Internship 1 - Sample Report (ET) 2020

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Oriented discipline: ENGLISH TEACHING

Student : …….
Student ID : …….

December 2020
Teacher : …… Date : ……
Class : ……. Student level : Elementary
Duration : 45 minutes Topic : Seasons and weather
Total of student: 12 Teaching aids/Resources
- Explore Our World 3 - Student book
- Music video “Seasons song”
- Papers, board, markers.

No (mins/secs)
1 Warm up - Teacher says “Good - Students say “Good Greeting and - Music video 3 minutes
afternoon class” and asks afternoon teacher” and watch music “Seasons song”
“How are you today?”. answer teacher’s question. video
- Teacher asks students sit - Students sit down
- Teacher opens music video - Students focus on the
“Seasons song” and asks music video
students pay attention to the
- After video ended, teacher - Students raise their hands
asks “ What can you hear?” and answer teacher question
- Teachers listen to student’s “ What can you hear?”
answer and says “Very good”

Please note that this sample report is for reference purposes only. It shows Interns the way to organize
and structure an Internship 1 Report properly. The content of this report should not be considered as
the guidelines for your own report.
2 Pre-task - Teacher asks “Can you - Students raise hands to - Discuss - Board, 10 minutes
guess what we will learn answer teacher’s topic of markers
today?”. question:“Can you guess lesson
- Teacher answers “ Today, what we will learn today?” through
we will learn about Seasons - Students listen to teacher. questions
and weather”
- Teacher draws a table on the - Students understand that
board. At the first column, the teacher has written 1
teacher writes “Spring” and season and its weather.
“Rainy” for the row.

- Teacher points to the second - Students answers

column and asks “What “Summer” “Autumn”
should I write here?”. “Winter”
Teachers continues until the
last column.
- Teacher asks “Who will - Students raise hands, go to
write the weather for these the board, write weather for
seasons?” seasons and the rest class
- Teacher asks “Is that helps with the spelling.
correct?” - Students answer “Correct”
3. Task cycle - Teacher divides students into - Students sit in group of - Work in 10 minutes
3 groups of four. four. group and - Handouts,
- Teacher distributes handouts - Students receive handouts have board, markers

to students. - Students listen to discussion

- Teacher gives instruction instruction and work and on seasons

“Each student in a group discuss in group. and weather

receives the handout for one

season of the year. The
students’ task is to complete

Please note that this sample report is for reference purposes only. It shows Interns the way to organize
and structure an Internship 1 Report properly. The content of this report should not be considered as
the guidelines for your own report.
the year’s seasons by sharing
the information on their cards
with each other. There is
much discussion as each
group works to draw up
seasons of the year and the
weather. The first group that
is finished comes up to the
board and writes up seasons
and weather.”
4 Post- task - Teacher tells students that - Students sit in their group -Work in 10 minutes
they work in their groups and and listen to teacher’s group,
they have to find a way to instruction. gather
determine their classmates’ - Students work in group information
favorite school seasons. and discuss how to do and report to
- Teacher explains “Students survey to gather teacher.
must find out from class information.
members which are the three - Students summarize and
most popular subjects and the report the results to teacher.
three least popular. Each
group is to discuss ways it
might gather the information.
The group might design a
survey, for instance, or go
around the room interviewing
other students.”
- Teacher gives students 3
minutes to do it.
-After students completed
their survey or interviews,
teacher says “The groups have
to summarize and report the
results. For example, students

Please note that this sample report is for reference purposes only. It shows Interns the way to organize
and structure an Internship 1 Report properly. The content of this report should not be considered as
the guidelines for your own report.
may use percentages, graph or

5 Wrap up - Teacher says “ Today we - Students listen and focus - Reinforce 5 m

focus on seasons and weather, on what teacher say student’s in
next lesson we will learn - Students say goodbye knowledge ut
about months of the year.” teacher es
- Teacher asks students revise
lesson at home.
- Teacher says goodbye

i. Physical environment management
The room was well- equipped with teaching aids such as white board, projector, computer and
smart TV.The front left corner of the room was the teacher’s table. The seating arrangement was
in U-shape. Therefore, teacher could easily interact and encourage discussion with the entire
class. Moreover, there was a large area for teacher’s presentations and demonstrations.
Please note that this sample report is for reference purposes only. It shows Interns the way to organize
and structure an Internship 1 Report properly. The content of this report should not be considered as
the guidelines for your own report.
ii. Language use management
Teacher had good voice.When he presented, he controlled the volume perfectly, just audible not
too loudly or too softly. He knew how to vary the qualities of his voices.With different activities
he changed the voice differently such as when he asked a question, he used higher pitch and
varied intonation than when he presented. Teacher tried to maximized “Student Talking Time”
by raising questions for students to think and talk.Students at the back of the class could hear
teacher as well as those at the front. Teacher varied his voices throughout the lesson that could
drew student’s attention.
iii. Student behavior management
All students actively participated in class activities , they volunteered or Mr.Brandon called on
them or both. Only two students said little or nothing during the class, and many talked frequently
and with substantive contributions to the discussion.
iv. Self management management
Teacher stood in front of the class but not to close to students cause he wanted students feel
comfortable. Teacher moved around the classroom to some extent. That way he could retain his
students’ interest. Teacher would encourage students by listening, making sure he understood
them, and letting them know when he liked what they said. Mr.Brandon was able to manage the
noise very well. With some students who always talked and did not pay attention, instead of
yelling, he calmly reminded these students.

From what I observed, the lesson worked very well from the beginning to the end. It achieved
some learning objectives that teacher had given. The lesson plan was clear and explicable. It
included very detailed and organized description of the objectives of the lesson and the strategies
to achieve these objectives. And it proved that teacher was well-prepared . If I were a substitute
teacher in class, I would know what I have to do by looking at that lesson plan. Mr. Brandon used
a variety of resources and materials such as flashcards, videos, handouts and handouts are

Please note that this sample report is for reference purposes only. It shows Interns the way to organize
and structure an Internship 1 Report properly. The content of this report should not be considered as
the guidelines for your own report.
supposed to support and reinforce the learning achieved in the preceding activities. Mr.Brandon
started the lesson with a music video to create a fun atmosphere for the whole class and also
improve listening and writing skills for students. Through this activity, he managed to get
students ready to engage in the environment. Student’s participation in class was altogether
favorable. The size of class was small just 10 students, most of them were able to participate and
get the chance to speak. With timid students who didn’t join in class, Mr.Brandon also appointed
individual to answer his questions and also gave them encouragements for their answer.
Mr.Brandon managed time effectively, he knows exactly what he has to do in every minutes. In
this lesson, I could see a positive, enjoyable and respect relationship. Students responded very
well to teacher cause he listened to them, showed that he was interested in what they said. It was
an evidence of a good rapport between teacher and the class. During the lesson, teacher created
extrinsic motivation for students such as compliments when students had correct answer, bonuses
when students finished tasks which helped encourage learner autonomy.
The methodology used by the teacher in the class was the “Task-Based Language Teaching”.
And it linked to many principles below:
i. A pre-task, in which students worked through a task that they would later do individually, was
a helpful way to have students see the logic involved in what they were being asked to do. It
would also allow the language necessary to complete the task to come into play. (The teacher
began by having the class help him to complete table of 4 seasons and weather. This was done
through whole class interaction in the form of teacher question and student response.)
ii. The teacher broke down into smaller steps the logical thinking process necessary to complete
the task. The demand on thinking made by the activity should be just above the level which
learners can meet without help. (The teacher first has the students label the seasons and then the
iii. The teacher needed to seek ways of knowing how involved the students are in the process, so
he could make adjustments in light of the learners’ perceptions of relevance and their readiness

Please note that this sample report is for reference purposes only. It shows Interns the way to organize
and structure an Internship 1 Report properly. The content of this report should not be considered as
the guidelines for your own report.
to learn. Class negotiation ensured that as many students as possible in a mixed-ability class
grasp the nature of the activity. (The teacher asks the students if a particular answer is right.)
iv. Jigsaw task, where students had to piece together information they needed to complete a task,
gave them an opportunity for interaction.(The students then conducted the task in groups,
followed the teacher’s instructions. They were given some of the information they needed to
complete the task.)
v. Students had input into the design and the way that they carry out the task. This gave them more
opportunity for interaction.(Students were asked to design a way to survey the other students
about their favorite and least favorite seasons. They decided a way to report their findings to
the rest of the class.)
After looked at some different aspects, I must say that this was a quite good lesson. It was
effective and met the requirements teacher had set out. This lesson plan could be applied for
large class in size. But if I were in this class, I would change somethings to make it perfect.
Firstly, in the warm up stage , instead of asking students what they can hear, I will invite them
stand up and talk about their favorite season through the video. This is the way to get students
think, brainstorm and speak in English. Next, in post-task phase, I will include the review the
analysis, I will write relevant language up on the board in list form and ask students to take note
on their notebook.

Please note that this sample report is for reference purposes only. It shows Interns the way to organize
and structure an Internship 1 Report properly. The content of this report should not be considered as
the guidelines for your own report.
Advisor’s comments:

Advisor’s signature: The intern’s signature:

Please note that this sample report is for reference purposes only. It shows Interns the way to organize
and structure an Internship 1 Report properly. The content of this report should not be considered as
the guidelines for your own report.

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