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Term Report

Group Members:
Azlan Ahmed 24800
Saad Ullah khan 24620
Abad Shaikh 24072
Murtaza Naqvi 24590
Asheeque Ali 24715
Mufaddal 24299

CHAPTER 1.............................................................................................................5
1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................5
1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE TOPIC....................................................................................................6
1.2 AIM AND OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY.......................................................................................7
1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS...............................................................................................................7
1.4 PROBLEM STATEMENT................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW..............................................................8
2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW SUMMARY:....................................................................................................14
2.2 MODEL FROM ARTICLE:...................................................................................................................15
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY:......................................................................17
3.1 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS:...............................................................................................................17
3.2 QUESTIONNAIRE ANALYSIS:.............................................................................................................18
3.3 QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS:..................................................................................................................23

This paper emphasize on the importance of intelligent transport system. During the research
different techniques were used to identify the problems facing by the students as well as the
management in the traditional transport system. The main issue was the tracking of the vehicle
which was causing problem to the management in knowing the current location of the driver and
also students were unable to know about the pickup time causing delay in arriving the university
on time. In this paper, combining the different system like GPS, Vanet and cloud management, a
solution is given which will help in tracking, and knowing of the capacity of vehicle. Also saving
and inquiring about the registration of the students will be easy with the help of integrating the
cloud system with other systems. This research will give a clear idea on how the intelligent
transport system will create a positive impact on the business.
Keywords: intelligent transport system, traditional transport system, GPS, Vanet, cloud

The supply chain is the progression of material, data and money from provider to the client.
Flexibly anchor means to guarantee the accessibility of right products at the right spot at the right
time to the right individual. Successful flexibly chain lessens lead time and gives an upper hand
to the organization.
One of the most significant mainstays of the flexibly chain is coordinations. Coordinations
includes the transportation of merchandise from the distribution center to the clients. Viable
coordination’s is expected to improve consumer loyalty and it helps in building a solid
relationship with the clients. Further coordinations is additionally expected to ship the secured
merchandise from the providers, this angle is likewise significant in light of the fact that
merchandise ought to be moved to the business at the necessary time so the creation procedure
isn't deferred
The urban transport company was started in the year 1995 and has over 25 years of prior
experience in the transport industry, UT has a vast experience in the transport industry and
provides their services to different corporate and private companies of the country. Urban
transport gives customized transportation services to their clients that include educational
institutions and corporate sector organizations.
Urban transport has a fleet of more than 150 buses that consists of coasters and Hiace. It has a
workforce of around 200 workers that includes experienced drivers, and management staff.


Our main focus of the research is the university transportation problems faced by the people
including students, management personals and faculty. As consumer transportation industry in
Pakistan, mainly in Karachi, there are many problems faced for the day to day usage of public
transportation and private transportation to travel from their home to university (such as traffic,
disruption of roads, costly, seat capacity, routes). To cater this, private university transport is the
best way for every person travelling from their homes to university, where they can be hassle-
free from most of the problem faced in day to day travelling (when using own or public
transportation). Private university transportation can be a beneficial source of travelling to/from
the university through pre-defined routes, pick up/drop off points, economical and affordable
However, where these private transports provide ease, on the other hand, they are also ineffective
while delivering their services. Such private transportation hasn’t changed their management or
processes since the start of their operations, which are a cause’s problem as people are more and
more addicted to automation. For example, late pattern of SWVL/AIRLIFT, they have changed
the customary model of open vehicle into increasingly viable following framework where buyer
know when the transport/van will show up and leave with all data accessible to the purchaser
which is useful in planning and going through predefined timings and courses accessible to the
shopper with a criticism framework to improve and give agreeable transportation.
Thusly, our subject of the examination recognizes the requirement for the transportation the
board framework (TMS) for college transportation and to conquer the issue that understudy face
every day. For example, the need entryway to entryway administrations are possibly given to
female friends and if in transit other buddy lives, they are likewise furnished with entryway to
entryway benefits or probably they need to head out to point pickup zone. In addition, these
entryway to entryway administrations is tricky for a male partner as on some time or another
they are gotten from entryway or some time or another they need to head out to get point for
which they need to call and affirm from driver whether they are coming or not. Consequently,
TMS framework is an answer for continuously following of their assigned courses for separate
understudy informing them time and get of appearance and takeoff for understudies so they may
know where and when they must be without depending on driver's guidance.


           The ultimate aim of urban transport is to provide trusted service through helping and
easing problems for its customers/ passengers. 
           Following are the objectives for the next five years:
 Provide door to door service for every passenger rather than picking only females which
results in less punctuality.
Provide the separate option of door to door service or pick up at the nearest point which will help
in stating and maintaining bus schedules.
 Introduce a real-time tracking application which helps passenger (student/staff) to get
ready and know the present location of the bus. For example system like
AIRLIFT/SWVL which helps its passenger know at what time they will be arriving at
his/her’s desired location.
 Built good image and trust, and try to occupy all students and staffs which are choosing
other transportation services over urban transport by easing communication between
drivers and passengers, building a good image by training drivers to communicate and
drive which effected students through previous unfortunate events.
 Efficiently utilizing the complete space of buses moving at specific routes. For example;
if a route has a booking of 14 students so rather than using a 35-40 seat coaster, we will
use 15 seats Hiace which will require lesser fuel and maintenance than a coaster.


Q.1. what is the impact of TMS on university transport for students and management?
Q.2. How streamline tracking on TMS will help the students and management in the transport?


Urban Transport is currently working traditionally and manually for updating students for which
the need of the TMS system is required, where they will be notified with all the information
updated in real-time tracking.
ARTICLE NAME: Anti-Theft Vehicle Tracking System Using GPS and Location
Literature Review:
A well-monitored, maintained and smooth transportation system is the most important factor that
has a direct impact on the economic development of the country. From keeping track of drivers,
passengers, scheduling the rides, tracking and monitoring the bus routes is quite difficult if no
proper system is installed. Even though there are many ways of tracking vehicles through GPS
technology, but it has no implementation on all buses in a centralized way.


Literature Review:
To run the transportation system is not easy. It comes with a lot of challenges. Keeping a record
of the time of arrival and departure to keep the track of vehicles. To overcome these challenges
the company should install a centralized system to keep a record of all the historical and real-
time data safely. GPS, IoT and ITS can also be used to cater to these problems.

ARTICLE NAME: Public Transport Tracking and its Issues
AUTHOR: Jitendra Oza, Zunnun Narmawala, Sandeep Tanwar, Pradeep Kr Singh
PUBLISHED IN: 25th October 2017
Literature Review:
A problem that occurs due to the lack of a well-managed transportation system is the car
robbery. To prevent this a lot of companies are installing a tracking system to track their cars
which is very beneficial in case of stolen cars. It will be helpful for the owners of the vehicles to
track their cars in case of other tracking systems like GPS fails. This system will update time to
time location of the vehicle in coordination with the GPS.

ARTICLE NAME: Recent trends in intelligent transportation systems:
AUTHOR: Bhupendra Singh
PUBLISHED IN: 5th March 2014
Literature Review:
This article talks about the issues related traffic and four significant pieces of Intelligent
Transportation Systems (ITS) i.e.; ATIS Advanced Traffic Management System, Advanced
Traveler Information System ATIS, Advanced Public Transportation System ATPS and
Emergency Management frameworks EMS.
All these four performed different functions and advantages which help in resolving the issues.
ATMs helps in reducing travel time and average stop speed. While the use of EMS allows to
increase the responding speed applied to the system and decreases the total time that is needed to
handle the emergency event. 
Furthermore, there are a few things regarding ITS which are needed to be done such as focusing
on the installation and operating cost while implementing it. Also, it should be accessible to
people and user friendly as right now it is available to very few. The use of GPS is also very
helpful in mixed traffic conditions.

ARTICLE NAME: urban transports for Bus Rapid Transit systems Applications.
AUTHOR: Alvaro Luiz Neuenfeldt
PUBLISHED IN: 2015 /v10n4/2238-1031-jtl-10-04-0015.pdf
Literature Review:
This article is emphasized upon the management of urban public transport and applications used
for bus rapid transit systems. Urban transportation needs a lot of developments in order to
achieve efficient performance in the BRT context. In order to optimize the public places that are
needed for urban displacements, development of techniques must take place for the evaluation of
the performance of the systems that are installed. Further, tools should be developed for the
solution of some management problems for it to work efficiently. 

ARTICLE NAME: An Optimization Method of Passenger Assignment for
Customized Bus
AUTHOR: Yang Cao and Jian Wang
Literature Review:
The purpose of this article is to discuss the benefits given to passengers by using optimization
methods and balancing travel time, waiting time, delay in the transport and economic costs. In
order to solve these issues, an algorithm, Branch and Bound was proposed. This resulted in
improving the overall issues including travel time, delays, waiting time etc. the Customized Bus
service also helped in controlling traffic issues. CB services also helped in improving traffic
congestion as they persuaded more private car owners to use public transport. Further, the costs
were stabled due to this. There are further steps taken to optimize the prices of tickets for
passengers to promote the use of CB services more and more. 


Literature Review:
This article proposed an intelligent transport system which provides better and fast services than
traditional transport system. In traditional transport system, there was no concept of sending
messages to the people who wait for the bus to arrive and if the bus doesn’t have enough
capacity then they wait for another one. Intelligent Transport System provides a solution to
overcome these long waiting and seat availability. BUS is tracked and RSU system is used for
providing the messages to the passengers about the seat availability and if the seat is fully
booked then other buses are notified and their seat availability is checked. If they have seats
available then the passengers are notified and they can wait according to the time. So, the system
provides the best customer facility and reduce waiting time.

ARTICLE NAME: A Study of Transport Behaviour of Academic Communities
AUTHOR: Aleksandra Romanowska
Literature Review:
To create a sustainable environment one of the most important factors is to control transportation
and its pollution. In universities, staff and students have a different attitude towards using public
transport. Staff use comparatively less public transport than students. The usage of a different
mode of transport increases pollution. This article discusses the measures that a university should
take in order to maximize the usage of public transport and provide a sustainable environment in
the city.
ARTICLE NAME: the effectiveness and efficiency of transportation demand management
AUTHOR: Lucia Rotaris and Romeo Daniels
PUBLISHED IN: November 2015

Literature Review:
The vehicle framework's natural manageability is a basic factor in offering access to work,
preparing, and social and social exercises, particularly in urban zones. The urban areas produce
the most industries which create pollution. These industries consist of several
employees who use cars. Urban cities also have big universities where every mode of transport is
used for increasing pollution. In this article, approaches are talked about with regards to how to
control the transportation model by overhauling arrangements. A few approaches comprise of
stopping limitation, programmed attainability with the goal that understudies and staff utilize
open vehicle.

ARTICLE NAME: An Intelligent Management System for the Development of a Regional
Transport Logistics Infrastructure
AUTHOR:  V. Bychkov
PUBLISHED IN: November 28, 2013
Literature Review:
In this article regional transport logistics infrastructure has been designed, which formalizes the
interaction and interconnection of different resources (the mode and type of transport, resource,
servicing terminals, etc.). It helps in the decision-making process of the expert system. This
intelligent management system partially replaces a human expert in the process of investigations,
eliminating the need for routine computations, as well as ensures online analysis and integration
of the results of task solving and decision-making.


ARTICLE NAME: A Vehicular Cloud-Based Framework for the Intelligent Transport

Management of Big Cities
AUTHOR: Rodolfo I. Meneguette

Literature Review:
This article expressed that vehicle following frameworks are getting progressively significant in
enormous urban communities and it is more made sure about than different frameworks. These
days’ vehicle robberies are quickly expanding, with this we can have great control in it. The
vehicle can be killed by just with a straightforward SMS. Since these days the expense of the
vehicles are expanding they won't step back to manage the cost of it. This framework can be
made increasingly intelligent by adding a screen to give some particular vehicle data, and
including crisis numbers that could be utilized if there should be an occurrence of crisis It is
anything but difficult to update this arrangement which makes it open to future needs without the
need to remake anything without any preparation, which likewise makes it progressively

Author name: Rodolfo I. Meneguette
Published year: 2016
Article name: A Vehicular Cloud-Based Framework for the Intelligent Transport
Management of Big Cities
Literature Review:
In this article, the writer talked about a vehicular Cloud-based structure for the astute vehicle the
board of enormous urban communities. Such systems offered are for performing data stockpiling
and permitting homogeneous correspondence between numerous gadgets while simultaneously
overseeing vehicle versatility. This included mimicked model administration and asset allotment,
in which the module exhibited a steady conduct since even with the expansion in vehicles or
expanded utilization of assets, the system didn't show an intense variety and held its strength. In
future, it is meant to adjust the administration and search asset module to work in urban
situations and lead tests that consider the engineering in general.

AUTHOR: Shubham Sethi*, Yash Udawat, Shreyas Gupta, Shivanshu Nagarkar
ARTICLE NAME: Review on College Transportation Management System Based On
Android Based Gps System for Efficiently Locate the Buses for Staff & Students

This article is based on the problem of tracking the bus on day to day routine by the students.
The traditional model of tracking was calling a friend or driver to locate the bus and assume the
time of arrival. However, the issue prevailed that is the uncertainty of time. To cater with this
time and to provide ease and comfort to the students for real-time tracking, expected arrival,
using the sophisticated and most yet the convenient method is using the android based
application which is an ideal method.  The arrangement gave in this article depended on the
survey of the current strategy dependent on gsm/GPS following utilized by private and open
transportation mode for following reason Moreover, keeping view the other mode the solution
proposed for school/college students was to develop a method of tracking where a student can
locate their bus by either using an android based application or else by sending an SMS to the
server which will respond with the real-time location of the driver and expected arrival of the
bus. Moreover, this system can help the driver to navigate more efficiently using GOOGLE
MAP API, at time of traffic and to update if any uncertainty prevails. This system or version is
an efficient and hence less costly to the students to be updated and an authentic solution to the
tracking problem

Author name: anonymous
Published year: MAY 2014   
Article name: Transportation Management Systems
This article is based on creating a streamline, valuable supply chain for all industries using the
automation techniques such as transport management system (TMS), global trade management
(GTM) and warehouse management system (WMS). Mainly this article is based on TMS system
and its integration with other software solution to provide better-integrated supply chain network
from better transportation and logistics operations, optimized shipment plans, greater visibility in
a system using an effective electronic communication channel. Moreover, this will improve
overall relationship with customer, carriers, and all other supply chain partner collaboration.
Companies are using SaaS-based TMS application which helps in accessing quick routine guides
and tools to manage the freight payments and contract management.
Innovating the traditional method using technology such as cloud computing (3pl) these systems
are even available for the smallest business too, which are economical, affordable and easy to
implement and yet upgrading their transportation systems. As with the competitive environment
it requires business process reengineering (BPR) using state-of-the-art technology systems that
are designed for success and ready to serve.

Author Name: Mrs K.P.Kamble1
Published year: July 2012

this article is based on the methodology and working of ordinary trackers into the real-time
tracking data system using GSM AND GPS TECHNOLOGY to provide longitude and latitude
map coordinates which a user can track on their general, this article is a solution for
low-cost budget tracking system were within an affordable budget anyone can easily install,
program software and work according to the need specific need of individual or business. Thus
such system is an effective way to know the location using EDI, by sending SMS and receiving
the location which hence can be used as an antitheft system, and even can be an effective tool to
fetch real-time data about vehicle performance.


The traditional transport system is very complex and has to be manually controlled. The data has
to be recorded manually and the vehicle tracking is impossible to do. Moreover, the passengers
have to travel in overloaded vehicles and sometimes has to wait for them without knowing that it
will come and if it comes it will have space or no. To provide a solution to this problem, a
different type of software system is used now. GPS system, a system to track vehicle, is now
used to track vehicle and guide the driver of the routes that are best providing the driver with fuel
efficiency. Recent technology provides the driver to track the passenger also for knowing their
availability. Transport management system (TMS) consists of all of the qualities that these
systems previously have like real-time tracking, sharing information, providing best routes, and
sharing all the details with the integrated software’s. TMS also provide all the parties with the
cloud-based system which has provided all the drivers to share information freely and secured. 
Moreover, for the sustainability point of view, transportation has now been taken in more
consideration. In universities, the management is now thinking to reduce the usage of personal
cars and maximize transport (Public and University) to overcome the pollution hazards in the
country, especially in urban areas. In the traditional model, the customers were not using services
because of its complexity but with the advancement of technology and implementation of
software like TMS, customer trust can be gain. Students by using this software will know that
when and where their vehicle will pick them, saving their time. The driver will also know the
best route and will have full occupied vehicle giving him more profit. The software
Will be a win-win situation for both parties.


The intelligent transport system eliminates the issues and problems that traditional transport
model faces. It consist of Vanet system which is useful in rotating the capacity information
among the passengers which helps to know about the seating capacity and also the time duration
as it tracks when the system update the capacity in bus. (Khan. A, Khan. R, Shukla. R.S., 2018).
The RSU are used to rotate information in the stop point updating about seats as well as location
of the bus. This model is very much applicable in public transport system but some of it can be
applicable in university transport system too.
In our purpose, the idea is to help the transportation management of university to eliminate and
reduce the problems faced by students and faculty. The management can share the information
thru RSU technology, i.e. automatically sharing the real-time information of capacity and
location to the passengers via SMS (sim). With the advancement in technology, this can be
transferred in the form of app and the contractor can share the information among the bus

The management would be able to know about how many students or faculty member are using
their service and the availability of seats. In an area, if there is two vehicles having half their
capacity available can be utilized by using only one vehicle in an area, optimizing the vehicle
totally. The signals facility used by Sim can be now replaced with online technologies which will
eliminate issues having in traditional transport system.

In this model, the use of gsm/gps, cloud based network and integrating with our renowned model
of TMS. This model works when a student wants to know the location of his/her bus , they
simply sent a message “locate” to a specified number , which in response give them the live
location of their bus with a google map link , which if a student have internet accessibility, they
can access the live tracking of buss.
This model can help student to track bus at their ease by providing them option to locate at any
time without relying to contacting to driver or contractor. Moreover, this will help the urban
transportation to resolve the genuine issues despite of attending the daily calls of students about
daily tracking issues.


This model works on vehicular cloud network which connects mobile phones, computing
resources, roadside units and vehicles unlike traditional computing. Following are the ways
vehicle cloud network helps in managing transportation:
1. Vehicle cloud network can be fixed (e.g. installed in vehicle) or installed on mobile
phone. This help in determining where is the vehicle located and status of the vehicle
(e.g. idle or moving)
2. It ensures communication between customer/users and the cloud.
3. The layer deals with a hybrid form of communication for establishing communication
between vehicles to circulate relevant information.
4. With regard to communication between the Vehicle central cloud and ordering services,
the vehicle will also have to communicate not only between vehicles but also with a
roadside unit that may be a cell tower or Wi-Fi hotspot.
5. PMIPv6 protocol is used for freely flow of information in the network.
6. It works as; Vehicles near the requester that meet the above requirements, the requester
sends a message directly to the requested vehicle trying to allocate the resource.

Our research is based on both qualitative and quantitative research method. For deep understanding what
the problems are in the current urban transportation system and how they are going to be resolved using
the TMS system. For this, we will direct the meeting with the CEO and operational representatives for the
profound seeing how their organization functions, as CEO is the person who knows the organization since
its start and flow tasks are dealt by an operational handler who set courses, everyday dealings with
drivers, and handle disturbance identified with transportation and taking care of understudies issues
confronted. The meeting will be founded on an open-finished inquiry where information gave by the
meeting will be profoundly broke down by us and will be closed on the judgment of how TMS can
resolve the issues identified with current issues. Moreover, our research front end framework is based on
potential users, who are the university transport student. These users are the one who is facing tracking
issues. To deeply understand the sensitivity of the problem, we are going to conduct the quantitative
research methodology where the random sample technique will be used to target the potential user of
urban transportation, to fill up the survey (selected randomly based on statistic technique of choosing
randomly). The questionnaires will be based on the identified problem from our interviews and that will
be filled by the students to know who many common grounds are available in the back end and front end
problems by the operations and the users.

This methodology will help in understanding the problem of operations and linking them with the
problems of users. This will help in streamlining the operations by using TMS system. Moreover to
support the work of the TMS system and infrastructure we are going to research on the companies who
have implemented, their operations, process and complication. However, our scope is limited to the
benefits that can be gained from TMs if urban transportation changes their traditional way of working into
real-time information tracking system (using TMS).


This survey is regarding issues and problems in university transportation, initially students were
asked that if they have to wait for the buses on pickup point or does any fluctuations happen in
the schedule due to any reason, to which around 85% agreed and replied yes. Another popular
question that was asked was if students find it difficult to contact the drivers, to which 77%
replied yes and they agreed to it. Then they were also asked that what if an online system is
introduced in which students would be able to keep a track of the bus and also an accurate pickup
time would be provided to them, so would they opt for it. To which 85% of students replied yes
that they would join it. Another question was asked that if the pickup time is difficult to define
due to traffic, to which majority of the students agreed. Further they were asked if the buses are
crowded in the beginning of semester, to which round 50% students strongly agreed conveying
that it’s an issues for them. It is also asked in the survey that if the drivers are professional in
interacting with the students. To which majority didn’t agree and they think that the drivers are
not professional at all. Question regarding the transportation management was also asked that if
they fails to solve the problems of the students to which the majority agreed and strongly agreed.
Another question was that if the change of vehicles frequently throughout the semester makes it
hard for students to know their bus, to which students gave mixed answers but the majority
agreed with it.


Through interviewing the CEO of urban transportation and operational employees (such as area
representative and contractor) we were able to identify the problem faced by the urban
transportation management and issues and concerned faced by the students (end users of urban
transportation).first our aim was to understand the traditional management working system by
the asking the history of their company and years of experience and driving out the issues that
could a problem.. They have a very large channel of transportation in different institutes of
Karachi but we interrogate about a specific institute.
CEO told that they have been a part of the institute for about 15 years and the intake of students
has increased drastically in past few years. They operate about 112 vehicles to pick the students
and faculty of the institute. He share some important information like the company has made a
supervisor in every area where they give facility. When the semester starts, there is a huge traffic
of students that has to be entertained. The management has set a time target for drivers to arrive
and if they are late a plenty of RS.1000 is endorsed. For other reasons like technical fault in
vehicle or tire punctured, they have to inform the supervisor who then arrange a spare vehicle to
avoid wasting time. The vehicle has to complete their route despite if the student have to come or
not. The laws and policy of transportation is a joint decision of institute and transport
management. The company also runs the transport for trial basis during 10-15 days from the start
of the semester. There is a policy in which the girls has to be pick-up from door and boys has an
acceptance of 10 minutes of walking from their homes. They have a team, who caters the issue
of problems related to fees and discipline in vans. The company cannot entertain the fluctuation
in time, like if the classes has to start on 8 am, as there is no room for it. The backup cars with
drivers are always active, for transporting the passengers if there is an issue in a vehicle. They
are thinking to make a coordinator among the senior student in each van to get update about the
discipline issues. For now, a faculty member is present in some van to cater the disciplinary
In the above information, he also stated some problems. He told that they check the registration
manually thru slip and if the slip is missing then the registration is check on institute portal. The
trial of transportation is a great burden as they have to bare all the expenses on their own. There
is a lack of awareness of the supervisor to which the students faces problem in telling queries.
The discrimination policy is also an issue as they have to pick up the female student despite of
narrow roads causing time issues and vehicle damage. If the vehicle cannot go in then they make
a video of the road and show it to the institute management as a prove. If a student doesn’t came,
the driver face issue in achieving the target time to reach the institute.
While narrowing down the issues to our scope of research, we were able to identify the
unavailability of any tracking of bus and driver for both, students and the urban transportation
management. There is a long communication processes which results in delays such as if vehicle
break down the driver informs the area repetitive and later area representative informs the
contractor which make sure student reach university through rerouting the buses in nearby area
and tracking them through phone calls. Furthermore, students are unaware about any situation
which in case of any unregularly delays in van, makes them to suffer the most by increase in
waiting time and late arrival.
This analysis indicates that there is a need for improving the transportation model which has
been running in universities. The increasing number of students has made it difficult for the
management to work on traditional transport procedures. Hence, an online system with a certain
level of integrity between students/faculty and transport management is required to reduce and
entertain the problems faced by the passengers.
We all the problems being concerned with the tracking , TMS model implemented at URBAN
TRANSPORTATION is an solution to tracking of bus because it provides the tracking solution
to student through sms and if internet availability , google map real-time tracking , where a
student can view the estimated arrival time. Moreover, vehicle entering in an area, sent a
message to all students notifying them that vehicle will be arrived shortly. This solution can
provide the frame work for URBAN TRANSPORTATION to implement and provide a live
tracking so that students can be awarded about unexpected delays, location and estimated arrival
within there ease without having the issue of dealing manually by contacting driver or are
During our research, we analyzed some potential problems related to university transportation
and while exploring the different transportation models in different industry, we identified many
solutions and add it according to the need of urban transportation
The main problem was tracking of the bus for the student, as the delay makes students wait and
the communication was a hurdle which usually students suffer on the day to day basis.
Our solution to tackle these issues is based on the different models we studied during our
research and consolidating them to make a more intelligent and reliable transportation system.
Our model is TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (TMS) which is basically involve 3
TMS system majorly tackle the issues of student by having a more reliable tracking system. The
framework for TMS is based on cloud system which integrates the data for registered student and
vehicles so that vehicle can communicate with the students rather than traditionally contacting to
representatives such as drivers and route coordinators.
When a student registers for transportation, they are virtually recorded in database using their
identity, phone number and there transportation route in cloud database. A major benefit of using
cloud system is that they don’t require in-house technical expertise, however they are handled by
3rd party software house whose services could be hired by the URBAN TRANSPORTATION
SYSTEM. Moreover, the technical upgation is required in vehicle by installing the gsm based
gps system which is programmed to connect with the cloud server database. This system works
when a student send an sms to the server “locate”, the server identifies the students registered
number and response back with an reply to the respective student notifying the location of area
where vehicle is currently moving and for a more reliable tracking, students are also provided
with the google map live tracking, where gives the students the access to every moment of the
vehicle and the expected arrival time.
Students, such as boys or those who live in very narrow areas where vehicle doesn’t provide
door to door pick up services, are informed about the vehicle arrival in the area by the
GEOFANCING technology. When vehicle enters in the respective area, they inform the students
that vehicle is arrived in your area and the arrival is expected shortly.
The SMS facility will be given to the students who has registered in the portal and payment has
been collected by the management. The Vanet system will be used to share the status of the
location and time with the help of SMS, in which a link to google map will be given to track the
vehicle. This can be done thru the GPS system which has been taken from the above article. The
Vanet system is a signal facility which rotate information among the students and faculty.
The shared information from the portal is linked with the vehicular cloud system which check
the information and recognize the information. The management will be well aware of the
payments which will help to reduce uncertainty in providing good and better services to the
university students and faculty.

our study aims to provide solution to the private transportation companies, who are still
working on manual system and have not done anything to add value in there
technology is revolving, companies like SWVL has been entering into Pakistan market and giving
a competitive edge to such businesses. mover over transporters like URBAN TRANSPORTATION,
have been working since past few decades and they have the knowledge and experience with
the familiarity of routes , institutes protocols that cannot be achieved in a glance. Hence, with
the experience, they can be able to gain there market share through taking small and affordable
technological advancement such as gps tracking. Our study model has been based on other
countries where infrastructure were well developed. However, Pakistan specifically our
geographical research scope Karachi is developing and as the technology is revolving slowly
companies are moving towards them.
TMS is being very effective in different industries, such as for logistics purpose in manufacturing sector,
it has been a very cost effective and optimized solution. Moreover, our model TMS has been mold down
with the component of 3 different models which is hypothetical and is yet to be proven by its
implementation and carrying out the significant result. Hence, our research was based on the solution
providing or idea to the transporters were resolving issues of students.

Today, with many options available to the students, they can utilize them at much lower cost.
However, with our questionaries’ survey , we have seen that students have problems with
tracking and when asked if they are provided with tracking they respond positive which means
that TMS can be helpful for both private transporters and students. Student find convenience due
to variety of option and to retain those students, transporter need to work on value added
services. TMS is the best option available to the private transporters which they can use to
redefine there transportation system by having a real-time tracking system, and more visibility in
the system.
Our main objective was to study the private university transportation and the solution provided
was based on the transportation framework of university transportation mainly. Moreover, there
are more technology to be explored and hence further upgration can be made for those who are
already working on tracking and wants to study more for operational excellence in their business.

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