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Lourdes College

Cagayan de Oro City

IT 204b – Information Management and Introduction to Database

Instructional Online Module

I. COURSE TITLE IT 101b – Information Management and Introduction to Database


2.1. Module #1: Introduction to Information Management

This module will let the student understand the importance of Information Management. This will focus on the relationship between data,
information, knowledge, and information systems to an organization. The process of transformation from data to information to
knowledge will also be expounded as well as the integration of information management to businesses.

2.2. Module #2: Overview of Database

The students will infer an understanding of the database and the database management system. It will outline how the database is used
in different activities, organizations, and systems and the different data models used in designing the database. Students will be able to
construct an Entity-relationship diagram using the Chen Notation and Crow’s Foot Notation. Students are also expected to examine and
evaluate the structure of a table to transform and come up with a normalized database that can minimize the redundancy of the data is
stored that can lessen the processing time and storage.

2.3. Module #3: The Use of Structured Query Language (SQL)

This module will outline the use of MySQL as the relational database management system for storing and retrieving data. To
communicate with the MySQL database, students should be able to demonstrate and execute Structured Query Language or SQL
statements using the Data Definition and Data Manipulation commands, which will be used to create the database, tables, and for
storage, processing, and retrieval of data.

2.4. Module #4: Visual Studio in Creating Applications

The students will be able to design and develop an application using Visual Studio. They will get to discover and implement the tools,
components, objects, and events in an application. Students are also expected to integrate a database using MySQL for the storing,
processing, and retrieval of data.


3.1. Please refer to the syllabus for the Course Description, requirements, rubrics, assessments, and criteria for grading. Opportunities for
consultation will be provided through Facebook Messenger Personal Chat, Email, Google Classroom, Personal Mobile Numbers, or another
social network. Your participation will be monitored in our learning activities through these chosen media. We exercise flexibility and openness
considering the nature of your connectivity.
3.2. Check your Google Classroom from time to time to be updated with the activities, announcements, and graded pop-up questions to be answered
on a specific period.

3.3. Academic integrity is a very important component in your outputs, which will be graded through the rubrics provided. Codes submitted will be
thoroughly checked through a tool available on the Internet. Failure to follow the academic integrity means the output submitted will be
disregarded and not graded.
3.4. For students who have a strong internet connection, you are required to join the Google Meet session on a scheduled date. For those who have
a weak connection or randomly get disconnected during the meeting, a recorded session will be shared through Google Drive and Google
Classroom. Make sure if ever you get disconnected or cannot enter the meeting, notify me through text, email, or Facebook Messenger (details
are stated on 3.5). Students who do not have any means to be connected to the Internet and attended the Google Meet session, a printed copy
of the modules, together with the materials to be used, will be sent out to you through your home address. You may send out your complete and
correct home address through text (see 3.5) or you will be contacted through call.
3.5. Feedback is an essential component in this mode of delivery. You will be asked for your assessment of your learning experience in this subject
so that we will be able to improve our learning processes in the succeeding instructional delivery. For all queries, I can be reached through
mobile: 09175808961; email:; or Facebook: Carl Niño.



This module will let the student understand the importance of Information Management. This will focus on the relationship
between data, information, knowledge, and information systems to an organization. The process of transformation from data to
information to knowledge will also be expounded as well as the integration of information management to businesses.

Assessment /
Content Learning Outcome Learning Activities 4-Pronged Integration Resources and Media Expected
1 Understanding Evaluate how Lecture Core Related Values: PPT will be provided Compare and
Information crucial is managing Integrity (What are the contrast how
Management information in an Use of Wheel of consequences if the Key Concepts in Information information was
organization and Names information is mismanaged and Knowledge Management managed before
what are the by someone?)
the technology
considerations to Misconception mation%20and%20Knowledg exists and now.
take Checking Social Orientation: e%20Management/Key_Conc
How important is epts_of_IKM/information_ma
Wisdom from information to the people? nagement.html#:~:text=Infor
Another mation%20management%20i
Across Discipline: s%20a%20cycle,information
Business %20(Choo%2C%201995).

What is Information
Scriptural Text: Management -
2 Corinthians 8:21 – “For
we are taking pains to what Information-Management
is right, not only in the eyes

of the Lord but also in the Data vs Information -

eyes of the man”

Activity #1
As a newbie to the world of Information Management, you want to fully understand how are these things applied to well-known
companies and organizations today, considering that all of us are experiencing this pandemic. All of us a curious as to how these
companies operate and how they handle and manage the data and information as well as the problems that they might have
encountered or have already experienced.

Select 1 company, business, or organization you are familiar with and analyze how information management is implemented. Identify
what are their initiatives, their strengths and weaknesses, the significance of the implementation of information management in terms of
performance, their policies and procedures, and their mechanisms on how they handle business activities in this pandemic.

Submit your Word document file on the Assignment link posted in Google Classroom following this file name format: Lastname_IT101b-

Assessment /
Content Learning Outcome Learning Activities 4-Pronged Integration Resources and Media Expected
2 The Process Classify the different Lecture Core Related Values: PPT will be provided Write a
of process in Justice (Why do we need to document that
Information information Use of Wheel of correctly classify the data Gathering Information - will detail the
Management management Names gathered?) https://www.conovercompany process done by
a well-known
Misconception Social Orientation: g%20information%20is%20th company or
Checking How do humans perceive e%20most,have%20a%20pro organization in
information with what is cess%20in%20place. information
Wisdom from being posted on the management
Another Internet? Analyzing Information -
Shared Discussion Across Discipline: .com/analyzing-information/
Storing Information -
Scriptural Text: mation-management/storing-
Ephesians 4:29 – “Do not and-preserving-
let any unwholesome talk information/storing-
come out of your mouths, information
but only what is helpful for

building others up
according to their needs,
that it may benefit those
who listen.”

Activity #3:
A Case Study will be given regarding “Walmart Harnesses RFID Technology to Improve Efficiency”.

Answer the following questions:

1. What were the internal or possibly internal factors motivating the information technology development described in the case study?
2. Outline the benefits that the new technology and new information may provide to the organization.
3. Describe how the new technology might improve operations and plan for the organization.
4. What levels of organizational decision making will the technology improve/affect?
5. In what way does the case study outline the need for business to invest to drive value from its information assets?
6. Outline the potential risks of introducing RFID to external stakeholders to the organization described in the case study?

Submit your Word document file on the Assignment link posted in Google Classroom following this file name format: Lastname_IT101b-


The students will infer an understanding of the database and the database management system. It will outline how the database
is used in different activities, organizations, and systems and the different data models used in designing the database.
Students will be able to construct an Entity-relationship diagram using the Chen Notation and Crow’s Foot Notation. Students
are also expected to examine and evaluate the structure of a table to transform and come up with a normalized database that
can minimize the redundancy of the data is stored that can lessen the processing time and storage.

Assessment /
Content Learning Outcome Learning Activities 4-Pronged Integration Resources and Media Expected
3 Introduction Critique a database Flipped Classroom Core Related Values: PPT will be provided Evaluate and
to Database design and produce Resourcefulness (How is design a
and its Data an Entity-relationship Lecture our information stored DBMS: An Intro to Database conceptual
Models model of a before computers exist?) Management System - database using
conceptual database Use of Wheel of bms-database-management-
the two Entity-
Names Social Orientation: systems/ Relationship
What are the models
Misconception consequences if our An introduction to Database -
Checking database is leaked and not
secured? logy/cisp/database/manual/no

Problem Analysis de1.html

Across Discipline:
Problem Solving Research (Data Gathering) Database – Introduction (Part
1) -
ERD Modeling Scriptural Text: brys-blog/database-
Proverbs 4:7 – “The introduction-part-1-
beginning of wisdom is this: 4844fada1fb0
Get wisdom. Though it cost
all you have, get Data Modelling: Conceptual,
understanding” Logical, Physical Data Model
Types -

What is a Database Model? -

Entity Relationship Diagram -

ERD Symbols and Meanings


Activity #3:
Each student will be assigned to a different set of problems.

Problem Set A:
The Jonesburgh County Basketball Conference (JCBC) is an amateur basketball association. Each city in the county has one team as
its representative. Each team has a maximum of 12 players and a minimum of 9 players. Each team also has up to three coaches
(offensive, defensive, and physical training coaches). During the season, each team plays two games (home and visitor) against each of
the other teams. Given those conditions, do the following:
A. Identify the connectivity of each relationship
B. Identify the type of dependency that exists between CITY and TEAM
C. Identify the cardinality between teams and players and between teams and the city.
D. Identify the dependency between coach and team and between team and player
E. Draw the Chen and Crow’s Foot ERDs to represent the JCBC database

Problem Set B:
The Hudson Engineering Group (HEG) has contacted you to create a conceptual model whose application will meet the expected
database requirements for the company’s training program. The HEG administrator gives you the description (see below) of the training
group’s operating environment. (Hint: Some of the following sentences identify the volume of data rather than cardinalities. Can you tell
me which ones?)
The HEG has 12 instructors and can handle up to 30 trainees per class. HEG offers five Advanced Technology courses, each of which
may generate several classes. If a class has fewer than 10 trainees, it will be canceled. Therefore, it is possible for a course not to
generate any classes. Each class is taught by one instructor. Each instructor may teach up to two classes or may be assigned to do
research only. Each trainee may take up to two classes per year.

Given the information, define all of the entities and relationship by creating the Chen and Crow’s Foot ERDs

Problem Set C:
The local city youth league needs a database system to help track children who sign up to play soccer. Data need to be kept on each
team and the children who will be playing on each team and their parents. Also, data need to be kept on the coaches for each team.

Draw the data model described below:

Entities required: Team, Player, Coach, and Parent.
Attributes required:
Team: Team ID number, Team name, and Team colors.
Player: Player ID number, Player's first name, Player's last name, and Player age.
Coach: Coach ID number, Coach's first name, Coach's last name, and Coach's home phone number.
Parent: Parent ID number, Parent last name, Parent first name, Home phone number, and Home Address
(Street, City, State, and Zip Code).

The following relationships must be defined:

• The team is related to the Player.
• The team is related to Coach.
• The player is related to Parent.

Connectivities and participations are defined as follows:

• A Team may or may not have a Player.
• A Player must have a Team.
• A Team may have many Players.
• A Player has only one Team.
• A Team may or may not have a Coach.
• A Coach must have a Team.
• A Team may have many Coaches.
• A Coach has only one Team.
• A Player must have a Parent.
• A Parent must have a Player.

• A Player may have many Parents.

• A Parent may have many Players.

Create the ERDs needed for this problem, both Chen and Crow’s Foot notation.

Submit your Word document file on the Assignment link posted in Google Classroom following this file name format: Lastname_IT101b-

Assessment /
Content Learning Outcome Learning Activities 4-Pronged Integration Resources and Media Expected
4 Database Breakdown entities Lecture Core Related Values: PPT will be provided Redesign the
Normalization into different forms Self-reliance (How can we given database
through the process Problem Solving assess that the table is Normalization of Database - following the
of normalization already normalized?) process and
Problem Analysis normalization.php
technicalities of
Social Orientation: database
Shared Discussion What are the problems Database Normalization normalization
when having a paper-based Explained -
data storage?
Across Discipline: explained-53e60a494495
Accounting records
Database Normalization -
Scriptural Text: upport/database-
2 Corinthians 5:17 – normalization.html
“Therefore, if anyone is in
Christ, the new creation has
come: The old has gone,
the new is here!”

Activity #4:
Each student will be assigned to a different set of problems.

Problem Set A:

Problem Set B:

Problem Set C:

Given the structure assigned, write the relational schema and draw its dependency diagram up until 3NF. You might need to create new
attributes. Follow the proper design criteria when normalizing the table and draw the ERD using the Crow’s Foot notation.

Submit your Word document file on the Assignment link posted in Google Classroom following this file name format: Lastname_IT101b-


This module will outline the use of MySQL as the relational database management system for storing and retrieving data. To
communicate with the MySQL database, students should be able to demonstrate and execute Structured Query Language or
SQL statements using the Data Definition and Data Manipulation commands, which will be used to create the database, tables,
and for storage, processing, and retrieval of data.

Assessment /
Content Learning Outcome Learning Activities 4-Pronged Integration Resources and Media Expected
5 Database Demonstrate the use Lecture Core Related Values: PPT will be provided Manipulate the
Management of a DBMS in Integrity (What we will do if tools available in
System and constructing a Collaborative Work we have mistakenly What is a Relational a DBMS and
the Data database by using assigned the table definition Database Management design a
System? -
Definition the Data Definition or schema?)
database using
Commands Commands of the Problem Solving /articles/what-is-rdbms-sql the Data
of a SQL Social Orientation: Definition

Structured Problem Analysis What DBMS was used by What is a Relational Commands of
Query popular websites today? Database Management the SQL
Language Shared Discussion System? -
Across Discipline:
Actual Demonstration Language
How to Create & Manage
SQL Statement Scriptural Text: MySQL Databases, Tables
Formulation 1 Corinthians 14:10 – and Users -
“There are doubtless many
different languages in the /developer-
world, and none is without corner/mysql/managing-
meaning,” mysql-databases-and-users-

DDL (Data Definition

Language) Commands in

(Instructions on the software

to install will follow)

Activity #5:
Create the necessary database and tables based on the problem given. Provide the SQL statements with their corresponding data types
that are appropriate to each field and constraints to be enforced.

TinyVideo is a small movie rental company with a single store. TinyVideo needs a database system to track the rental of movies to its
members. TinyVideo can own several copies (VIDEO) of each movie (MOVIE). For example, the store may have 10 copies of the movie
“Twist in the Wind.” “Twist in the Wind” would be one MOVIE, and each copy would be a VIDEO. A rental transaction (RENTAL)
involves one or more videos being rented to a member (MEMBERSHIP). A video can be rented many times over its lifetime; therefore,
there is an M:N relationship between RENTAL and VIDEO. DETAILRENTAL is the bridge table to resolve this relationship

Submit your Word document file on the Assignment link posted in Google Classroom following this file name format: Lastname_IT101b-

Assessment /
Content Learning Outcome Learning Activities 4-Pronged Integration Resources and Media Expected
6 Data Execute SQL Lecture Core Related Values: SQL Insert Into Statement - Analyze the
Manipulation commands that can Competence (How can we given situation
Commands create, edit, view, or Collaborative Work give out quality information ql/sql_insert.asp for a database
(INSERT, remove a record in a to our clients?) record and
SQL Update Statement -
UPDATE, database with the Problem Solving
compose an SQL
DELETE, implementation of Social Orientation: ql/sql_update.asp statement that
SELECT, clauses Problem Analysis How is the COVID-19 data will make use of
and Clauses) sets used? SQL Delete Statement - adding, editing,
Shared Discussion viewing, deleting
Across Discipline: ql/sql_delete.asp with an
Actual Demonstration Constructing a statement application of
SQL Select Statement - clauses.
SQL Statement Scriptural Text:

Formulation Romans 8:25 – “If we look

forward to something we SQL WHERE Clause -
don’t yet have, we must
wait patiently and ql/sql_where.asp
confidently.” SQL AND, OR, and NOT
Operators -

SQL ORDER BY Keyword -

SQL MIN() and MAX()

Functions -


Functions -

SQL LIKE Operator -

SQL Between Operator -

SQL IN Operator -

Activity #6:
Download the database to be used for this activity:

The database was named as ‘classicmodels’, which consists of tables such as customers, products, productlines, orders, orderdetails,
payments, employees, and offices. A diagram describing the relationship of each table is provided below:

Provide the correct SQL statement based on the given problem:

1. Insert 2 customers using your information and one of your classmates' information
2. Assign the following customers to these employees:
a. Asian Shopping Network, Co. to Larry Bott
b. BG&E Collectables to Mary Patterson
c. Stuttgart Collectable Exchange to Martin Gerard
d. Raanan Strores, Inc. to
3. Sort the products from the most expensive down to the least expensive ones.
4. Who has the highest credit limit among the customers?
5. How many orders were successfully shipped?
6. Display the list of orders made from July 1, 2003, to December 31, 2003.
7. Who are the customers that are currently living in the USA, UK, Spain, and Japan?
8. How many sales were made based on the orderdetails table?
9. What is the average price of the products listed?

10. Provide a mechanism to the customer/user where it can easily search for a product in case they forgot the complete name, which
will later on display all the details if anything matches.
11. Display all orders that were not shipped and their comments.
12. Who among the employees are under Mary Patterson?
13. Which among the customers has a credit limit below 100,000? How about those who are above 100,000?
14. Display all products that are tagged as planes or ships.
15. Who are the product vendors?

Submit your Word document file on the Assignment link posted in Google Classroom following this file name format: Lastname_IT101b-


The students will be able to design and develop an application using Visual Studio. They will get to discover and implement the
tools, components, objects, and events in an application. Students are also expected to integrate a database using MySQL for
the storing, processing, and retrieval of data.

Assessment /
Content Learning Outcome Learning Activities 4-Pronged Integration Resources and Media Expected
7 Introduction Design an application Lecture Core Related Values: PPT will be provided Develop an
to Visual using the different Resourcefulness (What are application that
Studio tools available in Collaborative Work the alternatives that we can Visual Studio Tutorial: will give a
Visual Studio use to create an application Everything you need to know solution to the
Actual Demonstration similar to Visual Studio?)
problem given
visual-studio-tutorial/ using Visual
Shared Discussion Social Orientation: Studio
What language or app was Designing Forms in Visual
used in developing the Studio -
software mentioned?
Across Discipline: _Visual_Studio
Create a Windows Forms app
in Visual Studio with Visual
Scriptural Text: Basic -
Romans 8:28 – “And we
know that for those who -us/visualstudio/ide/create-a-
love God all things work visual-basic-winform-in-
together for good, for those visual-studio?view=vs-2019
who are called according to
his purpose.”

Activity #7:
As a freelance newbie to software development, you are trying to learn the basics of the language used in developing the application.
You focused on using Visual Basic in the production of the system of your soon-to-be clients.

Since you are still starting, you are exploring what are the tools that you can use, the coding syntax, and other technicalities. Thus, you
have decided to create a simple Student Information System.

The system should be able to get and hold the information inputted by the user, such as the name, course and year, birthdate, contact
number, and other essential information needed for the students. The data inputted should be stored in a list. The system should also
have the ability to update and delete the record from the list.

You may add more information aside from the mentioned ones. You should also consider the user interface of the system. It should be
user friendly, aesthetically pleasing, and easy to use and familiarize.

Submit a compressed folder as your output in Google Classroom following this file name format: Lastname_IT101b-Activity#7.

Assessment /
Content Learning Outcome Learning Activities 4-Pronged Integration Resources and Media Expected
8 CRUD Integrate a database Lecture Core Related Values: CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Produce an
Application in to a Visual Studio Competence (Why do we Update and Delete) with application in
Visual Studio application with the Collaborative Work need to ensure that the Login Application Using Visual Studio
with the implementation of system is working and MySQL and Visual Studio - that will apply the
Implementati INSERT, UPDATE, Actual Demonstration usable?)
on of DELETE and retrieve-update-and-delete- UPDATE,
Database SELECT statements Shared Discussion Social Orientation: with-login-application-using- SELECT and
How do we keep and mysql-and-visual-studio/ DELETE
retrieve records in our statements
computer? based on the
problem given
Across Discipline:

Scriptural Text:
Proverbs 19:17 –
“Whoever is kind to the
poor lends to the LORD,
and he will reward them for
what they have done.”

Activity #8:

In connection to Activity #7, you will revise the system where all information of the student will be stored in a database named
‘studentinfo’. Create the necessary tables following the proper design, data types, and constraints.

Submit a compressed folder as your output in Google Classroom, including the database created and used, following this file name
format: Lastname_IT101b-Activity#8.

Assessment /
Content Learning Outcome Learning Activities 4-Pronged Integration Resources and Media Expected
9 User Apply a design to an Lecture Core Related Values: Lesson 2: Designing the User Design the
Interface application created in Resourcefulness (What are Interface - application
Designing in Visual Studio Collaborative Work the options that you can do produced in
Visual Basic following the User if you are not good at visual 9/vb2019_lesson2.html Visual Studio
Interface concepts Actual Demonstration design?) How to: Create MDI Child
applying the
Forms - basic User
Shared Discussion Social Orientation: Interface
Why do apps and websites - concepts
update their user interface us/dotnet/desktop/winforms/a
from time to time? dvanced/how-to-create-mdi-
Across Discipline: forms?view=netframeworkde
Human-Computer sktop-4.8
Interaction Creating a Visual Basic Menu
Scriptural Text:
1 Timothy 4:14 – “Do not /gen/vb_forms/creating-a-
neglect your gift, which was visual-basic-menu.html
given you through prophecy
when the body of elders Adding a Toolbar to a Form -
laid their hands on you.”

Activity #9:
In continuation of activity #8, revise the design of the system following the concepts discussed.

Aside from revising the design, include in your system the recording of the grades of the student each semester.

Submit a compressed folder as your output in Google Classroom, including the database created and used, following this file name
format: Lastname_IT101b-Activity#9.

Assessment /
Content Learning Outcome Learning Activities 4-Pronged Integration Resources and Media Expected

10 Project Exhibit the process of Lecture Core Related Values: PPT will be provided Design and
Development creating an Competence (Why do big develop a
and application in Visual Collaborative Work software companies 41 Best Visual Basic Project system in Visual
Presentation Studio implementing release a beta version of Ideas for Final Year - Studio with a
SQL statements Actual Demonstration their app?) -best-visual-basic-project-
database and
ideas-final-year/ execution of SQL
Shared Discussion Social Orientation: statements
To what extent is the
Problem Solving demand for software or
application on the work-
from-home setup?

Across Discipline:

Scriptural Text:
1 Corinthians 3:9 – “For
we are God’s fellow
workers. You are God’s
field, God’s building.”

Activity #10:
You, together with the of your 3 friends, have decided to create a startup IT solutions where it aims to provide systems and software to
those startup businesses in the city to enhance their business process.

Now you have found a client whose store is located in Divisoria and you have decided to create a Point-of-Sales system for them. The
store sells milk tea, coffees, and pastries, which can accommodate dine-in and take out orders. The system should be able to take
orders from customers, calculate the amount with its quantity, if the order is for dine-in or taking out, the overall total of the orders, the
customer name, and produce receipts or invoices based on the customer’s order. The system should be able to check and produce a
report regarding the sales made for the day, for the week, and the month.

Now for this final activity, you should be able to produce the system with a database. Identify the tables, fields, constraints, and data
types to be used for the system. You should also come up with an ER Diagram using the Crow’s Foot notation for your database. The
design of the POS system should be considered especially that the company is still a startup.

Submit a compressed folder as your output in Google Classroom, including the database created and used, following this file name
format: Lastname_IT101b-Activity#10.


Activities #1 and 2:

Excellent Acceptable Amateur Unsatisfactory Score

(4pts) (3pts) (2pts) (1pt)
Purpose The writer's central The writing has a clear The central purpose or The purpose of the
purpose or argument is purpose or the argument, argument is not argument is generally
readily apparent to but may sometimes consistently clear unclear
the reader. digress from it throughout the paper
Content A balanced presentation The information provides Information supports a The central purpose or
of relevant and reasonable support for a central purpose or argument is not
legitimate information central purpose or argument at times. The identified. The analysis is
that supports a central argument and displays analysis is basic or vague or not evident.
purpose or argument evidence of a basic general. The reader The reader is confused
and shows a thoughtful, analysis of a significant gains few insights. or maybe misinformed
in-depth analysis of a topic. The reader gains
significant topic. The some insights
reader gains important
Depth of Discussion In-depth discussion & In-depth discussion & The writer has omitted Cursory discussion in all
elaboration in all elaboration in most pertinent content or the sections of the paper
sections of the paper. sections of the paper. content runs-on or brief discussion in only
excessively. Quotations a few sections.
from others outweigh the
writer’s ideas
Sentence Structure Sentences are well- Sentences are well- Some sentences are Errors in sentence
phrased and varied in phrased and there is awkwardly constructed structure are frequent
Spelling and Grammar length and structure. some variety in length so that the reader is enough to be a
Structure They flow smoothly from and structure. The flow occasionally distracted. major distraction to the
one to another. No from sentence to Noticeable spelling & reader. An unacceptable
spelling and/or grammar sentence is generally grammar mistakes. number of spelling
mistakes. smooth. Minimal spelling and/or grammar
&/or grammar mistakes. mistakes.
Use of References and Compelling evidence Professionally legitimate Although attributions are References are seldom
its Quality from professionally sources that support occasionally given, cited to
legitimate sources is claims are generally many statements seem support statements.
given to support claims. present and attribution unsubstantiated. The There are virtually no
Attribution is clear and is, for the most part, reader is confused about professionally reliable
fairly represented. clear and fairly the source of information sources. The reader
References are primarily represented. Although and ideas. Most of the seriously doubts the
peer-reviewed most of the references references are from value of the material and
professional journals or are professionally sources that are not stops reading
other approved sources. legitimate, a few are peer-reviewed and have
The reader is confident questionable. The uncertain reliability. The
that information and reader is uncertain of reader doubts the
ideas can be trusted. the reliability of some of accuracy of much of the
the sources material presented
Originality Original, innovative, and Innovative and original Paper piques the Paper does not hold the
practical ideas of ideas are presented but reader's interest but interest of the reader or
authors are present. Has may not be practical. contains no original or show any originality.
an acceptable 10% Plagiarism percentage is innovative ideas or Plagiarism percentage is
plagiarism percentage. around 11 – 15% unique insights. greater than 20%.
Plagiarism percentage is
around 16- 20%.

Activity #3:

Requirements 5
Entities 10
Diagram captures all entity sets necessary for a database that
would satisfy the initial problem statement.
Relationships (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many) 10
Diagram captures all relationships necessary for a database that
would satisfy the initial problem statement.
Attributes (optional, derived, multivalued, composite) 10
Diagram captures all attributes and primary keys necessary for a
database that would satisfy the initial problem statement

Activity #4:
Data Integrity 10
Identifies all the important elements of a problem and shows a
high level of understanding of the relationships between the
Normalized Design 15
Follows the correct process in normalizing a database
Relationship and Entity 10

Activities #5 and 6:
Proper Use and Implementation of Statement 3pts
Use of appropriate constraints, data types, and/or keys 2pts
TOTAL 5pts

Activity #7:
User Friendliness 10pts
Naming Standards 5pts
Execution of Programming Logic / Algorithm 10pts
Efficiency 10pts
TOTAL 35pts

Activity #8 and 9:
User Friendliness 5pts
Execution of Programming Logic / Algorithm 5pts
Efficiency 10pts
Proper Implementation of Database to the Application 10pts
Proper Execution of SQL Statements 10pts
TOTAL 40pts

Activity #10:
Proper Use of Data Models 10pts
Database Creation, with Relationship and Cardinalities 10pts
Implementation of Database to the System 10pts
Proper Implementation of Queries with Accurate Results and Functional 10pts
Proper Database Security Measures and Administration 10pts
Delivery and Documentation of the System 10pts
TOTAL 60pts

Important reminders:

1. The class meeting will be conducted through Google Meet. The camera SHOULD BE TURNED ON during the whole duration of the meeting.
The microphone SHOULD BE TURNED OFF when someone is discussing. You may only turn it on once you are given the authority by the
instructor to speak. In case you will experience an intermittent Internet Connection, a recorded session of the meeting will be shared through
Google Drive and Google Classroom.
2. Students with limited to NO connectivity, materials used for this session will be sent through your respective email address and in Google
Classroom. You must respond to them and submit your output through Google Classroom or Email. Feedback will be given once you sent the
required output for the session. If there are no feedbacks after submission, you may communicate with me through Facebook Messenger or my
contact number.
3. If there are problems encountered with the activities given for this session or you want to consult on a certain matter, you may contact me
through Facebook Messenger or my contact number from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday to Friday only.

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