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WI-CAN 2020



Business Idea Name:

Finger Print Lighter

Business Plan Team Name(s):

Dziky Ghifari Dimyati 0219101135 (Business Management)
Indriani Fauziah 0219101136 (Business Management)
Thesa Aprilia 0219101163 (Business Management)


Section I
Section II
A. General Description of Business
Indonesia is included to the highest ranked smokers in the world. Indonesia is placed in third
rank after China, and India. Of course, this number of smokers increase demand of lighters. But,
right now we know that there are only three types of lighter. There the conventional wooden
lighter, gas lighter, and zippo. Those type of lighters have some problem, like lighter theft,
lighter explotion, and those lighters are not last long. Then, we want to answer those problems by
offering a new innovation we call it as “Finger Print Lighter”. With this lighter people don’t have
to buy a new lighter because this thing is powered by rechargeable battery, so they just have to
recharge it. This lighter’s using finger print to ignite the fire, when they put they thumb into this
lighter, then the fire shows, and they can light their cigarettes. The most important thing about
this lighter is its safety, safe from explotion and safe from the thieft.
B. Industry Background
We interested to choose this kind of business because this is the new innovation for this country.
We know that several times ago this product was trending in online shop, but the seller of this
product still just a little. So, it might be a great opportunity for us to engaged in to this business.
But, to run this business we don’t produce this lighter, we cooperate with the supplier of this
C. Social Impact
Our business brand named “Hell Fun” has impact to answer the problem of the smokers. We sell
this product by online shop. But first we will make people know about this thing, we will use the
social media to introduce this product, and then we can go to the exhibition to introduce this
product. If this business is going larger, we can open up job vacancy for society.
D. Goals and Potential
Our goals in this business is:
 Creating the high quality product
 Solving smokers problems
 Establishing consumer trust
We estimate that people will like our product, because this product still new and rare. We see a
good potency in market because seldom do people sell it, so there will be a little competitor in
our business. The millennials will like this product, smokers will like this product, especially for
them who wants wo look modern and cool.
E. Value Proportion


 Lighter explotion We make  Safer product

 Lighter theft  Safe from the thieve
 Doesn’ last long  Last long product

F. Uniqueness of Product
We know that ‘Hell Fun” is a brand of lighter that featured with fingerprint touch sensor,
rechargeable by standard USB, flameless, beautiful design, and convenient for everyday use.
But, this product doesn’t the one and only lighter that have those features. So, to make our
product different we make an uniqueness for ours. We adding a slinger strap, so people can bring
this thing easily, and they can wear this slinger strap as a necklace.

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