Examen Tema 1 Inglés 2º Primaria

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1. Write the correct word (Escribe la palabra correcta).

1. Jam 5. Fried egg 9. Fruit 12. Panc
2. Chickpeas 6. Sausages 10. Ham akes
3. Toast 7. Seafood burger
4. Butter 8. Rice 11. Cake

2. Now look the words above and write (escribe las palabras
del ejercicio anterior en en la columna correcta).

a/an Some
3. Read and circle the correct word (lee y rodea la respuesta
 For breakfast, I would like some toast, and/or/but I

wouldn’t like butter.

 Would you like some fruit and/or/but cake for


 I like chickpeas and/or/but seafood, and/or/but I

don’t like sausages and/or/but rice.

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