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Group’s name: The Locos

Member 1: Trương Ngọc Minh Châu
Member 2: Phạm Duy Khoa
Member 3: Huỳnh Lê Hương Kiều
Member 4: Nguyễn Hoàng Khôi Nguyên
Member 5: Mai Bảo Vy

Teacher’s name: Trương Ngọc Minh Châu, Phạm Duy Khoa, Huỳnh Lê Hương Kiều, Nguyễn Hoàng Khôi Nguyên, Mai Bảo Vy
Date: October 22nd, 2020
Course book: PRISM 1 – READING & WRITING
Lesson/ Title: Unit 2 – Reading 1 – Celebrations
Class: IE1
Description of class:
- Level of language proficiency: A2 - Waystage
- Age: 18 - 19
- Number of students: 12
- Students’ characteristics: Most of the students are musically, spatially, and interpersonally intelligent.
- Duration: 45 minutes
I. OBJECTIVES/ LEARNING OUTCOMES: (Linguistic/ Non-Linguistic)
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to (SWBAT):
- Identify the meaning of the basic vocabularies in illustrating festivals and celebration.
- Use those vocabularies in different situations.
- Apply the strategy of skimming in gaining the main points of the text while reading about celebrations on earth.
- Apply the strategy of scanning in getting the information in detail of each celebration while reading about celebrations on earth.
- Discuss features of festivals and celebrations with other people
- Explain two types of texts, namely magazine and journal.
- Develop the skills of communication, cooperation and thinking critically.


Linguistic: Simple sentences and how to write descriptive sentences; There is/ There are
Context / Topic: Places


Approaches/Methods: Communicative Approach, Communicative Language Teaching, Task-Based Language Teaching
Teaching Aids: A4 & A3 papers, pictures, slides, handout, video, music


Aims Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Content Grouping

LEAD-IN (5 minutes)
- To arouse - Introduce the game: "Before - Listen to the teacher's For the example: Christmas tree. Groupwork
students’ interest in we get started, let's warm up a introduction. For the main game: fireworks,
learning. bit with a small game called: balloons, New Year's Eve.
- To establish a The hearing game"
communicative link - Give instructions: "Now, I - Listen to the other
between the learners want you to get into two instructions carefully.
and the information groups: A and B. Each group
about to be will have three turns, twenty
presented. seconds for every turn. In every
turn, a pair from each group
will come up here to play the
game. One half of the pair will
receive a slip of paper with a
word on it. That member will
have to read that word so that
the other half can repeat it.
However, the other member will
be wearing headphones, so he
or she can only read his or her
friends' lips. The group that can
say the word out loud first gets
a point. Whichever group gets
the most points wins."
- Check if students have - Answer the teacher's
understood the rules: questions:
"How many people can each "2 people each turn."
group send in one turn?"
"How can the member with the "By reading the other
headphone guess the word?" member's lips."
"When does a group win a "When they manage to say
point?" the word out loud first."
- Demonstrate the game with - Watch the demonstration
the teaching assistant. carefully.
- Start the game: "Ready, set, - Play the game as
go!" instructed.
- Count the points and announce - Congratulate the winner.
the winner.
- Ask the students: "You have - Guess the topic.
all played the game very well.
However, there's one thing
those words have in common.
Can you guess what it is?"
- Transition to the pre-reading - Listen to today's topic.
stage: "Those are fantastic
ideas. You are correct: those
words are related to
celebrations. In fact, today
we're going to read about
celebrations around the world.
But before we start reading,
Miss Vy will help you with the
new keywords."
- To introduce Ss to - Introduce “To help you do the - Listen to the introduction. - Reading 1, “Understanding the Whole class (for
keywords. reading section easier and also vocabulary,” p. 40. the vocabulary
- To foster the spirit have more words related to 1. celebrate /ˈsel.ə.breɪt/ (v): to presentation)
of teamworking. celebration, I give you a small do something enjoyable
vocabulary lesson. But first, I because it is a special day.
need you to watch a video and 2. culture /ˈkʌl.tʃə/ (n): the
please, stay focus on it because habits, traditions, and beliefs
after watching, there are of a country or group of
something waiting for you people.
related to it” 3. gift /ɡɪft/ (n): something you
- Show the video - Watch the video. give to someone, usually on
- Start to ask students about the - Answer the teacher’s a special day.
first vocabulary CELEBRATE questions. 4. the ground /ðə ‘ɡraʊnd/ (n):
by saying “In the video, you the surface of the earth.
can see people do a lot of 5. lucky /ˈlʌk.i/ (adj): having
enjoyable things to prepare for good things happen to you.
Tet - a very important event at 6. traditional /trəˈdɪʃ.ən.əl/ (adj):
the beginning of every year. So, following the ways of
what do you call the act of behaving or doing things that
doing something enjoyable have continued in a group of
because it’s a special day?” people for a long time.
- Invite a student having the - Say the word
right answer CELEBRATE to CELEBRATE out loud.
say the word out loud “Can you
say the word again?”
- Read the word CELEBRATE - Repeat “celebrate”.
out loud and tell the whole class
to repeat it “Repeat after me
- Ask the students the position
of the stress “Where is the word - Answer the teacher’s
stressed? The first, second or questions.
the third?”
- Tell the students the position
of the stress “Celebrate is - Listen to the teacher
stressed on the 1st syllable” carefully.
- Read the word and emphasize
clearly the stressed position, - Repeat the word.
then tell the class to repeat
- Ask students “What are things
that the men hold while - Answer the teacher’s
running?” questions.
- Invite a student having the
right answer GIFT to say the - Say the word out loud.
word out loud: “Can you help
me to say the word again?”
-Read the word out loud GIFT
and tell the whole class to - Repeat the word.
repeat it.
- Ask the students “What do the
older people in the video give to - Answer the teacher’s
the children?”. “What is the questions.
meaning of it?”
- Invite a student having the
right answer LUCKY to say the - Say the word out loud.
word out loud “Can you say the
word again?”
- Read the word LUCKY out
loud and tell the whole class to - Repeat the world.
repeat it.
- Ask the students the position
of the stress “Where is the word - Answer the teacher.
stressed? The first or the
second one?”
- Tell the students the position
of the stress “Lucky is stressed
on the 1st syllable”
- Read the word and emphasize
clearly the stressed position, - Repeat the word.
then tell the class to repeat
“Repeat after me lucky”

- Show the picture in which the

children sit on a mat and ask - Answer the teacher’s
students “The children are questions
sitting on the mat, and the mat
is put on what?”
- Invite a student having the
right answer GROUND to say - Say the word out loud
the word out loud “Can you
help me to say the word
- Read the word GROUND out
loud and tell the whole class to - Repeat the word
repeat it “Repeat after me

- Show the picture in which

people wearing ao dai then ask - Answer the teacher’s
students “What do these people questions.
wear?”. “Has it been existing
for a very long time?” “Is it a
typical costume of Vietnam “So,
can you tell me an adjective for
things that have been existing
for a long time and belong to
customs or way of life of a
particular group of people”
- Invite a student having the
right answer TRADITIONAL to
say the word out loud “Can you - Say the word out loud.
say the word again?”
- Read the word
TRADITIONAL out loud, then
tell the whole class to repeat - Repeat the word.
“Repeat traditional”
- Ask the students the position
of the stress “Where is the word
stressed? The first, second or - Answer the teacher’s
the third one?” questions.
- Tell the students the position
of the stress “The stress is on
the 2nd syllable” - Listen to the teacher
- Read the word and emphasize carefully.
clearly the stressed position,
then tell the class to repeat - Repeat the word.
“Repeat after me lucky”
- Ask students “Can you give
me the word that represents the
habits, traditions, and beliefs of - Answer the teacher’s
a country or a group of people” questions.
- Invite a student having the
right answer CULTURE to say
the word out loud “Can you say - Say the word.
the word again?”
- Read the word CULTURE out
loud and tell the whole class to
repeat it. - Repeat the word.
- Ask the students the position
of the stress “Where is the word
stressed? The first or the - Answer the teacher’s
second?”. questions.
- Read the word again and
emphasize clearly the stressed
position then tell the class to
repeat “Repeat after me - Repeat the word.
- Show the slide with 6
vocabularies and tell the class
read again all of them. Choose
randomly some students to read - Read all vocabularies.
vocabularies individually
- Practice the new vocabularies
“Slap the board”. Introduce
“To make sure you memorize
the new vocabularies, let’s play -Listen to the teacher’s
a game named Slap the board” introduction.
- Give the instruction “You will
play this game with the
previous teams. I have 6
pictures on the board - Listen to the teacher’s
representing vocabularies instruction.
we’ve just learnt. Your mission
is quickly finding and slapping
the picture whose name I read
aloud. The faster will get a
point for each turn. After 5
turns, the group with more
point will be the winner”
- Check the student's
understanding “How many
groups do we have?” “How - Answer the teacher’s
many members does each team questions.
have?” “What will you do right
after I read aloud a
- Give a sample. Invite each
student in each team play first.
Say GIFT and observe what two - Play the game as
invited Ss do. In case they do instructed.
not remember what they need to
do next, T will remind again.
- Say: “Are you ready to play?”
and let's play the game.
- Announce the winner. - Play the game.
- Practice new vocabularies
with Making sentences - Congratulate the winner.
- Introduce “To make sure you
know how to use these
vocabularies in context, now, - Listen to the teacher’s
let’s make sentences. introduction.
- Give instruction “You need to
form a pair with the person
next, then discuss and write - Listen to the teacher’s
down sentences including 6 instruction.
vocabularies. You can use 1, 2
or more vocabularies in one
sentence, but make sure using 6
- Give an example “With the
word Gift I make this sentence
We celebrated their 25th - Look at the example.
wedding anniversary in Paris”
- Let the students to do the task
“I give a sheet for each pair
and you have 3 minutes to write - Form pairs and write down
sentences” examples.
- Invite 2 pairs to read their
sentences and correct their
mistakes if it’s necessary - Stand up and read the
- Lead in the next activity: sentences.
“Now, let move on the next part
about the reading”
- Prepare for the next
-To enhance the - Say hello to every student. - Say hello to the teacher. *Skimming: is reading a text quickly Teamwork
students’ ability in “Hello class, I know that you to get a general idea of meaning.
using skimming have got a lot of energy from - There is no need to read every
skill for finding learning vocabularies, don’t word when skimming.
general you? *How can we skim?
information, Anyway, we will move to the 1. Identify the purpose of reading
specify in filling in next part of our lesson.” and let your eyes run along the
filling the blank - Pick a hand out and show the - Listen to the teacher page/s.
- To develop reading passage in front of the carefully and answer the 2. Choose what to read
communicative whole class. question. 3. Read quickly to get the general
ability of the “Ok, as you can see here, this is idea of text.
students. a long text, right? It’s quite - title.
scary huh? But don’t worry! - pictures, graph, charts or bold or
Now, I will introduce to you a italic words
useful strategy which can help - subheadings.
you figure out the main ideas of - the first and the last sentences of
a passage in an easy and the first paragraph.
accurate way. - the first and the last sentences of
 It’s called skimming.” - Show their enthusiastic all the other paragraphs.
- Ask for checking the student’s attitude by answering the The key points are usually in these
attention. teacher loudly. positions above. However, exception
“So, what are we about to also exists.
learn, class? Louder, please! I * Remember to underline the key
cannot hear you!” words.
- Introduce the strategy of - Listen to the teacher Example: Appendix
skimming. carefully, answer the Task: Read the passage on page 41,
+ Introduce the definition. question and take note as then find out the appropriate
“So, what is skimming? well. country to stick it on each blank
Skimming: is reading a text on the board.
quickly to get a general idea of Ex: People celebrate weddings with
meaning. an eight - course meal____
- There is no need to read every Key: China
word when skimming.” 1. Children often have pinatas on
+ Introduce 3 steps of the birthday.
strategy. 2. People eat long noodles on
“So, how do we skim to find out weddings.
the general information? 3. People celebrate a day more
Yeah, there are 3 steps, as important than a birthday.
usual. 4. Young people celebrate their
1. Firstly, identify the purpose Coming of Age Day on the second
of reading (you may read it just Monday in January.
for fun or for filling the blank 5. People celebrate their mothers on
task, etc.) and let your eyes run the second Sunday in May.
along the page/s. KEYS:
2. Then, choose what to read. 1. Mexico
Because you may need to get 2. China
the main idea of one paragraph 3. Greece
instead of the whole text. 4. Japan
3. Read quickly to get the 5. The US
general idea of text. So, what
can be “read” while skimming.
It may be in this order: (Let’s
look at the small text here.)
+First, the title.
Can you tell me what the title
is? Yeah, that’s right. It gives
you the most information, the
fastest. From the title, we have
some people who came or
moved somewhere. It had been
10 years ago and there was a
+Focus on pictures, graph,
charts or bold or italic words if
the reading has them.
The picture here matches the
title when we consider that
word “rebuild”. So, this is
probably a real story.
+Then we look for subheadings.
These are like small titles inside
of our text. (if any)
Can you tell me how many the
subheadings appear here?
What are they? Yeah, they are
usually the main ideas of the
text. The bold phrases:
“Working All Day Every Day”
and “Starting Business in A
New Country” would show
something about the title and
the man working hard in the
picture here.
+Then, we can read quickly the
first and the last sentences of
the first paragraph.
“They pounded their tools from
sunrise to sunset.” This first
sentence here summarizes how
hard they have worked.
+Finally, we can read the first
and the last sentences of all the
other paragraphs. They have
the same progresses of the first
The key points are usually in
these positions above. However,
exception also exists.
* Remember to underline the
key words.
Now, you will do a small task to
check whether you understand
the skill of skimming or not.”
- Stick the reading task 4 in four
A3 papers on the board. - Form into groups of 3
- Ask students to form into students.
groups of 3 students.
“Now I will divide you guys
into groups of 3 students.”
- Prepare the flags of 5
countries and mix them up. - Hold the flags.
Give each group a packet of 5
- Ask each group to read the
passage on page 41, find out the - Listen to the teacher’s
answers and stick those answers instruction carefully. Read
(the 5 countries’ flag) on the the passage on the book,
blanks in the A3 papers on the find out the answers and
board. stick those answers (the 5
“Each group will have 5 flats of countries’ symbol) on the
5 countries. Your job is to read blanks in the A3 papers on
the passage on page 41, then the board.
find out the appropriate country
to stick it on each blank on the
board. More than one student
can stick at one time. Now, read
the text in 2 minutes, just read
- Check students’ understanding
by taking an example. - Read the text, find the
“Let’s take an example. Look at appropriate information and
the phrase here. Which country stick the “China” flag into
can be filled in the blank?” the board.
- Ask a student “How can you
find out the answer?”, “How - Answer the teacher’s
many steps do we need?”, “The question.
first one is…?”, “How about
the second one…?”, “And the
last step…?”
- Explain the example: “The
purpose here is filling the
appropriate country, you read - Listen to the teacher
the sentence (People celebrate carefully.
weddings with an eight-course
meal.) on the task and highlight
the key word, then move your
eye rapidly through the passage
until you see the line of what
you need to find (line 1 in the
second paragraph).”
- Ask them the next question:
“What will you do next, sit on
your chair or run to the - Answer the teacher: “Run
board?”. After their answer, to the board.”, “Stick it on.”
continue asking them: “Will you
write the countries’ name on it
or stick the flag on?” “Now,
let’s get started.”
- Check the answer and
announce the winner.
“Let me check your responses. - Give a big hand to the
The winner is…” winner.
- Give explanation if they have
wrong answer.
“Now, which country is right - Listen to the teacher’s
one class?”- “The evidence is explanation and fix the
on line…” wrong answers or take note.


- To develop - Mingle the whole class into 6 - Find his/her new partner as Pair work
students’ critical pairs. “I will mingle our class quickly as possible, shake
thinking. into pairs, and you will have a hands for greeting.
new partner. Look at the board
please, see who is your new
- To practice partner, and change your seat
scanning skills quickly. And stand up, the first
while dealing with thing to do when meeting a new
questions or finding friend is Shake hands. Shake
detailed hands please, thank you and sit
information. down”
- Give each pair a couple of
- Receive the survey from
surveys, namely, Student A and
- To practice L2 teacher. Ask as well as
Student B. So, I will give each
communicative answer the questions to help
student a survey. You should
ability. each other complete the
help your partner complete it by
answering the question related
to our reading text. Remember
- To improve you need to depend on the
presentation skills. reading text to answer.”
- Check students’ understanding - Repeat when being invited.
by asking them to repeat how to
- To explore a new conduct the survey.
type of reading text, - Invite one student who keeps - Stand up to give a speech if *Scanning: is reading a text quickly
which is a
survey A to present what he/she he/she is invited or listen to in order to find specific information.
has recorded. Ask other students the presentation carefully.
to pay attention to the - Identify the key words
presentation. Give feedback, - Reading quickly the passage to
correct the presenter’s sharing, find out the key words
and ask the partner who gave
the response: “Where can you - Find detailed information
find this in the reading text?” surrounding those key words
- Introduce students to the - Listen to teacher’s lecture,
strategy of scanning: “As you then answer teacher
can see, when we need to find questions, or repeat the Task 5 – page 42
out the detailed information, we theory to memorize how to KEYS:
use the scanning technique. It apply the strategy.
means that you read the text 1. F (put chocolates and other
quickly to find specific
information. There are three candies inside pinata)
main steps in scanning. First,
2. F (In Chinese culture, long
you should identify the
noodles are lucky)
keywords. Next, read quickly
through the text to find out the 3. F (In the U.S, Mother’s Day is
keywords. Finally, find detailed always celebrated on the second
information surrounding the Monday in May)
keywords” Then, give an
4. T (People bring small gifts, often
example based on the
flower or a box of candy).
presenter’s share and ask
students to repeat what they 5. T (Young women usually wear a
have learned to check their traditional furisode kimono, while
understanding. young men often wear Western-style
- Check the students’ suits)
understanding. Ask each pair to - Discuss in pair to complete
read the passage on page 42, the coursebook task
decide each sentence is true or Task 7 - page 42
false, and underline the key
Some features of a magazine:
evidence: “Please read the
passage on page 41 again in - Photo
your new pair to do the task on
page 42 by deciding if the - Color of text
statement is true (the fact - Length of paragraphs
matches the reading) or false
(the fact contradicts the - Title
information). Remember to - Number of paragraphs
underline the evidence.”
- Design of the article
- Show the statements on the
screen, call a random pair to
answer, ask them where they - Answer if they are invited.
can find the information, and Listen and self-correct the
correct the answer. “True or answer

false? If false, Can you correct
it? Where did you find the
details in the passage?”
- Move to the next part, ask
students about types of text that
- Tell names of the texts one
they might have known or
after another if they know
learned before. “Let’s list some
the answer.
kinds of reading text that you
have seen before together. Now,
me first, for example, poem.
Next one please.” Bring the mic
around the class to get students’
- Randomly invite student B to
give a speech about his survey.
- Stand up to give a speech
Give feedback and correct it if
about the survey. Listen to
necessary as well. Draw
presenter and teacher.
students’ attention by telling
Answer teacher’s question.
any of them to repeat the
survey’s record. “Can anyone
tell me what he/she has
recorded in survey B?”
- Lead to the coursebook’s task
6-7 page 41. Give the answer
key and explain. “So, the
- Listen to the teacher
survey of student B has helped
carefully, take note for the
us to complete the task 6 and 7
reading or in the future. Ask
in the coursebook. Look at the
teacher if they do not
screen for the answer key. Any
understand anything.
question so far?” Identify the
text type of the reading
passages. Present features of the
magazine and tell the
application of this type of text.
“A magazine should include a
title to tell the main topic of the
passage. The title should be
clear and attractive. Next, the
subtitles are outstanding and
give the main theme for the
paragraph content. Besides, a
magazine should involve
colorful pictures or photos
related to the topic of the
passage. Finally, each
paragraph should have specific
details or information. The
design is neat, connected, and
attractive as well. You can take
note and apply this knowledge
for you further reading in the
To ensure students - Divide students into 3 groups. - Get into the assigned Activity: Poster design. Teamwork
comprehend the Hand them in a piece of A3 group. Receive a piece of Questions:
content of the lesson paper. Instruct them on the A3 paper. Listen to the 1. What is the meaning/
and are able to do poster drawing and make a teacher’s instructions. purpose of the celebration?
the homework. presentation about it. 2. What do people do on that
“Now students, I’m going to occasion?
divide 12 of you into 3 groups 3. Why is it your favorite
of 4. Each group is going to celebration?
draw a poster about
celebration, in the type of a
magazine cover. You can refer
to the one in the book. You have
3 minutes to do the design.
Those who are not invited will

listen to the presenters.”
- Check again if students know
what to do by asking “What are - Answer the teacher’s
you going to do with the poster questions. Ask again if
design?”/ “What are you doing unclear with anything.
next?”, etc.
- Go around and give feedback.
- Stop and encourage - Work on the poster design.
volunteers/invite one of the - Stop working to listen to
students to read aloud their the peers’ presentations and
summaries. Then give feedback. teacher’s feedback.
“I need volunteers!!! Or I am
going to invite one of you to
come here and share your


- To help student - The teacher wraps up the - Listen to the teacher’s a. Summary. Whole class
review what they content by drawing a mind map summary and observe the -Topic: Celebration
have learnt today. with the learnt key words and mind map. Note down what + Pinatas
briefly summarizing it. to prepare for the next + Noodles
“Now students, watch and lesson at home. + Mother’s Day
listen to my summary!” + Name Days
Show the homework slide and + Coming of Age Day
ask them to do it. - Skim
“At home, do the reading of - Scan
page 43, students!”
- End the session. - Stand up and say goodbye b. Homework: The reading page 43
“Alright! That is the end of our to the teacher.
class today. Don’t forget to do “Goodbye teacher. See you
your lovely homework, again!”
students! Goodbye class!”



- Students finish the task so fast - Teacher assigns extra task for them.
- Students forget to underline the key words. - Teacher goes around and remind them if they forget that part.
- Warm-up: the student with the most words does not get all words - Move on to the student with the second/third/fourth most answers.
- Students complete the survey very soon and start chatting with their - Teacher gives them some more extra questions or urge them to prepare
partners. for the presentation.
- Students cannot answer the given questions. - Teacher goes around the class and give these pairs some hint.
- Students are lazy and do not practice with their partners. - Teacher comes to these pairs, ask if they know how to do this, and
remind them to do the proper task.

VI. APPENDIX: (including the reading passage and reading tasks)

- The passage and reading tasks on page 40, 41, 42

According to the reading text, which
celebration do you like most?
Point out 3 words/phrases of the
celebration that you can find in the
passage to describe your choice.
(You can also base on the pictures to
give the features)

Where would you find this article, in
a magazine or in an academic
Give 3 features of the article to
explain your choice. (You can also
base on the photos, outline and
design to give the features)
Extra task: Fill the blanks with some appropriate words
a. surprise the mother by___
 cleaning the house or cooking the nice meal for her
b. participate in the ceremony in ___
 their area
c. eat the noodles in ___
 one piece


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