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What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up

The world is your oyster. It’s filled with endless opportunities, a chance to pursue what you love
and live the lives you’ve dreamt of. This hope and desire to learn everything you enjoy comes to
halt when approached with the question of what do you want to be when you grow up or what
are you going to study in college. These questions can leave you confused and overwhelmed.
The pressure of figuring out exactly what you want to do for the rest of your life carries an
immense amount of weight. Society has the idea that everyone figures out what they truly want
to do when they are in college or university. However, this may not be the case for some.

Being a specialist is knowing exactly what you want to pursue but you may also be the type of
person who has many interests and is to submerge themselves in information, then you are a
multipotentialite, like me. I enjoy learning about the law, investing, stocks, and science. I want to
have a career related to something in medicine but I also am interested in law. I enjoy learning
how our justice system works, what our rights are, but I also enjoy being able to help people and
see them get better. The question of what do you want to do after you graduate is difficult to
answer. I would sit there and think about this question and could feel the weight of it. For most
of us, there is no one-word answer and that’s okay.

You may find yourself in the same shoes as me but there’s one piece of advice that I learned.
Life is full of trial and error. Take the risks and going against the herd mentality. We all learn
and progress through trial and error. Even if we make choices that we regret be grateful that you
learned from that. The real world is tough and making mistakes is okay. The choices you made
and the experiences you gain are what make you the person you are today. Through trial and
error, you’ve grown and learned. When looking back in life you will remember the times you
took a risk, faced trial and error, and went again the herd mentality. As terrifying as it may sound
you will be happy that you had those experiences.

There will be a time where we are going to find what we love but as of right now you may be
unsure. Think about this, if you were to die one year from now, what would you do and how do
you want to be remembered. I would want to travel to go and see what the world has to offer.
Experience new foods, cultures and go on adventures I would’ve dreamt of. Get to see the most
beautiful sunset and sunrise at the top of the mountain or by the beach and create lasting
memories with my family and friends. Along the way would want to help others and bring
awareness to issues countries are facing and how others can help. I want to leave behind a legacy
where I enjoyed life and helped those in need.

As cheesy as it may sound spend time doing what you love, chase your dreams, and be happy.
The world is truly your oyster, go out, and make memories, face trial, and error it will help you
grow. Make connections and do what makes you happy even if that means going against what
society expects. At the end of the day, this is your story make sure you are the one to write it not
anyone else.

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