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Assessment Task Sheet

Australian International Academy, Kellyville

Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

Year Level: 10 Subject: English
● Submit Oral Commentary on Managebac – Friday 12th June (Week 7)
● Present Oral Commentary in class – Mon-Wed (Week 8)

Key concept Related concept(s)

Creativity Self-expression
Point of View

Task Description

Write an oral commentary analysing the representation of one or more themes in To Kill a Mockingbird
and compare and contrast this theme with its representation in a related text.

Your oral commentary should be between 4 - 7 minutes long (500 – 800 words).

Your speech should be well organised (like an essay, with an evident introduction, body and conclusion)
and should display your knowledge of how literary techniques create meaning in the texts.

You will present this oral commentary in class.

List of themes in To Kill a Mockingbird:

● The conflict between good and evil

● The value of education
● Prejudice/racism/discrimination
● Social inequality
● Growing up/loss of innocence
● Justice
● Courage

You may use a visual aid to enhance your presentation, such as PowerPoint, Prezi, Powtoon etc.
However, this is not compulsory. If you use a visual aid, this needs to be submitted to Managebac along
with your oral commentary script.

You will be assessed on how well you analyse the representation of theme in both texts (Criteria A) and
how well you structure and explain your points (Criteria B).

This means that you will not be formally assessed on the delivery of your oral commentary; however,
you will receive an informal mark for the presentation of your oral commentary.

Australian International Academy, Kellyville Assessment Task Sheet


1. Choose a related text and discuss suitability with your teacher.

2. Complete the planning of your oral commentary in your exercise book.
3. Write a draft and complete the revising and editing process.
4. Submit a typed final version of your speech (and visual aid if using) on ManageBac.
5. Present your speech in class.

TOTAL = Criteria A (Analysing): /8

Criteria B (Organising): /8

NESA Outcomes

A student:

EN5-2A effectively uses and critically assesses a wide range of processes, skills, strategies and
knowledge for responding to and composing a wide range of texts in different media and
EN5-3B selects and uses language forms, features and structures of texts appropriate to a range of
purposes, audiences and contexts, describing and explaining their effects on meaning
EN5-5C thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically about information and increasingly
complex ideas and arguments to respond to and compose texts in a range of contexts
EN5-6C investigates the relationships between and among texts
EN5-7D understands and evaluates the diverse ways texts can represent personal and public worlds

Australian International Academy, Kellyville Assessment Task Sheet

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