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Erl Jerald M.


Luke 13:22-30

I remember back in my high school days, I used to pass my quiz and my exams without
exerting much effort. Back then I don’t really care about my grades until I fail one subject, which
is math; at that time I realized that I can do better if I study more and work hard to achieve
something. At that time I was afraid to be scolded by my parents so I strive to have higher

The Gospel is from St. Luke 13:22-30 and concerns those who hear Christ's message but
refuse to follow it. Christ mentions the narrow door through which we must enter into God's
kingdom. This means that we must follow and respect His commandments. In relating to my
experience, I learned that to be with God we must follow the path that he took and made for us;
It is like something you want to get, but you need to work hard for it; it is a narrow path because
it is the hardships and the challenges that we must overcome to truly be with Him.

I have a free will. I can choose to pass the exam or to fail it. I can choose on what I want
to achieve. My salvation depends on my choice now. And I chose to be with God, in everything
that I will do; I want Him to be my guide in the path that I will take, even if the path is full of
hardships and challenges, I will gladly accept it, because I believe that God is always with us.

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