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- OJ09 02 September 2020 cee ene Principles of Research Topic: An overview of Medical research: an introduction i ! oa to health system research and its importance r “ewocnan cn Presenter(s): Dr. Abd Alhadi Hasan Guba polall auto aus Topic: Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Fakes Colege for Medea Sciences 1) Describe why the research is important in the Medicine profession 2) Discuss the classification of medical research 3) Explain alternative sources of evidence for Medicine practice 4) Identify the components of research article ‘ut palollautioaals Topic: Principles of Research Fakes Colege for Medea Sciences — Systematic inquiry using disciplined methods to answer questions or solve problems * Research * Medical research — Systematic inquiry to develop trustworthy evidence about issues of importance to health care providers and their clients ula pglallaatioaals Topic: Principles of Research Fakes Colege for Medea Sciences Q Rest : Is a systematic and objective attempt to provide answers to certain questions Q Rest : Is a systematic, controlled, empirical and critical investigation of hypothetical propositions about the presumed relations among natural phenomena. Q Research: In its broadest sense is an attempt to gain solutions to problems. Mo! precisely, it is the collection of data in a rigorously controlled situation for the purpose of prediction or explanation. ula pglallaatioaals Topic: Principles of Research Fokeoh Colege fr Medal Soerces nso uidenngrbasedipractioa(EBP) The use of the best ical evidence in making patient care decisions * The basis for physician decisions; influences many recent clinical practice changes * Produces decisions that are clinically appropriate, cost-effective, and result in positive client outcomes. Sula oolall auto Gals Topic: Principles of Research Fokoch Clege x Mesel Soerces * Research is systematic, rigorous, logical investigation that aims to answer questions about phenomena. * Evidence-based practice is the collection, interpretation, and integration of valid research evidence, combined with clinical expertise and an understanding of patient and family values and preferences to inform clinical decision making. ‘ut palollautioaals Topic: Principles of Research Fakes Colege for Medea Sciences * Evidence-based practice allows one to systematically use the best avs evidence from research with the integration of individual clinical expe as the patient’s values and preferences, to make clinical decisions. Aula anal audio als Fakes Colege for Medea Sciences Metwaynnnosts ieee ere Sula oolall auto Gals Topic: Principles of Research Fokeoh Colege fr Medal Soerces @ Quality: the extent to which a study's design, implementation, and analysis minimizes bias @ Quantity: the number of studies that have evaluated the research question, including overall sample size across studies, as well as the strength of the findings from data analyses @ Consistency: the degree to which other studies, with similar or different designs, investigating the same research question report similar findings «O09 Guba polall auto aus Topic: Principles of Research Fakes Colege for Medea Sciences * Identification and description * Explanation * Prediction and control * Therapy, treatment, or intervention * Diagnosis and assessment ula pglallaatioaals Topic: Principles of Research Fakes Colege for Medea Sciences Two points: one end is the consumer and the another is the producers * Consumers of medical research read research reports to develop new skills and to keep up to date on relevant findings that may affect their practice * Producers of medical research: physicians who actively participate in designing and implementing research studies. * Research utilization—the use of research findings in a practice setting— depends on intelligent medical research consumers. ‘ut palollautioaals Topic: Principles of Research Fakes Colege for Medea Sciences * Tradition * Authority * Clinical experience, trial and error, intuition * Logical reasoning (inductive and deductive) ula pglallaatioaals Topic: Principles of Research Fakes Colege for Medea Sciences Aworld view; a general perspective on the complexities of the real world, with certain assumptions about reality Key paradigms for medical research: — Positivist paradigm — Naturalistic paradigm ‘ut palollautioaals Topic: Principles of Research Fakes Colege for Medea Sciences * Positivist assumption: Reality exists; there is a real world driven by natural causes. * Naturalistic assumption: Reality is multiple and subjective, constructed Oo J X Vv Sula oolall auto Gals Topic: Principles of Research Fokoch Clege x Mesel Soerces i ist « Fixed design Flexible design Z Y Discrete, specific concepts Holistic 9 \ a Deductive processes Inductive processes Formal measurement Humans as instruments Quantitative information Qualitative information Seeks generalizations Seeks patterns ey « aul lal ao Fakeh Colege for Mei FABLE 1.2 = Major Arsumptions of the Poulivis and Constructivist Paradigm Pelee Faenees) rlity prints thane 4, soc worl Sobssquant ettects those being ressarched: findings Srovner nlfacnced by the ran Values ond bioses are ta be hi In'check! objectivity 1s sought Deciuctiwe processes —> hypothost= Se nteseeretetiersecid quannificble ne Corjghoration of researchers Reality i multiple and subjective, mar: ee eee ee sere ec (ramenchad: findings Gra the creation of & Subieativiyy and valiws ave inavitalsle Incluctive proc honquantifiable Insider Kngwledge —rerearcher I= Wier Context bound, contextualized Narrative (unstructured) inform [cael ialiostan=ivatal Seeks indepth understanding ula pglallaatioaals Topic: Principles of Research Fakes Colege for Medea Sciences According to level of investigation 1. Descriptive 2. Experimental According to approach 1. Experimental 2. Non-experimental ula pglallaatioaals Topic: Principles of Research Fakes Colege for Medea Sciences According to Measurement & Data Analysis 1. Quantitative 2. Qualitative According to Time Frame 1. Longitudinal 2. Cross sectional According to Motive Or Objective 1 Basic research 2. Applied research ula pglallaatioaals Topic: Principles of Research Fakes Colege for Medea Sciences According to Time Line 1. Retrospective 2. Prospective According to Research Environment 1. Field 2. Laboratory ula pglallaatioaals Topic: Principles of Research Fakes Colege for Medea Sciences Qo According to the Scien FRAT EES LEAD collecting, analyzing and interpreting information to answer questions. Qo For a process to be called a research, the process must have certain characteristics. It must be controlled, rigorous, systematic, valid & verifiable, empirical, critical, Generalizable and Theory Development ‘ut palollautioaals Topic: Principles of Research Fokoch Clege x Mesel Soerces Characteristics of Scientific Research 1. Controlled In real life there are many factors that affect an outcome. The concept of control implies that, in exploring causality in relation to two variables (factors), you set up your study in a way that minimizes the effects of other factors affecting the relationship. ‘ut palollautioaals Topic: Principles of Research Fakes Colege for Medea Sciences Characteristics of Scientific Research 2. Rigorous you must be careful in ensuring that the procedures followed to find answers to questions are relevant, appropriate and justified. Again, the degree of rigor varies markedly between the physical and social sciences and within the social sciences Guba polall auto aus Topic: Principles of Research Fakes Colege for Medea Sciences Characteristics of Scientific Research 3. Systematic This implies that the procedure adopted to undertake an investigation follow a certain logical sequence. The different steps cannot be taken in a haphazard way, some procedures must follow others Guba polall auto aus Topic: Principles of Research Fakes Colege for Medea Sciences Characteristics of Scientific Research 4. Valid and Verifiable This concept implies that whatever you conclude on the basis of your findings is correct and can be verified by you and others Sula oolall auto Gals Topic: Principles of Research Fokoch Clege x Mesel Soerces Characteristics of Scientific Research 5. Empirical This means that any conclusion drawn are based upon hard evidence gathered from information collected from real life experiences or observations. The view that experience, especially of the senses, is the only source of knowledge The scientific method searches for evidence (empirical: real) through observations, verified through our sense organs: sight, taste, touch, smell, and hearing «O09 Guba polall auto aus Topic: Principles of Research Fahl tales + Identification and description 6 5 \ * Explanation * Prediction and control * Therapy, treatment, or intervention * Diagnosis and assessment O09 aul lal audio ols Fakesh Coleg fo Medial Sciences Topic: Principles of Researc! Therapyiintervention Diagnosis/Assossment Prognosis Etlology/Cause/Harm Meaning/Proces: What therapy or intervention Will reautt in better health Suitcormes Grpravent sn What test or assessment Procedure will yield accurate diagnoses or ascesamente of Gritical patient conditions and outcomes? Boos exposure to a disease or health problem increase the Fisk of subsequent adverse Consequences? What factors cause or procese by which they Unfold? ‘Storey and Von Ah (2015) studied the prevalence and impact of hyperglycemia Sn hospitalized leukemia patients, in forms of such outcomes as neutropenia, infection, and length of hospital stay. Hagerty and colleagues (2015) under fook a Btudy to identity risk factors Infoctions In critically Ill patients with subarachnoid hemerhaga. the nak fac tore examined included patients’ blood Sugar levels, patient age. and levels of Snemia requiring transfusion Pieters (2016) studied resilionce as a Women who had recently completed treatment for early-stage breast cancer. 25 «O09 ula pglallaatioaals Topic: Principles of Research Fateh Calege x Medel Scmces * Abstract * Introduction * Definition of purpose + Literature review and theoretical framework + Hypothesis/research question * Research design * Sampling ula pglallaatioaals Topic: Principles of Research Fateh Calege x Medel Scmces * Procedures and data-collection measures * Data analysis results * Discussion + Recommendations and implications * References

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