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Erl Jerald M.

Driz 03/09/2020

“Data Privacy Act”

In the period of modern world, Information Technology has ruled the world and
continuously invading people’s lives one way or another, affecting not only the way they do their
respective jobs but as well as their personal and family matters. The use of personal computers
and telecommunication networks (the Internet) has increased the efficiency of services and
facilitated our everyday life. Having said that, issue and problems with regards to securing and
protecting data and information has emerged.
This act considers that it is the policy of the State to protect the fundamental human right
of privacy of communication. The State recognizes the vital role of information and
communications technology in nation building and its inherent obligation to ensure that personal
information in information and communications systems in the government and in the private
sector are secured and protected. It also introduces the right to data portability users will be able
to access what data is held on them, and be able to transfer this personal data from one service
provider to another.

“Health Insurance and Accountability Act of 1996”

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is an interesting law that was
signed into effect by Bill Clinton on August 21, 1996 under the Dept. of Health and Human
Services. At first it contained only one title, centered around the protection of health insurance
coverage for workers when they either change or lose jobs. However, as we have quickly
ushered into the digital age, especially in terms of documenting and records-keeping, there has
been much thought to include provisions to cover electronic means of data. The new provisions
address the security and privacy of healthcare information when companies and patients alike
have access to such data.
More specifically, the new provisions created four new rules to govern all aspects of
electronic transmission and possession of healthcare data. The Privacy Rule that establishes
standards to protect individuals’ medical records and other personal health information and the
Security Rule aims to establish national standards to protect individuals’ personal health
information by a covered entity.
Now there exist certain standards on implementation and management of electronic
information, as well as certain procedures to deal with breaches. As the law has ushered in a new
era of electronic means of records-keeping, it has also brought with it a new sense of
understanding and compliance to security concepts very relative in today’s world.
Short for web-based seminar, a webinar is a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar
that is transmitted over the web using video conferencing software. A key feature of a webinar is
its interactive elements is the ability to give, receive and discuss information in real-time.
Using webinar software, participants can share audio, documents and applications with
webinar attendees. This is useful when the webinar host is conducting a lecture or information
session. While the presenter is speaking they can share desktop applications and documents.
Today, many webinar services offer live streaming options or the ability to record your webinar
and publish to YouTube and other video services later.

Some of the more common and useful webinar software features include the following:
 Support for multiple presenters
 Video file sharing
 Live chat for attendees
 Screen share
 Prerecord video (or voice) options
 Conference options for viewers to listen in live
 Chat filters to connect attendees and presenters with social accounts
 Other attendee incentives such as live Q&A tools, polls and feedback forms
 Live capture to save presentation or streaming capabilities
 Calendar scheduling and invites

Note that a webinar is not the same as a webcast. Webinar data transmission is one way
and does not allow interaction between the presenter and the audience. Usually, webinar
software and online services do not offer any functions or options for video conferencing or


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