria in Moebius syndrome. In particular, the subsystems may not be effective in improving the speech
findings in the present case highlight the need for clin- intelligibility of the present subject. However, it is sug-
icians, when determining treatment priorities for dysar- gested that if deficits still exist at the laryngeal and
thria associated with Moebius syndrome, to take into respiratory levels following successful treatment of the
consideration dysfunction at levels of the speech produc- velopharyngeal and articulatory valves, therapy target-
tion apparatus other than the articulatory valve. The ing laryngeal and respiratory functions may then be use-
treatment priorities determined from the physiological ful.
and perceptual assessments administered to the present
subject are outlined below.
Firstly, the high profile of abnormal features of lip Conclusions
function in the subject’s speech output identified by On the basis of a battery of physiological and percep-
both the physiological and perceptual assessments sug- tual assessments, deficits were identified at ail major
gests that this aspect of speech production needs to be
Dev Neurorehabil Downloaded from by Universiteit Twente on 11/13/14

levels of the speech production apparatus in the present

the first treatment priority of the speech clinician. subject with Moebius syndrome. Deficits at the articu-
Secondly, in that lip function was severely compro- latory valve were not unexpected, as a result of the con-
mised, the primary target of articulation therapy should genital effects of Moebius syndrome, while deficits at the
be the improvement of lip strength and the ability to level of the velopharynx were not predicted nor detect-
monitor fine motor control. Although the dysfunction able during conversational speech. Treatment of the def-
of the lips would appear to have been the primary cause icits at the articulatory and velopharyngeal valves is
of the perceived abnormalities of articulation in the sub- considered to be efficacious in improving the speech
ject with Moebius syndrome. the clinician must, how- intelligibility of the subject with Moebius syndrome
ever. consider the degree of contribution of impairments and is therefore considered a priority.
at other levels of the speech production mechanism to
For personal use only.

While skilled perceptual analyses and treatments

her observed articulatory disturbance. To treat the over- remain useful in clinical practice, the use of instrumental
all speech disorder in this case, treatment for labial dys- measures for assessment and rehabilitation allows the
function would need to be followed by therapy aimed at clinician to concentrate on the specific nature of the
other levels of the speech mechanism, the particular speech impairment and facilitate treatment of the speech
component being determined by the treatment heirarchy disorder separate from the general speech disability [30].
devised on the basis of the multicomponent physiologi- For example, without instrumental assessment, velo-
cal analysis. pharyngeal dysfunction would have gone undetected in
Velopharyngeal function was also found to be the present case. Ultimately, having directed individual
impaired in the speech production mechanism of the therapy aimed at those components determined to be
subject with Moebius syndrome which contributed to the major contributors to the speech disorder, based
the overall reduction in her intelligibility. Netsell and on the results of objective physiological analyses, treat-
Daniel 1321 suggested that therapy designed to improve ment should be simultaneously focused on all dysfunc-
velpharyngeal function precede articulatory therapy, tional components of the speech mechanism. Only then
because normal velopharyngeal function is necessary could general improvement of the speech disorder be
for the buildup and maintenance of air pressure in the- expected with a corresponding improvement in speech
mouth that is required for many consonant sounds. intelligibility.
However, in the present subject, lip dysfunction was
found to be a greater contributor to reduced intelligibil-
ity than velopharyngeal dysfunction, which was incon- References
sistently impaired. Therefore, labial dysfunction was I . BOUWES-BAVINCK, J . N. and WEAVER, D. D.: Subclavian artery
deemed the first treatment priority. supply disruption sequence: Hypothesis of a vascular etiology
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also found in the speech production mechanism of the 2 . DCRUZ,0. F., SWISHER, C. N., JARADEH, S. ef at.: Mobius syn-
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however. only minor and indeed, it is suggested that 3. RICHARDS, R. N.: The Mobius syndrome. The Journal of Bone and
deficits a t the laryngeal and respiratory levels were pri- Joint Surgery, 35A: 437-443, 1953.

Speech in Moebius syndrome

4. BLOOMER, H. H.: speech defects associated with dental malocclu- 18. KORY,R. C., CALLAHAN, R. and BOREN,H. G.: The Veterans
sion and repeated abnormalities. In: L. E. Travis (editor) Administration Army cooperative study of pulmonary function
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