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Module 4

Lesson 3. Ways in Conveying a Message

Objectives: At the end of the lesson the student must be able to
a) Identify the modern tools, software and platforms in conveying messages in the digital
b) explain the importance of effective communication in conveying messages

If we are going to do a Raid a Cellphone Challenge right now, what apps could I
see installed in your phone? What are they used for? The digital age ushers in new
communication tools, sites and software. This technology is constantly evolving and
updating to maintain the highest quality of communication possible. You may notice that
most of your apps installed are mostly on communications.

Let’s Get Started!

Activity 1. Icon Identification. Could you name the applications/software/programs
represented by these icons? What icons did you have difficulty identifying? Draw 3
icons for each column in the table below.
Yes. None

I know these…. These, I don’t know…

Module 4

Activity 2. Top Apps. Give your most frequently used application and your purpose in
using them. Using the table below, rank the applications you are using the most and
explain your purpose in using them. Give your Top 5 applications.
Application Purpose/Reason of Using

Top 1 – Messenger I am using Messenger because important

announcements were being announced here and
this is where I communicate with my classmates,
friends and relatives.
Top 2 – Facebook I am using Facebook because this is where our
modules were uploaded and this is also where I
interact with my friends and classmates.
Top 3 – Google Meet I am using Google Meet because this is where we
meet together with my classmates and professors.

Top 4 – Gmail I am using Gmail because this is where I upload

and submit my activities.

Top 5 – YouTube I am using YouTube because sometimes, some

activities are needed to watch here and I also used
this when watching entertaining videos especially
when I am bored.

Let’s Learn!
Ways in Conveying Messages Effectively
Effective communication is an indispensable necessity in all forms and medium
of transmitting information. Getting one’s point across still follows the basic steps of
delivering effective communication.
Module 4

Source: Toglea, 2020

Modern Types of Communication
Modern technology has paved the way on the rise of new and innovative way of
communicating. We have massive range of means to communicate and stay connected
through mobile phones, computers and other technology.
1. Social Media. This refers to websites and applications that allows people to get
connected and share ideas and information quickly and efficiently. Messages in
Module 4

both textual and visual form could be posted and seen by everyone in real time
using this platform (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).

2. Instant Message (IM). Social media has provided a direct and instant messaging option
where users could communicate privately. Facebook has its own messaging app such
as Facebok messenger and Google has Google Hangouts. However, there are still many
messaging platforms that are created solely for instant messaging function such as
Viber and WhatsApp.

3. SMS Text Messaging. Text messaging is one of the fastest and cheapest mode of
modern communication because it does not need any smartphones or high-end
application to work. However, text messaging is considered informal and only
small details could be sent or received.

4. Email Marketing. Email marketing is an act of sending a commercial message,

typically to a group of people, using email. Some of its common purposes is to
push products and services, spread news, raise brand awareness or to deliver a
message to the masses.

5. Direct Email. Email is electronic mail sent directly to one or more intended recipients.
It is more formal compared to IM or text messaging and is now commonly used in
many businesses in relaying information.

6. Blogging. A blog is an online personalized journal of information using a

conversational style of communication. Its purpose depends on the intent of the
author who are often referred as ’blogger.’ Comment sections in blogs are provided to
allow exchange of ideas, opinions and reviews.

7. Voice Calling. Voice calling is a fast personalized communication made over a

telephone or mobile phone. It allows communication to take place instantly and is
considered as the most commonly used communication tool.

8. Video Chat. Video chat makes use of an application that could enable both parties to
see each other while they are making a call. Several video calling apps require internet
connection such as the Apple’s FaceTime, Facebook messenger, Skype, WhatsApp. For
a large number of audience, Zoom Meetings and Google Meet are often used by
institutions for online meetings, trainings and conferences.

9. Video Marketing. Video marketing gained momentum in the launching of sites that
allows video-sharing and the most popular among all the platforms is Youtube. Other
prominent video sharing sites are Vimeo, Daily Motion, Flicker, Facebook Watch and
Module 4

the presently trending Tiktok. Some sites are streaming movies and TV programs for
subscription like Netflix, Hulu, Vevo and a lot more.
(Source: Resource, 2020)

Let’s Do It!

Activity 3. Let’s Reflect! Try to reflect on the following questions and answer it
according to your belief and opinion.
1. Why is it important to convey communication effectively in both school and work

2. There are two sides in using technology as a means to communicate. What do

you think are the advantages and disadvantages of technology in
Advantages: It is easily to communicate with everyone.
Disadvantages: Spreading fake informations.

3. Many software and applications are now being developed to aid in the fast and
effective transmission of communication. Choose three application software used
in communication and review them by giving their weak and strong points.
 strong points (easy to use, no required data when using it, you can
chat, call, video call, send pictures, files)
 weak points (everyone can chat and send you unnecessary things)

 strong points (more organize than Messenger, formal, business
meetings, school sessions)
 weak points (required date when using it)

 strong points (easy to use, updated, more features and you can
contact famous individuals like artist)
 weak points (required data when using it, everyone can chat and send
you unnecessary things)
Module 4

Name: Roselle Ronquillo

Course/Year/Section: BSCD 1-A

Class Schedule: _______________________________________

Let’s Test What You Know!

Activity 4. Let’s Match. Match the icons to their application/software name then
identify how they are used in communication.
Module 4

Activity 5. Practical Use. Choose three among the Modern Types of Communication.
Summarize and discuss ways on how you use these applications in real life. Cite some
situations as to how you use them if necessary. Write the name of the communication at
the top and your explanation at the lower box.

______ ______ ______

• • •

Activity 4.3.5. Real Reel Group Activity. Create a group with five members. Create a
1-minute video presentation regarding the following topic. Deduction of points will be
given to videos with overtime. Each member must have their own screen time.
1. What are the productive things that you need to do during the COVID pandemic?
Exercise regularly, spend time with your family and especially with yourself.
Do some activities that may develop your skills or try something that you
never done before.
2. What are the things that you need to avoid during the COVID pandemic?
Avoid going out unless it is important and avoid getting yourself in a public
3. What values do you need to possess in this difficult time of pandemic?
We must maintain some optimism for everyone during these times and be
patience. That no matter how grim everything seems right now, there is light at
the end of this and it will only come with time.

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