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In addition to china’s economic transition from central planning to a market-based

economy, China’s health system has had to adapt to large changes in the population and disease
burden. China’s have 23 province, 4 municipality directly under the central Government. By
2010, china’s 6th population census – the largest social survey ever conducted – revealed a
population of 1.3397 billion that was fundamentally different : ageing (13.3% over age 60 and
only 16.6% below age 15); half (49.7%) urban. At 2014, china’s population is 1.3607 billion, the
birth 1640.000 and the death 972.000.
Over the past quarter century, China’sprimary burden of disease has shifted definitively
from infectious to chronic no-communicable disease, although the burden of some infectious
diseases such as tuberculosis remains large. In both urban and rural areas, cancer, heart
conditions, and cerebrovascular disease are now top killers. Top 10 china’s diseases is
cerebrovascular disease (25.55%); heart disease (22.63%); malignancy tumor (22.17%); disease
of respiratory system (14.09%), injury and poisoning (6.18%); endocrine and metabolic disease
(2.66%); disease of the genitourinary system (1.49%); alleosis (1.16%) and Nervous system
disease (0.97%).

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