Asphalt Base, Binder and Wearing Course - Adm Part Spec

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‫أعمال الصيانة والترميمات لمشوهات الطرق الداخلية‬

‫واألصول لكامل أحواض شرق جزيــــرة أبوظبـــــــي‬

‫وجــزر الريـــــم والســــــــعديات والمـاريــة ويـــاس‬




All clauses of Section IV – Asphalt Works of the Standard Specification remain valid with
exception of the following:

4.1.1 Clause 400.10 - Asphalt Cement

Asphalt cement specified for use in the asphalt mix for wearing course and binder
course to be 40 – 50 penetration grade and for base course 60 – 70 penetration
grade in accordance with the AASHTO M-20.

4.1.2 Clause 402.07 – Construction Requirements for Asphaltic Concrete

a. Weather Limitations

It will be the contractor’s responsibility to check the weather forecast to

ensure suitable weather conditions for the paving operation. In case of
unforeseen weather conditions that will impact the quality or the durability of
the new pavement under construction, the contractor will immediately seize
the asphalt production and inform the Engineer with the asphalt quantities in
transit. The ADM may compensate the contractor for part of such material (in
transit) if the contractor proved that he had complied with the above to ensure
suitable weather conditions prior to asphalt production and that the unsuitable
weather conditions were unforeseen and unpredicted.

b. Joints

General: When laying fresh mixture against the exposed edges of joints
(trimmed or formed as provided above), place it in close contact with the
exposed edge to produce an even, well-compacted joint after rolling.

Transverse Joints: Place the mixture as continuously as possible. Do not

pass the roller over the unprotected end of the freshly laid mixture except
when discontinuing the laying operation long enough to permit the mixture to
become chilled. When thus interrupting the laying operation, construct a
transverse joint by cutting back on the previous run to expose the full depth of
the mat.

Longitudinal Joints: For all layers of pavement, place each layer so that
longitudinal construction joints are offset [150 to 300 mm] laterally between
successive layers. The Engineer may waive this requirement where offsetting
is not feasible due to the sequence of construction.

c. Protection of Finished Surface.

Keep sections of newly compacted asphalt concrete, which are to be covered

by additional courses, clean until the successive course is laid.

‫أعمال الصيانة والترميمات لمشوهات الطرق الداخلية‬
‫واألصول لكامل أحواض شرق جزيــــرة أبوظبـــــــي‬
‫وجــزر الريـــــم والســــــــعديات والمـاريــة ويـــاس‬

Do not dump embankment or base material directly on the pavement. Dress

shoulders before placing the Wearing course on adjacent pavement.

Equip blade graders operating adjacent to the pavement during shoulder

construction with a [50 by 200 mm] or larger board, or other attachment
providing essentially the same results, attached to their blades in such
manner that it extends below the blade edge in order to protect the pavement
surface from damage by the grader blade.
To prevent rutting or other distortion, protect sections of newly finished
dense-graded Wearing course and the last structural layer prior to the
Wearing course from traffic as instructed by the Engineer.

d. Surface Requirements.

Contractor’s Responsibility: Furnish a [5.0 m] manual and , Standard

Travelling Beam Device or rolling straightedge and an automatic [1.2 m] level
to check cross slopes . Make them available at the job site at all times during
the paving operation for checking joints and surface irregularities. Obtain a
smooth surface on all pavement courses placed, and then straightedge all
intermediate and final courses with a Standard Travelling Beam Device
and/or rolling straightedge.

When the intermediate layer will be opened to the traffic, the Engineer
reserves the right to require the Contractor to straightedge the layer with a
Standard Travelling Beam Device or rolling straightedge to ensure that no
smoothness deficiency is in excess of [6 mm]. When the intermediate layer is
straightedge, correct all deficiencies in excess of [6 mm] or as directed and
as approved by the Engineer, before placing the next course.

Construct a pavement surface with cross slopes in compliance with the

requirements of the Contract Plans. Furnish a level with a minimum length of
[1.2 m] with a digital measuring device approved by the Engineer for the
control of cross slope. Make this level or measuring device available at the
jobsite at all times for the measurement of cross slope during paving

Texture of the Finished Surface of Paving Layers: Produce a finished

surface of uniform texture and compaction with no pulled, torn, crushed or
loosened portions and free of segregation, sand streaks, sand spots, or
ripples. Correct any area of the surface that does not meet the foregoing
requirements in accordance with this section.

Do not use asphalt concrete mixtures containing aggregates that cause a

different colour appearance in the final wearing surface in sections less than
[1.5 km] in length and across the full width of the roadway unless approved
by the Engineer.

Acceptance Testing for Surface Tolerance:

General: Notify the Engineer of the location and time of testing a minimum of
48 hours before beginning testing. Perform acceptance testing for surface
tolerance on all pavement lanes and ramps, and document all deficiencies on
a form approved by the Engineer. Perform all testing with an approved
Asphalt Paving engineer.

‫أعمال الصيانة والترميمات لمشوهات الطرق الداخلية‬
‫واألصول لكامل أحواض شرق جزيــــرة أبوظبـــــــي‬
‫وجــزر الريـــــم والســــــــعديات والمـاريــة ويـــاس‬

Submit a Traffic Control Plan for the Engineer’s written approval. Include the
cost of this traffic control and testing in the Contract bid prices for the asphalt

The Engineer may elect to use one of the following methods (or any other
method) to check for surface tolerance. The contractor will adhere to the
Engineer’s direction to which test method to be used, supply all equipment
and labour to facilitate performing the test under the Engineer’s supervision
with no additional cost to the ADM as per the guide lines stated in this

1. Using Traveling Beams Device or Rolling Straight Edge:-

Test Method: Perform acceptance testing with one pass of a

standard rolling straightedge or Travelling Beams Device operated
along wheel paths of each lane tested. This does not preclude the
Engineer from requiring additional acceptance testing at other
locations within the lane being tested. The client and/or the Engineer
reserve the right to ask the contractor for any other devices and
adopt the latest technology in this field.

Acceptance Criteria for Last Layer Prior to Wearing Course: Furnish

and operate an approved Standard Travelling Beam Device or rolling
straightedge for testing of the last layer prior to the Wearing course
as directed and supervised by the Engineer. Correct all deficiencies
in excess of [6 mm], and retest the last layer prior to placement of the
Wearing course.

Acceptance Criteria for Final Surface or Wearing Course: Upon

completion of the final surface or Wearing course, perform
acceptance testing for surface tolerance on the finished surface with
a Standard Travelling Beam Device or rolling straightedge. Correct all
deficiencies in excess of [4 mm], except do not correct by overlaying
when the final surface is a Wearing course.

2. Using Laser Road Surface Testing Machine:-

This test will be performed in accordance to ASTM E 950-88

i. The ride-ability of the finished wearing course when tested with a
Laser Road Surface Testing Machine shall have an IRI (International
Roughness Index) not exceeding the following values.
a) Average value over a 400 meter section ≤ 0.90
b) Peak Value over a 25 meter section ≤ 1.5
c) (Not more than 2 values per 400 meters)

ii. The amplitude of the longitudinal profile of the road, filtered between
(a) 1 meter and 3.3 meters and (b) 3.3 meters and 13 meters hall not
exceed the following values:
1m - 3.3 ≤ 1.8 mm
3.3m - 13 ≤ 3.5 mm

e. Correcting Unacceptable Pavement:

Perform all corrective work at no cost to the ADM. The Contractor may select
one of the following methods, unless overlaying is prohibited:
a) Removing and Replacing: If correction is made by removing and
replacing the pavement, remove the full depth of the course and

‫أعمال الصيانة والترميمات لمشوهات الطرق الداخلية‬
‫واألصول لكامل أحواض شرق جزيــــرة أبوظبـــــــي‬
‫وجــزر الريـــــم والســــــــعديات والمـاريــة ويـــاس‬

extend at least [15 m] on either side of the defective area for the full
width of the paving lane.

b) Overlaying: If correction is made by overlaying, cover the length of

the defective area and taper uniformly to a featheredge thickness at a
minimum distance of [15 m] on either side of the defective area.
Extend the overlay the full width of the roadway. Maintain the
specified cross slope. The Engineer may adjust, as necessary, the
mix used for the overlay for this purpose.

f. Control of Cross Slope:

Equip the paving machine with electronic transverse screed controls to obtain
accurate transverse slope of the pavement surface. Measure the cross slope
of pavement surface by placing an approved measuring device perpendicular
to the roadway centre line and calculate the cross slope in percentage to the
nearest 0.01% and round it to the nearest 0.1%.

Measure the cross slope with a minimum frequency of one check every [25
m] during paving operations to ensure that the slopes are uniform and in
compliance with the designed slope. When the difference between the
measured cross slope and the designed cross slope exceeds ±0.2% for
travel lanes including turn lanes and ±0.5% for shoulders, make all
corrections immediately to bring the cross slope into an acceptable range.
The Engineer will periodically verify the Contractor’s measurements at the job
site. Record all the measurements performed by the Contractor on an
approved form and submit to the Engineer for documentation.

The Engineer will randomly take ten measurements of the cross slope per
day for the first two days of construction. If the average cross slope of the ten
random measurements per day varies more than the required tolerance
(0.2% for travel lanes including turn lanes and 0.5 % for shoulders), the
paving operation shall be stopped until appropriate corrective actions are
made to bring the cross slope into an acceptable range. Approval of the
Engineer will be required prior to resuming paving operations. A recheck of
ten random measurements will be made afterward. If the recheck indicates
that the cross slope is still out of control, the deficient section shall be
corrected in accordance with this Section. During production, the Engineer
reserves the right to take ten measurements of cross slope for any paving
day. If the average cross slope of the ten measurements varies more than
the required tolerance, the paving operation will be stopped until appropriate
corrective actions are made to bring the cross slope into acceptable range.

The Engineer may waive the corrections specified above if an engineering

determination indicates that the deficiencies are sufficiently separated so as
not to significantly affect the ride quality and the surface drainage of
pavement and corrective action would unnecessarily mar the appearance of
the finished pavement.

For intersections, tapers, crossovers, transitions at beginning and end of

project and similar areas, the cross slope shall be adjusted as directed by the
Engineer to match the actual site conditions.

‫أعمال الصيانة والترميمات لمشوهات الطرق الداخلية‬
‫واألصول لكامل أحواض شرق جزيــــرة أبوظبـــــــي‬
‫وجــزر الريـــــم والســــــــعديات والمـاريــة ويـــاس‬

4.1.3 Measurements and Payment

The measurement of the areas for the items included in Section IV-2 Asphaltic
Concrete (to be measured in square meters) shall be taken net from the top surface
of the asphaltic layer(s) according to the dimensions indicated on the drawings. No
payment shall be made for any additional asphalt laid by the Contractor beyond the
indicated widths.

4.1.4 Clause 402.16.a – Asphalt Base Course Variable Thickness

In addition to what is stated in the Standard Specification the method of payment for
this item will be by cubic meter of compacted base course.

Item 4.007 : Asphalt Base Course Variable Thickness at different


4.1.5 Asphalt Binder Course

Add the following

Asphalt cement for binder course shall be penetration grade 40-50.

U.S Standard Sieve Size Binder Course

1-1/2" -
1" 100
3/4" 80 -100
1/2" 62 – 84
3/8" 56 – 76
No. 4 40 – 60
No. 8 24 – 29
No. 16 16 – 38
No. 30 11 – 29
No. 50 7 – 21
No. 100 5 -14
No. 200 3–9
Asphalt Cement
3.8 - 4.8
(% by weight of Total Aggregate)

Binder Course
Min Max
Marshall Specimens
(ASTM D-1559) No. of Comp. Blows, each 75
end of Specimen

Stability , KN 13 -

Flow, 0.25mm 8 16

V.M.A % 12 15

‫أعمال الصيانة والترميمات لمشوهات الطرق الداخلية‬
‫واألصول لكامل أحواض شرق جزيــــرة أبوظبـــــــي‬
‫وجــزر الريـــــم والســــــــعديات والمـاريــة ويـــاس‬

Air Voids, % 3 5

Aggregate Voids Filled with Bitumen, % 65 75

Filler / Bitumen Ratio 0.8 1.2

Immersion Compr Specimen (AASHTO T-

70 -
165) index of Retained Strength%

Compaction : Minimum Degree of Compaction Required

Evenness of surface when tested by
a five –meter straight –edge : 5 millimetres

Measurement and payment Measurement of asphaltic concrete binder course will be

by the square meter.

Item 4.008 : Asphalt Binder Course 50mm Thick at different Locations.

Item 4.009 : Asphalt Binder Course 60mm Thick at different Locations.
Item 4.010 : Asphalt Binder Course Variable Thickness. Unit(CM)

4.1.6 Modified Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course

a. General The work shall be include to provide asphalt wearing course according to
standard specification except filler mineral to be used as cement type V in
accordance with AASHTO M-85 (ASTM C-150).

b. Aggregate Gradation. The gradation of the aggregate phase of the asphaltic concrete
mixes shall be in accordance with the following general requirements and shall be
verified by laboratory testing, and approved by the Engineer.

‫أعمال الصيانة والترميمات لمشوهات الطرق الداخلية‬
‫واألصول لكامل أحواض شرق جزيــــرة أبوظبـــــــي‬
‫وجــزر الريـــــم والســــــــعديات والمـاريــة ويـــاس‬

Sieve Size Type I (Modified) Base Course Type II (Modified) Wearing Course

Target Grading Tolerance (%) Target Grading Tolerance (%)

Inch mm
(% Passing) Lower Upper (% Passing) Lower Upper

1½” 37.5 100 -5 +5 - -5 +5

1” 25.0 92 -5 +5 100.0 -5 +5

¾” 19.0 77 -5 +5 98.0 -5 +5

½” 12.5 64 -5 +5 88.0 (100) -5 +5

3/8” 9.5 55 -5 +5 75.0 (98) -5 +5

No.4 4.75 38 -5 +5 52.0 (69) -5 +5

No.8 2.36 27 -4 +4 36.0 (43) -4 +4

No. 16 1.18 19 -4 +4 26.0 (24) -4 +4

No. 30 0.600 13 -4 +4 18.0 (15) -4 +4

No. 50 0.300 9 -4 +4 12.0 (11) -4 +4

No.100 0.150 6 -4 +4 8.0 (9) -4 +4

No.200 0.075 4 -1.5 +1.5 5.0 (5.0) -1.5 +1.5

Figures in parentheses shall be applied on structures where an approaching roadway

section requires a Type II (Modified) Wearing Course.

The grading curves shall have a smooth distorted S-shape without any sharp variations,
long tangents or kinks. The grading curves shall be developed to create optimum
compactibility and density similar to the Fuller maximum density curves with the
necessary adjustments at the coarse and fine ends of the range as required by the above
criteria. Only crushed coarse and fine aggregate shall be used. The Contractor shall
submit details of all grading curves for the Engineer’s review and approval.

c. Design Mix. Following the Engineer’s approval of the grading, the Contractor shall
prepare a mix design using the standard Marshall method. The Contractor shall submit
details of the proposed optimum bitumen content for the Engineer’s approval. In his
selection of the optimum bitumen content the Contractor shall consider the following

1. Maximizing the stability.

2. Maximizing the stiffness.
3. Maximizing the dry mix density.

‫أعمال الصيانة والترميمات لمشوهات الطرق الداخلية‬
‫واألصول لكامل أحواض شرق جزيــــرة أبوظبـــــــي‬
‫وجــزر الريـــــم والســــــــعديات والمـاريــة ويـــاس‬

4. Minimizing the VMA.

5. Minimizing void ratio.
6. Change in the rate of slope of the bulk density curve.
7. Change in the rate of slope of the air voids curve.
8. Change in the rate of slope of VFB curve.
9. Change in the rate of slope of flow curve.

In addition to the general requirements of the Standard Specifications the following

criteria shall be met.

Type I (Modified) Type II (Modified)

Base Course Wearing Course
Stability S  1750 kg S  2000 kg
Optimum Bitumen Content < 3.8% < 4.5%
VMA at Refusal Density < 13% < 12.5%
Air Voids at Refusal Density 2.0 – 4.0% 1.5 – 3%
Min. Air Voids > 1.5% > 1.5%
Max. VFB < 85% < 85%

The optimum bitumen content shall in laboratory and field trials be within the following

Lab Testing, Optimum Bitumen Content- 0.05% to +0.05%.

Field testing, Optimum Bitumen Content –0.2% to +0.1%.

In order to determine the Refusal Density, the Contractor shall carryout Marshall
compaction tests on a minimum of three specimens per group of samples, each group
compacted under the following range of compaction efforts, 50 blows, 100 blows, 150
blows, 200 blows, 300 blows, 500 blows and 1,000 blows. All phase relations, Marshall
stability, flow and stiffness shall be recoded and plotted prior to submitting the best results
to the Engineer. Based on these results Engineer shall determine the refusal density for
the proposed mix design.

d. Materials For this mix, the standard filler material shall be partially replaced by Ordinary
Portland Cement meeting the requirements of ASTM-C150. At least 3% by weight of
Ordinary Portland Cement shall be used in the partial replacement of the standard filler.
The maximum cement proportion used shall be equal to the volumetric equivalent for the
filler material given in the Standard Specifications as directed by the Engineer. All other
material used in the production of the asphaltic concrete shall comply with the relevant
sections of the Standard Specifications. Standard asphalt cement penetration grade 40-
50 should be used.

e. Laying and Compaction. All asphalt works shall be laid and compacted in accordance
with the Standard Specifications unless otherwise specified herein.

The laying temperature of the asphalt shall be within the range of 140 oC to 150oC, and
batching temperature in excess of 160oC shall not be permitted. Failure to comply with
these requirements shall result in rejection of the material.

In addition to the compaction requirements of the laboratory Marshall specimens, the

Contractor shall be required to check the compaction densities and bitumen content using
a properly calibrated digital Troxler density tester.

The Contractor shall take Troxler density test reading every 50m along the area under
construction or as directed by the Engineer. The Troxler testing shall commence after the

‫أعمال الصيانة والترميمات لمشوهات الطرق الداخلية‬
‫واألصول لكامل أحواض شرق جزيــــرة أبوظبـــــــي‬
‫وجــزر الريـــــم والســــــــعديات والمـاريــة ويـــاس‬

completion of the initial breakdown rolling using a steel-wheeled roller. The initial
base(zero) Troxler reading shall be taken prior to commencing the compaction with the
pneumatic-tired roller. The pneumatic tired roller shall have contact pressures exceeding
500 kN/m2.

After the completion of each pass of the roller, the Troxler density shall be recorded and
plotted against the number of passes. Based on this data the refusal density for the mix
shall be determined and verified against the design mix. The required compaction for
these mixes shall be 100% Troxler density.

During laying and compaction, the Contractor shall also take the appropriate measures so
as to prevent excessive segregation of the asphalt.

Prepared asphaltic pavement surfaces should not be trafficked within 96 hours of

completion of compaction.

It shall be the contractors responsibility to ensure that all the above requirements for the
laying and compaction of asphaltic concrete are fulfilled.

f. Trial section. At the start of the works, the contractor shall construct a trial section of the
asphalt mixes to be laid. This section may form part of the permanent or detour pavement
of the project. This trial section shall be 50m long and 5m wide and shall be laid and
compacted as per proposed requirements. Details of the location of the proposed trial
section, method statements and mix designs shall be submitted to the Engineer for
approval. Based on the results of the testing and coring for this section, the Engineer
shall approve or reject the mix design and site procedures accordingly.

Any rejected sections shall be removed from the works. Payments for the materials used
in the trial shall be paid under the appropriate Bills of Quantities items.

g. Measurement and payments

Aspahltic Concrete, Type II (Modified). Wearing Course. Measurement of asphaltic

concrete type II (Modified) wearing course will be by the square metre, placed in
accordance with the Drawings, these specifications and acceptable to the Engineer. The
areas of tapered edges will not be included in the measurement and the cost of the areas
of tapered edges shall be deemed to have been included in the rates for the respective
items for asphaltic concrete wearing course.
Payment for the Item, Asphaltic Concrete Type II (Modified), Wearing Course, of the
thickness required in the Contract Document, will be at the rate per square metre as
included in the Bills of Quantities, which rate shall be considered as full compensation for
all materials, labour, tools, equipment and appurtenances as required, as specified or as
directed by the Engineer. NO other compensation will be allowed by the Department.

Measurements shall be measured in square meter under the following items:-

Item 4.015 : Modify Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course Using Cement as

Filler 50mm thickness.

4.1.7 Clause 402.14 – Clause 402.14 Cold Planning

a. In addition to what stated in the standard specification the cold planning

material shall be carted away to any location directed by the Engineer within
30 km distance range from the approved stockpile locations.

The method of measurement will be measured by square meter and will be

paid under the following items:


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