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Become a master of your own destiny

Become a master of your own destiny

When we are lucky, or rather, when we are spiritual,

there comes a point when we look into our own meta‐
phorical mirror and see the truth reflected. When we
become aware that we are responsible for ourselves,
we no longer have the luxury of blaming others. This
is the real definition of “growing up” and becoming
aware of our own maturity. In the past, when we were
successful, we would have congratulated ourselves on
our work. However, when things didn't turn out as we
hoped, we looked around who to blame. Ultimately, we
can't blame anyone but that person who looks back at
us in the mirror. When we take responsibility for our
lives, we begin to see that we are the captain of our
own ship.

This week, the cosmos offers us the lessons

of self-realization, self-awareness and spiritual
maturity. We see the good in our lives and embrace
our achievements. We are also ready to face the
less favorable aspects and we have the courage to
take responsibility for them. This week we throw
away the feelings of being a victim and take the
wheel ourselves. We hear calls for autonomy and
self-renewal. We become masters of our destiny.
This week our guide in the Bible is the portion of
Chukat. For the Israelites, the trials continue this week
as they journey through the desert to the Promised
Land. However, solutions will also come. The Creator
always helps them find a way to correct and repair
the damage they have suffered. Chukat contains the
antidote to the negativity of the founding of the Golden
Calf, which historically takes place in this month
of Cancer. The Israelites chose the construction of
the Golden Calf to draw energy from a source lower
than the Creator Himself. Their choice to lower the
compound resulted in the loss of immortality and
the emergence of the energy of death. In this week's
portion, we receive the antidote and correction for
this. It is a great gift to all of us. We are supported
by the energy of continuity. Later we read that the
Israelites wanted to pass through the land of Edom,
but the leaders of that land forbade it. They were
forced to move around Edom, causing further delay
and inconvenience. In the past, the Israelites had wit‐
nessed one miracle after another and seemed unable
to travel without hindrance. The Israelites began to
realize their own part in their troubles. They have a
state of spiritual maturity. They began to see that it
was their consciousness and their actions that were
causing their own difficulties. More problems arose
when a neighboring nation attacked them and some of
them were taken prisoner. This made them think even
more. As if it wasn't enough, they began to complain
to Moses about their lack of food and water. They
knew they shouldn't do that. To make matters worse,
snakes appeared and bit them, and many fell ill and
died. They saw their mistake in doubting the Creator
and quickly asked Moses for help. The Israelites, who
had now developed a new sense of self-realization
and responsibility, began to take a new path. During
the course of this chapter they won many battles and
obtained land. Fortunately, this chapter ended well and
it ended well for the Israelites. They saw their mistake
in doubting the Creator and quickly asked Moses for
help. The Israelites, who had now developed a new
sense of self-realization and responsibility, began to
take a new path. During the course of this chapter
they won many battles and obtained land. Fortunately,
this chapter ended well and it ended well for the
Israelites. They saw their mistake in doubting the
Creator and quickly asked Moses for help. The
Israelites, who had now developed a new sense of
self-realization and responsibility, began to take a new
path. During the course of this chapter they won many
battles and obtained land. Fortunately, this chapter
ended well and it ended well for the Israelites.

For the Israelites, one thing after another came this

week. Isn't that also the case in our life? Buddhism
teaches that there can be 10,000 joys in life and also
10,000 sorrows. We are often willing to pat ourselves
on the back for the joys, while blaming others for the
sorrows. If we want to live a life with more joy and less
pain, then we will have to look in the mirror at the part
we play in this. We have created everything we see
around us, the blessings and the challenges. Spiritual
maturity is the awareness that life is a mirror. When
we smile at the mirror, the image in the mirror smiles
back. The other way round also applies, if we frown our
eyebrows, we get that image back. What we send into
the universe, comes back to us somehow. We can be
strengthened by knowing that we can create the future
of our dreams by planting the right seed of love and
human dignity today. Socrates said, "an unexamined
life is not worth living." We are here in what we may
call the Earth School to learn about ourselves, to find
areas that need improvement and most importantly to
develop the Divine Spark within ourselves. Our mission
is to develop the attributes of love, human dignity and
care. We are here to learn our inner strength to create
the life of our dreams and be the cause that removes
the chaos from the world. The Creator is only love. If
we find anything in our life but love, then we caused
that ourselves. However, it is also we ourselves who
can change that. With the power of love in our hearts,
we can always change the present and the future for
the better.

During your meditations this week, go back to a time

when you were a child and had a sense of freedom for
the first time. Do you remember cycling alone for the
first time? There was no one around to help, you could
go wherever you wanted. You were free. The wind
blew through your hair and it felt like you could take on
the whole world. You instinctively felt that you should
tackle any challenge that came your way yourself. You
were enthusiastic about your own strength. Do you
remember that feeling. Today you are that same little
child experiencing the world for the first time. There is
no end to what you can achieve and the spiritual power
has no limits. Awaken that power within yourself to
be a channel for the Divine and create more joy and
happiness for yourself. You are master of your life and
master of your destiny. Life is a blank canvas and we
can paint anything we want on it. If you color your days
with the love of kindness, it will make the painting look


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Last modified: 10:53 PM

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