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AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 CLAUSE 5.


a minimum temperature of 500°F [260°C] for one hour A5.18 or AWS A5.28 and AWS A5.30, Specification for
before use. Flux shall be placed in the dispensing system Consumable Inserts, as applicable.
immediately upon opening a package, or if used from an
opened package, the top one inch shall be discarded.
Flux that has been wet shall not be used. Flux Reclamation. SAW flux that has not 5.4 ESW and EGW Processes
been melted during the welding operation may be reused
after recovery by vacuuming, catch pans, sweeping, or 5.4.1 Process Limitations. The ESW and EGW pro-
other means. The welding fabricator shall have a system cesses shall be restricted to use of Table 3.1, Group I, II,
for collecting unmelted flux, adding new flux, and weld- and III steels, except that ESW and EGW of ASTM
ing with the mixture of these two, such that the flux com- A710 shall not be permitted.
position and particle size distribution at the weld puddle
are relatively constant. 5.4.2 Condition of Electrodes and Guide Tubes. Elec-
trodes and consumable guide tubes shall be dry, clean, Crushed Slag. Crushed slag may be used and in suitable condition for use.
provided it has its own marking, using the crusher’s
name and trade designation. In addition, each dry batch 5.4.3 Condition of Flux. Flux used for ESW shall be
or dry blend (lot) of flux, as defined in AWS A5.01, dry and free of contamination from dirt, mill scale, or
Filler Metal Procurement Guidelines, shall be tested in other foreign material. All flux shall be purchased in
conformance with Schedule I of AWS A5.01 and classi- packages that can be stored, under normal conditions, for
fied by the Contractor or crusher per AWS A5.17 or at least six months without such storage affecting its
A5.23, as applicable. welding characteristics or weld properties. Flux from
packages damaged in transit or in handling shall be dis-
5.3.4 GMAW/FCAW Electrodes. The electrodes for carded or shall be dried at a minimum temperature of
GMAW or FCAW shall conform to the requirements of 250°F [120°C] for one hour before use. Flux that has
the following: been wet shall not be used.

(1) AWS A5.18/A5.18M, Specification for Carbon 5.4.4 Weld Starts and Stops. Welds shall be started in
Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded Arc Welding; such a manner as to allow sufficient heat buildup for
complete fusion of the weld metal to the groove faces of
(2) AWS A5.20/A5.20M, Specification for Carbon the joint. Welds which have been stopped at any point in
Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding; the weld joint for a sufficient amount of time for the slag
or weld pool to begin to solidify may be restarted and
(3) AWS A5.28/A5.28M, Specification for Low-
completed, provided the completed weld is examined by
Alloy Steel Electrodes and Rods for Gas Shielded Arc
UT for a minimum of 6 in [150 mm] on either side of the
restart and, unless prohibited by joint geometry, also
(4) AWS A5.29/A5.29M, Specification for Low- confirmed by RT. All such restart locations shall be re-
Alloy Steel Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding; or corded and reported to the Engineer.

(5) AWS A5.36/A5.36M, Specification for Carbon 5.4.5 Preheating. Because of the high-heat input char-
and Low-Alloy Steel Flux Cored Electrodes for Flux acteristic of these processes, preheating is not normally
Cored Arc Welding and Metal Cored Electrodes for Gas required. However, no welding shall be performed when
Metal Arc Welding. the temperature of the base metal at the point of welding
is below 32°F [0°C].
5.3.5 GTAW
5.4.6 Repairs. Welds having discontinuities prohibited Tungsten Electrodes. Welding current shall by Clause 6, Part C or Clause 9, Part F shall be repaired
be compatible with the diameter and type or classi- as allowed by 5.25 utilizing a qualified welding process,
fication of electrode. Tungsten electrodes shall be in or the entire weld shall be removed and replaced.
conformance with AWS A5.12, Specification for Tung-
sten and Tungsten Alloy Electrodes for Arc Welding and 5.4.7 Weathering Steel Requirements. For ESW and
Cutting. EGW of exposed, bare, unpainted applications of ASTM
A588 steel requiring weld metal with atmospheric corro- Filler Metal. The filler metal shall conform sion resistance and coloring characteristics similar to that
to all the requirements of the latest edition of AWS of the base metal, the electrode-flux combination shall be


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